title>JB/T 7696.3-1995 Thermometers for construction machinery - JB/T 7696.3-1995 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 7696.3-1995 Thermometers for construction machinery

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7696.3-1995

Standard Name: Thermometers for construction machinery

Chinese Name: 工程机械用温度表

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1995-06-20

Date of Implementation:1996-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Construction Machinery and Equipment>>P97 Construction Machinery for Building Engineering

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces JB/ZQ 3882-1986

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1996-01-01

other information

drafter:Zhuo Liwei, Yang Chengshan

Drafting unit:Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry and Shanghai Oriental Instrument Factory

Focal point unit:Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute, Ministry of Machinery Industry

Proposing unit:Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute, Ministry of Machinery Industry

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, etc. for thermometers used in construction machinery. This standard applies to thermometers that indicate the temperature of cooling water, lubricating oil or other parts of the engine of construction machinery. Other motor vehicle thermometers can also refer to this standard. JB/T 7696.3-1995 Thermometers for Construction Machinery JB/T7696.3-1995 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Instruments for Engineering Machinery
Published on 1995-06-20
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on 1996-01-01
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Thermometers for Engineering Machinery
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, etc. for overflow meters for engineering machinery. JB T 7696.3--95
This standard applies to thermometers that indicate the temperature of cooling water, lubricating oil or other parts of engineering machinery engines. Other motor vehicle thermometers can also be implemented as a reference.
2 Reference standards
3 Structural types and categories
Counting sampling procedures and sampling tables for batch inspection (applicable to inspection of continuous batches) Pressure gauges for engineering machinery
Basic technical conditions for automotive electrical equipment
The temperature gauge consists of an indicator and a sensor. Its structural type and types are shown in Table 1. Table 1
Electrical type||tt ||Mechanical type
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Basic parameters
Electromagnetic type
Bimetallic type
Elastomer typewwW.bzxz.Net
Diaphragm type
Thermistor type
Low boiling point liquid
Low boiling point liquid
Thermometers shall comply with the requirements of this standard and shall be manufactured according to the drawings and design documents approved by the prescribed procedures. 4.2 Units and divisions
The measurement unit of the thermometer is expressed in degrees Celsius (C), and in principle there shall be no less than two divisions: lower limit value-intermediate value-upper limit value. L can also be used to represent the lower limit temperature value and H to represent the upper limit temperature value. 4.3 Standard environment
Relative humidity
4.4 Working environment temperature
The working environment temperature of the thermometer is shown in Table 2.
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on June 20, 1995
Implemented on January 1, 1996
4.5 Appearance
JB/T 7696.395
Effective temperature
The protective layer should be uniform, without obvious defects such as bubbles, spots, rust and shedding. 4.5.1
4.5.2 Glass and other transparent materials should not have scratches and refraction that affect accurate readings. 4.5.3 The graduation lines, symbols, numbers and other signs on the dial must be clear and complete. 4.5.4 The exposed part of the thermometer indicator should not have a strong glaring luster. Working temperature
4.5.5 When the electrical thermometer is not working, the pointer of its indicator should be below the zero graduation line and can touch the zero graduation line: when the mechanical thermometer is not working, its pointer should stop at the stopper or indicate the corresponding ambient temperature. 4.6 Paint layer and plating
4.6.1 In addition to complying with the provisions of Article 4.5.1 of this standard, the paint layer should have a bright surface color, be firmly bonded to the surface of the covering, and should not shrink or peel after being subjected to the temperature resistance test. 4.6.2 The electroplating layer and chemical treatment layer shall comply with the relevant provisions of ZBT35001. 4.7 Performance
4.7.1 Compatibility
The electrical thermometer indicator shall be used in conjunction with the thermometer sensor designed to match it, and the manufacturer shall ensure its interchangeability. 4.7.2 Movable part movement state
When the medium temperature balance of the thermometer sensor changes, the pointer movement of the thermometer indicator shall be smooth, and there shall be no obvious jumping or jamming.
4.7.3 Basic error
The basic error of the thermometer shall not exceed the following provisions: a. The basic error of the upper and middle temperature values ​​of the electrical thermometer scale is the difference between the upper and lower temperature values ​​of the soil 10%: b. The basic error of the upper and middle temperature values ​​of the mechanical thermometer scale is the difference between the upper and lower temperature values ​​of the soil 4%. 4.7.4 Pointer response time
For an electrical thermometer, when the medium temperature of the sensor changes suddenly from 75°C to the temperature of the upper limit temperature of the indicator, the pointer of the thermometer indicator should indicate more than 90% of the upper limit temperature of the scale within 2tmin. 4.7.5 Heating and cooling
The sensor of an electrical thermometer should be able to withstand the heating and cooling test of a sudden change of the medium temperature from 100°C to 23±5°C. After the test, the thermometer should comply with the provisions of Articles 4.7.3 and 4.7.4 of this standard. 4.7.6 Overheating
The sensor of an electrical thermometer should be able to withstand an overheating test of 1.2 times the upper limit temperature of the scale: a mechanical thermometer should be able to withstand an overheating test of 1.03 times the upper limit temperature of the scale. After the test, all overflow meters shall comply with the provisions of 4.7.3 and 4.7.4 of this standard. 4.7.7 Voltage Withstand
The indicator of an electrical thermometer shall be able to withstand a voltage of 50Hz, an actual sinusoidal waveform of 550V, and a test lasting 1 minute, and its insulation shall not be broken down. In large-scale continuous production, a test of 660V voltage and a test lasting 1 second may be used instead. 4.7.8 Temperature Impact Resistance
When a thermometer is subjected to a temperature impact test according to the working environment temperature range, the absolute value of the change in its indicated value caused by this test shall not exceed the following provisions:
For an electrical thermometer, it is 5% of the difference between the upper and lower temperature limits of the scale; JB/T 7696.395
b For a mechanical thermometer, it is 4% of the difference between the upper and lower temperature limits of the scale. 4.7.9 Resistance to humidity and heat
The thermometer shall be able to withstand the alternating humidity and heat test with a high temperature of 40℃ and a cycle of 6 days. After the test, it shall comply with the provisions of Articles 4.7.2 and 4.7.3 of this standard.
4.7.10 Voltage influence
When the electrical thermometer is subjected to voltage test according to the voltage fluctuation range specified in Table 3, the absolute value of the change in the indicated value shall not exceed 5% of the temperature difference between the upper and lower limits of the scale.
Nominal voltage
Perturbation resistance
Test voltage
Voltage fluctuation range
The thermometer shall be able to withstand the rated and swept vibration test in the three directions of up and down, left and right, and front and back. The test specifications shall comply with the provisions of Tables 4, 5 and 6.
First, measure the resonance point according to the provisions of Table 4.
Source frequency
4.7. 11.2
Complete cycle
Concurrent dynamic acceleration
If there is no resonance point, carry out vibration endurance test according to the provisions of Table 5. Table 5
Dynamic frequency
Reported dynamic acceleration
Test time h
Full amplitude
0.4 or less When there is a resonance point, a vibration test of 1 h up and down, 0.5 h left and right, and 0.5 h front and back should be carried out according to the resonance point and the full amplitude shown in Figure 1, and then the test specified in Table 6 should be carried out.
Reporting period rate
16. 7 33, 3 66. 7 166. 7 333. 4 666. 8 New vibration Hs
Actuating acceleration
Test time h
After the vibration test, the parts of the thermometer shall not be loose or damaged, and the relative value of the change of the indicated value shall not exceed 7% of the difference between the upper and lower temperature limits of the scale, and shall comply with the provisions of Article 4.7.2 of this standard. 4.7.12 Durability
The overflow meter shall be able to withstand 3000 cycles of temperature rise and fall tests. After the test, the change of the indicated value shall not exceed 7% of the difference between the upper and lower temperature limits of the scale, and shall comply with the provisions of Article 4.7.2 of this standard. 4.7.13 Dustproof performance
After the dustproof test, the thermometer should not have dust that affects the reading, and should comply with the provisions of Articles 4.7.2 and 4.7.3 of this standard. 4.7.14 Water adhesion performance
After the water spray test, the inner surface of the glass of the thermometer should not be water-permeable, and should comply with the provisions of Articles 4.7.3 and 4.7.7 of this standard. 5 Test method
5.1 Appearance inspection
During the appearance inspection, the visual inspection method should be used under a uniform illumination of 3001x and an eye distance of 500mm. 5.2 Inspection of paint and coating
5.2.1 The appearance quality of the coating is inspected by visual inspection. 5.2.2 The adhesion of the paint layer should be tested on the fully dried paint layer surface by the grid method, that is, use a No. 11 or No. 12 medical surgical blade to make four vertical and horizontal lines, with a spacing of 1mm between each line, to form 9 squares, and observe whether the paint layer in the squares has delamination. 5.2.3 The temperature effect performance of the paint layer should be tested after the temperature effect test. 5.2.4 The alternating wet heat performance of the speed layer should be tested after the alternating mixed heat test. 5.2.5 The quality of the electroplating layer and the chemical treatment layer should be tested according to the method specified in Article 4.12 of ZBT35001. 5.3 Performance test
5.3.1 Test conditions
JB/T 7696.395 When testing the indication value of the thermometer, it should be carried out under the standard environment specified in Article 4.3 of this standard. The installation position of the thermometer on the test bench should be the same as the actual installation position in the vehicle model used. The indicator of the thermometer shall be tested together with the matched designed sensor. The ripple voltage of the DC regulated power supply for the test shall not be greater than 10mV. The power supply voltage during the test shall comply with the provisions of Table 7. The accuracy of the thermometer shall not be less than Class 0.5.
Nominal voltage
Test voltage The accuracy of the standard thermometer shall not be less than ±0.5℃, and its graduation value shall not be greater than 0.5℃. The durability test voltage
28.0±1.0 Except for the test of changing the indicated value reading and the vibration test, all other test items of the thermometer are in the non-working state. 5.3.2 Basic error test
The test is carried out by comparing with the standard meter at the middle temperature value and the upper temperature value of the thermometer scale. During the test, the medium temperature should rise and then fall evenly and balancedly. Before reading the indicated value, it should be kept at the scale line to be tested for no less than 2 minutes. For mechanical thermometers, the position of the thermometer indicator should be higher than the position of the thermometer sensor during the test. Article 4.7.2 of this standard should be checked in this test. 5.3.3 Pointer response time test
First, put the electrical thermometer sensor into a 75℃ medium liquid tank for preheating. When the indication is stable, take it out and put it into the medium liquid with a temperature of the upper limit temperature value of the indicator. When the thermometer pointer indicates 90% of the upper limit value of the scale, measure the time of the pointer response.
5.3.4 Heating and rapid cooling test
First, put the electrical thermometer sensor into a 100℃ medium liquid tank for 5 minutes, then take it out and directly put it into 23±5℃ water for cooling for 5 minutes. Repeat the operation three times; then check the motion state and indicated value of its movable part according to the method specified in Article 5.3.2 of this standard. 5.3.5 Overheat test
For electrical thermometers, the sensor should be placed in a medium tank with a temperature of 1.5 times the upper temperature value of the indicator scale for 5 minutes; for mechanical thermometers, the sensor should be placed in a medium tank with a temperature of 1.03 times the upper temperature value of the indicator scale for 30 minutes.
After taking it out, it should be naturally cooled to the ambient temperature specified in Article 4.3 of this standard, and then the movement state and indication value of its movable parts should be checked according to the method specified in Article 5.3.2 of this standard.
5.3.6 Withstand voltage test
The withstand voltage test of the thermometer shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 5.3.7 Temperature influence test
This test is only carried out at the middle temperature value of the scale when the overflow rises, and its method shall be in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 5.3.8 Alternating damp heat test
This test is carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 5.3.9 Voltage influence test
The test is only carried out at the middle temperature value of the scale when the temperature rises, and the method is in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 5.3.10 Vibration test
The temperature gauge indicator and the temperature gauge sensor are fixed on the vibration test bench in the positive working position, and the sweep frequency, fixed frequency and vibration tests are carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 4.7.11 of this standard. The vibration test of the temperature gauge indicator should be carried out at the middle temperature value of the scale, and the alarm test of the temperature gauge sensor should be carried out in the non-working state. 19
After the test, the temperature gauge is placed in the standard environment for 4 hours, and then its performance is checked in accordance with the method specified in Article 5.3.2 of this standard. 5.3.11 Durability test
The temperature gauge should be installed in the normal working position on the vehicle model, engine or test bench for testing. The temperature gauge sensor is subjected to a 5-6 minute cycle temperature change (temperature rise and fall times as one cycle). Each cycle makes the indicator value rise from the lower limit temperature of the scale to 80% of the upper limit temperature value, and then return to the lower limit temperature. This is carried out 120 times in total. After the test, the temperature gauge is checked for its performance according to the method specified in Article 5.3.2 of this standard. 5.3.12 Dustproof test
The dustproof test of the temperature gauge is carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 5.3.13 Water resistance test
The water resistance test of the temperature gauge is carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Factory inspection
6.1.1 The thermometer shall be inspected and qualified by the inspection department of the manufacturer before it can be shipped. The inspection items include 4.5, 4.7.2, 4.7.3, 4.7.4, 4.7.5 and 4.7.6.
6.1.2 Factory inspection shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB2828, and adopt a normal inspection one-time sampling plan. The general inspection level is 1. Under normal circumstances, the inspection batch is 91~150. The qualified quality level shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Table 8 or by negotiation between the supply and demand parties. Table 8
Inspection items
Moving state of moving parts
Basic error
Overheating performance
Voltage performance
Pointer response time
Surface quality
In the inspection, if the number of unqualified items for each item is equal to or less than the corresponding qualified judgment number A, the batch of products shall be accepted, otherwise the remote inspection shall be carried out.
6.2 Type inspection
6.2.1 Thermometers for type inspection shall be selected from the same batch of thermometers that have passed the factory inspection. The number of thermometers selected shall not be less than 9. They shall be re-inspected according to the factory inspection items first. After passing the re-inspection, the products shall be evenly divided into 3 groups. 6.2.2 The inspection items for each group shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 9. Table 9
Group 1
Ketone water performance
Anti-bacteria performance
Heating and rapid cooling
Group 2
Degree influence test
Vibration test
Voltage influence
Heat-resistance performance
Taochen and coating inspection
Group 3
Durability test
JB/T 7696.3—95
6.2.3 In the test, if one item fails, it is allowed to re-sample double the number of products and re-check the failed item. If there are still unqualified items, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
The marking, packaging, transportation and storage of thermometers shall comply with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 8 Warranty period
If the thermometer is damaged or does not work properly due to poor manufacturing within 12 months from the date of delivery (based on the date of delivery invoice), the manufacturer shall be responsible for free repair or replacement. Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed and coordinated by the Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry and Shanghai Oriental Instrument Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Yang Chengce and Zhuo Liwei. 210±0.5
28.0±1.0 Except for the test of changing the indicated value reading and the vibration test, all other test items of the thermometer are in a non-operating state. 5.3.2 Basic error test
The test is carried out by comparing with the standard meter at the middle temperature value and the upper temperature value of the thermometer scale. During the test, the medium temperature should change evenly and balancedly in the order of rising first and then falling. Before reading the indicated value, it should be kept at the tested graduation line for not less than 2 minutes. For mechanical thermometers, the position of the thermometer indicator should be higher than the position of the thermometer sensor during the test. Article 4.7.2 of this standard should be checked in this test. 5.3.3 Pointer response time test
First, place the electrical thermometer sensor in a 75℃ medium liquid tank for preheating. When the indication is stable, take it out and place it in a medium liquid with a temperature equal to the upper limit temperature of the indicator. When the thermometer pointer indicates 90% of the upper limit value of the scale, measure the time for the pointer to respond.
5.3.4 Heating and rapid cooling test
First, place the electrical thermometer sensor in a 100℃ medium liquid tank for 5 minutes, then take it out and directly place it in 23±5℃ water for cooling for 5 minutes. Repeat the operation three times; then check the motion state and indication value of its movable part according to the method specified in Article 5.3.2 of this standard. 5.3.5 Overheat test
For electrical thermometers, the sensor should be placed in a medium tank with a temperature of 1.5 times the upper temperature value of the indicator scale for 5 minutes; for mechanical thermometers, the sensor should be placed in a medium tank with a temperature of 1.03 times the upper temperature value of the indicator scale for 30 minutes.
After taking it out, it should be naturally cooled to the ambient temperature specified in Article 4.3 of this standard, and then the movement state and indication value of its movable parts should be checked according to the method specified in Article 5.3.2 of this standard.
5.3.6 Withstand voltage test
The withstand voltage test of the thermometer shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 5.3.7 Temperature influence test
This test is only carried out at the middle temperature value of the scale when the overflow rises, and its method shall be in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 5.3.8 Alternating damp heat test
This test is carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 5.3.9 Voltage influence test
The test is only carried out at the middle temperature value of the scale when the temperature rises, and the method is in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 5.3.10 Vibration test
The temperature gauge indicator and the temperature gauge sensor are fixed on the vibration test bench in the positive working position, and the sweep frequency, fixed frequency and vibration tests are carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 4.7.11 of this standard. The vibration test of the temperature gauge indicator should be carried out at the middle temperature value of the scale, and the alarm test of the temperature gauge sensor should be carried out in the non-working state. 19
After the test, the temperature gauge is placed in the standard environment for 4 hours, and then its performance is checked in accordance with the method specified in Article 5.3.2 of this standard. 5.3.11 Durability test
The temperature gauge should be installed in the normal working position on the vehicle model, engine or test bench for testing. The temperature gauge sensor is subjected to a 5-6 minute cycle temperature change (temperature rise and fall times as one cycle). Each cycle makes the indicator value rise from the lower limit temperature of the scale to 80% of the upper limit temperature value, and then return to the lower limit temperature. This is carried out 120 times in total. After the test, the temperature gauge is checked for its performance according to the method specified in Article 5.3.2 of this standard. 5.3.12 Dustproof test
The dustproof test of the temperature gauge is carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 5.3.13 Water resistance test
The water resistance test of the temperature gauge is carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Factory inspection
6.1.1 The thermometer shall be inspected and qualified by the inspection department of the manufacturer before it can be shipped. The inspection items include 4.5, 4.7.2, 4.7.3, 4.7.4, 4.7.5 and 4.7.6.
6.1.2 Factory inspection shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB2828, and adopt a normal inspection one-time sampling plan. The general inspection level is 1. Under normal circumstances, the inspection batch is 91~150. The qualified quality level shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Table 8 or by negotiation between the supply and demand parties. Table 8
Inspection items
Moving state of moving parts
Basic error
Overheating performance
Voltage performance
Pointer response time
Surface quality
In the inspection, if the number of unqualified items for each item is equal to or less than the corresponding qualified judgment number A, the batch of products shall be accepted, otherwise the remote inspection shall be carried out.
6.2 Type inspection
6.2.1 Thermometers for type inspection shall be selected from the same batch of thermometers that have passed the factory inspection. The number of thermometers selected shall not be less than 9. They shall be re-inspected according to the factory inspection items first. After passing the re-inspection, the products shall be evenly divided into 3 groups. 6.2.2 The inspection items for each group shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 9. Table 9
Group 1
Ketone water performance
Anti-bacteria performance
Heating and rapid cooling
Group 2
Degree influence test
Vibration test
Voltage influence
Heat-resistance performance
Taochen and coating inspection
Group 3
Durability test
JB/T 7696.3—95
6.2.3 In the test, if one item fails, it is allowed to re-sample double the number of products and re-check the failed item. If there are still unqualified items, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
The marking, packaging, transportation and storage of thermometers shall comply with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 8 Warranty period
If the thermometer is damaged or does not work properly due to poor manufacturing within 12 months from the date of delivery (based on the date of delivery invoice), the manufacturer shall be responsible for free repair or replacement. Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed and coordinated by the Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry and Shanghai Oriental Instrument Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Yang Chengce and Zhuo Liwei. 210±0.5
28.0±1.0 Except for the test of changing the indicated value reading and the vibration test, all other test items of the thermometer are in a non-operating state. 5.3.2 Basic error test
The test is carried out by comparing with the standard meter at the middle temperature value and the upper temperature value of the thermometer scale. During the test, the medium temperature should change evenly and balancedly in the order of rising first and then falling. Before reading the indicated value, it should be kept at the tested graduation line for not less than 2 minutes. For mechanical thermometers, the position of the thermometer indicator should be higher than the position of the thermometer sensor during the test. Article 4.7.2 of this standard should be checked in this test. 5.3.3 Pointer response time test
First, place the electrical thermometer sensor in a 75℃ medium liquid tank for preheating. When the indication is stable, take it out and place it in a medium liquid with a temperature equal to the upper limit temperature of the indicator. When the thermometer pointer indicates 90% of the upper limit value of the scale, measure the time for the pointer to respond.
5.3.4 Heating and rapid cooling test
First, place the electrical thermometer sensor in a 100℃ medium liquid tank for 5 minutes, then take it out and directly place it in 23±5℃ water for cooling for 5 minutes. Repeat the operation three times; then check the motion state and indication value of its movable part according to the method specified in Article 5.3.2 of this standard. 5.3.5 Overheat test
For electrical thermometers, the sensor should be placed in a medium tank with a temperature of 1.5 times the upper temperature value of the indicator scale for 5 minutes; for mechanical thermometers, the sensor should be placed in a medium tank with a temperature of 1.03 times the upper temperature value of the indicator scale for 30 minutes.
After taking it out, it should be naturally cooled to the ambient temperature specified in Article 4.3 of this standard, and then the movement state and indication value of its movable parts should be checked according to the method specified in Article 5.3.2 of this standard.
5.3.6 Withstand voltage test
The withstand voltage test of the thermometer shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 5.3.7 Temperature influence test
This test is only carried out at the middle temperature value of the scale when the overflow rises, and its method shall be in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 5.3.8 Alternating damp heat test
This test is carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 5.3.9 Voltage influence test
The test is only carried out at the middle temperature value of the scale when the temperature rises, and the method is in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 5.3.10 Vibration test
The temperature gauge indicator and the temperature gauge sensor are fixed on the vibration test bench in the positive working position, and the sweep frequency, fixed frequency and vibration tests are carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 4.7.11 of this standard. The vibration test of the temperature gauge indicator should be carried out at the middle temperature value of the scale, and the alarm test of the temperature gauge sensor should be carried out in the non-working state. 19
After the test, the temperature gauge is placed in the standard environment for 4 hours, and then its performance is checked in accordance with the method specified in Article 5.3.2 of this standard. 5.3.11 Durability test
The temperature gauge should be installed in the normal working position on the vehicle model, engine or test bench for testing. The temperature gauge sensor is subjected to a 5-6 minute cycle temperature change (temperature rise and fall times as one cycle). Each cycle makes the indicator value rise from the lower limit temperature of the scale to 80% of the upper limit temperature value, and then return to the lower limit temperature. This is carried out 120 times in total. After the test, the temperature gauge is checked for its performance according to the method specified in Article 5.3.2 of this standard. 5.3.12 Dustproof test
The dustproof test of the temperature gauge is carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 5.3.13 Water resistance test
The water resistance test of the temperature gauge is carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Factory inspection
6.1.1 The thermometer shall be inspected and qualified by the inspection department of the manufacturer before it can be shipped. The inspection items include 4.5, 4.7.2, 4.7.3, 4.7.4, 4.7.5 and 4.7.6.
6.1.2 Factory inspection shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB2828, and adopt a normal inspection one-time sampling plan. The general inspection level is 1. Under normal circumstances, the inspection batch is 91~150. The qualified quality level shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Table 8 or by negotiation between the supply and demand parties. Table 8
Inspection items
Moving state of moving parts
Basic error
Overheating performance
Voltage performance
Pointer response time
Surface quality
In the inspection, if the number of unqualified items for each item is equal to or less than the corresponding qualified judgment number A, the batch of products shall be accepted, otherwise the remote inspection shall be carried out.
6.2 Type inspection
6.2.1 Thermometers for type inspection shall be selected from the same batch of thermometers that have passed the factory inspection. The number of thermometers selected shall not be less than 9. They shall be re-inspected according to the factory inspection items first. After passing the re-inspection, the products shall be evenly divided into 3 groups. 6.2.2 The inspection items for each group shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 9. Table 9
Group 1
Ketone water performance
Anti-bacteria performance
Heating and rapid cooling
Group 2
Degree influence test
Vibration test
Voltage influence
Heat-resistance performance
Taochen and coating inspection
Group 3
Durability test
JB/T 7696.3—95
6.2.3 In the test, if one item fails, it is allowed to re-sample double the number of products and re-check the failed item. If there are still unqualified items, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
The marking, packaging, transportation and storage of thermometers shall comply with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 8 Warranty period
If the thermometer is damaged or does not work properly due to poor manufacturing within 12 months from the date of delivery (based on the date of delivery invoice), the manufacturer shall be responsible for free repair or replacement. Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed and coordinated by the Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry and Shanghai Oriental Instrument Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Yang Chengce and Zhuo Liwei. 2110 Vibration test
Fix the temperature gauge indicator and temperature gauge sensor on the vibration test bench in the normal working position, and perform sweep frequency, fixed frequency and vibration tests according to the provisions of Article 4.7.11 of this standard. The vibration test of the temperature gauge indicator should be carried out at the middle temperature value of the scale, and the alarm test of the temperature gauge sensor should be carried out in the non-working state. 19
After the test, the temperature gauge should be placed in the standard environment for 4 hours, and then its performance should be checked according to the method specified in Article 5.3.2 of this standard. 5.3.11 Durability test
The temperature gauge should be installed on the vehicle model, engine or test bench in the normal working position for testing. Give the temperature gauge sensor a cycle temperature change of 5~6 minutes (temperature rise and fall times as one cycle). Each cycle makes the indicator's indication value rise from the lower limit temperature of the scale to 80% of the upper limit temperature value, and then return to the lower limit temperature, and a total of 120 times. After the test, the thermometer shall be inspected for performance according to the method specified in Article 5.3.2 of this standard. 5.3.12 Dustproof test
The dustproof test of the thermometer shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 5.3.13 Water resistance test
The water resistance test of the thermometer shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Factory inspection
6.1.1 The thermometer shall be inspected and qualified by the inspection department of the manufacturer before it can be shipped. The inspection items include 4.5, 4.7.2, 4.7.3, 4.7.4, 4.7.5 and 4.7.6.
6.1.2 Factory inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2828, using a normal inspection one-time sampling plan, generally with an inspection level of 1, and generally with an inspection batch of 91~150. The qualified quality level shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Table 8 or by negotiation between the supply and demand parties. Table 8
Inspection items
Moving state of movable parts
Basic error
Overheating performance
Operation voltage performance
Pointer response time
Surface quality
In the inspection, if the number of unqualified items in each item is equal to or less than the corresponding qualified judgment number A, then accept the batch of products, otherwise remote inspection.
6.2 Type inspection
6.2.1 Thermometers for type inspection shall be selected from the same batch of thermometers that have passed the factory inspection. The number of thermometers selected shall not be less than 9. First, re-inspect according to the factory inspection items. After re-inspection, the products shall be evenly divided into 3 groups. 6.2.2 The items for inspection of each group shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 9. Table 9
Group 1
Ketone water performance
Anti-bacteria performance
Heating and rapid cooling
Group 2
Degree influence test
Vibration test
Voltage influence
Heat-resistance performance
Taochen and coating inspection
Group 3
Durability test
JB/T 7696.3—95
6.2.3 In the test, if one item fails, it is allowed to re-sample double the number of products and re-check the failed item. If there are still unqualified items, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
The marking, packaging, transportation and storage of thermometers shall comply with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 8 Warranty period
If the thermometer is damaged or does not work properly due to poor manufacturing within 12 months from the date of delivery (based on the date of delivery invoice), the manufacturer shall be responsible for free repair or replacement. Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed and coordinated by the Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry and Shanghai Oriental Instrument Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Yang Chengce and Zhuo Liwei. 2110 Vibration test
Fix the temperature gauge indicator and temperature gauge sensor on the vibration test bench in the normal working position, and perform sweep frequency, fixed frequency and vibration tests according to the provisions of Article 4.7.11 of this standard. The vibration test of the temperature gauge indicator should be carried out at the middle temperature value of the scale, and the alarm test of the temperature gauge sensor should be carried out in the non-working state. 19
After the test, the temperature gauge should be placed in the standard environment for 4 hours, and then its performance should be checked according to the method specified in Article 5.3.2 of this standard. 5.3.11 Durability test
The temperature gauge should be installed on the vehicle model, engine or test bench in the normal working position for testing. Give the temperature gauge sensor a cycle temperature change of 5~6 minutes (temperature rise and fall times as one cycle). Each cycle makes the indicator's indication value rise from the lower limit temperature of the scale to 80% of the upper limit temperature value, and then return to the lower limit temperature, and a total of 120 times. After the test, the thermometer shall be inspected for performance according to the method specified in Article 5.3.2 of this standard. 5.3.12 Dustproof test
The dustproof test of the thermometer shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 5.3.13 Water resistance test
The water resistance test of the thermometer shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Factory inspection
6.1.1 The thermometer shall be inspected and qualified by the inspection department of the manufacturer before it can be shipped. The inspection items include 4.5, 4.7.2, 4.7.3, 4.7.4, 4.7.5 and 4.7.6.
6.1.2 Factory inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2828, using a normal inspection one-time sampling plan, generally with an inspection level of 1, and generally with an inspection batch of 91~150. The qualified quality level shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Table 8 or by negotiation between the supply and demand parties. Table 8
Inspection items
Moving state of movable parts
Basic error
Overheating performance
Operation voltage performance
Pointer response time
Surface quality
In the inspection, if the number of unqualified items in each item is equal to or less than the corresponding qualified judgment number A, then accept the batch of products, otherwise remote inspection.
6.2 Type inspection
6.2.1 Thermometers for type inspection shall be selected from the same batch of thermometers that have passed the factory inspection. The number of thermometers selected shall not be less than 9. First, re-inspect according to the factory inspection items. After re-inspection, the products shall be evenly divided into 3 groups. 6.2.2 The items for inspection of each group shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 9. Table 9
Group 1
Ketone water performance
Anti-bacteria performance
Heating and rapid cooling
Group 2
Degree influence test
Vibration test
Voltage influence
Heat-resistance performance
Taochen and coating inspection
Group 3
Durability test
JB/T 7696.3—95
6.2.3 In the test, if one item fails, it is allowed to re-sample double the number of products and re-check the failed item. If there are still unqualified items, the batch of products shall be judged as unqualified. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
The marking, packaging, transportation and storage of thermometers shall comply with the provisions of JB/T7696.1. 8 Warranty period
If the thermometer is damaged or does not work properly due to poor manufacturing within 12 months from the date of delivery (based on the date of delivery invoice), the manufacturer shall be responsible for free repair or replacement. Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed and coordinated by the Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry and Shanghai Oriental Instrument Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Yang Chengce and Zhuo Liwei. 21
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