Some standard content:
Light Industry Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Industrial Hydrogenated Oil
Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage conditions of industrial hydrogenated oil.
This standard applies to industrial hydrogenated oil made from vegetable oil and animal oil through hydrogenation reactions to different degrees. 2
Referenced Standards
GB601 Preparation of Standard Solution for Titration Analysis (Volume Analysis) of Chemical Reagents GB9104.1 Test Method for Industrial Stearic Acid Determination of Iodine Value 3
Product Classification
Products are divided into three categories according to the degree of hydrogenation and use. 3.1 Extremely oxidized oil, suitable for stearic acid production, etc. According to the oil source, it is divided into ordinary oil extremely hydrogenated oil and lard extremely hydrogenated oil, each of which is divided into special grade and - grade.
3.2 Ordinary hydrogenated oil, suitable for soap production, etc., divided into ordinary oil, ordinary hydrogenated oil and lard ordinary hydrogenated oil according to the oil source. 3.3 Soft hydrogenated oil, can be used for food, etc. after treatment. 4 Technical requirements
The physical and chemical properties of various hydrogenated oils must comply with the provisions of Table 1. Table 1
Ordinary oil
Extremely hydrogenated oil
Ordinary oxidized oil
Soft hydrogenated
Special product
Special product
Ordinary oil
Note: 1) If the user has requirements for the acid value, he can negotiate with the manufacturer. Approved by China Light Industry General Association on October 24, 1995
Implemented on June 1, 1996
5 Test method
QB/T2152-- 95
Unless otherwise specified, the reagents used in the test should be analytically pure reagents, and the water used should be distilled water or water of equivalent purity. 5.1 Sample preparation
The sample must be melted and mixed before sampling and testing. 5.2 Determination of color
5.2.1 Principle
Visually compare the color of the sample with the iodine-potassium iodide standard solution, and take the number of milligrams of free iodine contained in 100mL of the iodine-potassium iodide standard solution as the iodine chromaticity to express the color of the sample.
5.2.2 Reagents
Iodine (GB675);
Potassium iodide (GB1272);
Sodium thiosulfate (GB637), c(Na2SO3)=0.1mol/L standard solution, prepared and labeled according to Article 4.6 of GB601 Soluble starch, 10g/L aqueous solution;
Bis-distilled water.
Colorimetric tubes, 25mL, 12 pieces, with frosted glass stoppers, each set of glass should match the same color; Colorimetric tube rack, the support plate is milky white glass, illuminated by fluorescent light below; Volumetric flask, 50ml, 100mL (brown); Pipette, 25ml, 50ml,
Brown stoppered burette, 50mL.
Preparation of iodine standard solution Preparation of iodine standard solution
Place iodine in a sulfuric acid dryer and dry for 48 hours. In a 100mL beaker, weigh 10g of dried iodine (weighed to 0.1g) and 11g of potassium iodide. Dissolve with a small amount of double distilled water and gradually transfer to a 1000mL volumetric flask, dilute to the scale, and mix. This is the calibration of solution A: Use a pipette to accurately transfer 25.0mL of sodium thiosulfate standard solution (5.2.2c) to a 250mL conical flask, add 2ml. starch solution, and quickly titrate with solution A until blue appears. Calculate the concentration (c^) of solution A according to formula (1). CA-
25c × 126. 9
Wherein: C--concentration of iodine solution A, mgI2/100ml. Concentration of sodium thiosulfate standard solution, mol/L; V. Volume of iodine solution A for titration, mL.;
126.9. Millimolecular mass of iodine atom, mg/mmol. (1)
According to the concentration of iodine solution A, use a burette to accurately transfer the calculated volume of iodine solution A to a 500mL volumetric flask, dilute to the mark with sub-distilled water, and prepare 100mgl2/100mL iodine solution, which is solution B. The volume VA of iodine solution A required to prepare 500ml of iodine solution B is calculated according to formula (2). 100×500
Wherein: VA---required volume of iodine solution A, mL; CA-
accurate concentration of iodine solution A, mglz/100ml. Preparation of a series of iodine standard colorimetric solutions (2)
In ten 50 ml bottles, use a burette to transfer the volume of iodine solution B shown in Table 2. Dilute with secondary distilled water to 511
-r KAONi KAca-
and mix well. Fill into colorimetric tubes to the scale line. QB/T2152—95
The prepared series of iodine standard colorimetric solutions should be placed in a dark place for use. The iodine standard colorimetric solution should be replaced every 30 days, and the iodine standard solution A should be replaced every 6 months. Table 2
Iodine chromaticity, mgl2/100mL
Volume of solution B, mL
Iodine chromaticity, mgl,/100mL
Volume of solution B, mL
5.2.5 Test procedure
Pour the sample melted into a transparent liquid (not exceeding 70°C) into a matching colorimetric tube and compare it with a series of iodine standard colorimetric tubes placed on a colorimetric tube rack. When comparing colors, face the white background illuminated by sunlight or fluorescent lamps, observe from top to bottom, select the iodine standard colorimetric solution closest to the color of the sample, and express the color of the sample with the iodine chromaticity expressed by its concentration (mgl2/100mL). If the color of the sample is between the two iodine standard colorimetric solutions, the iodine chromaticity of the darker iodine standard colorimetric solution shall be used for expression. 5.3 Determination of Melting Point
5.3.1 Principle
After the sample is heated and melted in the open capillary, the initial temperature that rises due to buoyancy is taken as the rising melting point. 5.3.2 Apparatus
Magnetic heating stirrer;
Tall beaker: 600mL;
Melting point thermometer (GB514), 30℃~100℃, minimum graduation value 0.2℃C Capillary: made of neutral hard glass, open at both ends, inner diameter of about 1mm, tube wall thickness of about 0.15mm, length of about 80mm; Melting point determination device is shown in Figure 1.
5.3.3 Installation
QB/T 2152--95
Figure 1 Melting point determination device
1--Thermometer, 2-Fixed clamp, 3-Capillary; 4-Beaker, 5--Stirring rod; 6-Magnetic heating stirrer In a tall beaker, add distilled water about three-quarters of its volume, fix the thermometer with a clamp and insert it into the half of the distilled water, put the electromagnetic stirring rod at the bottom of the beaker, and place the beaker on the magnetic heating stirrer (see Figure 1). 5.3.4 Test procedure
At the lowest possible temperature, melt the sample and suck it into the capillary with both ends open, so that the suction height reaches 10mm, cool it on ice for more than 1h (soft hydrogenated oil cools for more than 2h), and after solidification, tie the capillary containing the sample to the thermometer, immerse the thermometer in distilled water, and the upper end of the sample should be about 30mm below the liquid surface. Stir at a speed that does not generate eddy currents, and heat until the temperature rises to 10°C before the melting point. Adjust the heat source so that the temperature rises by about 0.5°C per minute until the sample melts in the capillary. The temperature at which the temperature begins to rise is the melting point of the sample. The arithmetic mean of the two parallel test results is taken as the melting point of the sample, expressed in degrees Celsius (°C). 5.3.5 Precision
The difference between the parallel test results and their arithmetic mean should not exceed 0.2°C. 5.4 Determination of iodine value
The iodine value of industrial hydrogenated oil shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of GB9104.1. 5.5 Determination of moisture
5.5.1 Principle
105°C oven drying weight loss method.
5.5.2 Instruments
Analytical balance, sensitivity 0.1mg;
Electric drying oven, temperature controllable at 105±1℃; b.
Weighing bottle, D60mm low type.
rKAoNi KAca-
5.5.3 Test procedure
QB/T 2152 95
Weigh 5g of sample in a D60mm low type weighing bottle that has been dried to constant weight, with an accuracy of 0.2mg. Then place it in an electric drying oven at 105±1℃, move it into a desiccator after 2h, cool it to room temperature, and weigh it. Repeat drying, cooling, and weighing to constant weight (i.e., the mass change is within 0.0005g).
5.5.4 Calculation of analytical results
The moisture mass percentage (X) is calculated according to formula (3). mo-my
In the formula: .---the mass of the sample before drying,.The mass of a sample after drying, g.
The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel tests is taken as the moisture content of the sample. 5.5.5 Precision
The difference between the parallel test results and their arithmetic mean should not exceed 0.01%. 5.6 Determination of acid value
5.6.1 Principle
Dissolve the sample in ethanol, use phenolic acid as an indicator, and titrate with potassium hydroxide standard solution to obtain the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide consumed to neutralize the acidity of 1g of the sample, which is the acid value of the sample. 5.6.2 Reagents
Potassium hydroxide (GB2306), 0.1mol/L standard solution, prepared and calibrated in accordance with the provisions of GB601; b. 95% ethanol (GB 679);
Phenolphthalein (GB10729), 10g/L95% ethanol solution. 5.6.3 Apparatus
Burette without stopper, 10mL;
Erlenmeyer flask, 150ml.
5.6.4 Test procedure
In an Erlenmeyer flask. Accurately weigh 3g of the sample, accurate to 0.2mg. Add 50ml of 95% ethanol, heat to dissolve the sample, add 2~~3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, and titrate with 0.1mol/L potassium hydroxide standard solution while hot until it turns slightly red. The end point is when it does not fade for at least 30s.
5.6.5 Calculation of test results
The acid value (AV) of the sample is expressed in milligrams of potassium hydroxide per gram (mgKOH/g) and is calculated according to formula (4). AV=cV×56.11
Wherein: c
Concentration of potassium hydroxide standard solution, mol/L; Volume of potassium hydroxide standard solution consumed in titrating the sample, mL Mass of the sample, g;
56.11----Millimolar mass of potassium hydroxide, mg/mmol. The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations shall be taken as the acid value of the sample. 5.6.6 Precision
The difference between the parallel test results and their arithmetic mean shall not exceed 0.05mgKOH/g. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 The product shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer according to the test methods specified in this standard for each indicator of the technical requirements and shall be issued a certificate of conformity before it can be shipped out of the factory.
QB/T 2152 -- 95
(Similar products produced under the same conditions and delivered at one time are called batches. The receiving unit shall accept the products delivered in batches according to 6.2 and accept them according to the samples of this standard based on the quality certificate.
6.3 Sampling
6.3.1 For tank trucks or canned products, each truck (can) is a sample unit; for barreled products, the sample size is determined according to Table 3 based on the batch (number of barrels), and barrel samples are randomly selected from the batch.
Batch, number of barrels
Sample size, number of barrels
Above 1200
6.3.2 After heating and melting the products in the tank truck (can) and the samples, use a loose mouth Insert the sampling tube into the bottom of the container, seal the upper opening and take out the full sample; or use a sampling drill (see Figure 2) to rotate the drill from the mouth of the barrel to the bottom of the barrel to take out the full solid sample. In this way, take out equal amounts of samples from each sample container, with a total amount of not less than 1kg, melt in a beaker, mix, and divide into three sample bottles and seal them. The two parties to the delivery each take one copy for inspection, and the third copy is kept by the delivery party for arbitration inspection with a shelf life of one month. 2
Figure 2 Sampling drill
6.4 The product inspection results are determined by the rounded value comparison method. If one item of the inspection result is unqualified, re-sampling can be carried out from the double amount of samples, and the unqualified item can be re-tested. If the re-test result is still unqualified, the batch of products is judged to be unqualified. If the two parties to the delivery are dissatisfied with the inspection results When a dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation, arbitration may be requested for inspection, and the arbitration inspection result shall be the final result. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
7.1 The quality certificate attached to each hydrogenated oil package should have the following marks. a. Product name, brand and type;
b. Net weight,
Production batch number and production date;
d. Manufacturer name.
7.2 The product is generally packaged in 200L iron barrels. If the receiving unit has special packaging requirements, it shall be negotiated by the supply and demand parties. The packaging is required to be leak-proof and clean, and there shall be no impurities inside and outside that may affect the product quality. When packaging, the barrel cover must be tightened and sealed, and the net weight of each barrel shall be allowed to have an error. Not more than 1kg. 7.3 Hydrogenated oil must be covered during transportation to avoid rain and water seepage, and fire sources must be isolated. Throwing during loading and unloading is strictly prohibited. 7.4 Hydrogenated oil should be stored in warehouses, and should be covered when stored in the open air to prevent direct sunlight or rain. Shelf life: From the date of leaving the factory, the shelf life of extremely hydrogenated oil and ordinary hydrogenated oil is 180 days, and that of soft hydrogenated oil is 90 days. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed by the Quality Standards Department of China Light Industry Federation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Surfactant Detergent Standardization Center. This standard was drafted by Shanghai Hardened Oil Factory and China Daily Chemical Industry Research Institute, and Dalian Oil Chemical Factory and Shenyang Oil Chemical Factory participated in the drafting.
The main drafters of this standard are Shen Shusheng, Wu Huchen, Zhu Chuanjia, Chen Minjie, Wang Zhongzhun, and Hou Jiren. From the date of implementation of this standard, the professional standards ZBY44001-87 "Industrial Hydrogenated Oil" and ZBY44002-87 "Industrial Hydrogenated Oil Test Method" issued by the former Ministry of Light Industry will be invalid.2 After heating and melting the products in the tank truck (tank) and the samples, insert the loose-mouth sampling tube into the bottom of the container, seal the upper mouth and take out the whole process sample; or use the sampling drill (see Figure 2) to rotate the drill from the mouth of the barrel sample to the bottom of the barrel to take out the whole process solid sample. In this way, take out equal amounts of samples from each sample container, with a total amount of not less than 1kg, melt in a beaker, mix, and divide into three sample bottles and seal. The delivery parties each take one copy for inspection, and the third copy is kept by the delivery party for arbitration inspection, with a storage period of one month. 2
Figure 2 Sampling drill
6.4 The product inspection results are determined by the rounded value comparison method. If one of the inspection results is unqualified, re-sampling can be carried out from the doubled amount of samples, and the unqualified items can be re-inspected. If the re-inspection result is still unqualified, the batch of products is judged to be unqualified. If the delivery parties have disputes over the inspection results and cannot resolve them through negotiation, they can request arbitration inspection, and the arbitration inspection results are the final results. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
7.1 The quality certificate attached to each hydrogenated oil package should have the following markings. a. Product name, brand and type;
b. Net weight,
Production batch number and production date;
d. Manufacturer name.
7.2 The product is generally packaged in 200L iron drums. If the consignee has special packaging requirements, the supply and demand parties shall negotiate. The packaging must be leak-proof and clean, and there must be no impurities inside and outside that affect the product quality. When packaging, the barrel cover must be tightened and sealed, and the allowable error of the net weight of each barrel shall not exceed 1kg. 7.3 Hydrogenated oil must be covered during transportation to avoid rain and water seepage, and isolate fire sources. Throwing is strictly prohibited during loading and unloading. 7.4 Hydrogenated oil should be stored in warehouses. Outdoor storage should be covered to prevent direct sunlight or rain. Shelf life: From the date of leaving the factory, the shelf life of extremely hydrogenated oil and ordinary hydrogenated oil is 180 days, and that of soft hydrogenated oil is 90 days. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed by the Quality Standards Department of China Light Industry Association. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Surfactant Detergent Standardization Center. This standard was drafted by Shanghai Hardened Oil Factory and China Daily Chemical Industry Research Institute, and Dalian Oil Chemical Factory and Shenyang Oil Chemical Factory participated in the drafting.
The main drafters of this standard are Shen Shusheng, Wu Huchen, Zhu Chuanjia, Chen Minjie, Wang Zhongzhun, and Hou Jiren. From the date of implementation of this standard, the professional standards ZBY44001-87 "Industrial Hydrogenated Oil" and ZBY44002-87 "Industrial Hydrogenated Oil Test Method" issued by the former Ministry of Light Industry will be invalid. 5162 After heating and melting the products in the tank truck (tank) and the samples, insert the loose-mouth sampling tube into the bottom of the container, seal the upper mouth and take out the whole process sample; or use the sampling drill (see Figure 2) to rotate the drill from the mouth of the barrel sample to the bottom of the barrel to take out the whole process solid sample. In this way, take out equal amounts of samples from each sample container, with a total amount of not less than 1kg, melt in a beaker, mix, and divide into three sample bottles and seal. The delivery parties each take one copy for inspection, and the third copy is kept by the delivery party for arbitration inspection, with a storage period of one month. 2
Figure 2 Sampling drill
6.4 The product inspection results are determined by the rounded value comparison method. If one of the inspection results is unqualified, re-sampling can be carried out from the doubled amount of samples, and the unqualified items can be re-inspected. If the re-inspection result is still unqualified, the batch of products is judged to be unqualified. If the delivery parties have disputes over the inspection results and cannot resolve them through negotiation, they can request arbitration inspection, and the arbitration inspection results are the final results. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
7.1 The quality certificate attached to each hydrogenated oil package should have the following markings. a. Product name, brand and type;
b. Net weight,
Production batch number and production date;
d. Manufacturer name.
7.2 The product is generally packaged in 200L iron drums. If the consignee has special packaging requirements, the supply and demand parties shall negotiate. The packaging must be leak-proof and clean, and there must be no impurities inside and outside that affect the product quality. When packaging, the barrel cover must be tightened and sealed, and the allowable error of the net weight of each barrel shall not exceed 1kg. 7.3 Hydrogenated oil must be covered during transportation to avoid rain and water seepage, and isolate fire sources. Throwing is strictly prohibited during loading and unloading. 7.4 Hydrogenated oil should be stored in warehouses. Outdoor storage should be covered to prevent direct sunlight or rain. Shelf life: From the date of leaving the factory, the shelf life of extremely hydrogenated oil and ordinary hydrogenated oil is 180 days, and that of soft hydrogenated oil is 90 days. Additional notes:
This standard is proposed by the Quality Standards Department of China Light Industry Association. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Surfactant Detergent Standardization Center. This standard was drafted by Shanghai Hardened Oil Factory and China Daily Chemical Industry Research Institute, and Dalian Oil Chemical Factory and Shenyang Oil Chemical Factory participated in the drafting.
The main drafters of this standard are Shen Shusheng, Wu Huchen, Zhu Chuanjia, Chen Minjie, Wang Zhongzhun, and Hou Jiren. From the date of implementation of this standard, the professional standards ZBY44001-87 "Industrial Hydrogenated Oil" and ZBY44002-87 "Industrial Hydrogenated Oil Test Method" issued by the former Ministry of Light Industry will be invalid. 516
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