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Terminology for professional managers

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 26999-2011

Standard Name:Terminology for professional managers

Chinese Name: 职业经理人相关术语

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release2011-09-29

Date of Implementation:2011-11-01

Date of Expiration:2021-08-20

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation>> Vocabulary>>01.040.03 Sociology, Services, Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises), Administration, Transport (Vocabulary)

Standard Classification Number:General>>Basic Standards>>A22 Terms and Symbols

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 26999-2021

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2011-11-01

other information

Release date:2011-07-19

drafter:Yazhen Wen, Yueying Ni, Yuanchen Li, Changqing Zhao, Ping Tian, ​​Jicheng Wang, Jianping Xu, Lihong Li, Xinming Liu, Linlin Jiang, Guanyu Wang, Hongfei Zhang, Mi Li

Drafting unit:Professional Manager Research Center, School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Enterprise Research Institute, Development Research Center of the State Council

Focal point unit:National Professional Manager Examination and Assessment Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 502)

Proposing unit:National Professional Manager Examination and Assessment Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 502)

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:National Professional Manager Examination and Assessment Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 502)

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 26999-2011 Terms related to professional managers GB/T26999-2011 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the basic terms, examination and assessment terms and training terms related to enterprise professional managers. This standard is applicable to the examination, assessment and training of enterprise professional managers. This
standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard
is proposed and managed by the National Professional Manager Examination and Assessment Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC502).
The drafting units of this standard: Professional Manager Research Center, School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, and Enterprise Research Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council.
The main drafters of this standard are: Wen Yazhen, Ni Yueying, Li Yuanchen, Zhao Changqing, Tian Ping, Wang Jicheng, Xu Jianping, Li Lihong, Liu Xinming, Jiang Linlin, Wang Guanyu, Zhang Hongfei, Li Mi.

Foreword I
1 Scope1
2 Basic terms1
3 Examination and assessment terms3
4 Training terms4

Some standard content:

ICS 01. 040. 03
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 269992011
Terminology for professional managers
Terminology for professional managersIssued on September 29, 2011
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinaStandardization Administration of China
Implementation on November 1, 2011
GB/T 26999—2011
2 Basic terminology
3 Examination and assessment terminology
4 Training terminology
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009 GB/T 26999-2011
This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Examination and Assessment of Professional Managers (SAC/TC502). The drafting units of this standard are: Professional Manager Research Center, School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, and Enterprise Research Institute of Development Research Center of the State Council. The main drafters of this standard are: Wen Ya, Ni Yueying, Li Juchen, Yue Changqing, Tian Ping, Zheng Jicheng, Xu Jianping, Li Lihong, Liu Xinming, Jiang Linlin, Wang Guanyu, Zhang Hongfei, and Li Mi
1 Scope
Terms related to professional managers
This standard specifies the basic terms, examination and assessment terms, and training terms related to enterprise professional managers. This standard applies to related work such as examination and assessment and training of enterprise professional managers. 2 Basic terms
Professional ethics
Code of conduct that should be followed in the workplace, including abiding by integrity, fair performance of duties, social responsibility, and non-competition. 2.2
Professional managersGB/T26999--2011
Talents who are licensed by enterprises, assume leadership and management positions at different levels, bear corresponding obligations and responsibilities, engage in business management activities, and take this as their profession.
The comprehensive expression of health, morality, etiquette, working methods and skills in the workplace, which is manifested in the standardization, normalization and institutionalization of work status.
Professional managerprofessional managementThe title of the professionalization of enterprise business management. Note: It is a specific position group with clear corresponding qualifications in the enterprise organizational structure and corporate governance structure. 2.5
Group of professional managersA sample of professional managers in different industries, professions and job levels. 2.6
Business management professionals are all kinds of business management personnel who have professional ethics, business management knowledge, experience and ability to create value for the enterprise. 2.7
Enterprise entrepreneur
It is an honorary title recognized by the society. Generally refers to outstanding entrepreneurs produced by the enterprise investors or representatives of the enterprise investors. They are the business management talents who play a decisive role in the establishment and strategic development of the enterprise and are generally in the position of employers in the enterprise. 2.8
Professional managers practice professional managers behavior in the business activities of the enterprise. 2.9
Professional managers qualification professional managers qualification characteristics of morality, knowledge, skills and personality required for their positions. 1
GB/T 26999--2011
Common competence
In business management activities, each position has different degrees of similarity in the main competence required. 2. 11
Professional capacity
In business management activities, each professional management position has the necessary individual ability. 2.12
Occupational competenceIn professional activities, ensure the completion of the job objectives. Common ability, professional ability and skills. 2. 13
The knowledge, ability and personality characteristics that distinguish the performance of professional managers. 2.14
TeamleadersbipcapacityThe ability to lead and guide team members to complete tasks and achieve development goals. 2.15
Business decision-makingcapacityThe ability to analyze, compare, synthesize and optimize choices in business management activities. 2. 16
Transformative and innovativecapacity
The ability to capture new things, propose new ideas, form new methods and achieve new results. 2. 17
CommunicationandcoordinationcapacityThe ability to transmit and communicate information with others or organizations to reach a consensus. 2.18
GoalexercisecapabilityThe ability to take measures according to job responsibilities and plans to achieve the predetermined goals. 2.19
Risk control capabilityRisk control capabilityThe ability to predict the losses, damages and adverse factors suffered by the enterprise, formulate plans and achieve the predetermined goals at the lowest cost. 2.20
Strategic management capabilitystrategicmanagementcapabilityThe ability to plan, organize, coordinate and control in order to achieve the long-term development goals of the enterprise and ensure the sustainable development of the enterprise. 2.21
Human resource management capabilitiesHuman resource management capabilities
According to the strategic goals of the enterprise, promote the optimal allocation, development and training of human resources, scientific evaluation, effective incentives and constraints, and improve the professionalization and professionalization of human resource management. 2.22
Cultural-bullding capabilityCultural-building capability
The ability to build the core value system of the enterprise, establish behavioral norms, and make them the conscious behavior of all employees. 2.23
Knowledge management capabilityKnowledge management capabilityThe ability to develop, apply and innovate the knowledge resources of the enterprise and transform them into productivity. 2
Crisis management capabilitycrisis managementcapabllityGB/T26999—2011
The ability to effectively control and resolve events that have a negative impact on the company's reputation, business activities and internal management. 2.25
Financial management capabilityfinancial managenentcapabilityThe ability to analyze and process financial and business information, perform fund calculations, cost control and financial decisions, and maintain the company's continued operation. 2.26
Capital operation capabilitycapital operation capabilityThe ability to make decisions and organize the implementation of corporate investment, financing, mergers and acquisitions and restructuring activities. 2.27
Market development capabilitymarket development capabilityThe ability to open up, occupy and expand new areas and outlets for products and services. 2.28
customer service capability
Customer service capability
The ability to focus on customer needs, establish, maintain and develop customer relationships, and help and serve customers. 3.2
Reflects the effectiveness and accuracy of test results. 3.3
The degree to which the test questions distinguish the actual level of the test object. 3.4
Interview integrity
The method of evaluating the quality of professional managers through the observation or communication of the test personnel with the test object. 3.5
Assessment center technologyassessmcntccnterPlace the assessment object in a simulated situation and use a variety of standardized assessment tools such as file basket test, role play and impromptu speech to measure the quality of professional managers. 3. 6
Psychological testpsychologicallest
Select representative and typical behavior samples to quantify and infer certain psychological characteristics of the assessment object. 3.7
Encephalo quadrantgramtalentagsesaimienttechnologsUse physical methods or means to use computer systems to convert real-time and real-time brain electrical activities into a series of geometric figures, and reflect people's thinking preferences, potential and behavioral characteristics through processing and analysis. 3
Appraisal organization
An approved national-level professional manager industry organization that has the qualification for examination and evaluation and undertakes the work of setting questions, examination and evaluation, marking papers and issuing certificates for professional managers.
Appraisal implementation organizationAn organization that has the qualification for examination and evaluation and undertakes the specific work of examination and evaluation for professional managers. 4Training terms
A person who has theoretical knowledge of enterprise management and management experience and adopts modern training concepts and means to spread management knowledge and train management skills.
Corporate training base
Corporate training base
Provides a place for experience and training for professional manager training. 4.3
Training satisfactionLraining salisfactionThe quantitative result of the trainees' evaluation of the training courses, training methods, teaching level and service quality. Chinese Pinyin Index
Transformation and innovation ability
Financial management ability
Risk control ability
Taotong coordination ability
Business management talent
Business strategy ability
Assessment implementation agency
Assessment organization...
Customer service ability
Target hot action ability
Brain image talent intelligence assessment technology
Training satisfaction virtuality
Training frequency
Assessment center technology
Enterprise training base,
Human resource management ability|| tt||Competence characteristics
Market development capability
General capability
Research team leadership capability
Crisis handling capability
Cultural construction capability
Psychological test·
Strategic management capability
Knowledge management capability
Professional ethics
Professional manager·
Professional manager
Professional manager team
Professional manager quality
Professional manager quality
Professional capability
Professional capability
Capital operation capability
GB/T 269992011
GB/T 26999—2011
English corresponding word index
appralsal Implementation organization appraisal organization
assessment center
business nanagement professionalscapitat operation capabilitycommon competency
communication and coordination capacitycompetency
crisis nanagcmcnt capabilitycultural-bullding capacitycustomer service capability
decision-making capacity
electru encephalo quadrant gram lalent ussessment techaologyentreprenenr
financial management capabtlityG
goal execution capability
group of professional managersH
human resource management capability1
innovative capacity
knowledge management capabilitymarket development capabilityoccupational competency
prnfessional capacity
professiona ethics ...
professional management
professional managers
professional managers practiceprofessional managers qualificationproessionalization
psychological test
reliability||t t||risk control capabilities
strategic managenent capabilityteam leadership caparity
training 5atisfaction
GB/T 26999—20113
Training satisfactionLraining salisfactionThe quantitative result of the trainees' evaluation of the training course, training methods, teaching level and service quality. Chinese Pinyin Index
Transformation and innovation ability
Financial management ability
Risk control ability
Taotong coordination ability
Business management talent
Business strategy ability
Assessment implementation agency
Assessment organization...
Customer service ability
Target hot action ability
Brain image talent intelligence assessment technology
Training satisfaction virtuality
Training frequency
Assessment center technology
Enterprise training base,
Human resource management ability|| tt||Competence characteristics
Market development capability
General capability
Research team leadership capability
Crisis handling capability
Cultural construction capability
Psychological test·
Strategic management capability
Knowledge management capability
Professional ethics
Professional manager·
Professional manager
Professional manager team
Professional manager quality
Professional manager quality
Professional capability
Professional capability
Capital operation capability
GB/T 269992011
GB/T 26999—2011
English corresponding word index
appralsal Implementation organization appraisal organization
assessment center
business nanagement professionalscapitat operation capabilitycommon competency
communication and coordination capacitycompetency
crisis nanagcmcnt capabilitycultural-bullding capacitycustomer service capability
decision-making capacity
electru encephalo quadrant gram lalent ussessment techaologyentreprenenr
financial management capabtlityG
goal execution capability
group of professional managersH
human resource management capability1
innovative capacity
knowledge management capabilitymarket development capabilityoccupational competency
prnfessional capacity
professiona ethics ...
professional management
professional managers
professional managers practiceprofessional managers qualificationproessionalization
psychological test
reliability||t t||risk control capabilities
strategic managenent capabilityteam leadership caparity
training 5atisfaction
GB/T 26999—20113
Training satisfactionLraining salisfactionThe quantitative result of the trainees' evaluation of the training course, training methods, teaching level and service quality. Chinese Pinyin Index
Transformation and innovation ability
Financial management ability
Risk control ability
Taotong coordination ability
Business management talent
Business strategy ability
Assessment implementation agency
Assessment organization...
Customer service ability
Target hot action ability
Brain image talent intelligence assessment technology
Training satisfaction virtuality
Training frequency
Assessment center technology
Enterprise training base,
Human resource management ability|| tt||Competence characteristics
Market development capability
General capability
Research team leadership capability
Crisis handling capability
Cultural construction capability
Psychological test·
Strategic management capability
Knowledge management capability
Professional ethics
Professional manager·
Professional manager
Professional manager team
Professional manager quality
Professional manager quality
Professional capability
Professional capability
Capital operation capability
GB/T 269992011
GB/T 26999—2011
English corresponding word index
appralsal Implementation organization appraisal organization
assessment center
business nanagement professionalscapitat operation capabilitycommon competency
communication and coordination capacitycompetency
crisis nanagcmcnt capabilitycultural-bullding capacitycustomer service capability
decision-making capacity
electru encephalo quadrant gram lalent ussessment techaologyentreprenenr
financial management capabtlityG
goal execution capability
group of professional managersH
human resource management capability1
innovative capacity
knowledge management capabilitymarket development capabilityoccupational competency
prnfessional capacity
professiona ethics ...bzxZ.net
professional management
professional managers
professional managers practiceprofessional managers qualificationproessionalization
psychological test
reliability||t t||risk control capabilities
strategic managenent capabilityteam leadership caparity
training 5atisfaction
GB/T 26999—2011
professional management
professional managers
professional managers practiceprofessional managers qualificationproessionalization
psychological test
risk control capabilits
strategic managenent capabilityteam leadership capacity
training 5atisfaction
GB/T 26999—2011
professional management
professional managers
professional managers practiceprofessional managers qualificationproessionalization
psychological test
risk control capabilits
strategic managenent capabilityteam leadership capacity
training 5atisfaction
GB/T 26999—2011
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