title>HG/T 20533-1993 Unified regulations for commonly used terms in chemical mechanized transportation design - HG/T 20533-1993 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 20533-1993 Unified regulations for commonly used terms in chemical mechanized transportation design

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20533-1993

Standard Name: Unified regulations for commonly used terms in chemical mechanized transportation design

Chinese Name: 化工机械化运输设计常用名词术语统一规定

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1994-05-27

Date of Implementation:1996-03-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:71.010

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Comprehensive Chemical Industry>>G08 Marking, Packaging, Transportation, Storage

associated standards

Publication information

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Introduction to standards:

HG/T 20533-1993 Unified regulations on common terms and terms in the design of mechanized transportation for chemical industry HG/T20533-1993 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Specification for Common Terminology in Chemical Mechanized Transportation Design
China Anqiong Chemical Engineering Company
Editing Unit:
Approving Department:
October 1994
Implementation Date:
Engineering Construction Standards Editing Center of Ministry of Chemical Industry
Document of Ministry of Chemical Industry
Hua Jian Fa (1994) No. 338
Notice on the Issuance of Four Chemical Industry Standards Including "Regulations on Safety and Health in Chemical Powder Engineering Design" To all chemical industry departments (bureaus, companies) of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities with independent planning status, and all relevant design units
The four standards including "Regulations on Safety and Health in Chemical Powder Engineering Design" (see the attachment for details) compiled by the Ministry's Hoisting and Transportation Design Technology Center have been reviewed and are now approved as chemical industry standards for implementation on October 1, 1994. The four standards are managed by the Ministry's Hoisting and Transportation Design Technology Center and published by the Ministry's Engineering Construction Standards Editing Center. If you have any questions or comments during implementation, please inform the Ministry's Hoisting and Transportation Design Technology Center. Ministry of Chemical Industry
May 7, 1994
"Safety and Health Regulations for Chemical Powder Engineering Design" and other four chemical industry standards are self-recorded
Main editor
Standard number
Standard name
Safety and Health Regulations for Chemical Powder Engineering Design HG20532-93
Chemical Institute No. 8
Global Corporation
Common terms for mechanized transportation design of chemical industry
Unified terms
Design regulations for solid raw materials and fuel preparation of chemical industry
Chemical Institute
Design regulations for solid materials equipment of chemical industry
Wuhan Institute of Chemical Industry
HG20535-93||tt ||Process Design
General Concept
Material Characteristics
Process System Design
Storage and Transportation
Material Processing and Handling
Packaging and Measurement
1.7 Environmental Protection and Safety and Hygiene
Mechanical Equipment
Loading and Hoisting Machinery
Transportation Machinery
Material Processing and Handling Machinery
Packaging and Measurement Machinery
..6 Auxiliary Machinery-*
Article Explanation…………
W. This standard specifies the commonly used terms and terms in chemical machinery and transportation design, and is applicable to the formulation of industry standards, preparation of technical documents, compilation and translation of professional resources in chemical machinery and transportation.
Process Design (Process Design) 1.1.3Chemical mechanization and transportation
Raw material & fuel storage
Mechanization of loading and unloading
Material processing
Measuring and packaging
Finished product storage
Dust removal
Safety and sanitation
Environmental protection
Auxiliary equipment
Material segregation
Stable flow
Chemical engineering mechanizationtransportation
Raw material & fuel materialtorageMechanisation for loading and unloadingMalarial handing
Measuring & packing
Product atorage
Discharge dreg.
Safty & health
Enviromental protectinn
Auxziliary facility
Material segragation
Funnel flow
Stable flow
Continuous slow flow
Contihugus flow
Matarin? flony
Material properties
Matertal Characierlatie
Density [True density]
Bulk density [Loose density]
Filling density [Compactness]
Angle of accumulation [Angle of repose, angle of repose]
Static accumulation
1. 2. 6 Dynamic stacking angle
Dynamic dynamic angle
Backstop angle
Internal friction angle
External friction angle
Internal storage number
External friction coefficient
Side pressure coefficient
Specific surface area
Particle size (particle size)
Average particle size (average particle size)
Particle size analysis
Particle composition
Particle size distribution [particle size distribution]
Particle shape
Shape coefficient
Shape index
Flow index
Density [true density]
Bulk denaity
Shake denuity [tap density]
Bulk angleLangle of repane]Static bulk anglelangle.af repoge at restDynamie bulk anafe
Langle of repose lnnition]
Sliding angleLangle o slide]Angle of back-repose
Angle of internal friction
Angle of external friction| |tt||Coefficient of interminal friction ol external friction
L of side pressure
Specific surface area
Particle size||tt ||Average particle size
Partitle size analysis
Paticle component
Particle distribulion
Pellet shape
Shape factur
Shape index|| tt||Flow index
melt index
thermal conductivity
thermal conductivity
moisture content [humidity]
adhesion|| tt||Absorption
Melt index
Specific heat
Thertmal conductivity
Temperature conductivity
Moisture content
Chargeability|| tt||Suspension
Shear strength
Viscosity index||tt ||·Viscosity-Thinness Index
Viscosity Ratio
Corrosivity| |tt||Explosivity
Shearing strength
Flashing point
Merting point
Burming point
pH value
Viscosity factor
Viscosity index||tt ||Viscosity ratio
Process plan
Continuous single production system
Continuous double production system
Backup production system
Wind rose
Direction Standard
Process system design
Process plan
Cottinuous production for single systemContinuous production for double systemStand-by production system
Direction of preparation winde
Direction sign
Factory scale
Permitted vehicle stay time
Number of vehicles entering the factory
Loading system
Unloading and intercepting system
Ship entering the port Stay time
Number of ships entering the port for loading
Number of ships unloading berths
Berth length
Sloped wharf
Floating wharf
Zhanqiao [Tongchi]
Transfer station
Magnetic crushing and screening building
(crushing and screening unit)
Packaging building (packaging unit)
Living room
Auxiliary production room
Drying room
Plant capacity
Allowable resident time for vehicleQuantity of vehicle entering plantLoading system
Unlonding system|| tt||Stay lime for ship in port
No, of loading ahips
No. of berth
Berth length
Inclined wharf [sloping wharf]Floating wharf
Trealework| |tt||Transport station
Crushing & acreeming building (unit)Packaging building Kunit)
Living room
Auxiliary production roorm
Shed of dry caal
Process data table
Design condition table
Natural conditions
System interlock
Procedure interlock
Safety interlock||tt| |Release interlock
Joint forging control
Manual control in nest
Centralized control
Automatic control in industry
Work system
Public Project consumption
Building area
Production equipment area| |tt||Area of ​​auxiliary production equipment
Technical and economic indicators
Process flow
System process flow
Process flow with control points
Frame flow
Pipeline instrument flow
Material flow
Process flow description
Flow chart legend
Equipment layout
Process equipment layout
Layout of process equipment
Process. data sheet
Desigh condition sheet
Nature condition
Systetn intertock
Program interlock|| tt||Bafty interlock
Relieve interlock
Interlock control
Centralized manual control
Centralized control.
Centralized automatic controlOpetation cyele
Utility cansutmption
Building area
Productiun device floor spaceAuxiliary production device fldr sETechnical & economic target
Process flow||tt| |Flow chart
System process flow charte
Proceas and control diagtam
Hlock flow dingram
Piping and instrument diagratnMeterial flow chart
Process description||tt ||Flow diageam figure
Equiptnent layout
Process equipment layout
Proceas equipmeat plan layout day
Process equipment section cloth trade||tt| |Procebs equipment section layoutPiping
Procebs equipment section layoutPiping layout
Machinery equipment position number [Equipment position number] Item No.of tnachineMachinery equipment name [Equipment name] Naime.of machineMachinery equipment installation [Equipment installation] Equipmene &machine erection elevation
Relative elevation
Absolute elevation
Floor elevation
Ground elevation
Track top elevation
Pit elevation||tt ||Platform mark
Wharf elevation
Rim line number
Column spacing,
Static load
Live load
Additional bag| |tt||Distribution
Central loading
Lifting hole
Reserved hole
Technology installation
Overall dimensions
Center Line size
Positioning size
Related size
Connection size
Relative elevation
Absolute ele ralion
Floor elevation
Ground elevation
Rail top elevation
Pit hottom elevatiori
Platform elevation
Whart elevajion
Colunn distanp
Statie load
Live load
Superimposed load
Discrihuted load
Concentrated luad.||tt ||Lifting hole
Futyur developmentfold
Oylige dimension
Centrgline dimension
Pagitioning dimension
Relation dimension
Joint dinension
Mechanical equipment foundation size
Installation of mechanical equipment
Mounting parts
Embedded parts
Secondary grouting thickness
Public road installation
Process calculation
System capacity
Transportation volume
Daily effective working hours
Annual working days (hours)||tt ||Shaft power
Room power
Net weight
Minimum channel width
Minimum channel width for right-angle stacking
Average length|| tt||Minimum effective length
Foundation dimension of tmachineInstling machine &equipment
Erection parta
Ermbedded parts
Thickness af eecond pour
Piping erection
Pipe support
Proces caleulation
System capacity
Gotiveying eapacity
Threlighout capacity| |tt||Effective working houis per dayworking daysumber
Colunn distanp
Statie load
Live load
Superimposed load
Discrihuted load
Concentrated luad.
Lifting hole
Futyur developmentfold
Oylige dimension
Centrgline dimension
Pagitioning dimension
Relation dimension|| tt||Joint dinension
Mechanical equipment foundation size
Installation of mechanical equipment
Mounting parts
Embedded parts
Secondary grouting thickness
Public road installation
Process calculation
System capacity
Transportation volume
Daily effective working hours
Annual working days (hours)||tt ||Shaft power
Room power
Net weight
Minimum channel width
Minimum channel width for right-angle stacking
Average length|| tt||Minimum effective length
Foundation dimension of tmachineInstling machine &equipment
Erection parta
Ermbedded parts
Thickness af eecond pour
Piping erection
Pipe support
Proces caleulation
System capacity
Gotiveying eapacity
Threlighout capacity| |tt||Effective working houis per dayworking daysumber
Colunn distanp
Statie load
Live load
Superimposed load
Discrihuted load
Concentrated luad.
Lifting hole
Futyur developmentfold
Oylige dimension
Centrgline dimension
Pagitioning dimension
Relation dimension|| tt||Joint dinension
Mechanical equipment foundation size
Installation of mechanical equipment
Mounting parts
Embedded parts
Secondary grouting thickness
Public road installation
Process calculation
System capacity
Transportation volume
Daily effective working hours
Annual working days (hours)||tt ||Shaft power
Room power
Net weight
Minimum channel width
Minimum channel width for right-angle stacking
Average length|| tt||Minimum effective length
Foundation dimension of tmachineInstling machine &equipment
Erection parta
Ermbedded parts
Thickness af eecond pour
Piping erection
Pipe support
Proces caleulation
System capacity
Gotiveying eapacity
Threlighout capacity| |tt||Effective working houis per dayworking dayper year
Shaft power
Rated power
Loadling weight
Dead'weight[nel weight]
Amplitude||tt ||Frenuency
Clear width
Minimum width of road
Minirnum road width of rightangle stacking
Average length
Minimum effective length
W height
Minimum turning radius
Mixing ratio [solid-gas ratio]
Pressure absorption ratio
Pressure absorption loss
Rated Running speed
Rated lifting speed
Rated transfer speed
Linear speed
Suspension speed
Unbalance coefficient||tt ||Equipment utilization coefficient
Material utilization coefficient
Warehouse surface load coefficient
Vehicle load utilization coefficient
Natural accumulation coefficient||tt ||Use coefficient of storage volume
Alcoholability coefficient
Container filling coefficient
Correction coefficient
Clear height
Minimum radius of gyration
Mixet ratio
Pressure loss ratiu
Void content
Prexsure loss
SpeedE velocity]
Rated traveling epeed
Rated tifting apeed
Rated rotating speed
Aveiage linear velocity
Baspgnsion velocity
Gneffkelen [factor]
Taport unbalance coeffisient .Handling line utilization eceffielentHesth itilization coefficientWarehouse area utilization coefficientLoading utilization coefficicntStocking coefficient of stockyard.Warehouse volutne utilization coefficientCoefficieit of crutmbliness
Vessat filing coeffieient
Adjusttnent coefficient
Jepreriation cost
Net cost
Number of people in storage
Warehouse area
1.4 Storage and transportation loading and unloading
Storage-transportation sind hundlingStorage[stocking ]
Storage capacity[volume of cargo inrage]
Days of stocking
Storage area
Total warehouse area
Effective warehouse area
Stacking [turning operation]
Maximum stacking height
Bulk material warehouse
Packed warehouse
Three-dimensional color warehouse
Total stacking arce||tt ||Effective storage area
Relocation of'storage pileLadjusting storage areal
Tranefer to another storage||tt| |Freight lotLstorage bay]
Bag pile
Maximum stacking height
Stoekyari storageyart
Wrrehouse[covered storage, bulldiniBulk (material)storage| |tt||Package storage
wWw.bzsosocomFree download of various US standard industry data
Bulk material transportation
pieces Freight transport
Group transport
Pallet transport
Chemical transport
Case transport
Trackless transport
Iron scale transport
Road transport
Water transport
Air transport| |tt||Water-land combined transport
Horizontal transport
Vertical transport
Continuous transport
Metal alcohol transport
Dimensioning tools
Pallet Forming
Shrink film forming
Macro pallet forming
1.4.3 Loading and unloading·Loading and unloading vehicle
Yan track railway| |tt||Narrow navigation railway
National offline line
Special line
Loading and unloading line
Parking line (driving line)
Running line||tt ||Bulk material transport
Package transport
Unitized transport
Pallet transport
Containerize Lraffic
Cantainer transport
Raillegs transport
Rallway traneport
Highiway transport
Waterway tranaport
AfrtiwnsportLaerial transport]Through transport by larid and waterHorzontal coneying
Vertisal ooiveyite
Chbatnuous conteying
Intermiteht cbnveying
tniried by pallet
Unitlied by network[unitized by eragoniet]
Unitized by shrink plastic filmPalletless unitized
Loading end unloadftig
Londing and unloadmng vehicleStthndhrd gauge railway
Narraw gauge railway
National trunk line
Dedicated line
Loading and unloading track
Vehicle storage track
Travelled track
self-owned truck
empty truck·
heavy truck[truck]
underground receiving trough
unloading Trench
Gap trench
Deep trench
Shallow trench
Loading hopper
Railway pipe construction limit||tt| |Road and vehicle limit
Assembled vehicle
1.4'3.2 Loading and unloading ship
Special terminal
General cargo terminal
Tang container terminal||tt| |Cargo swallowing leaf eggs
Cargo unloading volume
Yin assembly unloading
Loading and unloading operation line
Mechanization of loading and unloading operation
Vehicle owned
Empty wagon
Loaded wagon
Breaking up of trainLtrain hreuking-Platform
Undergound receiving pit||tt ||Discharging trench
Crevice underground trough
Decp underground trough
Shellow undergroind trough
Loading bunket
Railway structure boundary
Roilling stock hboundary
Wagon loading by goups
Lozding and unloading ship
Dedicated wharf
General cargo wharf
Container wharf
Pantoon||tt ||Port's cargo throughput
Capacity of cargo translerredUritized cargo handling operationCargo handling by gravity
Cargo handling operation lineMechanization of cargo handling1. 5.1
Automation of loading and unloading operation
Loader and unloader urbanization system
Ship loading and unloading operation time
Clearing bulkhead
Automation of cargo handlingMeehanization Bystem of cargo handlingShip's loading /unloading timeTrimming
Quenilty of clena-up
Material processing and handling
Material handling ianng
Crushing ratio
Acid crushing section
Crushing chamber
Crushing grade
Magnetic crushing stage
Open circuit crushing
Group dance crushing process
Reduction ratioLerushing ratioCrushing section
Crushing chamber
Crushing grade
Crughing stage
Opencircuit crushingLopened tushingPxopas flow]
Cloned-ejrcuit ctushingleclosed crushingprpgess flow]
Milling section
Coarse crushing
Medium erushing
Fine crushing
Material particle size
Discharge particle size
Screening capacity
Screening effect
Effective screening area
Screen life
Screen inclination
Inspection screening
Screening specifications
Screen hole size
Screen hole shape
Material layer sequence
Vibration intensity
Ultrafine grinding
Grinding efficiency
Wet grinding
Dry grinding
Air powder
Deep cooling
Cold air powder section
Closed circuit powder
Tang Jie Fu He
Feeding Particle Bize |
Screen opening shape
Thicknese of material layer
Vibration strength
Coarse milling
Fine milling
Superfine milling
Milling efficieney
Wet milling
Dry miling
Air swept cooling grinding
Freeze grinding
Refrigeralized air swept grindingClosed circulating grinding
Miling mediam
Milling medium load
Grinding medium surface area
Media bulk density
Grinding medium filling rate
Grinding aid
Corrosion agent
Viscosity reducer
Pore tension
Batch ratio
Air permeability
Liquid bridge
Body bridge
Extrusion rate
Extrusion output
Connecting bridge
1. 5. 4. 1,Bricking
Warp area
Gap water
Double-sided male pressure
Multiple pressurization
Pressure speed
Maintaining time
Filming and tableting]
Surface atea ofmilling
Aeated bulk density of mitling mcdiumFiHimng ate of milling mediumFineness
Grtnaing aid
Coribsin resistant
Reducing visconity agert
Compounding ratio
Air permcability
ijufa bridge
Balid bridge
Extrusion ratebzxZ.net
Extrusion output
Link bridge
Pressing cake
iContact area
Eaptiary water
Boet'side pres ing
Fressing speed
Pressing mainatining tine
Presising film
Mother ball (raw ball)
Lubrication with water
Capillary bonding
Internal storage force
Calcination consolidation
Molecular bonding force
1. 5.4.3 Sintering
Softening and melting
Moisture condensation zone
Drying preheat zone
Sintering material consolidation
View and efficiency
Liquid phase melt
Sintering material over-wetting zone
Fuel combustion zone
Pressure zone
Ball prying
Air sintering
Hot air sintering
Chemically bound water
Mechanically bound water
Physicochemically bound water
Unbound water
Desorption water
Jinheng search
Free water
Boiling phosphine drying
Air flow drying
Spray drying
Mather pellet
Added water lubricating
Capillary cohesion
Internal frietion force
Super wet
Molecular cohesion
Suftening & fusing
Moisture condensive zone
Drying preheating zone
Sinterlng salidification
Mixing efficiency
Liquid melt
Sintering material super wet zoneFuel-combustion zone
Cooling zone
Srnall ball sintering
Dpraft aintering
Hot air sintering
Chethical bound water
Mechanical bound water
Physical-chemical bound waterNon-bound moisture
Balance moisture
Free moisture
Fluil-bed drying
Pneumatic-conveyer drying
Spray and immersion cooling
Air cooling
Short-feed cooling
Convection cooling
Holding medium
Shear mixing,
Spray coling
Spray and immersion cooling
Air cooling
Thirnersion epoling
Convection cooling
Coofing medium
Sheat mixing
Mixture degree
Mixing time(average resident time)Ⅱ
Mixing tine(average resident time)Convection mixing
Diffusion mixing
Mixing curve
Outer packaging
Inner packaging
Conveetion mixing
Diffugion mixing
Mixing curve
Packaglag and measaring
Package [packaging,packing]
Quetet package[exteripr parkage]Innor pacitage Einterior package]Portlon packagedesing pckage]One-way package Enon-retumable pack-Disposable Bao Po [No recycling packaging fee]
Recyclable packaging
Collective packaging
Pallet packaging
Returnable package
Aissembly packaging
Dangerous goods packaging
Commercial packaging
Industrial packaging
Packaging measurement
Hemming [folding]
Wrapping and bandaging
Shrink packaging
Packaging transportation indication
Shipment and receiving mark
Dangerous goods packaging mark
Packaging modulus
"Pro-shape code"
Packaging materials
Bulk pillow bag
Plug self-sealing bag
Fabric bag
Non-woven fabric
Plastic woven bag
Composite plastic woven bag
Plastic film bag
Multi-layer saddle
Dangerous articles package
Conumoditial package
Industrial package
Scaling for packagingEmeasuringfor packaging]
Edge foldover[edgefold]
Heat geal
StrappingLtying ,binding]
Indicative mark
Shi pping mark | bag
Compostic plastic waven bag
Plastic film bag .
Multi-wall bag
Quett package[exteripr parkage]Innor pacitage Einterior package]Portlon packagedesing pckage]One-way package
One-way package Enon-retumable pack-Disposable package [No recycling packaging fee]
Recyclable packaging
Collective packaging
Pallet packaging
Returnable package
Aissembly packaging
Dangerous goods packaging
Commercial packaging
Industrial packaging
Packaging measurement
Hemming [folding]
Wrapping and bandaging
Shrink packaging
Packaging transportation indication
Shipment and receipt mark
Dangerous goods packaging mark
Packaging modulus
"Pro-shape code"
Packaging materials
Bulk pillow bag
Plug self-sealing bag
Fabric bag
Non-woven fabric
Plastic woven bag
Composite plastic woven bag
Plastic film bag
Multi-layer saddle
Dangerous articles package
Conumoditial package
Industrial package
Scaling for packagingEmeasuringfor packaging]
Edge foldover[edgefold]
Heat geal
StrappingLtying ,binding]
Indicative mark
Shi pping mark | bag
Compostic plastic waven bag
Plastic film bag .
Multi-wall bag
Quett package[exteripr parkage]Innor pacitage Einterior package]Portlon packagedesing pckage]One-way package
One-way package Enon-retumable pack-Disposable package [No recycling packaging fee]
Recyclable packaging
Collective packaging
Pallet packaging
Returnable package
Aissembly packaging
Dangerous goods packaging
Commercial packaging
Industrial packaging
Packaging measurement
Hemming [folding]
Wrapping and bandaging
Shrink packaging
Packaging transportation indication
Shipment and receiving mark
Dangerous goods packaging mark
Packaging modulus
"Pro-shape code"
Packaging materials
Bulk pillow bag
Plug self-sealing bag
Fabric bag
Non-woven fabric
Plastic woven bag
Composite plastic woven bag
Plastic film bag
Multi-layer saddle
Dangerous articles package
Conumoditial package
Industrial package
Scaling for packagingEmeasuringfor packaging]
Edge foldover[edgefold]
Heat geal
StrappingLtying ,binding]
Indicative mark
Shi pping mark | bag
Compostic plastic waven bag
Plastic film bag .
Multi-wall bag
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.