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Guidelines for city public leisure service and management

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 28102-2011

Standard Name:Guidelines for city public leisure service and management

Chinese Name: 城市公共休闲服务与管理导则

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2011-09-29

Date of Implementation:2011-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and management of companies (enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Services>>03.080.01 General services

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A12 Supply and Use Relationship

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2011-10-01

other information

Release date:2011-07-19

drafter:Wei Xiaoan, Zhang Lingguang, Zhang Lingyun, Qi Pingshu, Nomuhan, Fu Lei, Liu Hanqi, Li Xinjian, Lü Ning, Hao Chen

Drafting unit:Tourism Development Research Institute of Beijing International Studies University, Beijing Tonghe Times Tourism Planning and Design Institute

Focal point unit:National Leisure Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 498)

Proposing unit:National Leisure Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC498)

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:National Leisure Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 498)

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 28102-2011 Guidelines for Urban Public Leisure Services and Management GB/T28102-2011 Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard proposes the principles, contents, methods and requirements for urban public leisure services and management in order to improve the functions and quality of urban public leisure systems. This standard is applicable to urban built-up areas and suburban areas.
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009.
This standard was proposed and managed by the National Leisure Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC498). This standard
was drafted by: Tourism Development Research Institute of Beijing International Studies University, Beijing Tonghe Times Tourism Planning and Design Institute.
The main drafters of this standard are Wei Xiaoan, Zhang Lingguang, Zhang Lingyun, Qi Pingshu, Nuomuhan, Fu Lei, Liu Hanqi, Li Xinjian, Lu Ning, Hao Chen.
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated referenced documents, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB3095 Ambient air quality standards
GB3838 Surface water environmental quality standards
GB/T28101 Basic terms for urban public leisure services and management
Preface III
Introduction IV
1 Scope1
2 Normative references1
3 Terms and definitions1
4 Urban leisure creativity1
5 Urban leisure planning2
6 Urban public leisure system construction3
7 Urban public leisure environment construction5
8 Urban leisure space construction7
9 Urban public leisure services10
10 Leisure industry development10
11 Leisure education17
12 Leisure city marketing18
Appendix A (Informative Appendix) The relationship between urban leisure, leisure cities and urban public leisure 20
References 21

Some standard content:

ICS 03. 080. 01
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 28102—2011
Guidelines for city public lcisure service and management
managementIssued on September 29, 2011
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinaStandardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on October 1, 2011
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Urban leisure creativity
5 Urban leisure planning
Construction of urban public leisure system
Construction of urban public leisure environmentwwW.bzxz.Net
Construction of urban leisure space
Urban public leisure service
Development of leisure industry
11 Leisure education
12 Leisure city marketing
Appendix A (Informative Appendix)
The relationship between urban leisure, leisure city and urban public leisure GB/T 28 102—2011
This standard is in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 rules. This standard was proposed and managed by the National Leisure Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC498). GB/T28102-2011
The drafting units of this standard: Tourism Development Research Institute of Beijing International Studies University, Beijing Tonghe Times Tourism Planning and Design Institute. The main drafters of this standard: Wei Xiaoan, Zhang Lingguang, Zhang Lingyun, Qi Pingshu, Nuo Benting, Cun, Liu Hanqi, Li Xinjian, Mu Ning, Hao Mao GB/T 28102-2011
In order to improve the level of urban development, improve urban leisure functions, strengthen urban public leisure services and management, guide and improve urban living quality and residents' quality of life, standardize urban leisure planning, fully tap leisure resources, effectively carry out leisure activities, reasonably build leisure facilities, steadily improve the leisure environment, actively promote leisure innovation, cultivate urban leisure industries, accelerate the development of leisure, comprehensively improve leisure services, and vigorously improve the quality of leisure, this standard is specially formulated.
Urban leisure, leisure city and urban public leisure are three important concepts in urban public leisure services and management. There is a close relationship between the three, and their relationship is helpful to understand this standard. To this end, Appendix A explains the relationship between urban leisure, leisure city and urban public leisure. 1 Scope
Guide to Urban Public Leisure Services and Management
GB/T 28102—2017
This standard aims at improving the functions and quality of urban public leisure systems, and puts forward the principles, contents, methods and requirements of urban public leisure services and management.
This standard applies to urban built-up areas and suburban areas. 2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the dated versions apply to this document. For undated references, the latest versions (including all amendments) apply to this document. GB3095 Ambient Air Quality Standards
GB3838 Surface Water Environmental Quality Standards
GB/T28101 Basic Terms and Definitions for Urban Public Leisure Services and Management
Terms and definitions defined in GB/T28101 apply to this document. 4 Urban Leisure Creativity
4.1 Creativity Requirements
4.1.1 Can reflect or display the most unique and influential leisure resources of the city, such as history and culture, natural landscape, social environment, lifestyle, folk customs, etc.
4.1,2 Can support the city to create a unique leisure life atmosphere, bring a sense of beauty, and provide a platform for cultural, knowledge and skills learning.
4.1.3 The innovation of urban leisure products and services has a clear outline, which is conducive to expanding the leisure business space and forming the core attraction and competitiveness of leisure.
4.1.4 There are leisure cultural symbols that have been refined and highlight aesthetic characteristics, which are easy to identify and have a distinctive image system, which are reflected in the main leisure areas of the city.
4.2 Creative methods
4.2.1 Mobilize social forces and mobilize the enthusiasm of various aspects to participate in urban leisure creativity. 4.2.2 Adapt to market positioning, according to the relevant leisure needs of the target market, take into account the leisure consumption demands of foreign leisure consumers and local residents, and form a layered leisure creativity. 4.2.3 Based on endogenous creativity, relying on cultural context (human resources), geographical context (natural resources), and human connections (social resources), select unique creativity, construct unique leisure attractions, and strengthen the sustainability of leisure creativity. 4.2.4 Absorb external creativity, actively absorb external creativity, combine it with its own characteristics to innovate, and avoid simple imitation and copying. 4.2.5 Creative update, optimize and adjust urban leisure creativity according to the needs of development and market changes. GB/T 28102—2011
4. 3 City Character
4. 3.1 City Character Refinement
Refine the most distinctive features to form an attractive and symbolic representation of city character. 4. 3. 1. 13 City character is generated from urban life and is widely recognized by the public. City character is conducive to improving the city's leisure image and enhancing its leisure appeal. 4.3.2 City Leisure Image Signs
Centering the city's creativity, the city's character shapes leisure image signs. 4. 3.2.2 Leisure image signs should have high uniqueness, aesthetics, pleasure and memorability. There are public art masterpieces that show the city's character. Construct a derivative series of leisure image signs.
Jianwen's creative visual identification system (V) and image identification system (CI). 6VT and CI should be widely promoted and standardized.
5Urban leisure planning
5.1Planning preparation
The opinions of the community and the public should be actively absorbed during the planning preparation process to enhance participation. 5.1.2The planning preparation should be widely publicized so that the urban leisure planning can gain broad public support. 5.1.3The leisure planning should be connected and compatible with urban planning, land use planning, etc. 5.1.4The leisure planning should become an important basis for the revision of urban planning and the adjustment of land use planning. 5.2 Overall planning
5.2.1Overall positioning
Type positioning
Combined with urban planning and characteristics, determine the corresponding nature of urban leisure and clarify the main content of urban leisure. Properly distinguish the development paths of comprehensive cities, characteristic cities and functional cities of the same type 5,2.1.2
Market positioning Based on resource and market analysis, clarify the timing of H-target market and consumer sample development. 5, Position the city's leisure function according to the main market and main consumer groups. Product positioning
Handle the relationship between various leisure products and clarify the types of main leisure products Handle the hierarchical relationship of guest leisure products and clarify the grade and characteristics of corresponding leisure products. 5,2.2 Reasonable layout Attention should be paid to the rationality of spatial layout, the matching and connection between various functional blocks, and the leisure functions of various facilities in each functional area should be fully utilized. According to market demand, fully consider various resource elements, and configure leisure functional areas and leisure elements on an effectively integrated basis: Consider the constraints and utilization of geological conditions such as topography and landforms, GB/T 28102—2011 Use scientific methods to measure and assess natural disaster risks, and use this as a reference factor for leisure planning. Measure land costs and reserve land space for development. 5.2.3 Functional planning Determine the main functions and supporting books of the project based on market positioning and segmentation. Determine the proportion and mutual connection relationship of each functional block. Improve the project configuration relationship between indoor and outdoor activity areas. Reasonably arrange various streamlines such as traffic routes and walking routes. 5.3 Special Planning
5.3.1 According to the needs, constraints and project positioning, formulate special planning for urban leisure, such as leisure planning for the elderly, leisure planning for young people and leisure planning for other special groups, etc.
5.3.2 According to the classification of leisure products, select the leisure product categories that should be focused on and formulate their respective special plans. 5.3.3 According to resource conditions and market trends, formulate the main target market development plan, marketing and promotion special plan, etc.: 5.3.4 The special plans should be connected in an orderly manner. 5.3.5 Form the best configuration of leisure projects such as public space, public facilities, and commercial facilities. 5.3.6 Study new projects with local characteristics and creativity. 5.3.7 Clarify the connection and matching between various projects. 6 Construction of urban public leisure system
6. 1 Integration of leisure development
6. 1. 1 Grasp the relationship between external demand and local demand Focus on external leisure demand, while actively cultivating and meeting the needs of local citizens, distinguish the characteristics of different needs, and form a unified service system. 6.1.2 Deal with the relationship between government-led construction of cities and market-driven development of leisure industry In the early stage of industry growth, the government should play a leading role, create public leisure space, develop public leisure projects, guide enterprises' leisure product supply, protect consumer rights and interests, and promote consumption growth. With the cultivation of the market and the development of the industry, we should follow the law of leisure development, fully adjust the market, cultivate the market mechanism, and handle the balance between developers, managers and other roles. 6.1.3 Configure the relationship between time and space
Form the concept of "all the time and everywhere" leisure, and develop leisure projects in all aspects of urban life and construction according to humanized requirements. Try to extend the service time of leisure facilities and places, make full use of leisure space, reduce the constraints of nature and climate, and reasonably configure outdoor leisure and indoor leisure products and services. Make space for leisure and improve space utilization efficiency. 6.t.4 Coordinate the relationship between urban areas and surrounding areas
Coordinate the relationship between urban areas and surrounding suburban counties, form a benign relationship between urban market resources and surrounding leisure resources, and promote harmonious development between urban and rural areas.
6.1.5 Improve the relationship between urban leisure and urban functions Improve the relationship between living, working, transportation and leisure functions in the city, make leisure one of the main functions of the city, and improve the quality of the city.
GB/T 28102-2011
6.2 Establish a leisure management system
6.2.1 The leisure economy should be included in the city's national economic and social development plan, and a clear and important position should be given to the development of leisure. 6.2.2 Regularly conduct leisure consumption surveys and establish a leisure industry statistical system. 6.2.3 Formulate and implement the overall plan for urban leisure and various special regulations. 6.2.4 Formulate and publish citizen leisure guides 6.2.5
Guide the construction and improvement of community leisure facilities. 6.2.6 Create a vacation community.
Establish a distinctive city image system,
Relevant government departments shall coordinate, strengthen the management of the sports industry, and formulate relevant rules and regulations for sports and leisure management. 6.2.8
Encourage and support non-profit groups and volunteer organizations related to leisure. 6.2.9
6.2. 10 Incorporate leisure products and services into the government procurement system to meet the needs of the undetermined population. 6.2.11 The government shall hold leisure work meetings regularly to establish leisure development goals
Through the creation and development of leisure cities, actively promote urban-rural harmony, community harmony, internal and external harmony, guide the development of social organizations, and promote the coordinated development of economy, culture and society.
6.3.2 The proportion of leisure economy in the city's national economy is relatively high. 6.3.3 The proportion of the population employed in the leisure industry in the city's employment population is relatively high. 6.3.4 The scale or brand of the leisure industry or some of its sub-industries is in a leading position among cities of the same level. 6.3.5 The government urges enterprises to protect employees' leisure time, strengthen corporate social responsibilities, and implement a paid vacation system. 6.3,6 Encourage enterprises to explore paid working methods, such as shared work system and flexible work system. 6.3.7 The per capita leisure consumption level of migrant population is relatively high, and the leisure expenditure in residents' lives has increased. 6.4 Utilize natural cultural heritage
6.4.1 Enjoying cultural heritage, especially intangible cultural heritage, is an important part of leisure life. Leisure is an important way to protect, inherit and benefit cultural heritage. The development of leisure consumption focuses on highlighting urban culture and national characteristics, and promoting the protection of cultural relics and their environment. 6.4.2 Leisure is the foundation of culture. The development of leisure should strive to create future cultural heritage. 6.4.3 Formulate heritage protection and utilization plans as an important part of the urban leisure development strategy. 6.4.4 Attach great importance to the construction of cultural institutions such as museums, and improve the level of protection and display of cultural relics in collections. Continuously improve the quality and level of services. Encourage the diversification and diversified development of museums. 6.4.5 Promote the collection of cultural relics and cultivate the collection market. 6.4.6 Use a variety of methods to display the city's intangible cultural heritage, actively encourage inheritance and implement dynamic overall protection. 6.4.7 Make all kinds of intangible cultural heritage part of daily life, and transform them into the highlights of urban leisure culture and an important support for leisure brands.
6.5 Strengthen the safety management of leisure activities
6.5.1 The public security is good and the public has a strong sense of security. 6.5.2 All kinds of facilities meet the safety standards and specifications. 6.5.3 Pay attention to the safety of outdoor leisure activities + corresponding safety protection facilities should be configured and equipped with safety protection personnel. 6.5.4 There should be an emergency rescue mechanism for the main leisure functional areas. 6.5.5 An emergency response mechanism for public safety accidents should be established. 4
7 Construction of urban public leisure environment
7.1 Urban landscape system
7. 1. 1 Overall landscape
GB/T 28102—2011 Inherit the traditional culture of the city·Maintain the historical style of the city, protect the historical culture and natural heritage, maintain the natural form of the topography and river system, and achieve the harmonious integration of the urban human landscape and natural landscape. The city skyline is beautiful, the city layout is reasonable, the buildings are harmonious, and the appearance is beautiful. 7.1.2 Architectural landscape Try to protect historical and cultural buildings with unique value, enrich the landscape elements of the urban leisure environment and the humanistic atmosphere of the leisure environment. The old buildings that are not ancient buildings should be decorated and beautified as a whole to maintain the traditional atmosphere of urban buildings. Strictly control the density of new buildings in the city, the architectural pattern is harmonious, prevent light pollution, slow down the wind of high-rise buildings, 7, 1.2, 4 Urban sculptures and other architectural pieces highlight the characteristics of the city, coordinate with the surrounding environment, be beautiful as a whole, and fully display the historical and cultural features of the city. Formulate spatial landscape plans, include key blocks, communities, roads, economic development zones, commercial areas, parks, squares, etc. into the standard specification system, appropriately carry out functional leisure, highlight beauty, characteristics, cultural atmosphere and appropriate themes, Outdoor advertising is rationally standardized, the system chain is complete and integrated with the city image, Strengthen the city appearance and sanitation work, and keep the space clean. 7.1.3 Greening Strengthen the greening construction of urban construction areas, increase the greening area and improve the ecological quality. Urban parks and green spaces are mainly plant landscaping, and plant configuration is mainly based on art, to improve the ecological and landscape benefits of green, and create more green resting spaces! Actively promote three-dimensional greening of buildings, roofs, walls, overpasses, etc., and achieve good results. The construction of urban squares should focus on plant landscaping, and the plant configuration should form a combination of irrigation and grass. Encourage residents to grow flowers and plants indoors and outdoors to beautify the urban landscape. Nodes and streets should be planted with flowers and trees to increase the space for staying and using, and the spatial organization should pursue aesthetic conception. 7.1.4 Waterscape The architectural landscape and greening effect along the banks of rivers, lakes and seas should be strengthened. The revetment and underwater treatment should be carried out according to the principles of ecology. The ecological benefits and landscape effects are obvious. The construction of waterside facilities should highlight leisure and form a unique scenic belt in the city. Effectively protect urban mixed land resources. Cities with conditions should build wetland parks. Cities with conditions should build large-scale waterscapes. A certain number of small waterscapes should be built in the central area of ​​the city. Strengthen the protection of waterscapes and effectively control water pollution. 7.1.5 Landscape atmosphere Create a leisure atmosphere + The design of the guide signs and other leisure basic service facilities in the main leisure space of the city should integrate local characteristics, optimize the supporting design of leisure-related facilities and environment, and highlight the intimacy and humanistic care of the city. In view of the "scenic spot islands" and "cultural islands" that may be formed in traditional old urban areas and key historical and cultural areas, establish cultural buffer zones; strengthen the landscape and environmental supporting facilities in the reconstruction and development of new areas, and create a good environment and attractive sense of place. 7. 1.6 Night Planning and Creation
7.1,6,1 Promote energy-saving technology, implement urban lighting projects, moderate road lighting, reasonable landscape lighting, and conducive to the creation of a leisure atmosphere. 7.1.6,2 Specially plan and design the night view of the main leisure area city to form a cultural symbol that reflects the city's character and embodies local characteristics. 7.1.7 Technical Support According to the characteristics of the project, appropriately adopt advanced technology and generally adopt mature technology. Strengthen digital construction and improve the application of information technology. Adopt modern greening technology, implement three-dimensional greening, improve greening effects, reduce greening costs, Use sound, light, electricity and other technologies to set off a leisure atmosphere and meet the needs of activities. Take effective methods and technologies to control noise pollution. Pay attention to the use of reclaimed water and fully realize energy conservation and environmental protection. 7.2 Improve the natural environment
7.2.1 Coordinated development of cities and leisure areas. 7.2.2 There is a good urban ecological environment, forming a complete urban green space system. 7.2.3 Natural landforms, vegetation, water systems, wetlands and other ecologically sensitive areas are effectively protected, green space distribution is reasonable, and biodiversity tends to be rich.
7.2. 4 The atmospheric environment and water system environment are good, with good air circulation and low heat island effect. 7.2.5 Evaluate and predict the capacity of leisure areas, propose adjustment plans for leisure passenger flow and leisure products, and solve the problem of leisure environment and resource damage caused by the surge in the number of tourists and overload operation. 7.2.6 Increase investment in leisure resource and environmental protection construction and establish a multi-level, multi-policy and multi-faceted investment guarantee mechanism for the whole society. 7.2.7 Establish a real-time dynamic monitoring system for leisure resources and environmental protection, and improve the sewage treatment, garbage collection and treatment and other environmental protection infrastructure and measures in the leisure area.
7.2.8 Strengthen the comprehensive management of ecological function areas such as ecological conservation development areas, important drinking water sources, and nature reserves, strengthen the role of leisure in promoting resource and environmental protection, and do not approve or build leisure projects that damage resources and the environment. 7.3 Improve the humanistic environment
7.3.1 In the process of urban development, form a corresponding cultural style, deeply explore folk and folk culture, and reflect the humanistic characteristics of the city. 7.3.2 Rely on the accumulation of traditional culture, enrich the expression of architectural language, and display fresh life content to form a humanistic environment with rich characteristics. 7.3.3 Cultivate the city into a friendly leisure destination. Friendly attitude, details in place, enhance the affinity of the city. 7.4 Improve the transportation environment
7.4.1 Aviation, railway, highway, water transportation and other transportation are reasonably configured, efficient, and the system is perfect. 7.4.2 Improve the connection between various means of transportation, have a striking information guidance sign system, improve the standardization and standardization of the public transportation system, and improve the service awareness and service level of drivers and passengers. 7.4.3 The layout of parking facilities is reasonable, the number is appropriate, and the methods are diverse. 7.4.4 There are corresponding facilities for the disabled. 7.4.5 Implement "leisure transportation convenience", such as opening up green channels for tourist vehicles, opening urban leisure sightseeing buses, and carrying out one-stop ticket purchase services for scenic spots.
7.4.6 Airports, stations, docks and other personnel distribution centers are equipped with high-quality, reasonably priced, reasonably structured and appropriately located leisure venues. 6
7.5 Strengthen environmental protection
7.5.1 Properly handle the relationship between the protection, research and utilization of natural landscapes and cultural landscapes, coordinate the relationship between economic benefits and social benefits, immediate interests and long-term interests, and sectoral interests and overall interests, and achieve sustainable development of the leisure industry. 7.5.2 Implement relevant laws and regulations on urban planning and ecological environmental protection, and continuously improve the ecological environment and living environment. There are no major environmental pollution and ecological damage incidents, no major acts of damaging comprehensive achievements, and no major infrastructure accidents. 7.5.3 New urban buildings generally adopt energy-saving measures and energy-saving materials, and the proportion of energy-saving buildings and green buildings is high. 7.5.4 The comprehensive urban environmental governance work is carried out in a solid manner, with obvious results: the harmless treatment rate of domestic garbage is high, the sewage treatment rate is high, 7.5.5 The urban air quality meets the requirements of GB3095, and the surface water environment quality meets the requirements of CB3838. 7.5.6 Residents are highly satisfied with the ecological environment of the city. 7.6 Low-phosphorus development
7.6.1 Comprehensively plan the construction of the urban leisure system in accordance with the concept of low-carbon development. 7.6.2 Actively promote low-carbon technology.
7.6.3 Reduce carbon footprint, and enterprises and consumers work together to achieve neutrality. 7.7 Optimize the development environment
7.7.1 The city is committed to improving the leisure life quality of local residents, so that all types of leisure people have a high degree of satisfaction. 7.7.2 All types of functional areas in the city should cultivate leisure functions, and leisure areas should be equipped in each single building and between buildings. 7.7.3 Focus on solving the leisure environment problems in the urban-rural fringe areas. 7.7.4 Improve the traffic environment, consumption environment, safety environment, etc. of the main leisure functional areas, handle the integration and connection problems between the types of environments, and make the main leisure functional areas reach a high level of management and operation. 7.7.5 Coordinate the cooperation between the leisure management agencies and relevant departments, bridge the gap between the uneven management levels of departments and the fragmented system under the administrative management system, and improve the management level and internationalization level.
Famous urban leisure space construction
8.1 Leisure public space
8.1.1 Public space is comfortable and comfortable, and landscape design or construction is implemented. 8.1.2 Effectively handle the relationship between non-public space and public space, such as removing walls to let in green, 8, 1.3 Plan the corresponding public space, configure suitable leisure areas and landscapes, and provide leisure products and services. 8.1.4 Except for special units, all other areas should form open spaces to improve the affinity of the business environment. 8.1.5 Develop the urban northbound system. The buildings on both sides of the street should take into account the needs of pedestrians to shelter, take shelter from rain and stay along the street, forming a street interface that makes pedestrians feel friendly.
8.1.6 There are city-specific landscape roads, which are also the city's leisure landmark roads. 8.2 Community leisure
B.2.1 Urban communities should carry out leisure construction to meet the leisure activities of community members locally. B.2.2 Explore community-specific resources and create theme leisure communities. 8.2.3 Improve the level of community leisure, vigorously promote community resource sharing, and the government agencies, schools, enterprises and institutions in the community should actively participate in community leisure and provide corresponding conditions.
8.2.4 There are multifunctional community leisure places such as guidance, demonstration and training, and equipped with corresponding leisure facilities and equipment. B.2.5 Use informatization to improve the utilization rate of recreational sites in the community, realize online inquiry and reservation, achieve people-friendly, convenient and beneficial 7
Promote the full utilization of resources.
Name.2.6 Establish a community leisure guidance center to disseminate leisure knowledge and train leisure skills, and serve the leisure activities of the grassroots masses. Form a community leisure service organization, equipped with leisure service personnel, actively promote, mobilize and organize residents to carry out regular forest fitness activities, 8.2.7 Include leisure work in the community work plan, hold at least one leisure work meeting attended by various units in the district every year, and solve practical problems such as leisure team building, leisure site opening, and leisure fund raising. 8.2.8 Establish a team of community leisure instructors and volunteers. Select and send leisure cadres to participate in social leisure instructor training every year. Designated leisure activity venues must be equipped with community leisure instructors. 8.2.9 Encourage the establishment of mass community leisure organizations. .2.10 Various forms and themes of leisure exchange activities are carried out between communities. 8.3 Public map system
日.3.1 Whether the urban park system is complete or not is an important indicator for judging the universality of urban residents' leisure rights. An urban park system with a certain scale and level and reasonable distribution should be built. 8.3.2 Central Park is a landmark place for urban leisure and an important embodiment of the city's image. It should be planned and constructed with a forward-looking and high starting point.
日.3.3 Community parks should be constructed to achieve sufficient number, wide layout, small scale, close location, good greening and strong cultural atmosphere. 8.4 Central leisure area
8.4.1 A concentrated area with multiple functions, high efficiency and forest leisure is formed. 8.4.2 There are corresponding leisure projects, leisure atmosphere and leisure activities. 8.4.3 There are relatively full entertainment elements. 8.4.4 There are various commercial facilities.
8.4.5 There are relatively rich catering facilities.
8,4.6 There are various cultural expressions. No. 5 Leisure commercial street
8.5.1 Types Pedestrian commercial street
No vehicles allowed: It is convenient for consumers to shop, eat, entertain, socialize and other activities freely. Leisure shopping center
It is a collection of shops that sell different kinds of goods, usually with large department stores as the main store, and a variety of professional stores and specialty stores. 8,5.1,3 Professional blocks
A collection of shops that sell similar goods and services, such as accessories boutique street, bookstore street, clothing street, leather goods street, cultural relics and antiques street, flower island fish and insect street, calligraphy and painting street, food street, bar street, etc. 8.5.2 Key points of development
8.5.2, 1 Refer to the successful models of modern commercial streets at home and abroad to carry out overall transformation and upgrading of key commercial blocks, highlight the characteristics of the blocks, and improve the design level. Improve public service supporting facilities such as parking lots, strengthen the configuration of entertainment, rest, sign guidance and other facilities, Add a leisure atmosphere through various cultural symbols and scenario design, 8
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