title>STANDARD of green wholesale market of product - GB/T 19220-2003 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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STANDARD of green wholesale market of product

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 19220-2003

Standard Name:STANDARD of green wholesale market of product

Chinese Name: 农副产品绿色批发市场

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2003-06-02

Date of Implementation:2003-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises), Administration, Transport >> 03.100 Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises)

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A10 Commerce, Trade, Contract

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Publication date:2003-12-01

other information

Release date:2003-06-23

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Ma Zengjun, Li Yulin, Zhan Yang, Na Shaoping, Zhang Jie, Zhao Muxin, Ding Yan

Drafting unit:National Federation of Urban Farmers' Trade Centers

Focal point unit:Ministry of Commerce

Proposing unit:Former State Economic and Trade Commission

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:Ministry of Commerce

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the terms used and the principles to be followed in the management of green wholesale markets for agricultural and sideline products, as well as the requirements for the site environment, facilities and equipment, commodity quality, commodity management, transaction management, market management, and market credit of green wholesale markets for agricultural and sideline products. This standard applies to comprehensive wholesale markets for agricultural and sideline products and specialized wholesale markets for agricultural and sideline products such as vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry, eggs, and aquatic products. GB/T 19220-2003 Green Wholesale Market for Agricultural and Sideline Products GB/T19220-2003 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the terms used and the principles to be followed in the management of green wholesale markets for agricultural and sideline products, as well as the requirements for the site environment, facilities and equipment, commodity quality, commodity management, transaction management, market management, and market credit of green wholesale markets for agricultural and sideline products. This standard applies to comprehensive wholesale markets for agricultural and sideline products and specialized wholesale markets for agricultural and sideline products such as vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry, eggs, and aquatic products.

Some standard content:

In order to deepen the discussion on the "three beam projects", improve the food grade guarantee system of agricultural product flow and conservation, and improve the management skills and facilities level of agricultural and sideline products wholesale market, this standard was proposed by the State Economic and Trade Commission. This standard was drafted by: National Agricultural Trade Federation. The main co-authors of this standard are: Ma Zengxiang, Li Lin, Lei Chang, Na Shaoli, Zhang Jie. This standard is approved by the National Standard Engineering Office of the Enterprise. 1 Standard
Green wholesale market for agricultural and sideline products
G1/T 1922C—2003
This standard shows the terms currently used and the principles to be followed in the green wholesale market for agricultural and sideline products, as well as the requirements for the green wholesale market for agricultural and sideline products, such as the environment, equipment, business quality, commodity management, agricultural management, market management, and market credit. This standard certifies that the wholesale market for agricultural and sideline products can be used by professionals such as agricultural products, technical products, and technical products! 2 Normative references || TT || The following clauses are cited in this standard or are the clauses of this standard: Any undated reference document, all subsequent amendments (excluding revisions) or revisions to this standard are not applicable to this standard. However, the latest version of this standard shall apply to undated reference documents. G1!78 Comprehensive sewage discharge standard
GB18406.1 Safety requirements for agricultural product safety and pollution-free drainage 118406. Safety requirements for agricultural product safety and pollution-free fruit 11840F5 Safety requirements for agricultural product safety and pollution-free livestock G31810F.4 Safety requirements for agricultural product safety and pollution-free aquatic product GBO7 Refrigeration equipment specification
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to agricultural and sideline products
including vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs, aquatic products, grain and oil and other products and their processed products. 3.2
Product wholesale market
A place that provides buyers and sellers with regular, open, and regular bulk distribution of agricultural and sideline products, price formation, information, settlement and other functions
Agricultural and sideline products wholesale market
Environmental environment is clean and hygienic, and the traded goods meet the quality management requirements of this standard. The agricultural and sideline products wholesale market with good management reputation:
4 Site environment
4.1 Site
With the market as the boundary, within a straight line distance of 1km, there are no following conditions: 1) There are pollution sources such as harmful gases, smoke, dust, etc.; 2) There are places where flammable, explosive, toxic and other dangerous goods are produced or stored. 4.2 Inner ring points
4.2.1 Facilities should be clearly marked, and the flow of people and goods should be unobstructed. 4.2.2 The green area should not be less than E% of the total area of ​​the entire market, and the environment should be beautiful. GR/T-9220—20J3
2,2.3 Garbage should be cleaned and hygienic, and pollution sources that affect environmental hygiene should be reduced. 4.2.4 There should be an electronic screen and product inquiry system 4.3 Internal environmentbzxZ.net
4.3.1 The bathroom should be spacious, bright and ventilated, not crowded, and not returnable. 4.3.2 The bathroom should be marked and unobstructed, and no irrelevant products related to the business should be piled up. 4.3.5 The air should be new and odorless
5 Flag equipment
5. T transaction hall
5.1. Transaction to <! :)It is advisable to build a single room, a large span, a large space, a copper brain mixed structure and a light stand, and the height should not be less than m. The net height should not be less than 1.5m
5.1.2 There should be good lighting, ventilation, drainage, air defense, anti-wax, anti-limit and other facilities. 5.1.3 The ground should be firm, smooth, anti-staining, and non-slip. 5.1.4 The business area should be set up according to the product category. The appropriate signs and equipment should be used: 5.2 Cold filtration facilities and equipment
5.2.1 Fresh vegetables and fruits should be equipped with fresh-keeping cold storage. The storage capacity should not be less than 1.5% of the annual product volume. 5.2.2 Meat and aquatic products should be equipped with low-temperature warehouses or cold facilities, and the capacity should not be less than 1 bath of the annual transaction volume. The refrigeration design should meet the requirements of GB50072.
5.2.4 Cold food transactions should use Chen Yan holder. 5.2.5 Cold flow food should be cooled. 5.2.6 Equipment inspection and maintenance: Good technical condition, timely treatment, maintenance and preservation. 5.3 Testing equipment
5.3.1 There should be a testing room with the ability to quickly test pesticide residues. 5.3. The testing equipment should be equipped with various rapid inspection instruments for pesticide residues, biological substances, etc., and ensure that all equipment is qualified. 5.3.3 Fruit testing should at least be equipped with testing instruments that can quickly detect the content of organic and azomethine pesticide residues. 5.3.4 Domestic product testing should at least be equipped with testing instruments that can quickly detect moisture content and microbial content. 5.4 Waste treatment equipment
5.41 If there is sewage treatment equipment, the sewage discharge should meet the requirements of GB8975. 5.4.2 Garbage classification collection and treatment facilities should be set up. 6 Product Quality
Market access system is implemented for market commodities. Market trading commodities meet the following requirements: a) agricultural products certified by certification bodies recognized by national certification bodies; b) clothing products that meet the requirements of GB18156.1~18106.1; 2) food products that meet the requirements of GB18406.1--18406.4 and are specially marked as such; 7 Product Management
7.1 Purchasing Management
7.1.1 Purchasing buyers should ask dealers for the quality certification certificate of the origin of agricultural products entering the market or the certificate issued by the quality inspection department.
7.1.2 Implement "site equalization" and "factory contract", encourage dealers to sign contracts with production areas, establish a stable and safe food supply base, ensure that food safety issues can be traced,
7.2 Inspection and testing of goods entering the market
7.2.1 The market quality department shall verify the product quality certificates of various agricultural and sideline products, and conduct high-quality verification of the original product quality certificates submitted by dealers entering the market for the first time. 7.2.2 For various by-products that have not passed product quality certification, they shall be inspected according to the test methods and inspection specifications of 618455.:+3406,4. At least the residue content of carbamate pesticides in fruits and vegetables shall be quickly tested. If the inspection results do not meet the maximum residue limit requirements of 31810.1~18156.2 for by-products, they shall not be sold on the market. The moisture content and microbial content of the products should be quickly tested, and the test results should meet the limit requirements of 318406. The drug content of 3~406 should be within 1500~2000. The products shall not be put on the market. 7.3 Commodity division and sales 7.3.1 Fresh and refrigerated commodities should be sold in different areas. Vegetables, fruits, meat, aquatic products, etc. should be sold in different areas. 7.3.2 A special area should be set up for certified genetically modified foods, with clear sulfur labels and separate areas or cabinets (shelves) for commodity types in the special area. 7.3.3 A special area should be set up for the promotion of clean packaging and the sale of contaminated products. 7.3.4 Separate areas should be set up for the sale of chilled meat, cut meat, and small packages. 4.4.1 Goods should be displayed neatly and clearly marked with prices. 7.4.2 Goods should be sold in different categories. The origin and quality grade of goods should be indicated. 7.4.3 Fresh products should be sold by hanging.
2. Transaction management
.1. Promote auction transactions and electronic transactions on websites. 2.2. Conduct electronic transactions.
8.3. Dealers should establish a ledger system.
4. Use computers to establish a database and strengthen the management of various transaction data.
5. Use electronic displays to timely disclose the transaction status of the market, the compliance of dealers, and the laws and regulations on food safety.
9. Market management
9.1. Dealer management measures:
9.1.1. Use computer systems to connect dealer files and strengthen the management of dealers' quality and transaction behaviors. 9.1.2 A food hygiene and business training system for distributors should be established. 9.1.3 A punishment system for distributors’ violations and exit system should be established. 9.1.4 Corrective measures should be taken against unwelcome customers, long-term operation, etc. 9.2 The market leader is the person responsible for the quality and safety of agricultural and sideline products. 9.3 A commodity quality management department should be established. Professional and full-time testing personnel should be equipped to strengthen the monitoring of the quality and safety of agricultural and sideline products. 9.4 A food safety and business training system should be established for market acceptance personnel. 9.5. A market management manual should be compiled. The manual includes the market management process, management systems of various departments, market operation supervision, product quality management, commodity inspection management, dealer management, staff training, environmental management, etc. 9.6. A service supervision system should be established to regularly conduct customer satisfaction sampling surveys on dealers, suppliers and consumers, solicit opinions on the green wholesale market, record them, and formulate solutions. 9.7. A complaint office should be set up, a complaint office should be set up in a prominent position in the market, and a complaint telephone number should be announced. The handling of complaints should be standardized, assigned to specific people, and within a time limit. The handling results and the satisfaction of the complainant should be recorded in detail. GB/T19220—20C3
12. The market should be honestly managed and have good social credibility. 10.1. Fraud, illegal operation, tax violation, tax arrears, etc. should be investigated. 1C.? 15.3 The company shall be responsible for the quality of the goods and undertake management responsibilities, and promise to quarantine the goods according to the requirements of this standard, prohibit the entry of fake and fast-selling goods, promptly clear out the goods that are spoiled and damaged, and promptly handle customer complaints about quality issues. 10.4 The company shall manage the business fairly, impartially and impartially.
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