首页 > 商检行业标准(SN) > SN/T 1775-2006 进出出口蜂王浆及蜂王浆冻干粉中链霉素残留量检测方法 液相色谱法
SN/T 1775-2006


标准号: SN/T 1775-2006

中文名称:进出出口蜂王浆及蜂王浆冻干粉中链霉素残留量检测方法 液相色谱法








相关标签: 进出 出口 蜂王浆 链霉素 残留量 检测 方法 色谱法



中标分类号:>>>>B4 食品>>制糖与糖制品>>X31制糖




标准价格:10.0 元




本标准规定了进出口蜂王浆及蜂王浆冻干粉中链霉素残留量检测的制样和液相色谱测定方法。本标准适用于进出口蜂王浆及蜂王浆冻干粉中链霉素残留量的检测。 SN/T 1775-2006 进出出口蜂王浆及蜂王浆冻干粉中链霉素残留量检测方法 液相色谱法 SN/T1775-2006 标准下载解压密码:www.bzxz.net



中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫行业标准SN/T 1775--2006
Determination of streptomyein residues in royal jelly and royal jellpowder for import and export-Liquid chromatographic method2006-04-25发布
SN/T 1775—2006
3.2. 8 三氯乙酸:
3.2. 9庚烷磺酸钠(C,HNaU.S.H,0):液相色谱纯。3.2.131,2-萘醛-1-磺酸钠。
30为醇水溶液:醇+水(30+70,V/V)3.2. 11
稀磷骏溶浚;pI=2。1009 mL 水中滴加磷殷,在 pII 二调溶液的pI为2.3.2.12
磷酸盐缓冲溶液:0.2mol/I.,pH一8,称取38.46g磷酸氢二钾和1.05g磷酸二氢钾丁烧杯3.2. 13
,加水溶解后定容100L:用磷酸调节溶液H为8,3.2.14氢氧化钠济液:0.2 mol/1.,称取 8 %氢氢化钠溶丁适量水,冉定容至1 G00 ml3.2.15三氯乙酸溶液:5C乐水溶液。称取100&三氛乙酸溶二适量水.再定容至100mL。3.2.16饱和氢氧化钠溶液、bzxZ.net
3.2.17 质烷破酸溶被;0.5 mol/1,称取1lg庚烷磺酸钠溶二109 ml.水中。庚烷磺酸钠酸溶液:0. U:r:o1/L.pH 3. 3。称取 2. 2 g庚烷潢酸钠溶于 900 tmL.水巾,滴乙3.2.18
SN/T 1775—2006
酸,在 pH计上调节溶液的 pH为 3. 3,血水容至 1 0 nL.。3.2.19阴离子交换杜:苯磺酸型固相萃敢杜,500 tng31rl.a使用前分别用5Tml.甲酵和10 t:l.水预洗并保持性体湿润,
3.2.23IILB固相萃取柱:500 rmg.3nL。使用前分别用5 mL甲婷和10 ImL水预洗并保诗栏体湿润。
3. 3. 5p11 :硫牟 0, 02.
3.3.6 H盖塑料离心管:100 ml.。3.4测定步骤
称取蜂王浆_0 g(精确至0.01 )置于 50 rrL容量板中,加 40 rrL稀磷酸溶液在滤器「:混勺,再加人5c%三氯乙酸2rrL,用稀磷酸定容.轻轻滤孕,将溶液转移到离心管中,离心(000 /rnin)5 iz过滤。:取滤液25m展饱和氢氣花钩溶浚调节3为2.0净化而称取蛇+浆冻下粉5g(精确至C.01 g)置二离心管中,加入58 ml.稀磷酸溶液在混匀器上混匀,币川人5c%一氯乙骏2mL,轻轻混匀,离心(40r/min)mir,过滤。段滤液0 ml.用饱和氢氧化钠溶液调节pH为2.0,待净化用。
3. 4.2阳离子交换柱净化
将1述滤液过顽光逊洗好的苯酸型固相萃取杜·分别用5L稀磷酸溶液和1CrrL水淤洗固相举取杆.充云全部渐出液。用30rL磷酸盐缓冲溶液洗脱链需素。在洗脱液中加人05r11/L爽烷酸溶液 3 ml,擢勾,再用磷羧调节洗脱液 pH 3. 3,3. 4. 3HIB 固相萃取柱净化
将上述溶液过琐洗好的 HLB质相萃取性柱,丧用稀磷酸溶液 5 nL 淋洗,在真空负压下,减压抽十5 zrir1弃去全部淋出液。用 5 mL30%中醇水溶液淋洗 IILB固相萃取柱,在真空负压下,减压排干5min。而2ml.下醇溶以1.5mL/min剂流迷洗脱链得素,洗脱液在小于45℃求裕上氮气流收至近下。用0.Clmol/I.质烯碳酸骏溶液溶解并定容至:,Cml,溶液供液柜色岩测定,3. 4.4测定色谱条件
谱柱:LiehrospherC5μi,250 innX4,n(内径),或相当的色谱柱;流动相:称取1._0 庚烷磺酸钠和9.052 1,2-茶酶-4-磺酸钠,溶于 500 1mL乙利水的滤合h)
衍生管:1C =nXC,25 imin(内径),不诱管或 peek 塑料管:g
h)衍牛剂:0.2 mnl/l.氢氧化钠溶液:i)街生剂流速:0.2ttl/ttti:r;j)衍牛管温漫:℃。色谱测定
SN/T 1775—2006
4.2.1峰土浆样品的添加浓度及其向收率的实验数如下:在添加0,C1 rmg/kg浓度水平时,链霉素的回改率范围为83.7%~92.5%;在添加0,02 rng/kg浓度水平吋,链霉素的回改率范围为 90.1%~98.5%;在漆加0.C5 mg/kg浓度水平时,链宽素的回改率范周为86.1%~-93.8%。4.2.2蜂+浆冻「粉样品的添加滚度改其问收率的实验数据如下:在添加0.C2mg/kg浓度水平附,链霉素的回改率范围为82.0%-~92.0%;在添加0.05 mg/kg浓度水平时,链幕素的回改率范国为85.4%~96.2%;在添加0.10mg/kg浓度水平时,链筛素的回改率范围为85.6%~96.8%(
SV/T 1775—2006
1.[31 A, 1x-26], [:--435
Annex Ais an informative annexForeword
SN/T 1775—2006
This standard was proposed by and is under the charge of Certification and Accreditation administra-tion of thePeople's Republic of China.This standard was drafted by Zhejiang Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the People'sRepurblic of China.
The main drafters of this standard are Chen Xiaotnei, Chi haachao, Chen Xiaaxia, Wang dong, Liuhaishan, Shi xuxia、and Shi lei.This standard is a professional standard for entry-exit inspection and quarantine promulgated for thefirst time.
SN/T 1775—2006
Determination of streptomycin residues in royal jelly and royal jellypowder for import and exportLiquid chromatographic method1Scope
This standard specifies the method of sampling . sarnple preparation and determination of streptomycin residues in royal jelly and royal jelly powder by high performance liquid chromatographyThis standard is applicable ta the inspectian of streptomycin residues in royal jelly and royal jellypowder.
2Sample preparation
2. 1 Preparation of test sarmpleMix the sample, divide into two equal portions, and then place in clean containers, One uses as apreserved sample and the other uses as a test sample. In the caurse of sampling and sample prepara-tion, precaution must be taken to avoid the contamnination or any factors which may cauise the chan-ges of residue content.
2. 2Storage of sample
The test samples should be detected in time, if they cant, they should be stared belaw - 1'c.3Method of deterrmination
Streptomycin residue in test sample is extracted with phosphoric acid solution. Precipitate the pro.tein in sample by trichloroacetic acid and purify the filter by cation exchange column and HLB solidphase extraction cartridge, Determine the streptomycin by HPLC with post-column derivation and flu-orescencedetector,using external standard method.3.2 Reagents and materials
Unless otherwise specified, all reagents shauld be analytically pure, water used should be redistilledor deianized.
3.2. 1Methanol: HPLC grade.
3. 2.2Acetonitrile: HPLC grade.3.2.3Phosphoric acid: :85%.
3.2. 4Acetic acid.
Di-potassium hydrogen phosphate.3.2.5
3.2. 6 Potassium dihydrogen phasphate.3.2.7 Sodium hydroxide
3Trichloroacetic acid.
3. 2, 91-Heptane sulphanic acid sodiurn salt (C, Hi, NaO, S. H,O) : HPLC grade.3.2. 101,2-Naphthoquinone-4-sulfonic acid sodium salt.3.2. 11 30% methanol water solution:methanol-water(30+70, V/ V).SN/T 1775—2006
3. 2. 12 Phosphoric acid solution: pH= 2. Adjust pH= 2 by drop-wise addition of phosphoric acid3.2. 13 Phosphate buffer: 0. 2 mol/L. pH = 8. Dissolve 33. 46 g di-potassium hydrogen phosphateand 1. 05 g potassium dihydrogen phosphate in water. Adjust pH=8 with phosphoric acid and dilutedto 1 000 rmL.
3.2. 14 sodium hydroxide: 0. 2 mol/L. Dissolve 8 g sodium hydroxide in 1 000 mL water.3.2.15Trichloroacetic acid solution:50%water solution. Dissalve 100 g Trichlaraacetic acid in100 mL water.
Saturated NaoH solurtion.
1-Heptanesulphonic acid sodium solution: 0. 5 mal/L. Dissolve 11 g 1-Heptanesulphonic3.2. 17
acidsodiumsaltinwateranddiluteto1oomiLwithwater.3.2. 18 1-Heptanesulphonic acid sodium acidic solution: 0. 01 mol/L. pH = 3. 3. Dissolve 2. 2 g1-Heptanesulphonic acid sodium salt in 900 mL water, adjust pH = 3. 3 with acetic acid and dilute to1000 mL withwater.
SV/T 1775—2006
3.2.19 Cation exchange column: aromatic sulphonic solid phase extraction(PE) cartridg, 500 mg,3 mL. Condition aromatic sulphonic sPE cartridge With 5 mL methanol and 10 ml waterbefore using.
3.2.20 HLB Solid phase extraction(SPE)Cartridge: 500 mg,3 mL. Condition HLB SPE cartridgewith5mLmethanoland10mLwaterbeforeusing.Streptornycin standard: 95. 8%.3.2.21
3. 2.22 Streptomycin standard stock solution: Accurately weigh an appropriate amount of strepto-mycin standard and dissolve with water to prepare a standard stock solution of 100 μg/mL, Thisstandard stock solution should be stored at 4'c.3.2.23Streptomycin standard working solution:According to the requirement.pipette adequateamount of standard stock solution and dilute with 0. D1 mol/L 1-Heptanesulphonic acid sodiuim solution to prepare standard working solution of suitable concentrations.3.3Apparatus and equipment
3.3. 1 High-performance liquid chromatograph; equipped with fluorescence detector and post-column derivation apparatus.
3, 3.2 Centrifuge,
3.3.3Vortex mixer.
3.3.4Solid phase extraction with vacuum pump.3. 3. 5 pH measurer; Capable of measuring ±0. 02 unit.3.3.6 Plastic centrifuge turbe with cap: 100 mL3. 4Determination Procedure
3.4.1 Extraction
Weigh 10 g royal jelly (accurate ta 0. o1g) in 50ml volumetric flask . Add 40 ml phosphoric acidsolution and agitate or a vortex rnixer unitil the sarnple was dissolved cornpletely. 2. 0 rnL of 50%Trichloroacetic acid solution was addecd to the sample solution and diluted to volume by phosphoricacid solution, Shake lightly and transfer the solution to centrifuge tube. Centrifuge the sample solu-tion for 5 mins(4 000 r/min). The supernatant was filtered , Piptte 25 mL filtrate into a clean contain-er and adjusted it to pH 2. 0 by saturated NaoH solution.8
SN/T 1775—2006
Weigh 5 g royal jelly powder (accurate to 0. 01g) in centrifuge tube. Add 58 mL phosphoric acid so-lution and agitate on a vortex mixer until the sample was dissolved completely. 2. 0 mL of 50% Tri-chloroacetic acid solution was aclded to the sarnple solution, Shake lightly. Centrifuge the sample so-lution for 5 mins (4 000 r/min). The supernatant was filtered , Piptte 30 mL filtrate into a clean con-tainer and adjusted it to pH 2. o by saturated NaoH solution.3. 4. 2Cleanup by cation exchange colurmnDraw the above solution through a per-canditioned aromatic sulphonic SPE cartridge. Wash the SPEcartridge with 5 mL phosphoric acid solution and 10 mL water. Discard all of the above effluents. E-lute streptomycin from the SPE cartridge with 30 mL phosphate buffer, Add 3 mL 0, 5 mol/L 1-Hep-tanesulphonic acid sodium solution to the eluate and shake well, adjust pH to 3. 3 by drop-wise addit-on of phosphoric acid.
3.4.3Cleanup byHLBPEcartridgeLoad the prepared solution into a pre-conditianed HLB SPE cartridge. Wash the HLB SPE cartridgewith 5 mL pH 2 phosphoric acid solution. Dry the HLB SPE cartridge for 5 min by vacuurn purnp.5 mL30% methanol water solution were loaded to the the HLB SPE cartridge and continue dry for5 min. Elute the streptomycin residue with 2 mL methanol into an evaporation flask. Blow it to nearlydry under a nitrogen flow below 45'c. The residue is dissolved in 1. 0 mL 0. a1 mol/L 1-Heptanesul-phonic acid sodiurm solution anid used for liquid chrornatographic determination.3.4.4
3.4, 4, 1HPLC conditions
Chromatographic column: Lichrospher Cis 5 pm, 250 × 4. 6 mm(id), or equivalent :b) Mobil phase: Dissolve 1. 10g 1-Heptanesulphonic acid sodiurn salt and 0. 052 g 1.2-Naphthoqui-none-4-sulfonic acid sodium salt in 500 mL acetonition -water(28 + 72) . Adjust pH 4. 3 with ace-tic acid. Prepared daily:
Mabil phase flow rate: 1. 0 mL/min:c)
Detected wavelength: Excitation 263 nm, Emitting 435 nm;e)Injection volumn:100 μL;
Column temperature:50'c
Derivation column: 10 m x 0. 25 mm(id), stainless steel or peek plastic tube;Derivation reagent: o. 2 mol/L sodiurn hydroxide solution;h)
Derivation reagentflow rate:0.2mL/min:j) Derivation temperature: 50℃.3, 4, 4, 2HPLC determinationAccording to the approximate concentration of streptomycin in the sample solution, select thestandard working solution with similar concentratian to that of sample solution. The respanses ofSN/T 1775—2006
streptomycin in the standard working salution and the sample solution should be in the linear range ofthe instrumental detection. The standard solution should be randomly injected between the injectionsof sample solution of equal volume, Under the above operating condition, the retention time ofstreptomycin is about 13, 3 min, For the chromatogram of the standard, reference fig A1 in annex A.3.5Blank test
The operation of the blank test is the sarme as that described in the method of determination, butwithout addition of sample.
3. 6 Calculation and expression of resultThe calculation of result is carried ourt according to the following formulaX
As× m
the residue content of streptomycin in the test sample, mg/kg:the peak area of streptomycin in sample solution;the concentration of streptomycin in the standard working solution,μg/mL:the final volume of sample solution, mL;the peak area of streptomycin in the standard working solution#the corresponding mass af the test sample in the final sample salutian, g.4Limitofdetermination and recovery4. 1 Limit of determination
The limit of determination of this method is 0. D10 mg/kg for royal jelly and 0. 020 mg/kg for royaljellypowder
4. 2. 1 According to the experiment data, the fortifying concentrations of streptomycin and its corresponding recoveries in royal jelly are:0.010 mg/kg. The recovery of streptomycin is between 83.7% ~94.5%;-0,020 mg/kg. The recovery of streptomycin is between 90,4%~98.5% :-0, 050 mg/kg. The recovery of streptomycin is between 86, 4 % ~93. 8%.4.2.2According to the experiment data, the fortifying concentrations af streptomycin and its cor-responding recoveries in royal jelly powder are:-0. 02 mg/kg. The recovery of streptomycin is between 82. 0 % -94. 0% ; -0. 05 mg/kg. The recovery of streptomycin is between 85, 4% ~96. 2% : 0. 10 mg/kg. The recovery of streptomycin is between 85. 6% ~96. 8%.10