Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment>>Information technology applications>>35.240.40 Application of information technology in banks
Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A11 Finance, Insurance
This standard identifies and defines the terms and data used to describe, process and format funds transfer payment instructions. GB/T 15948.1-1995 Bank Telecommunications Funds Transfer Messages Part 1: Vocabulary and Data Elements GB/T15948.1-1995 Standard Download Decompression Password:
This standard identifies and defines the terms and data used to describe, process and format funds transfer payment instructions.
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GB/T15948.1--1995 This standard is equivalent to ISO7982-1:1987 "Bank Telecommunications Funds Transfer Message Part 1: Vocabulary and Data Elements". The main difference between this standard and 1507982-1:1987 is that when using standard groups in the text and appendix, the standard number of my country is used instead of the corresponding international standard number. The corresponding relationship is! GH/T7408---1994 replaces ISO8601 GB12406--1990 replaces ISO4217 In addition, the other two international standards I$07746 and IS08730 that are difficult to quote in this standard are not actually used in this standard. In order to avoid the length of this standard being too long, the translations of these two international standards are no longer provided in the appendix of this standard. Appendix A and Appendix L of this standard are both prompt appendices. This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Financial Standardization. The drafting units of this standard are: Bank of China, China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding, and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. The main drafters of this standard are Yan Deren, Hu Weixue, Fang Qing, Gong Tao, Wang Yunsheng, Guo Feng, Qiang Qunli, and Zhang Rongjing. GB/T15948.11995 ISO Foreword ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide association of national standard groups. The formulation of international standards is mainly completed through ISO technical committees. If each member body is interested in a project of an established technical committee, it has the right to express it to the technical committee. Any official or non-official international organization that has a liaison relationship with ISU can directly participate in the formulation of ISO international standards. The draft international standard adopted by the technical committee must be sent to each member body for voting before it is accepted as an international standard by the ISC Council. According to the working procedures of the ISO, the draft standard can become an ISO international standard only after it is voted in favor by at least 75% of the member bodies. International Standard ISO/TC 68 (Banking and Related Financial Services) prepared this International Standard. Users should note that all international standards are subject to revision. The latest versions of other international standards referenced in this standard are used unless otherwise specified. National Standard of the People's Republic of China Banking Telecommunication Funds Transfer Message Part 1: Vocabulary and Data Elements Bank elecummunication--Funds transfer message Part 1: Vocabulary and data elements CB/115948-1—1995 IDT ISO 7982-1:1987 The international use of electronic communication media and services to complete various banking transactions has increased significantly. This rapid growth is partly due to the promotion of the banking industry and national and international communication network providers. However, these have been developed to a greater or lesser extent on a relatively independent basis to suit individual markets, resulting in a lack of consistency and universality in the meaning and use of their terms and data elements. The use of a multitude of participants, multi-faceted messages, and multiple networks has created a need for consistency in common terminology and data elements in messages so that instructions are clear to all parties and unnecessary interpretation and manual intervention are reduced. In this electronic communications environment, messages currently exchanged or expected to be exchanged electronically in the future support a variety of banking functions, such as funds transfer, foreign exchange, securities trading, collections, and documentary credits. This standard describes the vocabulary and data elements that appear in funds transfer messages. In addition, two appendices that do not constitute this standard are provided to assist in understanding this standard. 1 Scope and Field of Application This standard identifies and defines terms and data elements that are widely used in describing, processing, and formatting funds transfer payment instructions. Because it is essential for the recipient of a funds transfer message to understand the complete meaning of the funds transfer message transmitted through different institutions or systems, the terms and data elements identified in this standard are generally defined from the perspective of the recipient. It should be noted that in some cases, multiple terms cover the same concept. For this situation, this standard contains all the terms used, but designates one of them as the "preferred term". To avoid confusion caused by multiple terms, as a general rule, it is recommended to use the "preferred term" in all aspects of fund transfer. 2 Referenced Standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. The versions shown are valid at the time of publication of this standard. All standards are subject to revision. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB/T 7408-94 Data elements and exchange formats Information exchange Date and time representation (eqv IS( ) 8601: 1988) GB/T 12406-90 Codes for indicating currency and funds (id1 IS( ) 1217: 1987) ISO 7716: 1988 Banking services Interbank payment message telex format ISO 8730: 1990 Banking services message identification requirements (wholesale services) 3 Vocabulary Since the vocabulary of this standard is limited to funds transfer messages (see 3.57), when some of the terms in it have been used or may be used for other banking services, due to the uniqueness of the specific application, these terms or definitions may differ slightly from the vocabulary of this standard. Note: Funds transfer data elements are marked with italics. 3.1 Account Identification The identifier assigned by the account servicing bank to identify the account of the account owner. 3.2 Account Owner Bank The bank that provides account services to another bank (account servicing bank). 3.3 Account Servicing Bank The bank that accepts deposits from the account. 3.4 Account servicing bank's reference number A reference number assigned by the account servicing bank to identify the transaction (this is the reference that the account owner should use when making enquiries with the account servicing bank. 3.5 Account with bank See the preferred term "accepting bank". 3.6 Notification Confirmation that an action has occurred. 3.7 Attention party A person or department that is concerned about a message. 3.8 Authentication key An encryption key designed to be known to the parties involved. When this key and the contents of the message are used in the authentication algorithm (see 1S0 8730), the result is a message authentication code. 3.9 Entity A code in a message between a receiver and a sender that verifies the source of the message and the validity of part or all of the message content according to a calculation method agreed upon by both parties. 3.10 Authentication key A key designed to be a secret key known only to the parties involved. When this key and the content of the message are combined with an agreed algorithm, the result is an authentication key. 3.11 Available funds Available funds for transfer or withdrawal. 3.12 Bank bank A financial institution for depositing money. 3.13 BankWire System A dedicated telecommunications or settlement service provided by BankWire in the United States for banks. 3. 14 Beneficiary The final party to whom a transfer is credited or to whom funds are paid. 3.15 BeneficiaryadiceinformationThe information used to notify the beneficiary (e.g., telephone number, telegram number, contact name, etc.). 3.16 BeneficiarycommunicationA code that specifies the method used to notify the beneficiary (e.g., telephone, letter, telegram, etc.) that the beneficiary's account has been credited or that a certain amount of funds has been made available to him. 3.17 BeneficiaryidentificationA code that clearly identifies the beneficiary bank and may include an explanation of the type of identifier code provided. 3.18 BeneficiarymethodA code that specifies the method by which the beneficiary is to be paid. CB/T 15948. 1-1995 3.19 Beneficiary name and address Beneficiary name and address details identification. 3.20 Beneficiary bank beneficiary bank The bank requested to act as the financial agent for the beneficiary of the transfer. 3.21 Beneficiary bank notification information Information used to notify the beneficiary bank (e.g. telephone number, registered telegram, contact name, etc.). 3.22 Beneficiary bank notification method Beneficiary bank notification method Code specifying the method used to notify the beneficiary bank (e.g. telephone, letter, telegram, etc.) that the account of the beneficiary bank has been credited or a certain amount of funds has been made available to it. 3.23 Beneficiary bank information Beneficiary bank identifier The code of the beneficiary bank and may include an indication of the type of identifier code provided. 3.24 Beneficiary bank information Beneficiary's bank information Various information related to the transfer for the use of the beneficiary bank only. 3.25 Beneficiary's bank name and address Beneficiary's bank name and address Details of the beneficiary's bank name and address. 3-26 Bonk transfer Service provided by the bank executing the transaction to transfer funds between two accounts. 3.27 LashWire American cash telecommunication system American net settlement payment bank telecommunication system service. 3.28 Charges Various fees related to financial services. 3.29 Levies Charges apphree Fees to be levied for the provision of financial services. 3.30 Charges payers Specify who pays the fees for financial services. 3.31 CHAPS-Clearing House Automated Payment System An electronic system between banks for sending guaranteed unconditional payments, allowing payments from one clearing bank acting on behalf of itself or its customers to be cleared with another clearing bank in the same bank. 3.32 CHIPS—Clearing House Interbank Payments System is a specialized electronic communication payment service provided by banks in the New York area managed by the Red Cross Clearing House Association, which only processes U.S. dollar payments. 3.33 Cleared funds See preferred term "available funds". 3.34 Communication service - a service for the transmission of messages between users, including fund transfer transactions settled by other means. 3.35 Correspondent banks A bank with which authorisation forms and/or codes have been exchanged, engaged in the exchange of services, and/or with which an account or accounts are maintained. 3.36 Cover payment Reimbursement of a payment by a correspondent bank. 3.37 Credit advice Notification sent by the crediting account servicing bank to the recipient (account owner) of the account, which does not serve as an instruction to transmit a payment. 3.38 Credit participation party The department of the receiving bank that is credited or paid. 3.39 Curreneyrc GB/T15948.1—1995 ISO code for identifying a currency (see GB 12406). 3.40 Date diate Calendar representation of a point in time (see GB7408). 3.41 Debit advice A notification issued by the account servicing bank to the account of the receiving party (account owner). 3.42 Debit party The party on the receiving bank's account that is the source of funds. 3.43 Debit transfer An instruction by the sender to specify a debit party other than itself in the form of authorization. 3-44 Details of payment paymentSee preferred term "message from payer to beneficiary" 3.45 direct debit See preferred term "debit transfer". 3.46 drawdown an instruction by the recipient to make a payment to the sender's account at another financial institution to reduce the balance of his account. 3.47 due from accountSee preferred term "nostro account". 3.48 due from bankSee preferred term "account holder bank". 3.49 due to accountSee preferred term "rice account". 3. 50 due to bankSee preferred term "account holder bank". 3.51 entry date the date of entry in the account records. 3. 52 favour of See preferred term “beneficiary\. 3.53fed funds See preferred term “federal funds” 3.54federal funds Deposits of U.S. dollars at the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States.3.55Fedwire A dedicated wire network payment service administered by the Federal Reserve System for transferring funds between financial institutions with accounts at the Federal Reserve Bank. 3.56funds transfer (often abbreviated to trans[er) completes the transfer of funds between a payer and a beneficiary. A funds transfer may consist of one or more funds transfer transactions. 3.57 funds transfer message A message that provides instructions, reports or other support for the transfer of funds between banks and their customers. 3.58 funds transfer transaction (often abbreviated to trangaction) A transfer of funds between two parties without an intermediary, rather than a payment or communication service. 3.59 funds type funds type GB/T 15948. 11995 Characteristics of funds in a given currency, including availability and liquidity use or exchange rules (e.g. "common money" and "second month money" in the United States, "convertible French francs" and "finance francs" in Belgium). 3.60 funds type code The component of the currency code that identifies the type of funds (see (B12406). 3.61 effective interest value A representation of a transaction request with an unambiguous value date. 3.62 Identifier code identifiercode A code that unambiguously identifies a party. 3.63 Identifier code type identifier rodeiype A code that specifies the type of identifier code used to identify a party. 3.64 Immediate funds See the preferred term "available funds". In the United States, immediate funds refer to same-day funds, which are settled simultaneously with the execution of the transaction. 3.65 Initiator initiator See the preferred term "payer". 3.66 Input sequence number inputseguencenumber (ISy) A consecutive sequence number that allows input message control between the sending bank and the service provider. 3.67 instructing bank The bank with which the sender is executing the transaction. 3.68 instrucingbankidentifier A code that explicitly identifies the instrucing bank and may include a detailed description of the type of identifier code provided. 3.69 instrucingbanknameandaddress The detailed identification of the bank name and address. 3.70 instrucingparty The party with which the sender is executing the transaction. 3.71 instruction The result of a communication or part thereof containing the details required for the authorisation and transfer of funds. 3.72 instruction date the date on which the instruction is sent by the sender. 3.73 intermediary bank(s) the bank(s) nominated by the sending bank and through which the transfer must take place between the receiving bank and the beneficiary's bank. In this case, the bank is the creditor of the receiving bank. 3.74 intermediary bank advice inform&tion the information used to inform an intermediary bank (e.g. telephone number, registered telegram, name of contact person, etc.). 3.75 intermediary bank advice method the code specifying the method used to inform an intermediary bank (e.g. telephone, letter, telegram, etc.) that an account of the bank has been credited or that a certain amount of funds has been placed at its disposal. 3.76 intermediary bank identifier the code that specifically identifies the intermediary bank and may include a date indicating the type of identifier code provided. 3.77 Intermediary bank name and address Intermediary bank name and address details. 3.78 Loro account The actual account opened by the account service bank for the account owner's bank. 3.79 MMC (Message Authentication Code) GB/T 15948. 1 ---1995 A code used between the sender and the receiver to verify the source of the message and the validity of part or all of the contents of the message (see ISC) 8730). The code is the result of an agreed calculation. 3.80 Message A communication containing one or more transactions or one or more related information. 3.81 Message authentication A technology used to verify the source of the message between the sender and the receiver and the validity of part or all of the contents of the message. 3.B2 Sender message status indicator (st-sender) Provided by the sending bank to specify information about specific circumstances of message transmission (such as suspicious or possible duplication). 3.83 Vice message status indicator (s) Provided by the service provider to specify information about specific circumstances of message transmission (such as suspicious or possible duplication). 3.84 Message type code messagetypecode A code that specifies the function and/or action requested by the message. 3.85 Notification method method af advice A method of notifying a participant. 3.86 Multiple message A root message containing more than one transaction or more than one related information item. 3.87 Next day fuuds Funds available for immediate transfer in the same funds manner and pending settlement for the next day as same-day funds transfer or withdrawal. This type of funds is only used for certain specific U.S. dollar transactions. 3.88 nostro account A record kept by the account owner's bank in an account opened with the account service bank. 3.89 (face) notice A message sent to the recipient of an event. 3.90 notice to receive A notice sent to the account service bank that will credit the received funds to the account of the notice sender. 3.91 originalor The sender of the transfer instruction. 3.92 payment A mark to be originated or identifier A code that unambiguously identifies the payer and may include an indication of the type of identifier code provided. 3.93 payer name and address originator name and address details identify the payer name and address. 3.94 payer's bank originator's bank identifies the bank that acts as the payer for the transfer. 3.95 payer's bank identifier A code that unambiguously identifies the payer's bank and may include an indication of the type of identifier code provided. 3.96 originator's bank name and address originator's bank name and address details identify the payer's bank name and address. 3.97 beneficiary information originatat beneficiary information information sent by the payer to the beneficiary. 3.98 output sequence number (OsN) A reverse sequence number that allows control of output messages between the serving bank and the receiving bank. 3.99 pay date pay date The date on which the funds are available for cash withdrawal by the beneficiary. GB/T 15948. 1 ---1995 A code used between a sender and a receiver to verify the source of a message and the validity of part or all of its contents (see ISC) 8730), which is the result of an agreed calculation. 3.80 message A communication containing one or more transactions or one or more related information. 3.81 message authentication A technique used to verify the source of a message and the validity of part or all of its contents between a sender and a receiver. 3.B2 Sender message status indicator (st-sender) Provided by the sending bank to specify information about specific circumstances of message transmission (such as suspicious or possible duplication). 3.83 Vice message status indicator (s) Provided by the service provider to specify information about specific circumstances of message transmission (such as suspicious or possible duplication). 3.84 Message type code messagetypecode A code that specifies the function and/or action requested by the message. 3.85 Notification method method af advice A method of notifying a participant. 3.86 Multiple message A root message containing more than one transaction or more than one related information item. 3.87 Next day fuuds Funds available for immediate transfer in the same funds manner and pending settlement for the next day as same-day funds transfer or withdrawal. This type of funds is only used for certain specific U.S. dollar transactions. 3.88 nostro account A record kept by the account owner's bank in an account opened with the account service bank. 3.89 (face) notice A message sent to the recipient of an event. 3.90 notice to receive A notice sent to the account service bank that will credit the received funds to the account of the notice sender. 3.91 originalor The sender of the transfer instruction. 3.92 payment A mark to be originated or 3.93 Payer's name and address Originator's name and address details Identifier of the payer. 3.94 Payer's bank Originator's bank Identifier of the bank that acts as the payer of the transfer. 3.95 Payer's bank identifier Originator's bank identifier Originator's bank identifier Originator's bank identifier Originator's bank name and address details Identifier of the payer's bank. 3.96 Payer's bank name and address Originator's bank name and address details Identifier of the payer's bank. 3.97 Payer's beneficiary information Information sent by the payer to the beneficiary. 3.98 Output sequence number (ON) Output sequence number (OsN) A reverse sequence number that allows output message control between the service bank and the receiving bank. 3.99 Pay date Pay date The date on which funds can be used by the beneficiary in the form of cash withdrawal. GB/T 15948. 1 ---1995 A code (see ISC) 8730) used between the sender and the receiver to verify the source of a message and the validity of part or all of its contents. The code is the result of an agreed calculation. 3.80 Message A communication containing one or more transactions or one or more related information. 3.81 Message authentication A technique used to verify the source of a message and the validity of part or all of its contents between the sender and the receiver. 3.B2 Sender message status indicator (st-sender) Provided by the sending bank to specify information about specific circumstances of message transmission (such as suspicious or possible duplication). 3.83 Vice message status indicator (s) Provided by the service provider to specify information about specific circumstances of message transmission (such as suspicious or possible duplication). 3.84 Message type code messagetypecode A code that specifies the function and/or action requested by the message. 3.85 Notification method method af advice A method of notifying a participant. 3.86 Multiple message A root message containing more than one transaction or more than one related information item. 3.87 Next day fuuds Funds available for immediate transfer in the same funds manner and pending settlement for the next day as same-day funds transfer or withdrawal. This type of funds is only used for certain specific U.S. dollar transactions. 3.88 nostro account A record kept by the account owner's bank in an account opened with the account service bank. 3.89 (face) notice A message sent to the recipient of an event. 3.90 notice to receive A notice sent to the account service bank that will credit the received funds to the account of the notice sender. 3.91 originalor The sender of the transfer instruction. 3.92 payment A mark to be originated or identifier A code that unambiguously identifies the payer and may include an indication of the type of identifier code provided. 3.93 payer name and address originator name and address details identify the payer name and address. 3.94 payer's bank originator's bank identifies the bank that acts as the payer for the transfer. 3.95 payer's bank identifier A code that unambiguously identifies the payer's bank and may include an indication of the type of identifier code provided. 3.96 originator's bank name and address originator's bank name and address details identify the payer's bank name and address. 3.97 beneficiary information originatat beneficiary information information sent by the payer to the beneficiary. 3.98 output sequence number (OsN) A reverse sequence number that allows control of output messages between the serving bank and the receiving bank. 3.99 pay date pay date The date on which the funds are available for cash withdrawal by the beneficiary. GB/T 15948. 1 ---1995 A code used between a sender and a receiver to verify the source of a message and the validity of part or all of its contents (see ISC) 8730), which is the result of an agreed calculation. 3.80 message A communication containing one or more transactions or one or more related information. 3.81 message authentication A technique used to verify the source of a message and the validity of part or all of its contents between a sender and a receiver. 3.B2 Sender message status indicator (st-sender) Provided by the sending bank to specify information about specific circumstances of message transmission (such as suspicious or possible duplication). 3.83 Vice message status indicator (s) Provided by the service provider to specify information about specific circumstances of message transmission (such as suspicious or possible duplication). 3.84 Message type code messagetypecode A code that specifies the function and/or action requested by the message. 3.85 Notification method method af advice A method of notifying a participant. 3.86 Multiple message A root message containing more than one transaction or more than one related information item. 3.87 Next day fuuds Funds available for immediate transfer in the same funds manner and pending settlement for the next day as same-day funds transfer or withdrawal. This type of funds is only used for certain specific U.S. dollar transactions. 3.88 nostro account A record kept by the account owner's bank in an account opened with the account service bank. 3.89 (face) notice A message sent to the recipient of an event. 3.90 notice to receive A notice sent to the account service bank that will credit the received funds to the account of the notice sender. 3.91 originalor The sender of the transfer instruction. 3.92 payment A mark to be originated or identifier A code that unambiguously identifies the payer and may include an indication of the type of identifier code provided. 3.93 payer name and address originator name and address details identify the payer name and address. 3.94 payer's bank originator's bank identifies the bank that acts as the payer for the transfer. 3.95 payer's bank identifier A code that unambiguously identifies the payer's bank and may include an indication of the type of identifier code provided. 3.96 originator's bank name and address originator's bank name and address details identify the payer's bank name and address. 3.97 beneficiary information originatat beneficiary information information sent by the payer to the beneficiary. 3.98 output sequence number (OsN) A reverse sequence number that allows control of output messages between the serving bank and the receiving bank. 3.99 pay date pay date The date on which the funds are available for cash withdrawal by the beneficiary. GB/T 15948. 1 ---1995 A code used between a sender and a receiver to verify the source of a message and the validity of part or all of its contents (see ISC) 8730), which is the result of an agreed calculation. 3.80 message A communication containing one or more transactions or one or more related information. 3.81 message authentication A technique used to verify the source of a message and the validity of part or all of its contents between a sender and a receiver. 3.B2 Sender message status indicator (st-sender) Provided by the sender to specify information about specific circumstances of message transmission (such as suspicious or possible duplication). 3.83 Server message status indicator (s-vice) Provided by the server to specify information about specific circumstances of message transmission (such as suspicious or possible duplication). 3.84 Message type code messagetypecode Specifies the code of the function and/or action requested by the message. 3.85 Method of advice A method of advising a party to a transaction. 3 86 Multiple message A single message containing more than one transaction or more than one item of related information. 3.87 Next day funds Funds available for immediate transfer in the same funds format and pending settlement for use on the next day as a same-day funds transfer or withdrawal. This type of funds is used only for certain specific US dollar transactions. 3.88 Nostro account A record kept by the account owner's bank on an account opened with the account service bank. 3.89 Notice A message sent to the recipient of a transaction. 3.90 Notice to receive A message sent to the account service bank that will credit the funds received to the account of the notice sender. 3.91 Original or The originator of the transfer instruction. 3.92 originator identifier A code that unambiguously identifies the payee and may include an indication of the type of identifier code provided. 3.93 originator name and address The payee's name and address details identify the payee. 3.94 originator's bank The payee's bank that acts as the payee for the transfer. 3.95 originator's bank identifier A code that unambiguously identifies the payee's bank and may include an indication of the type of identifier code provided. 3.96 originator's bank name and address The payee's bank name and address details identify the payee's bank. 3.97 beneficiary information Information sent by the payee to the beneficiary. 3.98 output sequence number (OsN) An inverse sequence number that allows control of output messages between the serving bank and the receiving bank. 3.99 Withdrawal period pay date The period during which the funds can be used by the beneficiary in the form of cash withdrawal. 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