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Terms of international trade facilitation

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39458-2020

Standard Name:Terms of international trade facilitation

Chinese Name: 国际贸易便利化术语

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-11-19

Date of Implementation:2021-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment>>Information technology applications>>35.240.60 Information technology in transportation and trade

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Economy, Culture>>A10 Business, Trade, Contract

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:2020-11-01

other information

drafter:Zhang Yinfen, Du Jia, Zhang Zhi, Yao Xin, Lan Bin, Wang Xiang, Lin Zhong, Luo Weiqiang, Fang Zhijian, Zhou Jinping, Pan Yao, Ma Kepeng, Zhao Min, Hu Wei, Zhang Yong, Tian Shuku, Xie Yan, Wei Min, Yu Junyang, Wu Caixia, Zhu Peiwu

Drafting unit:China National Institute of Standardization, Shenzhen Zhongxin E-commerce Transaction Security Promotion Center, Yiwu Hexuan Import and Export Co., Ltd., Trade Promotion Technology (Xiamen) Co., Ltd., Dongguan Science and Technology Consulting Service Center, Guangdong Boluo County Quality and Technical Supervision Inspection Institute, National Customs Information Center, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Commercial Industry Committee, National Port Management Office, etc.

Focal point unit:National Electronic Business Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 83)

Proposing unit:National Electronic Business Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 83)

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation and National Standardization Administration Committee

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39458-2020.Terms of international trade facilitation.
GB/T 39458 defines the Chinese names, English names and definitions of commonly used terms for international trade facilitation.
GB/T 39458 is applicable to the unification of concepts in the process of international trade facilitation.
Note: This standard mainly refers to the "Trade Facilitation Terminology" (3rd Edition) released by the United Nations Center for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business in 2019.
2 Terms
Acceptance credit
A letter of credit that stipulates payment by a usance draft.
Note: As long as the documents presented under the letter of credit are consistent with the letter of credit, the issuing bank guarantees the acceptance and payment of the bill of exchange. The advantage of an acceptance letter of credit is that even if the applicant (buyer) delays payment obligations until the bill of exchange expires, the beneficiary (seller) can be reimbursed immediately by discounting the bill of exchange.
Acknowledgement of order
A document that promises to fulfill the order responsibilities and confirms or accepts the agreed terms.
The addressee of an electronic communication
The party intending to receive the electronic communication, but does not include the party acting as an intermediary in the electronic communication.
Ad valorem duties and taxes
Duties and taxes calculated on a basic value basis.
advance against document
Use the ownership certificate of the shipped goods as collateral to obtain a loan or advance payment.
Advance ruling
A written decision provided by the national administrative agency to the applicant before applying for the import of goods, which stipulates that the administrative agency shall provide the goods with treatment.
advise of distribution of documents
The party responsible for issuing a complete set of trade documents will list the original and duplicate documents issued to each recipient, including The number of copies to be distributed was also specified for each party.
Charter transportation affreightment ; freightment
The shipping company provides the cargo space of a certain ship to an exporter or importer at an agreed time and at an agreed freight rate protocol.
Note: Even if the shipment is subsequently failed to be delivered, the latter will still be responsible for payment (or contract for the transportation of goods by sea at the remuneration determined under the charter party or bill of lading).
This standard defines the Chinese names, English names and definitions of commonly used terms for international trade facilitation. This standard applies to the unification of concepts in the process of international trade facilitation. Note: This standard mainly refers to the "Trade Facilitation Terminology" (3rd Edition) released by the United Nations Center for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business in 2019.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Terms of international trade facilitation
Terms of international trade facilitation2020-11-19Issued
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
Implementation on 2021-06-01
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electronic Business (SAC/TC83). GB/T39458—2020
The drafting units of this standard are: China National Institute of Standardization, Shenzhen Zhongxin Shenzi Business Transaction Guarantee Promotion Center, Yiwu Hexuan Import and Export Co., Ltd., Trade Promotion Technology (Xiamen) Co., Ltd., Dongguan Science and Technology Consulting Service Center, Guangdong Boluo County Quality and Technical Supervision Inspection Institute, National Customs Information Center, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Business Industry Committee, National Ports Administration Office, China Shenzi Port Data Center, Beijing Zhongbiao Zongheng Standard Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Inspection and Quarantine Science and Technology, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, China University of Metrology.
The main drafters of this standard are: Zhang Yinfen, Du Jia, Zhang Zhi, Yao Xin, Lan Bin, Wang Xiang, Lin Zhong, Luo Weiqiang, Fang Zhijian, Zhou Jinping, Pan Yao, Ma Kepeng, Zhao Min, Hu Wei, Zhang Yong, Tian Shuku, Xie Yan, Wei Min, Yu Junyang, Wu Caixia, and Zhu Peiwu. 1 Scope
Terms of international trade facilitation
This standard defines the Chinese names, English names and definitions of commonly used terms in international trade facilitation. This standard applies to the unification of concepts in the process of international trade facilitation. GB/T39458—2020
Note: This standard mainly refers to the "Terms of Trade Facilitation" (3rd Edition) issued by the United Nations Trade Facilitation and Subsidiary Business Center in 2019. 2 Terms
acceptance credit
Acceptance credit
A letter of credit that stipulates payment by time bill. Note: As long as the documents presented under the letter of credit are consistent with the letter of credit, the issuing bank guarantees to accept and pay the bill. The advantage of an acceptance letter of credit is that even if the applicant (buyer) delays the payment obligation until the bill matures, the beneficiary (seller) can be reimbursed immediately through the discounted bill. 2.2
acknowledgement of order
a document that commits to fulfill the obligations of an order and confirms or accepts the agreed terms. 2.3
addressee of an electronic communicationThe party who intends to receive the electronic communication, but does not include the party who acts as an intermediary for the electronic communication. 2.4
ad-valorem duties and taxes
ad-valorem duties
duties and taxes calculated on the basis of basic value. 2.5
fadvance against document
advance against document
loan or advance payment secured by the document of title to the shipped goods. 2.6
advance ruling
advance ruling
a written decision provided by a state administrative agency to an applicant before applying for the importation of goods, which stipulates the treatment to be provided to the goods by the administrative agency when they are imported.
A document in which the party responsible for issuing a full set of trade documents lists the originals and copies of the documents to be issued to each recipient, and specifies the number of copies to be distributed to each party.
An agreement by a shipping company to make available cargo space on a vessel to an exporter or importer at an agreed time and at an agreed freight rate. Note: The latter is liable for payment even if delivery for shipment is subsequently not made (or to contract for the carriage of goods by sea for a fee determined under the charter party or bill of lading). 1
A contract between the shipper and the airline setting out the terms and conditions of carriage (IATA). Note: The airway bill (AWB) or air consignment note is a document issued by an airline for the goods and evidence of the contract of carriage, but it is not a document of title to the goods. Therefore, the airway bill is not negotiable.
Aircraft general declarationaircraftgeneraldeclarationA declaration in accordance with Annex 9 of the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation, 1994. Note: The aircraft general declaration is the basic document for arrival and departure, providing information about the aircraft itself and comprehensive information about the voyage, crew, passengers and health.
Any place with permanent facilities for loading or unloading cargo for air transport. 2.12
Application for certificate of origin
Application for certificate of originA document submitted by the relevant parties to the competent authority for the issuance of a certificate of origin in accordance with relevant standards and based on evidence of the origin of the goods.
Application for Exchange QuotaapplicationforexchangeallocationA document in which an importer/buyer applies to a competent authority for a sum of foreign exchange to be given to an exporter/seller to pay for goods. 2.14
Application for Inspection Certificate
applicationforinspectioncertificateA document submitted by an applicant to a competent authority in accordance with national or international standards, or the laws of the country where the inspection certificate is to be issued, or in accordance with the provisions of the contract.
Application for Phytosanitary Certificate
applicationforphytosanitarycertificateA document submitted by an applicant to a competent authority in case a phytosanitary certificate is required. 2.16
arrival notice
arrival notice (of goods)
arrival notice
An international shipping document issued by an ocean carrier or ocean agent to the consignee/recipient (and the notified party) of international cargo to inform the consignee/recipient (and the notified party) of the arrival of international ocean cargo.
Note: The arrival notice provides transportation details, transportation costs and the documents required by the consignee to arrange customs clearance and arrange the collection and delivery of international cargo. A notice issued by the carrier to the consignee in writing, by telephone or other means (express delivery, message, declaration, etc.) to inform the consignee that a batch of goods designated for delivery to him is being or will be handed over to him as soon as possible at the designated place of destination (GIT). 2.17
assessment of duties and taxes to determine the amount of duties and taxes payable.
ATA Carnet
Issued under the terms of the ATA Convention (1961), and combined with an internationally valid guarantee, it can replace domestic customs documents and serve as a guarantee for import duties and taxes. It is used to guarantee the temporary importation of goods and, where applicable, the transit of goods (usually related to exhibitions or similar matters).
Note: If the temporary export and re-import of goods are subject to supervision, the international guarantee is not applicable. ATA Convention ATA Convention
General expression of the Customs Convention on ATA Carnets for the Temporary Admission of Goods (ATA Convention) approved by the Brussels Customs Cooperation Council in 1961.
Audit-based control
Measures taken by Customs to confirm the accuracy and authenticity of declarations by reviewing relevant books, records, business systems and business data held by relevant personnel.
Authorization authority
A person or organization with political or administrative power and control over international trade and trade documents. 2.22
Authorized economic operator; AEO participates in the international transportation of goods and is approved by domestic customs authorities as a party that complies with the World Customs Organization or equivalent supply chain security standards. Note: AEOs may include manufacturers, importers, exporters, brokers, carriers, aggregators, middlemen, ports, airports, terminal operators, integrated operators, warehouses, distributors and freight forwarders. AEO operates within the WCOSAFE standard framework. 2.23
average adjuster
A person who conducts general average survey and apportionment on behalf of the shipowner. 2.24 | | tt | A written unconditional payment order for a person to pay a specified amount.
Bill of lading billoflading;B/L
proves a maritime transport contract, the goods have been taken over or shipped by the carrier, and the carrier guarantees delivery in accordance with the bill. Documents. Note 1: The provision in the document that the goods will be delivered to the designated consignee as directed, or as directed, or to the holder of the bill of lading, constitutes this guarantee (United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea).
Note 2: In some countries (such as Canada and the United States), the word "bill of lading" is used to mean "negotiable bill of lading". 2.26
Debt guarantee.
Note: In customs terminology, bonded refers to the departmental guarantee established by traders to use specific customs facilitation procedures (such as transit procedures, bonded warehouses, processing, etc.) to suspend the payment of duties or taxes.
Bonded goods
Goods whose duties and taxes have not yet been settled and cannot be sold freely in the economy. Note: A deed is almost always established to secure unpaid duties and taxes. 2.28
A warehouse approved by customs to store unpaid duties and taxes. 3 | | tt | | GB/T39458—2020 | | tt | | 2.29 | 2.30
A document issued by the supplier to apply to the carrier to reserve space for a specific consignment (including flight frequency, delivery time, etc.) 2.31||tt ||Border trade bordertrade
Goods produced within a limited distance of national borders are an international trade conducted to meet local needs for goods and services. Note: Border trade is usually conducted on the basis of international trade and payment benefits agreements. GATT 1994 (Article 24(3a)) allows WTO member countries to establish a special preferential customs regime for border trade affecting residents of areas near the border. 2.32
Buyer's credit
A financing provided directly by banks, financial institutions or credit institutions of the exporting country to foreign buyers or banks of the importing country to pay for goods and services purchased from the exporting country. arrange.
Note: The buyer’s credit is sufficient to repay up to 80% to 85% of the contract price and is additionally guaranteed by banks and insurance. 2.33
buying agent
An agent who purchases goods on behalf of foreign importers (such as government agencies and large private enterprises) in their own country. 2.34
Domestic air freight (air) cargo is borne by domestic flights and is not subject to fixed rates under international agreements. 2.35
cargo declaration cargodeclaration
A document that provides relevant details of the goods carried by a commercial means of transportation to the customs. 2.36
Cargo manifest
A cargo list compiled from the goods loaded in a certain means of transport or transport equipment. Note: The cargo manifest lists the business characteristics of the goods, such as transport document number, consignor, consignee, shipping mark and piece number, number of pieces and packaging type and SIG
2.37||tt| |The name and quantity of goods can be used in place of the goods declaration form. Carrier (road transport) Carrier (road transport) Any natural or legal person registered in one or more countries and engaged in the international road transport of goods or passengers in accordance with current national or international regulations.
cashagainstdocument; payment method in which CAD pays cash and then transfers the property title document to the buyer. 2.39 | | tt | The transaction method of paying the full price of the goods immediately by cash or certified check 4
border tradebordertrade
International trade in goods produced within a limited distance of a national border to meet local needs for goods and services. Note: Border trade is usually conducted on the basis of international trade and payment benefits agreements. The GATT 1994 (Article 24, paragraph 3a) allows WTO members to establish a special preferential customs system for border trade affecting residents of areas near borders. 2.32
buyer's creditbuyer's credit
A financing arrangement provided directly by a bank, financial institution or exporting country credit agency to a foreign buyer or a bank in the importing country to pay for goods and services purchased from the exporting country.
Note: Buyer's credit is sufficient to pay up to 80% to 85% of the contract price and is accompanied by bank and insurance guarantees. 2.33
buyer's agentbuyingagent
An agent who purchases goods in his own country on behalf of foreign importers (such as government agencies and large private enterprises). 2.34
domestic cabotage (air) cargo carried by domestic flights and not subject to internationally agreed fixed rates. 2.35
cargo declaration
a document providing the customs with the relevant details of the cargo carried by commercial means of transport. 2.36
cargo manifest
a list of goods compiled from the goods loaded on a certain means of transport or transport equipment. Note: A cargo manifest lists items of commercial characteristics of the goods, such as transport document number, consignor, consignee, transport mark and piece number, number of pieces and type of packaging and SIG
name and quantity of goods, and can be used instead of cargo declaration. Carrier (road transport) carrier (road transport) any natural or legal person registered in one or more countries and engaged in international road transport of goods or passengers in accordance with current national or international regulations.
Cash against document;CADPayment method in which the title document is handed over to the buyer after cash payment. 2.39
Cash advance;CIAPayment method in which the full amount of the goods is paid before the goods are shipped2.40
Cash on delivery;COD
Cash on delivery
The transaction method in which the buyer pays the full amount of the goods in cash or certified check immediately after receiving the goods4
Border trade bordertrade
An international trade of goods produced within a limited distance of a country's border to meet local demand for goods and services. Note: Border trade is usually conducted on the basis of international trade and payment benefits agreements. GATT 1994 (Article 24(3a)) allows WTO member countries to establish a special preferential customs regime for border trade affecting residents of areas near the border. 2.32
Buyer's credit
A financing provided directly by banks, financial institutions or credit institutions of the exporting country to foreign buyers or banks of the importing country to pay for goods and services purchased from the exporting country. arrange.
Note: The buyer’s credit is sufficient to repay up to 80% to 85% of the contract price and is additionally guaranteed by banks and insurance. 2.33
buying agent
An agent who purchases goods on behalf of foreign importers (such as government agencies and large private enterprises) in their own country. 2.34
Domestic air freight (air) cargo is borne by domestic flights and is not subject to fixed rates under international agreements. 2.35
cargo declaration cargodeclaration
A document that provides relevant details of the goods carried by a commercial means of transportation to the customs. 2.36
Cargo manifest
A cargo list compiled from the goods loaded in a certain means of transport or transport equipment. Note: The cargo manifest lists the business characteristics of the goods, such as transport document number, consignor, consignee, shipping mark and piece number, number of pieces and packaging type and SIG
2.37||tt| |The name and quantity of goods can be used in place of the goods declaration form. Carrier (road transport) Carrier (road transport) Any natural or legal person registered in one or more countries and engaged in the international road transport of goods or passengers in accordance with current national or international regulations.
cashagainstdocument; payment method in which CAD pays cash and then transfers the property title document to the buyer. 2.39 | | tt | The transaction method of paying the full price of the goods immediately by cash or certified check 4
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