title>GB 9135-1988 Technical regulations for radioactive waste treatment systems of light water reactor nuclear power plants - GB 9135-1988 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 9135-1988 Technical regulations for radioactive waste treatment systems of light water reactor nuclear power plants

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 9135-1988

Standard Name: Technical regulations for radioactive waste treatment systems of light water reactor nuclear power plants

Chinese Name: 轻水堆核电厂放射性废液处理系统技术规定

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release1988-05-25

Date of Implementation:1988-09-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Environmental protection, health and safety>>>>13.060.30 Wastewater

Standard Classification Number:Environmental Protection>>Environmental Protection Comprehensive>>Z05 Pollution Control Technical Specifications

associated standards

Procurement status:ANSI/ANS 55.6-1979,REF

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

other information

Release date:1988-04-19

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Second Institute of the Ministry of Nuclear Industry

Focal point unit:State Environmental Protection Administration

Publishing department:National Environmental Protection Agency

competent authority:State Environmental Protection Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the minimum technical requirements for the design, construction and operation of radioactive waste treatment systems for light water reactor nuclear power plants. This standard applies to the design, construction and operation of radioactive waste treatment systems for light water reactor nuclear power plants. Radioactive waste treatment systems for similar reactors should also be used with reference. In this standard, the starting point of the radioactive waste treatment system is the reactor pressure boundary interface and the discharge pipeline outlet of other systems (including the steam generator sewage system) and the sewage pool or floor drain that may discharge radioactive waste; its end point is the discharge to environmental control The outlet, the interface to the radioactive solid waste treatment system and the interface back to the storage pool for reuse. GB 9135-1988 Technical Regulations for Radioactive Waste Treatment Systems of Light Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants GB9135-1988 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

National Standards of the People's Republic of China
Radioactive waste processing system for light water reactor plants1 Topic Content and applicable sample letter
This standard specifies the minimum technical requirements for the design, construction and operation of the radioactive waste treatment system of a light water reactor nuclear power plant (hereinafter referred to as this system).
This standard applies to the design, construction and operation of radioactive waste treatment systems for light water reactor nuclear power plants. Radioactive waste treatment systems for similar reactors should also be used with reference.
In this standard, the starting point of the radioactive waste treatment system is the reactor pressure boundary interface and the outlet of other system discharge pipelines (including the steam generator sewage system) and the sewage pool or floor drain that may discharge radioactive waste; its end point It is the outlet to the environmentally controlled discharge, the interface to the radioactive solid waste treatment system and the interface back to the storage tank for reuse. 2 Reference standards
Nuclear power plant environmental radiation protection regulations
HAF0200 Nuclear power plant design safety regulations
3 terminology
3.1 Chemical waste liquid||tt ||Radioactive waste liquid with high conductivity but does not contain soap, detergent, grease and other components (or similar organic matter). 3.2 Decontamination waste liquid
Radioactive waste liquid produced during the decontamination process of equipment, parts and tools contaminated with radioactivity. Excludes waste generated from decontamination of personal protective equipment.
3.3 Washing waste liquid
Radioactive waste liquid with low radioactive concentration and containing detergent, soap or similar organic substances. 3.4 Low-purity (floor drain or dirty) waste liquid
Radioactive waste liquid with medium conductivity (usually 50~200S/cm) and containing only a medium amount of insoluble solid particles (usually 20~500ppm) and radioactive materials.
3.5 Must, should, can
"Must" means a necessary condition, which is a mandatory requirement; "should" means a recommendation or suggestion, and "can" means permission, neither a requirement nor a requirement. recommend. Radioactive waste treatment systems must be designed, manufactured and operated in accordance with the requirements specified in this standard but not necessarily in accordance with the recommendations contained therein.
National Environmental Protection Administration approved 1988-05-25 for implementation on 1988-09-01
4 goals
One of a series of requirements stipulated in this standard The purpose is to enable the radioactive waste treatment system to achieve the safety objectives, design objectives and operational objectives specified in this chapter.
4.1 Safety Objectives
4.1.1 In the design, construction and operation of this system, when radioactive materials are released into the environment, the radiation exposure to professional workers of the nuclear power plant and the public must be kept within reasonable limits. to the lowest possible level. 4.1.2 It should be ensured that under all operating and accident conditions, the dose equivalents received by professional workers of nuclear power plants and the public do not exceed the corresponding limits set by relevant national regulations.
4.2 Design goals and operational goals
4.2.1 This system should be able to safely process, store and discharge various radioactive waste liquids from nuclear power plants. 4.2.2 The concentration and annual discharge of radioactive substances in the effluent treated by this system must not exceed the operation target value specified by the competent authority.
5 Sources of Radioactive Waste LiquidsbZxz.net
5.1 Sources of Pressurized Water Reactor Power Plant Waste Liquids
5.1.1 Miscellaneous Waste Liquids
Miscellaneous Waste Liquids Come from Floor Drain Drainage and Sampling Device waste liquid, auxiliary system ion exchanger and filter waste liquid, waste heat removal system, reactor coolant auxiliary system (including boron recovery system drainage), emergency core cooling system, reactor containment cooling system, process equipment cooling system, fuel Loading and unloading systems, waste treatment systems and steam generator blowdown systems. 5.1.2 Chemical waste liquid
Chemical waste wave comes from radioactive laboratory drainage liquid, chemical cleaning and decontamination waste liquid, ion exchange resin regeneration waste liquid and other radioactive waste liquid containing high concentrations of chemical reagents.
5.1.3 Washing waste liquid
Washing waste liquid comes from laundry room waste liquid, staff leaching waste liquid and other radioactive waste liquid containing detergents and soaps. 5.1.4 Secondary loop system waste liquid
The secondary loop system waste liquid comes from steam generator discharge, steam turbine plant discharge, waste regeneration liquid and filter waste liquid from the ion exchanger of the secondary loop system. Typically, this type of waste is non-radioactive. Only when the radioactive liquid in the primary circuit leaks in, this type of waste liquid may become radioactive waste liquid.
5.2 Sources of boiling water reactor power plant waste liquid
5.2.1 High-purity waste liquid
High-purity waste liquid comes from: dry wells, reactors, steam turbines, radioactive waste treatment, auxiliary plants and Equipment drainage in the fuel plant; ultrasonic resin cleaner drainage, granular resin backwash and conveying waste liquid, fuel pool water filter and desalter backwash liquid and washing liquid phase separator clarification liquid.
5.2.2 Low-purity waste liquid
Low-purity waste liquid comes from: dry wells, reactors, turbine radioactive waste treatment plants or ground drainage of fuel plants. 5.2.3 Chemical waste liquid and washing waste liquid
Chemical waste liquid comes from: radiochemical laboratory drainage liquid, chemical cleaning and decontamination waste liquid, ion exchange resin regeneration waste liquid and other radioactive waste containing high concentrations of chemical reagents liquid.
6 System Requirements
6.1 Process Design
Figure 1 is the principle flow chart of the pressurized water reactor radioactive waste treatment system; Figure 2 is the principle flow chart of the boiling water reactor radioactive waste treatment system. The two processes of GB9135-88
represent the dividing line of the system and some optional processing methods. Although there are many types of waste liquids, some waste liquids can be combined for treatment. But the scrubber waste liquid should be disposed of separately in the pressurized water reactor, reactor loop drainage, usually treated in a boron recovery system, and reused as reactor coolant makeup water. If it is not reused, it should be sent to the radioactive waste treatment system for further treatment and then discharged. Testing equipment must be installed in the system to regularly measure the performance of the processing equipment in the system. 6.1.1 Treatment requirements Miscellaneous waste liquids from pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants
The system for treating miscellaneous waste liquids can adopt filtration, coagulation sedimentation, evaporation, ion exchange and other means, and can be customized as needed Choose a different combination of processes. Filtration can be used as a pretreatment method for evaporation to reduce sedimentation. The secondary condensate after evaporation can also be further purified by ion exchange. Chemical waste liquid
Chemical waste liquid should usually be treated separately. If the solid content or radioactivity concentration of the chemical waste liquid is very high, it can be directly sent to the solid waste treatment system for treatment.
In a separate chemical waste treatment system, chemical seasoning and evaporation processes must be considered during design. The condensate should be further treated by centrifugal exchange. Washing waste liquid
The washing waste liquid treatment system should be equipped with a filtering device, and a reasonable process should be selected for treatment according to the water quality and quantity of the waste liquid. Waste liquid from the secondary loop system of the pressurized water reactor power plant. If a separate steam generator sewage treatment system is set up for this waste liquid, it must include filtration and ion exchange or corresponding treatment processes, and must be equipped with a steam generator sewage treatment system. measures to the processing system. Turbine plant blowdown fluids generally do not require treatment; however, equipment must be provided to monitor radioactivity and transfer this waste fluid to a treatment system. The miscellaneous waste liquid treatment system can be used to treat the sewage liquid from the steam turbine plant and steam generator. The chemical waste liquid treatment system or secondary loop treatment system should include treatment measures for the waste regeneration liquid and filtrate of the secondary loop system ion exchange resin. High-purity waste liquid from boiling water reactor power plant
This waste liquid must be treated by filtration, ion exchange or evaporation, and should be reused to the maximum extent. Low-purity waste liquid from boiling water reactor power plant
This waste liquid must be treated by filtration, ion exchange, evaporation and other means. 6.1.2 Discharge of waste liquid
Before being discharged to the environment, the treated waste liquid must be sent to the monitoring tank for tank-by-tank analysis, and it can be discharged only after it meets the emission standards. 6.1.3 Process basis for selecting equipment
In order to ensure that the requirements specified in Chapter 4 "Goals" are met, the equipment or components of the radioactive waste treatment system should be selected according to the following conditions. Filtration
The selection of filtration equipment mainly considers the particle content and particle size distribution. The construction of the filter housing and cartridge must be designed to minimize exposure to the operator when the filter cartridge is removed. Handling equipment should be standardized throughout the installation. Ion exchange
The selection of ion exchange equipment mainly considers the total concentration of soluble salts and the type of ions. The resin type of the ion exchanger, the bed thickness and the passage speed of the waste liquid to be treated should be reasonably selected to ensure that the minimum decontamination coefficient shown in Table 1 is achieved. Evaporation
Treatment process
stray radioactive waste liquid
does not contain washing waste liquid
contains washing waste liquid
boric acid*
ion Exchange\
a. Boiling water reactor mixed bed
Deep bed condensate purification*
Reactor coolant purification 2)
High purity waste liquid
Low Pure waste liquid
b. Pressurized water mixed bed
Main coolant blowdown Lithium borate LisBO,
Waste liquid
Boron recovery system feed\||tt| |Steam generator blowdown
c. Mixed bed
d, evaporation condensate polishing
Powder resin
e, positive bed
f. Yin bed
Reverse osmosis
Washing waste liquid
Other waste liquids
Table 1 Decontamination coefficient
Total core Elements (except iodine)
Decontamination System
100(10)|| tt||2
Total core number
Other cations
100 (10)
10|| tt||2(10)
Note: 1) When two ion exchangers are connected in series, the second ion The exchanger's decontamination factor is shown in parentheses. The decontamination coefficient of the polishing desalination device after the evaporator should be used as the decontamination coefficient of the second exchanger in the series case. 2) It is not attributed to the radioactivity reduction treatment system, but can be used to estimate the source of waste liquid in the system. Reverse osmosis
Reverse osmosis equipment can sometimes be used to treat waste liquids with medium or high salt content. Evaporation
Waste liquids with complex composition and wide range of concentration changes can be treated by evaporation. 6.1.4 Determination of decontamination coefficient
The values ??given in Table 1 should be used to calculate the performance of various treatment equipment and the overall performance of the system, except for atmosphere and dissolved gases. 6.1.5 Possibility of reuse
The radioactive waste treatment system should consider reuse requirements as much as possible to maintain the water balance and water quality requirements of the entire power plant. Washing wastewater is generally not reused after treatment.
GB 9135--88
In each subsystem, a water quality measuring device must be installed, and the unqualified waste liquid after treatment should be returned to the collection tank of each subsystem or other subsystems for Reprocess.
6.2 System design and construction
6.2.1 Earthquake-resistant design
a. The equipment design of this system does not need to consider seismic factors. b. The place where radioactive waste equipment is installed must be designed to accommodate all waste liquid in the equipment under operating reference seismic conditions. c. The foundation, slope protection and storage pool of the outdoor radioactive waste tank must be designed to accommodate all the liquid in the waste tank under operating baseline seismic conditions.
6.2.2 Materials
The materials of each pressure-bearing part of this system must meet the relevant requirements in the "Design Regulations for Steel Petroleum Pressure Vessels"\. Material selection must take into account corrosion decontamination and irradiation effects under normal operating and expected operating conditions. Note: 1) Jointly issued by Petrochemical Corporation, Ministry of Chemical Industry, and Ministry of Machinery Industry. Published by Chemical Industry Press in 1985. 6.2.3 Welding
The welding of all pressure-bearing parts and the pressure boundaries of pipelines must be carried out by qualified welders in accordance with JB741 "Technical Conditions for Steel Welding A.
Receivers" and GBJ235 "Regulations on Construction and Acceptance of Industrial Pipeline Projects" was completed. b. The pressure-bearing parts in the radioactive waste liquid treatment system should use welded structures as much as possible. . Do not use gaskets in pipelines conveying liquids, resins or other granular materials containing many solid particles. d. Pipelines transporting mud and waste ion exchange resin should use butt welding with consumable solder. The inner wall of the weld is required to be smooth and the deposition of radioactive substances at the welding point is minimal (but the flange and movable connection set up for maintenance and operation should be except). 6.2.4 Sampling
Waste liquid should be sampled before and after treatment, and the sampling should be representative. Its constant composition and radioactivity level were measured separately. Radionuclide composition is not measured regularly.
See Table 2 for sampling requirements and recommendations.
Table 2 Sampling Requirements and Recommendations
Devices or Equipment
Catchers for reactors, steam turbines, radioactive waste treatment and auxiliary plants
Inlet fluids of process equipment and Some parts of the effluent
treatment system that require instruments to measure
conductivity, turbidity, radioactivity
or other parameters
receiving tanks, monitoring tanks and Sampling Tank
6.3 Quality Assurance
6.3.1 Design and Ordering
Timing Sampling
Timing Sampling
Timing Sampling
Sampling Method| |tt||Regular sampling on the circulation line
Management of design and ordering documents
Requirements or suggestions
Requirements|| tt||Requirements
Purpose of sampling
Determine the source of waste liquid
Evaluate the efficiency of the treatment system and measure the efficiency of the equipment
Effectiveness of the equipment|| tt||Calibration instruments and evaluation
1. In-tank analysis to determine process conditions
Liquid analysis
2. Sampling to meet emission regulations
In-tank Liquid Analysis
Design and ordering documents must be reviewed by non-drafters in the design department, and modifications to these documents must also be reviewed. b. Management of ordering materials and equipment and supply
Measures must be formulated to ensure that the supply department and construction department of equipment and materials supply goods in accordance with the quality requirements specified in the ordering documents. This can be achieved through testing or qualification. c. Management of loading, unloading, storage and transportation
The loading, unloading, storage, transportation and custody of equipment and materials must be explained to prevent damage, deterioration and reduction in clarity, 6.3. 2 manufacturing
a. Inspection: An inspection program must be developed and executed by the quality inspection department to assess whether all quality requirements specified in the design documents are met. The outline must include visual inspection of each equipment and component before and after assembly and after modification and passivation. b. Inspection, testing and status display
Measures must be developed to identify items that have satisfactorily passed inspection and testing requirements. c. Identification and correction measures for unqualified items must be formulated, the items must be reviewed according to the ordering documents or current specifications, corresponding remedial measures should be formulated for unqualified items, and these measures must be identified.
7 Equipment requirements
7.1 Tank
7.1.1 Exhaust and overflow
The atmospheric tank must be equipped with an exhaust port. The size of the vent should be sufficient to prevent overpressure or the formation of a vacuum. The exhaust from the waste tank must be sent to the factory exhaust system and filtered. The waste liquid tank must be equipped with an overflow pipe, which should be connected to the ground or an appropriate collection point according to the characteristics of the waste liquid in the tank. Outdoor radioactive waste tanks must be equipped with drainage ditches and slope toward the collection pool. The drainage ditch or sump must be equipped with conveying equipment to the radioactive waste treatment system.
7.1.2 Drainage and cleaning
The waste tank must be free from cracks and depressions (especially at the bottom) and should be emptied as much as possible and equipped with cleaning and decontamination devices. For leaks in the waste tank, measures must be taken There are corresponding measures.
7.1.3 Ladders and walkways
There must be a manhole at the top of the closed tank, and a ladder is connected to it. 7.1.4 Connection of the tank
All connecting pipes and joints of the tank must be welded, but with Except for cladded troughs or fiberglass troughs. 7.1.5 Stirring
To ensure that representative samples are obtained, a liquid stirring device should be provided. 7.2 Pump
7.2.1 Seal
The pump should have a reliable mechanical seal. In order to flush the seal, the pump used to transport mud or high-concentration solution should be equipped with a water pipe. The connections between the pump and its pipelines should be designed to facilitate the replacement and repair of seals, and measures must be taken to collect seal leakage fluid. 7.2.2 Exhaust and drainage
The pump casing must be equipped with exhaust pipes and drainage pipes. The pump chassis drainage, shaft seal and shell drainage should be collected separately. Only when the pump suction water and chassis drainage water can be processed in the same system according to the water quality, can they be mixed and collected together. 7.3 Valves and pipelines
7.3.1 Valve control
Pneumatic valves or electric valves can be used. Frequently operated valves should be able to be operated remotely from the control panel. Valves that are operated infrequently may be operated manually or via a transmission lever.
7.3.2 Valve type
The valve used for radioactive mud should be a bellows valve, a diaphragm valve or a valve with the same sealing performance. 7.3.3 Valve packing
The valve sealing material must have sufficient radiation resistance. to ensure expected service life. Polytetrafluoroethylene can be used as sealing material.
7.3.4 Mud pipe
The mud pipe must have a certain slope, its length should be as short as possible, and the turning radius of the pipe must be greater than five times the diameter to ensure that the mud Flows smoothly in the pipe. || tt | sweep measures.
7.4 Ion exchanger
7.4.1 Exhaust and drainage
Ion exchangers must be equipped with exhaust pipes and drainage pipes. Drain pipes should be able to drain completely. The exhaust and drainage are connected to the original water tank. 7.4.2 Loading and unloading of resin
Ion exchange resin should be loaded and unloaded hydraulically. 7.4.3 Resin collection
A resin trap should be set up to collect broken or leaked resin, and it can be remotely controlled and backwashed. 7.5 Filter
7.5.1 Pre-coated filter Exhaust and drainage
The filter housing must be equipped with exhaust pipes and drainage pipes, and can be completely drained null. Relevant nozzles must not interfere with removal of the filter. The filter exhaust and drainage should be connected to the backwash fluid receiving tank or to the exhaust and drainage system. Precoating and backwashing
All precoating and backwashing operations should be designed to run automatically after manual start. Maintenance of pre-coating
In the event of low flow, there should be the possibility of automatically adding water to maintain the flow. 7.5.2 Simple filter Exhaust and drain
The filter housing must be equipped with exhaust and drain pipes and can be completely empty. Corresponding connections must not impede removal of the filter. Removal of the filter element
The operator must be exposed to as little exposure as possible when removing the waste filter element. 7.6 Evaporator
7.6.1 Cleaning
In order to decontaminate and remove scale, the evaporator must be equipped with a pipe for adding cleaning chemicals. To facilitate cleaning and replacement, the heater must be removable.
7.6.2 Materials
The selection of evaporator material must consider the chemical composition of the feed liquid and leave sufficient corrosion margin. 7.6.3 Operation and Maintenance
The evaporator must be designed for remote operation. When designing and arranging evaporators, consideration must be given to minimizing human exposure to radioactivity during maintenance.
7.6.4. The heating steam supply system of the evaporator should be separated from the nuclear steam supply system, at least through an intermediate heat exchanger (reboiler) to ensure that the nuclear steam supply system The condensate is not contaminated. 7.7 Reverse osmosis
Reverse osmosis can be used to treat solutions with medium to high salt concentrations. In order to meet the requirements of the membrane, the solution should be filtered and pH adjusted before treatment.
Device name
Radiation area
Measurement parameters
Differential pressure||tt ||Feed liquid flow rate
effluent turbidity
effluent conductivity
ion exchanger
storage tank||tt| |sump
differential pressure
feed liquid temperature
demister pressure difference
distillate flow rate||tt ||Distillate conductivity
Distillate temperature
Liquid level
Liquid temperature
Temperature or pressure of steam
Steam chamber pressure|| tt||Steam flow
Feed liquid flow
Concentrate concentration
Concentrate flow
Liquid level
Pressure "
Liquid Bit
Table 3 Dose partitioning of radioactive plants
Maximum design radiation dose rate
<1||tt| |<2.5
Table 4 Instruments and Control Devices
Record||tt| |(R)\)
(0)||tt| |(0)
0|| tt||(0)
3 Resin collection
A resin trap should be set up to collect broken or leaked resin, and it can be remotely controlled and backwashed. 7.5 Filter
7.5.1 Pre-coated filter Exhaust and drainage
The filter housing must be equipped with exhaust pipes and drainage pipes, and can be completely drained null. Relevant nozzles must not interfere with removal of the filter. The filter exhaust and drainage should be connected to the backwash fluid receiving tank or to the exhaust and drainage system. Precoating and backwashing
All precoating and backwashing operations should be designed to run automatically after manual start. Maintenance of pre-coating
In the event of low flow, there should be the possibility of automatically adding water to maintain the flow. 7.5.2 Simple filter Exhaust and drain
The filter housing must be equipped with exhaust and drain pipes and can be completely empty. Corresponding connections must not impede removal of the filter. Removal of the filter element
The operator must be exposed to as little exposure as possible when removing the waste filter element. 7.6 Evaporator
7.6.1 Cleaning
In order to decontaminate and remove scale, the evaporator must be equipped with a pipe for adding cleaning chemicals. To facilitate cleaning and replacement, the heater must be removable.
7.6.2 Materials
The selection of evaporator material must consider the chemical composition of the feed liquid and leave sufficient corrosion margin. 7.6.3 Operation and Maintenance
The evaporator must be designed for remote operation. When designing and arranging evaporators, consideration must be given to minimizing human exposure to radioactivity during maintenance.
7.6.4. The heating steam supply system of the evaporator should be separated from the nuclear steam supply system, at least through an intermediate heat exchanger (reboiler) to ensure that the nuclear steam supply system The condensate is not contaminated. 7.7 Reverse osmosis
Reverse osmosis can be used to treat solutions with medium to high salt concentrations. In order to meet the requirements of the membrane, the solution should be filtered and pH adjusted before treatment.
Device name
Radiation area
Measurement parameters
Differential pressure||tt ||Feed liquid flow rate
effluent turbidity
effluent conductivity
ion exchanger
storage tank||tt| |sump
differential pressure
feed liquid temperature
demister pressure difference
distillate flow rate||tt ||Distillate conductivity
Distillate temperature
Liquid level
Liquid temperature
Temperature or pressure of steam
Steam chamber pressure|| tt||Steam flow
Feed liquid flow
Concentrate concentration
Concentrate flow
Liquid level
Pressure "
Liquid bit
Table 3 Dose partitioning of radioactive plants
Maximum design radiation dose rate
<1||tt| |<2.5
Table 4 Instruments and Control Devices
Record||tt| |(R)\)
(0)||tt| |(0)
0|| tt||(0)
3 Resin collection
A resin trap should be set up to collect broken or leaked resin, and it can be remotely controlled and backwashed. 7.5 Filter
7.5.1 Pre-coated filter Exhaust and drainage
The filter housing must be equipped with exhaust pipes and drainage pipes, and can be completely drained null. Relevant nozzles must not interfere with removal of the filter. The filter exhaust and drainage should be connected to the backwash fluid receiving tank or to the exhaust and drainage system. Precoating and backwashing
All precoating and backwashing operations should be designed to run automatically after manual start. Maintenance of pre-coating
In the event of low flow, there should be the possibility of automatically adding water to maintain the flow. 7.5.2 Simple filter Exhaust and drain
The filter housing must be equipped with exhaust and drain pipes and can be completely empty. Corresponding connections must not impede removal of the filter. Removal of the filter element
The operator must be exposed to as little exposure as possible when removing the waste filter element. 7.6 Evaporator
7.6.1 Cleaning
In order to decontaminate and remove scale, the evaporator must be equipped with a pipe for adding cleaning chemicals. To facilitate cleaning and replacement, the heater must be removable.
7.6.2 Materials
The selection of evaporator material must consider the chemical composition of the feed liquid and leave sufficient corrosion margin. 7.6.3 Operation and Maintenance
The evaporator must be designed for remote operation. When designing and arranging evaporators, consideration must be given to minimizing human exposure to radioactivity during maintenance.
7.6.4. The heating steam supply system of the evaporator should be separated from the nuclear steam supply system, at least through an intermediate heat exchanger (reboiler) to ensure that the nuclear steam supply system The condensate is not contaminated. 7.7 Reverse osmosis
Reverse osmosis can be used to treat solutions with medium to high salt concentrations. In order to meet the requirements of the membrane, the solution should be filtered and pH adjusted before treatment.
Device name
Radiation area
Measurement parameters
Differential pressure||tt ||Feed liquid flow rate
effluent turbidity
effluent conductivity
ion exchanger
storage tank||tt| |sump
differential pressure
feed liquid temperature
demister pressure difference
distillate flow rate||tt ||Distillate conductivity
Distillate temperature
Liquid level
Liquid temperature
Temperature or pressure of steam
Steam chamber pressure|| tt||Steam flow
Feed liquid flow
Concentrate concentration
Concentrate flow
Liquid level
Pressure "
Liquid Bit
Table 3 Dose partitioning of radioactive plants
Maximum design radiation dose rate
<1||tt| |<2.5
Table 4 Instruments and Control Devices
Record||tt| |(R)\)
(0)||tt| |(0)
0|| tt||(0)
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