GB/T 14598.11-1997 Electrical relays Part 19: Sectional specification for electromechanical relays with quality assessment, either-or
Some standard content:
This standard is formulated based on the International Electrotechnical Commission standard IEC255-19 "Electrical relays Part 19: Sectional specification: Electromechanical relays with or without quality assessment" (1983 edition), and is equivalent to it in terms of technical content and writing rules. In this way, the sub-specification for quality assessment of electromechanical relays with or without quality assessment in my country is consistent with the corresponding specification of the International Electrotechnical Commission Electronic Components Quality Assessment System (IECQ) to meet the needs of quality certification, international trade, technology and economic exchanges as soon as possible. According to GB/T1.1-1993 "Guidelines for Standardization Work Unit 1: Rules for Drafting and Presentation of Standards Part 1: Basic Regulations for Standard Writing", when IEC255-19:1983 was converted into this standard, since the Secretariat of the 94th Technical Committee of the International Electrotechnical Commission had issued a revised version of IEC:255-19:1983 in Document 94 (Secretariat) No. 5 (94/18/CDV), when formulating this standard, corresponding modifications were also made in the technical content, mainly the following changes: 1 According to the opinions of my country and most other member countries, the definition of "initial manufacturing stage" was more clearly defined; 2 In Table 1 (List of Tests for Electromechanical Relays with or without), the original referenced clause number in IEC255-7:1978 was changed to: the clause number in IEC255-7:1991. Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard.
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China, and this standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electromechanical Relays with or without. This standard was drafted by the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry and the Bengbu Connector Relay Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Liu Jianbai, Shi Xinyuan, Zhang Weizhong, Zhou Shixian, Shi Churen and Hui Wande. 241
GB/T 14598.111997
IEC Foreword
1) Formal resolutions or agreements of the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) on technical issues are formulated by technical committees participated by national committees with special concerns about these issues, and represent the international consensus on the issues involved as much as possible. 2) These resolutions or agreements are provided for international use in the form of recommended standards and are recognized by national committees in this sense. 3) In order to promote international unification, the IEC hopes that national committees will adopt the text of IEC standards as their national standards if their national conditions permit. The differences between IEC standards and corresponding national standards should be indicated in the national standards as much as possible. IEC Foreword
This standard was formulated by the 41st Technical Committee (Electrical Relays) of the 41A Sub-Technical Committee (With or Without Relays) of the 41st Technical Committee of the IEC. The draft standard was discussed at the Helsinki conference in 1979. After the conference, the draft standard text 41A (Central Office) 15 was submitted to the National Committees in October 1981 for approval according to the 6-month rule. The National Committees of the following countries voted in favor of this standard: Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Poland, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia. The QC number on the cover of this standard is the specification number of IECQ (International Electrotechnical Commission Electronic Component Quality Assessment System). Technical Committee 41 has decided to classify the standards system as follows: Tier 1: General standards. Tier 2: General standards applicable in whole or in part to a class of relays. Tier 3: Standards applicable in whole or in part to a specific subclass of relays. Tier 4: Specific requirements or specifications applicable to a specific type of relay. This standard is a Tier 3 standard.
1 General
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Electrical relays
Part 19: Sectional specification
Electromechanical all-or-nothing relays of assessed quality
General principles and definitions
1.1 Scope and purpose
idt IEC255-19:1983
QC 160100
The test methods specified in this specification are selected from the general specification GB/T10232-94 Electrical Relays Part 7: Test Procedures for Electromechanical Relays with or without Electromechanical Relays (idtIEC255-7:1991), and are applicable to the detailed specifications of electromechanical relays with or without quality assessment procedures derived from this specification. A list of basic tests used to formulate the above detailed specifications is also given. The method of compiling detailed specifications is specified in the detailed test list of classified blank detailed specifications. Classified blank detailed specifications are supplementary documents to this specification.
1.2 Related documents
GB/T14598.1--93 Electrical relays Contact performance of electrical relays (idtIEC255-0-20:1974) GB/T14598.2-93 Electrical relays With or without electrical relays (eqvIEC255-1-00:1975) GB/T 14598.3-93 Japanese
Electrical relays Part 5: Insulation tests for electrical relays (eqvIEC255-5:1977) Electrical relays Part 18: Dimensions of general purpose with or without relays (idtIEC255-18:1982) GB/T 14598.6—93日
GB/T10232—94 Electrical relays Part 7: Test procedures for electromechanical relays with or without (idtIEC255-7:1991) IEC68-1 Basic environmental testing procedures Part 1: General and introduction IEC255-10 Electrical relays Part 10: Application of the International Electrotechnical Commission electronic component quality assessment system to all-or-nothing relays
IEC410 Sampling plans and procedures for counting inspection IEC419 Guidelines for the inclusion of batch and periodic inspection procedures in electronic component specifications IS) 2015 Working week number
QC001001 Basic regulations of the IEC electronic component quality assessment system (IECQ) QC001002 Procedure rules of the IEC electronic component quality assessment system (IECQ) State Technical Supervision Bureau Approved on October 13, 1997 Implementation on September 1, 1998
2 Definitions
This specification adopts the following definitions.
2.1 Initial manufacturing stage
GB/T 14598.111997
The initial manufacturing stage refers to the first process after the finished parts are manufactured, such as the assembly of the electromagnetic starter and electrical switching components of a relay. Note: Important manufacturing processes (as far as practicable): a) Manufacture, heat treatment and electroplating of relay parts h) Coil winding;
c) Assembly of electrical and electromechanical parts;
d) Adjustment of relay contacts:
e) High temperature drying, re-inflation and hermetic sealing of relays, where applicable;) Final measurement and periodic inspection of group A, B, C or D tests. 2.2 Structurally similar relays
Relays are considered to be structurally similar if they have no other differences except the following aspects: a) Wire diameter and number of turns of the coil;
b) Contact type, number of groups and material,
c) Rated coil voltage and/or rated contact voltage; d) Mounting method or terminal type.
All or any of the above items may be up to the limit value specified in the detailed specification. Part 2 Quality Assessment Procedures
3 Different detailed specifications
The same detailed specification is only applicable to relays with similar structures (see 2.2). 4 Identification and approval tests
The identification and approval tests shall include all test items specified in the detailed specifications and shall be carried out in accordance with the following provisions: a) Short-term production: Use the test list specified in the detailed specifications specifically for short-term production. b) Mass production: Use the test list given in the detailed specifications for quality consistency inspection of three consecutive batches. Normally, for item a, at least 5 samples are required for each group of tests in the test list, and samples that have passed a certain non-destructive test can be used for subsequent destructive tests. 5 Composition of inspection batches
Each inspection batch shall be composed in accordance with the sampling plan and procedures specified in IEC410, except for short-term production, isolated batches and small batches. 5.1 When sampling is carried out in accordance with IEC 410, only the concept of number of nonconforming items per hundred units shall be used. Stratified sampling or representative sampling should always be used so that all production lines and relays of similar construction are covered and the samples drawn are proportional to their respective numbers in the batch.
When various differences are likely to cause different results for a specific test, special proportions may need to be specified and should be indicated in the detailed specification or agreed between the manufacturer and the National Supervisory Inspection Agency (NSI). Relays should be as representative of the production products as possible (representative sampling see IEC 410 7.2).
The sample size specified in the detailed specification for samples intended for use in group C periodic inspections shall be drawn from one or more batches that have successfully passed the group A and group B tests. Group C samples may be divided into several groups according to the sampling interval. Samples may be drawn from a batch completed on the production line during the C-grouping period under consideration and/or from batches received since the end of the previous C-grouping period. 5.2 Short-run production is defined as production of no more than 30 inspection lots. For each batch of short-run production, the isolated batch procedure should be used. However, depending on the batch size and the acceptable quality level (AQL), it may be more effective to use a large-scale production and small AQL sampling procedure when determining the sampling plan to be used for large batches and small AQL. The above should be agreed between the manufacturer and the national blue inspection agency.
5.3 An isolated batch (different from the isolated batch in IEC410 clause 11.6) is defined as a unique production batch or supply batch, which does not form part of the usual series of inspection batches in the quality assessment system. According to the agreement between the manufacturer and the national supervision and inspection agency, the following three schemes should be selected: a) 100% inspection (only applicable to non-destructive test items). Since the batch is too small, sampling according to the specified acceptable quality level (AQL) and inspection level (IL) cannot fully determine whether unqualified relays have been accepted. b) Change to a sampling scheme with a certain operating characteristic curve that can provide sufficient protection (DR) for the known use of the relays in the batch under the limit quality (LQ). The scheme used should be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the national supervision and inspection agency, and should not unduly increase the risk to the producer based on the original acceptable quality level. The acceptable quality level (AQL) and inspection level (IL) of the selected scheme can be different from those specified in the detailed specification. Note: DR is the determination coefficient, which is defined as:
Limiting quality level with a probability of acceptance of 10% Acceptable quality level (AQL)
(See Table-A and Table × of IEC410)
c) When reliable determination cannot be obtained, such as for small batches and destructive tests, a greater sampling risk should be assumed, and the sampling plan adopted should be agreed upon by the manufacturer, the national supervision and inspection agency and the main ordering party (the user of the relay, when known).
5.4 For small batches, the procedures specified in 8), b), and c) of Article 5.3 may be used and should be agreed upon by the manufacturer, the national supervision and inspection agency and the main ordering party (the user of the relay, when known). 6 Test list
6.1 The test sequence consists of all the test items listed in the detailed specification. All the quantity values listed in the detailed specification should be inspected or tested.
Each test item refers to the number in GB/T10232. GB/T10232 is a general specification for electromechanical relays with or without, and detailed specifications may also specify other contents in detail.
6.2 The II. level is applicable to all test items in the same group. For the AQI. level, a numerical range with an emphasis mark (underline) for the intermediate value is given. The management agency that formulates the detailed specification should select an appropriate value, which is applicable to all test items in the same group.
6.3 All test items in the A0) group are usually carried out on each relay. However, if for some reason it is necessary to check whether 100% of the test items are strictly implemented, or in the special case of continuous production, it is recommended to check the inspection batch according to statistical principles. For this purpose, Table I gives an IL level and an AQL range (100% test cannot guarantee the complete elimination of non-conforming products). 6.4 Any IL and AQL level should be understood as the number of non-conforming products allowed to be accepted applicable to each test in the same group. However. However, when the manufacturer and the user agree, it is allowed to use a cumulative AQL in the detailed specification. 7 Test sequence
7.1 Quality consistency inspection is divided into two parts: batch-by-batch inspection as the basis for release of a single batch, and periodic inspection including test items that are long and costly.
Groups A and B include batch-by-batch inspection items, while periodic inspection items and other test items required to maintain the qualification for identification and approval are included in Group C.
7.2 When more than one test item is carried out continuously on the same or several samples, the following sequence shall be adopted unless otherwise specified in the detailed specification:
a. Test items in group AO shall be carried out before all non-destructive (ND) or destructive (D) test items. b. Test items in groups other than group A () shall be carried out in the order given in the blank detailed specification. However, it shall be ensured that the test results of the previous items shall not invalidate the test results of the subsequent items. 8 Certification test records
Certification test records shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of IEC/QC001001 and QC001002, and shall include the relevant contents specified in the detailed specifications.
Part III Blank Detailed Specifications and Preparation of Detailed Specifications 9 Blank Detailed Specifications
Blank detailed specifications shall be prepared in accordance with the test list and corresponding instructions given in Table I of this specification, as well as other relevant instructions. All test items marked with the letter M (mandatory) in the blank detailed specification shall be included in the detailed specification, and test items marked with R (recommended) may also be included in the detailed specification. Other test items in GB/T10232 and any other test items not included in GB/T10232 may also be included if deemed necessary, but after inclusion, attention should be paid to checking whether their IL and AQI levels are still appropriate, and checking whether the last measurement item of each test in a group is correctly listed at the end of the group. Note: Although some test items in the blank detailed specification are marked with R and are recommended, any recommended test items become mandatory as long as they are listed in the detailed specification.
10 Detailed Specification
10.1 The detailed specification shall give the following corresponding instructions, and the blank detailed specification shall leave blank space for this purpose. a) Identification of the detailed specification
The identification shall include the number and the date of issue. b) Identification of the relay and its application content The identification shall include characteristics such as size, sealing, monostable or bistable, polarized or non-polarized. c) Outline drawing with key dimensions of the relay The outline drawing shall be an example illustration of the relay to help identification and comparison with other relays, and shall include various installation methods used. When applicable, the code name and symbol shall comply with the provisions of GB/T14598.6. Dimensions that affect interchangeability shall be listed separately. Installation details including relay installation methods and various restrictions shall be specified. The wiring type should be reasonably given together with the minimum electrical clearance and creepage distance values specified in Table V of GB/T14598.3-93. d) Reference data of relay (not for inspection) When applicable, the following rated values and characteristics should be given. The preferred rated values shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T14598.1, GB/T14598.2 and GB/T14598.3. (1) Rated values
The following rated values and test values shall be given:
(1.1) Coil
(I) Rated voltage and (or) current at the reference temperature. (I) Rated range of voltage and (or) current at the reference temperature. * The reference temperature is specified in the detailed specification.
(III) Resistance or impedance and allowable deviation at the reference temperature. (V) Insulation resistance and test voltage.
(V) Dielectric test voltage.
(И) Frequency (for AC relays only). (И) Special working conditions (if any). (1.2) Contacts (resistive load if not otherwise specified) (1) Number and description of contact groups.
(I) Minimum and maximum contact voltages.
(III) Minimum and maximum contact currents.
(NV) Maximum rated load under (I) and (or) (II) conditions. The unit for DC relays is watt (W) and the unit for AC relays is volt-ampere (VA).
(V) Insulation resistance and test voltage.
(VИ) Dielectric test voltage.
(И) Special working circuit conditions (if any) (1.3) Extreme use conditions (not for inspection) (I) Climate category.
(I) Temperature range.
() Shock.
() Collision.
(V) Steady-state acceleration.
(V) Vibration.
(И) Low air pressure.
(x)Other various limit values.
Note: The standard method of expressing the above parameters is given in IEC68-1. (2) Characteristics
The following characteristics at the reference temperature* should be given (the reference temperature* is specified in the detailed specification): (I) Required performance values and limit values. (II) Contact resistance and test point.
(II)Contact bounce time.
(IV)Action and release time.
(V)Minimum number of cycles under specified load or current. (V) During the electrical life (not low level), the number of contact cycle failures allowed can be included in other characteristics, giving the value and the conditions under which it applies. e) Related documents
Related documents refer to GB/T10232, IEC255-10 and this sub-specification. If it is necessary to quote other standards, their full names, version years and issuing units (except for well-known ones) should be listed. f) Assessment level
The tables of this specification include three test lists. When these test lists are cited, if they only contain the test items in the cited test list, they are called test list X (numbered 1, 2 or 3) without added content; if test items other than those in the cited test list are added, they are called test list X with added content. g) The interval period between each C group and the specified sample size. h) The composition of each inspection batch (when the situation in Chapter 5 can be anticipated). 247
GB/T 14598.11--1997
1) Test sequence (when different from the provisions in Chapter 7). ji) General test conditions (when different from the provisions in Chapter 3 of GB/T 10232). k) List of identification batch tests.
1) List of quality consistency tests.
In k) and 1), for each test group, the last measurement items specified for each test shall be summarized and indicated at the end of the group.
m) Specification of JIL level.
n) Specification of AQL level.
0) If necessary, mark the packaging and/or relays outside the scope of this specification. Each of the above characteristics shall be considered during the tests of relays that meet the requirements of the detail specification. 10.2 Additional information such as graphs, curves, application data and notes may be given in annexes to the detail specification. These contents are not for testing.
10.3 When preparing the detail specification, in order to obtain a suitable test list, the following steps should be taken: a) Select the characteristics related to the intended use of the relay from the table of this sub-specification. b) Select the test list that best meets the requirements of the relay. Test schedule 1: Basic level test schedule for quality assessment Table 2: Basic level test schedule with added environmental adaptability and life assessment Table 3: Test schedule with extended requirements for environmental adaptability Table
Basic test schedule for electromechanical relays with or without Description and abbreviations
Classification of test schedules
All mandatory and recommended test items listed in test schedule 1 are also included in test schedule 2, plus some additional test items. Similarly, the test items in test schedule 2 are also included in test schedule 3, plus additional test items. In a few cases, test items will be transferred from one group to another; or when transferring from test schedule 1 to a higher-level test schedule, recommended test items will become mandatory test items. This transfer and transformation is marked with an asterisk (for example, M*). Test sequence
The test items in each group are listed in the order of the clause numbers in GB/T10232. The order in which the tests should be performed is shown in Chapter 7 of this specification.
Item selection
D: Destructive test items.
ND: Non-destructive test items.
M: Mandatory test items included in the detailed specification. R: Recommended test items included in the detailed specification. If necessary, any detailed specification can add test items included in GB/T10232 but not included in the test list. Relay characteristics given in Table 1 of IEC255-10: RTO: Relay with non-sealed contacts
RTI: Relay with sealed contacts
RT: Sealed relay
Contact application category
Contact application category CA0: less than 30mV, less than 10mA. 248
GB/T 14598. 111997
Contact application category CA1: 30mV~60V, 10mA~~0.1A. Contact application category CA2: 5V~~250V, 0.1A~1A Contact application category CA3: 5V~600V, 0.1A~100A. For the complete definition of contact application categories, please refer to Chapter 2 of GB/T10232-94. Explanatory notes:
The following notes are used in Table I of this sub-specification:
1 When one or both of the following situations apply, these project tests are carried out in this test group: (I) When the relevant parameters are extremely important for the relay to operate satisfactorily in its intended use. (I) For a certain specified parameter, when the manufacturing error is equivalent to its specified tolerance range, and when any relay characteristics outside these ranges will have a harmful effect on its intended use. 2 Only applicable when the manufacturer and the ordering party agree and when the test time does not exceed one week. 3 Only applicable when the manufacturer and the ordering party agree. When the number of cycles required for an electrical life test is at least equal to the number of cycles required for mechanical life, the electrical life test is allowed to be combined with the 4
mechanical life test.
The clauses in GB/T10232
A0 group
Test items
apply to all test items in this group. Test list 1
General situation: 100% test. When the cumulative failure rate is greater than _%, the batch is rejected. Special situation: 11:1
AQI. .0. 065.-*-0. 25--0. 653.6.4
Group A1
Appearance inspection, marking
Dielectric test (ND)
Function test (ND)
Seal (ND)
Contact resistance (ND)
Coil DC resistance or AC
Power consumption (ND)
Applicable to all test items in this group
AQL.0. 4.......4
Coil DC resistance or AC
Power consumption (ND)
Terminals selected according to the detailed specification
Test Schedule 2
Terminals selected according to the detailed specification.
Note 1 applies
MApplies only to RTI and RTMApplies only to RTI and RTIOperation and release values
MApplies only to RT
Operation and release values
MApplies only to RTI
MApplies only to CAO
Test Schedule 3
Terminals selected according to the detailed specification.
Note 1 applies
MApplies only to RT" and RTⅡ
Operation and release values
MApplies only to RT Ⅱ
M Only applicable to CAO
M*When Note 1 and/or Note 3 are applicable
M Only applicable to A0 group
When no test is performed
Clause in GB/T10232
|A2 group
Test items
Coil inductance and coil transient
Suppression test (when applicable)
Function test (ND)
Mechanical inspection (ND)
Contact resistance (ND)
Internal moisture mixing (ND)
Time test (ND)
Applicable to all test items in this groupJL:S-4
AQL..0. 4.. .4
A3 group
Dimension inspection (ND)
Applicable to all test items in this group..
A4 group
Appearance inspection (ND)
Applicable to all test items in this groupIL:S-4
Dielectric test (ND))
B1 group
Insulation resistance (NI))
Applicable to all test items in this groupH.:S-3
AQL..0. 41. 5-*.6. 5
GB/T 14598.11—1997
Table (continued)
Test Schedule 1
M Action and release values applicable only to RTO
Test Schedule 2
M Action and release values applicable only to RTO
M Only applicable to CA1
test·Table 3
MOnly applicable to the action
and release value of RTO
MOnly applicable to CA1
R\Only applicable to RTI and CAOM\Only applicable to RTI and both
CAO When both
R\When Note 1 and (or) Note 3 are applicable
|M·Terminals not tested in the alternative AO and when Note 1, terminals tested and when Note 1 is applicable
When applicable
Clause in GB/T 10232
Group B2
Test items
Electrical life (D)
Applicable to all test items in this group I:S-3
AQI.+0. 4...1. 0...4
Group B3
Rapid temperature change (D)
Lead strength (D)
Internal moisture (ND)
Temperature rise (ND)
Solderability, test 1 (ND)
Residual magnetism (ND)
Applicable to all test items in this group IIL.S-3
AQI..0. 1..... 65.2. 5
Contact bonding (ND)
Table (continued)
Test--List 1
R Only applicable when both RTI and
M Only applicable to printed circuit
Board mounted relays
Test List 2
Test List 3
R" Only when Note 1 and Note 2 are applicableR Only when Note 1 and Note 2 are applicable
M Only applicable to RTI
M Only applicable to RT
M Only applicable to RTI
M Only applicable to RTI
R Only applicable to DC relays"R Only applicable to DC relaysR Only applicable to RTI and
R Only applicable to RT and
The I1. and AQI. given in the table are for guidance only. If these IL. and AQI. values are not used, the detailed specification may indicate the following values in each group: 1. Number of relays under test.
2. Number of non-conforming products allowed.
The detailed specification shall indicate the test cycle as specified in IEC255-10. C1 group
Applicable to all test items in this groupIL.:S-2
AQI..0. 41.56.5
Electrical life (D)
R\Only when test is not performed in B1
and when Note 1 is applicable
ROnly when test is not performed in B1
and when Note 1 is applicable
Clause in GB/T 10232
C2 group
Test items
Applicable to all test items in this groupIL.S-3
AQI..0. 4-1. 0-.
C3 Group
Dielectric test (ND)
Impulse voltage test (ND)
Insulation resistance (ND)
Contact resistance (ND)
Time test
Coil inductance and coil transient
Suppression (ND)
Applicable to all test items in this groupIL:S-2
AQI..0. 4.--1.5.-..6. 5
C4 Group
Dimensional inspection (ND)
Weighing (ND)
Electrical contact noise (NI))
Applicable to all test items in this group1.S-2
AQ:..0. 4--1. 5.-.6. 5
C5 group
Electrical life (I)
Mechanical life (D)
Applicable to all test items in this group..S-2
AQ..0. 4..-1. 0..4
Climate (D)
Steady state damp heat (D)
Corrosive atmosphere (D)
CB/T 14598.11--1997
Table 1 (continued)
Test schedule 1
Terminals not tested in MA0
R Applies only to sizes not checked in A2
Test schedule 2
Terminals not tested in MA0 and A4
R Applies only to CA2 and CA3
M Applies only to sizes not checked in B1 or C1 |tt||When tested
MSee Note 4
RApplies only to RT
Test schedule 3
MA0 and terminals not tested
M*Applies only to CA2 and CA3
M*Only when not listed in A1
RApplies only to CAO and
MOnly when not tested
in B1 or C1
MSee Note 4
RApplies only to RTI11—1997
Table (continued)
Test list 1
M only applies to RTO action and release values
Test list 2
M only applies to RTO action and release values
M Only applicable to CA1
test·Table 3
MOnly applicable to the action
and release value of RTO
MOnly applicable to CA1
R\Only applicable to RTI and CAOM\Only applicable to RTI and both
CAO When both
R\When Note 1 and (or) Note 3 are applicable
|M·Terminals not tested in the alternative AO and when Note 1, terminals tested and when Note 1 is applicable
When applicable
Clause in GB/T 10232
Group B2
Test items
Electrical life (D)
Applicable to all test items in this group I:S-3
AQI.+0. 4...1. 0...4
Group B3
Rapid temperature change (D)
Lead strength (D)
Internal moisture (ND)
Temperature rise (ND)
Solderability, test 1 (ND)
Residual magnetism (ND)
Applicable to all test items in this group IIL.S-3
AQI..0. 1..... 65.2. 5
Contact bonding (ND)
Table (continued)
Test--List 1
R Only applicable when both RTI and
M Only applicable to printed circuit
Board mounted relays
Test List 2
Test List 3
R" Only when Note 1 and Note 2 are applicableR Only when Note 1 and Note 2 are applicable
M Only applicable to RTI
M Only applicable to RT
M Only applicable to RTI
M Only applicable to RTI
R Only applicable to DC relays"R Only applicable to DC relaysR Only applicable to RTI and
R Only applicable to RT and
The IL. and AQI. given in the table are for guidance only. If these IL. and AQI. values are not used, the detailed specification may specify the following values in each group: 1. Number of relays under test.
2. Number of non-conforming products allowed.
The detailed specification shall indicate the test cycle in accordance with IEC255-10. Group C1
Applicable to all test items in this group IL.:S-2
AQI..0. 41.56.5
Electrical life (D)
R\Only not tested in B1
Tested and when Note 1 is applicable
ROnly not tested in B1
Tested and when Note 1 is applicable
GB/T Clauses in 10232
Group C2
Test items
Apply to all test items in this groupIL.S-3
AQI..0. 4-1. 0-.
Group C3
Dielectric test (ND)
Impulse voltage test (ND)
Insulation resistance (ND)
Contact resistance (ND)
Time test
Coil inductance and coil transient
Suppression (ND)
Apply to all test items in this groupIL:S-2
AQI..0. 4.--1.5.-..6. 5
C4 Group
Dimensional inspection (ND)
Weighing (ND)
Electrical contact noise (NI))
Applicable to all test items in this group1.S-2
AQ:..0. 4--1. 5.-.6. 5
C5 Group
Electrical life (I)
Mechanical life (D)
Applicable to all test items in this group..S-2
AQ..0. 4..-1. 0..4
Climate (D)
Steady state damp heat (D)
Corrosive atmosphere (D)
CB/T 14598.11--1997
Table 1 (continued)
Test schedule 1
Terminals not tested in MA0
R Applies only to sizes not checked in A2
Test schedule 2
Terminals not tested in MA0 and A4
R Applies only to CA2 and CA3
M Applies only to sizes not checked in B1 or C1 |tt||When tested
MSee Note 4
RApplies only to RT
Test schedule 3
MA0 and terminals not tested
M*Applies only to CA2 and CA3
M*Only when not listed in A1
RApplies only to CAO and
MOnly when not tested
in B1 or C1
MSee Note 4
RApplies only to RTI11—1997
Table (continued)
Test list 1
M only applies to RTO action and release values
Test list 2
M only applies to RTO action and release values
M Only applicable to CA1
test·Table 3
MOnly applicable to the action
and release value of RTO
MOnly applicable to CA1
R\Only applicable to RTI and CAOM\Only applicable to RTI and both
CAO When both
R\When Note 1 and (or) Note 3 are applicable
|M·Terminals not tested in the alternative AO and when Note 1, terminals tested and when Note 1 is applicable
When applicable
Clause in GB/T 10232
Group B2
Test items
Electrical life (D)
Applicable to all test items in this group I:S-3
AQI.+0. 4...1. 0...4
Group B3
Rapid temperature change (D)
Lead strength (D)
Internal moisture (ND)
Temperature rise (ND)
Solderability, test 1 (ND)
Residual magnetism (ND)
Applicable to all test items in this group IIL.S-3
AQI..0. 1..... 65.2. 5
Contact bonding (ND)
Table (continued)
Test--List 1
R Only applicable when both RTI and
M Only applicable to printed circuit
Board mounted relays
Test List 2
Test List 3
R" Only when Note 1 and Note 2 are applicableR Only when Note 1 and Note 2 are applicable
M Only applicable to RTI
M Only applicable to RT
M Only applicable to RTI
M Only applicable to RTI
R Only applicable to DC relays"R Only applicable to DC relaysR Only applicable to RTI and
R Only applicable to RT and
The IL. and AQI. given in the table are for guidance only. If these IL. and AQI. values are not used, the detailed specification may specify the following values in each group: 1. Number of relays under test.
2. Number of non-conforming products allowed.
The detailed specification shall indicate the test cycle in accordance with IEC255-10. Group C1
Applicable to all test items in this group IL.:S-2
AQI..0. 41.56.5
Electrical life (D)
R\Only not tested in B1
Tested and when Note 1 is applicable
ROnly not tested in B1
Tested and when Note 1 is applicable
GB/T Clauses in 10232
Group C2
Test items
Apply to all test items in this groupIL.S-3
AQI..0. 4-1. 0-.
Group C3
Dielectric test (ND)
Impulse voltage test (ND)
Insulation resistance (ND)
Contact resistance (ND)
Time test
Coil inductance and coil transient
Suppression (ND)
Apply to all test items in this groupIL:S-2
AQI..0. 4.--1.5.-..6. 5
C4 Group
Dimensional inspection (ND)
Weighing (ND)
Electrical contact noise (NI))
Applicable to all test items in this group1.S-2
AQ:..0. 4--1. 5.-.6. 5
C5 Group
Electrical life (I)
Mechanical life (D)
Applicable to all test items in this group..S-2
AQ..0. 4..-1. 0..4
Climate (D)
Steady state damp heat (D)
Corrosive atmosphere (D)
CB/T 14598.11--1997
Table 1 (continued)
Test schedule 1
Terminals not tested in MA0
R Applies only to sizes not checked in A2
Test schedule 2
Terminals not tested in MA0 and A4
R Applies only to CA2 and CA3
M Applies only to sizes not checked in B1 or C1 |tt||When tested
MSee Note 4
RApplies only to RT
Test schedule 3
MA0 and terminals not tested
M*Applies only to CA2 and CA3
M*Only when not listed in A1
RApplies only to CAO and
MOnly when not tested
in B1 or C1
MSee Note 4
RApplies only to RTI5
Electrical life (D)
R\Only when the test is not carried out in B1
and when Note 1 is applicable
ROnly when the test is not carried out in B1
and when Note 1 is applicable
Clause in GB/T 10232
Group C2
Test items
Apply to all test items in this groupIL.S-3
AQI..0. 4-1. 0-.
C3 Group
Dielectric test (ND)
Impulse voltage test (ND)
Insulation resistance (ND)
Contact resistance (ND)
Time test
Coil inductance and coil transient
Suppression (ND)
Applicable to all test items in this groupIL:S-2
AQI..0. 4.--1.5.-..6. 5
C4 Group
Dimensional inspection (ND)
Weighing (ND)
Electrical contact noise (NI))
Applicable to all test items in this group1.S-2
AQ:..0. 4--1. 5.-.6. 5
C5 group
Electrical life (I)
Mechanical life (D)
Applicable to all test items in this group..S-2
AQ..0. 4..-1. 0..4
Climate (D)
Steady state damp heat (D)
Corrosive atmosphere (D)
CB/T 14598.11--1997
Table 1 (continued)
Test schedule 1
Terminals not tested in MA0
R Applies only to sizes not checked in A2
Test schedule 2
Terminals not tested in MA0 and A4
R Applies only to CA2 and CA3
M Applies only to sizes not checked in B1 or C1 |tt||When tested
MSee Note 4
RApplies only to RT
Test schedule 3
MA0 and terminals not tested
M*Applies only to CA2 and CA3
M*Only when not listed in A1
RApplies only to CAO and
MOnly when not tested
in B1 or C1
MSee Note 4
RApplies only to RTI5
Electrical life (D)
R\Only when the test is not carried out in B1
and when Note 1 is applicable
ROnly when the test is not carried out in B1
and when Note 1 is applicable
Clause in GB/T 10232
Group C2
Test items
Apply to all test items in this groupIL.S-3
AQI..0. 4-1. 0-.
C3 Group
Dielectric test (ND)
Impulse voltage test (ND)
Insulation resistance (ND)
Contact resistance (ND)
Time test
Coil inductance and coil transient
Suppression (ND)
Applicable to all test items in this groupIL:S-2
AQI..0. 4.--1.5.-..6. 5
C4 Group
Dimensional inspection (ND)
Weighing (ND)
Electrical contact noise (NI))
Applicable to all test items in this group1.S-2
AQ:..0. 4--1. 5.-.6. 5
C5 group
Electrical life (I)
Mechanical life (D)
Applicable to all test items in this group..S-2
AQ..0. 4..-1. 0..4
Climate (D)
Steady state damp heat (D)
Corrosive atmosphere (D)
CB/T 14598.11--1997
Table 1 (continued)
Test schedule 1
Terminals not tested in MA0
R Applies only to sizes not checked in A2
Test schedule 2
Terminals not tested in MA0 and A4
R Applies only to CA2 and CA3
M Applies only to sizes not checked in B1 or C1 |tt||When tested
MSee Note 4
RApplies only to RT
Test schedule 3
MA0 and terminals not tested
M*Applies only to CA2 and CA3
M*Only when not listed in A1
RApplies only to CAO and
MOnly when not tested
in B1 or C1
MSee Note 4
RApplies only to RTI
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.