title>JB/T 7141-1993 Test method for grading screen of pellet feed - JB/T 7141-1993 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 7141-1993 Test method for grading screen of pellet feed

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7141-1993

Standard Name: Test method for grading screen of pellet feed

Chinese Name: 颗粒饲料分级筛 试验方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1993-11-21

Date of Implementation:1994-03-01

Date of Expiration:2008-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture, Forestry>>Agricultural and Forestry Machinery and Equipment>>B93 Agricultural and Sideline Products and Feed Processing Machinery

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces NJ 422-1986; replaced by JB/T 7141-2007

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the performance test and production test methods for pellet feed grading screens. JB/T 7141-1993 Test methods for pellet feed grading screens JB/T7141-1993 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Grain Feed Grading Screen
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
Test Method
This standard specifies the performance test and production test methods of grain feed grading screen. This standard applies to the performance test and production test of reciprocating grain feed grading screen. 2 Reference Standards
Simple Method
GB3768 Determination of Sound Power Level of Noise Source
GB5667 Production Test Method of Agricultural Machinery
3 Performance Test
3.1 Test Purpose
To assess whether the working performance of the machine and relevant technical and economic indicators meet the design or improvement requirements. 3.2 Test Conditions and Requirements
3.2.1 The test site and prototype installation should be able to meet the requirements of various performance measurements. 3.2.2 The operation of the prototype should be equipped with fixed skilled personnel. JB/T7141-1993
3.2.3 Before the test, adjust the prototype according to the requirements of the instruction manual, and record the technical characteristics of the machine in Table 1. 3.2.4 See Appendix A (reference) for test instruments and meters, which must be calibrated and qualified according to regulations before the test. 3.3 Record the formula, particle diameter and whether the material has been crushed by a crusher before the test, and measure the bulk density, moisture content and moisture uniformity, and record the results in Table 2.
3.3.1 Determine the percentage of the upper and lower sieves and the lower sieves in the pre-sieve material. Take a sample of no less than 200g from the pre-sieve material and put it into the test sieve with the same mesh size as the upper and lower sieves of the machine, and vibrate it horizontally at 120 times/min, with an amplitude of 70mm, and reciprocate for 1min. Collect the upper and lower sieves and the lower sieves and weigh them respectively, and calculate according to formula (1) to formula (3). W
Wherein: M1--the percentage of the material on the upper sieve to the material before sieving, %; M2--the percentage of the material on the lower sieve to the material before sieving, %; M--the percentage of the material under the lower sieve to the material before sieving, %; W--the weight of the material before sieving, g;
-the weight of the material on the upper sieve, g:
-the weight of the material on the lower sieve, g:
-the weight of the material under the lower sieve, g.
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China on November 21, 1993 (1)
Implemented on March 1, 1994
3.3.2 Determination of bulk density
Evenly select 3 points of samples from the test granular material, and directly measure their bulk density with a bulk density instrument, and take the average value. If the conditions are not met, the method of measuring the sampling volume and sampling weight can be used to calculate the bulk density of the pellets using formula (4) and take the average value. V=m
Where: V is the bulk density of the pellets, g/cm*;
m---sample weight, g;
L--sample volume, cm*.
3.3.3 Determination of moisture content
Evenly select 3 points in the test pellets to sample, use a moisture meter to directly measure its moisture content, and take the average value. If the conditions are not met, the samples can be placed in three aluminum boxes and weighed immediately, then dried at a constant temperature of 105°C until the weight remains unchanged, weighed again, and the moisture content of the pellets calculated using formula (5), and the average value is taken. H
Where: H--relative moisture content of the pellets, %; W, wet weight of the sample, g
W.--dry weight of the sample, g.
3.3.4 Determination of moisture uniformity
After the moisture content of the test granular material is measured, calculate its moisture uniformity according to formula (6). S
In the formula; S is the moisture uniformity deviation, %; H,—the moisture content measured by sampling at the i-th point, %; H——the average moisture content, %;
—the number of sampling points.
3.4 ​​No-load test
After no-load operation for 15 minutes, measure the following items for no less than 3 times, and record the results in Table 3. 3.4.1 Amplitude
3.4.2 Frequency
3.4.3 No-load power, voltage, current
3.4.4 Noise
Measure according to the provisions of GB3768.
3.5 Load test
After adjusting the prototype to the best working state, start the load test and test the following items. During the test, the working conditions shall not be changed. The performance test items shall be tested no less than 3 times, and the average value shall be taken and the results shall be recorded in Table 3. 3.5.1 Screening efficiency
At the material outlet, take the finished materials on each layer of the sieve respectively, take out no less than 200g from each layer and put it into the test sieve with the same mesh size as the machine, and move it horizontally at 120 times/min, amplitude 70mm, and reciprocating for 1min. Collect the materials on the sieve and under the sieve and weigh them respectively, and calculate according to formula (7).
In the formula: Y,——screening efficiency of the i-th layer sieve (i=12,3,), %; - weight of the material on the i-th layer test sieve, g;
weight of the material under the i-th layer test sieve, g.
3.5.2 Pure working hour productivity
When the screening rate requirements are met, all materials are collected at each outlet for a period of not less than 1 minute. After weighing, calculate according to formula (8). E
Where: E. —Pure working hour productivity, kg/h; W.Total weight of collected materials, kg;
T—Time for collecting materials, s.
3.5.3 Amplitude
3.5.4 Frequency
3.5.5 Load power, current, voltage
3.5.6 Noise
The measurement method is the same as that of Article 3.4.4.
3.5.7 Dust concentration
(8)) Preparation of filter membrane: Place the filter membrane on a clean white paper with tweezers, separate the sheets and do not overlap them. Then place it in a desiccator to balance for 24 hours. Note the temperature and humidity of the laboratory and weigh it on a balance. Weigh it again after 1 hour. When the difference between the two weighings does not exceed 0.4 mg, the weight is considered constant. Number the weighed filter membrane and note the weight. Place it on a special filter membrane clip with tweezers and put it in a filter membrane box for use. When sampling, first open the filter membrane box, take out the filter membrane clip, install it on the sampling head, then open the sampler and adjust the flow meter flow. Generally, the air extraction volume should be a certain value within the range of 20 to 60 L/min. The sampling time should depend on the dust concentration and is generally 10 minutes. The measurement can be carried out in a normal test room. The measurement can be started after the machine has been running for 15 minutes under the calibration conditions. The sampling head should face the dust source of the sample machine and keep it parallel to the horizontal plane. The sampling head should be placed where the staff often works, 1m away from the outer surface of the machine where the dust is generated, and 1.2m above the ground. After sampling, remove the filter membrane with a insert and place it on a clean white paper. Each sheet should be separated and not overlapped. Then put it in a dryer for 24 hours of balance, weigh and record. Take two parallel samples at each measuring point. When the concentration deviation of the two samples is less than 20%, the test is valid and the average value can be taken as the dust concentration at that point. The deviation value of parallel samples is calculated according to formula (9). 2iN-N
Where: N. - — Deviation value of parallel samples, %; N, and Nz are the dust concentrations of the two parallel samples, mg/m. The number of measuring points depends on the operating position, and the maximum value measured at the measuring point is taken as the dust concentration of the prototype. The dust concentration is calculated according to formula (10) and formula (11): 1000(WW,)
Wherein: N-
-dust concentration, mg/m\;
filter membrane weight before sampling, mg;
filter membrane weight after sampling, mg;
V. - after conversion, the volume of the air extraction under standard conditions, L. 273PV
Where: P—the atmospheric pressure recorded during sampling, Pa; V—the actual sampling volume, L;
t—the temperature recorded during sampling, C;
P. ——standard atmospheric pressure, P. =101325Pa. 3.5.8 Bearing temperature rise
After working continuously for 1h, use a semiconductor point thermometer to measure the surface temperature of each bearing shell, and record the room temperature of the test site at the same time to calculate the bearing temperature rise.
3.5.9 The output per unit screen width is calculated according to formula (12): E
Where: E
The output per unit screen width, kg/(m·h);
B--nominal width of the screen surface, m.
3.5.10 The output per unit screening area is calculated according to formula (13): Where: Em—output per unit screening area, kg/(m2, h), A—nominal screening area, m\.
3.5.11 The power consumption per ton of pure working time is calculated according to formula (14): E.
Where: Ea—power consumption per ton of pure working time, kW·h/t; N,—load power, kw.
3.5.12 The load degree is calculated according to formula (15): Where: -load degree, %;
N. Rated power of motor, kW.
4 Production test
4.1 Test purpose
: (13)
To assess the economy, performance stability, safety and reliability of the machine under the conditions of use, the wear resistance of the main components and wearing parts, and the convenience of adjustment and maintenance.
4.2 General requirements
4.2.1 The pure working time of the production test shall not be less than 300h, and two shifts shall be continuously produced every day. 4.2.2 The test conditions and requirements shall comply with the provisions of Article 3.2 of this standard. 4.3 Time classification of production test
It shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Article 2.3 of GB5667.
4.4 Test items and methods
4.4.1 During the production test period, at least 3 performance measurements are required, and the measurement items and methods are the same as those in Chapter 3 of this standard. During the production test, the items listed in Table 4 shall be carefully measured and recorded. 4.4.2
During the test, if a part is damaged and needs to be replaced, the cause of the damage shall be analyzed and the cumulative working time and production volume of the part shall be counted, and the results shall be recorded in Table 5. The relevant data of the easily worn parts shall be measured before and after the test, and the measurement methods and measuring tools shall be strictly consistent, and the results shall be recorded in Table 6.
4 During the production test, the working condition of the prototype shall be observed, measured and recorded. 4.4.4
The working hours of each shift, the number and time of adjustments and failures, power consumption, production volume, etc.; the working condition of the prototype, the damaged and deformed parts and causes, the causes of failures and troubleshooting methods, operation, vibration, noise and hygiene conditions; c.
Easy and flexible operation: the maintenance cycle, content, convenience, time required for installation and removal of major wearing parts, number of parts, labor intensity, etc.;
Reliability of the prototype: stability of work quality and adaptability, etc. 4.5 Calculation of economic indicators in use
4.5.1 The hourly productivity of the shift is calculated according to formula (16): E
Wherein: E.-hourly productivity of the shift, t/h; W
Production volume during the shift, t;
T,-shift time, h.
4.5.2 The ton electricity consumption during the shift is calculated according to formula (17): E
Wherein: Esd---ton electricity consumption during the shift, kW·h/t-total electricity consumption during the shift, kW·h.
4.5.3 The reliability of use is calculated according to formula (18): K
Wherein: K--reliability of use, %;
T,-actual working time of each shift during the production test, h; T,-failure time of each shift during the production test, h. The convenience of adjustment and maintenance is calculated according to formula (19): 4.5.4
Wherein: K product--the convenience of adjustment and maintenance during the production test, %; X100
T-the time for each adjustment and maintenance of the machine during the production test, h. 5 Test report
After all the tests are completed, a test report shall be prepared, which shall include: a.
Test purpose;
Structural introduction and technical characteristics of the test prototype; Test conditions;
Performance test results;
Production test results;
Test result analysis;
Existing problems and suggestions for improvement;
Test responsible unit, participating units and participants. There are still 500 left,
and do not continue to read
Machine name and model:
Nominal width of screen surface
Nominal length of screen surface
Nominal screening area
Shape, size and arrangement of screen holes (can be represented by a simple diagram)Screen surface inclination
Matching power
Overall dimensions (length×width×height)
Machine weight
Measurement Determined by:
Machine name and model:
Diameter of particles before crushing
Whether crushed by drum crusher
Moisture content
Moisture uniformity
Weight of sample before screening
Weight of material on upper screen
Weight of material on lower screen
Weight of material under lower screen
Determined by:
Technical Technical characteristics
Material investigation before test
Test date:
Test location:
One-layer screen
Test date:
Test location:
Two-layer screen
Machine name and model:
Electricity meter reading
Electricity meter reading
Rated power
Pure Working hour production library
Screening rate
Bearing I temperature
Bearing 1 temperature rise
Bearing temperature
Bearing overflow
Production per unit screen width
Production per unit screening area
Pure working time ton power consumption
Sampling weight
Sampling time
Performance test record
Pure working hour productivity
1 layer screen
2-layer sieve
Test date:
Test location:
Yao Shenqun
Machine name and model:
Machine name and model:
Manufacturing unit:
Table 5 Record of deformation and damage of parts
Test date:
Test location:
Pure working time
Deformation or damage
Table 6 Record of wear of main easily worn parts
Test date:
Test location:
Parts schematic diagram
Or measuring position| |tt||Size of measuring part
Before test
After test
Amount of wear
Cause of deformation or damage
Pure working time
Moisture meter
Semiconductor point thermometer
Main instruments, meters and tools required for the test (reference)
Test sieve (same aperture as the prototype sieve)
Accurate scale (weighing 500kg, sensitivity 200g)
Balance (sensitivity 0.1g)
Bulk density instrument
Dust sampler
Vernier caliper (measuring upper limit 125mm, reading value 0.02mm)2m steel tape measure
Sound level meter
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed and managed by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard is drafted by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Yang Maorong.
From the date of implementation of this standard, NJ422-86 "Test Method for Grading Screen of Granular Feed 492
" will be invalid.1 Test purpose
: (13)
To assess the economic efficiency, performance stability, safety and reliability, wear resistance of main components and wearing parts, and convenience of adjustment and maintenance of the machine under the conditions of use.
4.2 General requirements
4.2.1 The pure working time of the production test shall not be less than 300 hours, and two shifts shall be continuously produced every day. 4.2.2 The test conditions and requirements shall comply with the provisions of Article 3.2 of this standard. 4.3 Time classification of production test
It shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Article 2.3 of GB5667.
4.4 Test items and methods
4.4.1 During the production test period, at least 3 performance measurements are required, and the measurement items and methods are the same as those in Chapter 3 of this standard. During the production test period, the measurements and records shall be carefully made according to the items listed in Table 4. 4.4.2
During the test, if a part is damaged and needs to be replaced, the cause of the damage should be analyzed and the cumulative working time and production volume of the part should be counted, and the results should be recorded in Table 5. The relevant data of the easily worn parts should be measured before and after the test, and the measurement methods and measuring tools should be strictly consistent. The results are recorded in Table 6.
4 During the production test, the working conditions of the prototype should be observed, measured and recorded. 4.4.4
The working hours of each shift, the number and time of adjustments and failures, power consumption, production volume, etc.; the working conditions of the prototype, the damaged and deformed parts and causes, the causes of failures and elimination methods, operation, vibration, noise and hygiene conditions; c.
Easy and flexible operation: the maintenance cycle, content, convenience, time required for installation and removal of major wearing parts, number of parts, labor intensity, etc.;
Reliability of the prototype: stability of work quality and adaptability, etc. 4.5 Calculation of economic indicators in use
4.5.1 The hourly productivity of the shift is calculated according to formula (16): E
Wherein: E.-hourly productivity of the shift, t/h; W
Production volume during the shift, t;
T,-shift time, h.
4.5.2 The ton electricity consumption during the shift is calculated according to formula (17): E
Wherein: Esd---ton electricity consumption during the shift, kW·h/t-total electricity consumption during the shift, kW·h.
4.5.3 The reliability of use is calculated according to formula (18): K
Wherein: K--reliability of use, %;
T,-actual working time of each shift during the production test, h; T,-failure time of each shift during the production test, h. The convenience of adjustment and maintenance is calculated according to formula (19): 4.5.4
Wherein: K product--the convenience of adjustment and maintenance during the production test, %; X100
T-the time for each adjustment and maintenance of the machine during the production test, h. 5 Test report
After all the tests are completed, a test report shall be prepared, which shall include: a.
Test purpose;
Structural introduction and technical characteristics of the test prototype; Test conditions;
Performance test results;
Production test results;
Test result analysis;
Existing problems and suggestions for improvement;
Test responsible unit, participating units and participants. There are still 500 left,
and do not continue to read
Machine name and model:
Nominal width of screen surface
Nominal length of screen surface
Nominal screening area
Shape, size and arrangement of screen holes (can be represented by a simple diagram)Screen surface inclination
Matching power
Overall dimensions (length×width×height)
Machine weight
Measurement Determined by:
Machine name and model:
Diameter of particles before crushing
Whether crushed by drum crusher
Moisture content
Moisture uniformity
Weight of sample before screening
Weight of material on upper screen
Weight of material on lower screen
Weight of material under lower screen
Determined by:
Technical Technical characteristics
Material investigation before test
Test date:
Test location:
One-layer screen
Test date:
Test location:
Two-layer screen
Machine name and model:
Electricity meter reading
Electricity meter reading
Rated power
Pure Working hour production library
Screening rate
Bearing I temperature
Bearing 1 temperature rise
Bearing temperature
Bearing overflow
Production per unit screen width
Production per unit screening area
Pure working time ton power consumption
Sampling weight
Sampling time
Performance test record
Pure working hour productivity
1 layer screen
2-layer sieve
Test date:
Test location:
Yao Shenqun
Machine name and model:
Machine name and model:
Manufacturing unit:
Table 5 Record of deformation and damage of parts
Test date:
Test location:
Pure working time
Deformation or damage
Table 6 Record of wear of main easily worn parts
Test date:
Test location:
Parts schematic diagram
Or measuring position| |tt||Size of measuring part
Before test
After test
Amount of wear
Cause of deformation or damage
Pure working time
Moisture meter
Semiconductor point thermometer
Main instruments, meters and tools required for the test (reference)
Test sieve (same aperture as the prototype sieve)
Accurate scale (weighing 500kg, sensitivity 200g)
Balance (sensitivity 0.1g)
Bulk density instrument
Dust sampler
Vernier caliper (measuring upper limit 125mm, reading value 0.02mm)2m steel tape measure
Sound level meter
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed and managed by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard is drafted by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Yang Maorong.
From the date of implementation of this standard, NJ422-86 "Test Method for Grading Screen of Granular Feed 492
" will be invalid.1 Test purpose
: (13)
To assess the economic efficiency, performance stability, safety and reliability, wear resistance of main components and wearing parts, and convenience of adjustment and maintenance of the machine under the conditions of use.
4.2 General requirements
4.2.1 The pure working time of the production test shall not be less than 300 hours, and two shifts shall be continuously produced every day. 4.2.2 The test conditions and requirements shall comply with the provisions of Article 3.2 of this standard. 4.3 Time classification of production test
It shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Article 2.3 of GB5667.
4.4 Test items and methods
4.4.1 During the production test period, at least 3 performance measurements are required, and the measurement items and methods are the same as those in Chapter 3 of this standard. During the production test period, the measurements and records shall be carefully made according to the items listed in Table 4. 4.4.2
During the test, if a part is damaged and needs to be replaced, the cause of the damage should be analyzed and the cumulative working time and production volume of the part should be counted, and the results should be recorded in Table 5. The relevant data of the easily worn parts should be measured before and after the test, and the measurement methods and measuring tools should be strictly consistent. The results are recorded in Table 6.
4 During the production test, the working conditions of the prototype should be observed, measured and recorded. 4.4.4
The working hours of each shift, the number and time of adjustments and failures, power consumption, production volume, etc.; the working conditions of the prototype, the damaged and deformed parts and causes, the causes of failures and elimination methods, operation, vibration, noise and hygiene conditions; c.
Easy and flexible operation: the maintenance cycle, content, convenience, time required for installation and removal of major wearing parts, number of parts, labor intensity, etc.;
Reliability of the prototype: stability of work quality and adaptability, etc. 4.5 Calculation of economic indicators in use
4.5.1 The hourly productivity of the shift is calculated according to formula (16): E
Wherein: E.-hourly productivity of the shift, t/h; W
Production volume during the shift, t;
T,-shift time, h.
4.5.2 The ton electricity consumption during the shift is calculated according to formula (17): E
Wherein: Esd---ton electricity consumption during the shift, kW·h/t-total electricity consumption during the shift, kW·h.
4.5.3 The reliability of use is calculated according to formula (18): K
Wherein: K--reliability of use, %;
T,-actual working time of each shift during the production test, h; T,-failure time of each shift during the production test, h. The convenience of adjustment and maintenance is calculated according to formula (19): 4.5.4
Wherein: K product--the convenience of adjustment and maintenance during the production test, %; X100
T-the time for each adjustment and maintenance of the machine during the production test, h. 5 Test report
After all the tests are completed, a test report shall be prepared, which shall include: a.
Test purpose;
Structural introduction and technical characteristics of the test prototype; Test conditions;
Performance test results;
Production test results;
Test result analysis;
Existing problems and suggestions for improvement;
Test responsible unit, participating units and participants. There are still 500 left,
and do not continue to read
Machine name and model:
Nominal width of screen surface
Nominal length of screen surface
Nominal screening area
Shape, size and arrangement of screen holes (can be represented by a simple diagram)Screen surface inclination
Matching power
Overall dimensions (length×width×height)
Machine weight
Measurement Determined by:
Machine name and model:
Diameter of particles before crushing
Whether crushed by drum crusher
Moisture content
Moisture uniformity
Weight of sample before screening
Weight of material on upper screen
Weight of material on lower screen
Weight of material under lower screen
Determined by:
Technical Technical characteristics
Material investigation before test
Test date:
Test location:
One-layer screen
Test date:
Test location:
Two-layer screen
Machine name and model:
Electricity meter reading
Electricity meter reading
Rated power
Pure Working hour production library
Screening rate
Bearing I temperature
Bearing 1 temperature rise
Bearing temperature
Bearing overflow
Production per unit screen width
Production per unit screening area
Pure working time ton power consumption
Sampling weight
Sampling time
Performance test record
Pure working hour productivity
1 layer screen
2-layer sieve
Test date:
Test location:
Yao Shenqun
Machine name and model:
Machine name and model:
Manufacturing unit:
Table 5 Record of deformation and damage of parts
Test date:
Test location:
Pure working time
Deformation or damage
Table 6 Record of wear of main easily worn parts
Test date:
Test location:
Parts schematic diagram
Or measuring position| |tt||Size of measuring part
Before test
After test
Amount of wear
Cause of deformation or damage
Pure working time
Moisture meter
Semiconductor point thermometer
Main instruments, meters and tools required for the test (reference)
Test sieve (same aperture as the prototype sieve)
Accurate scale (weighing 500kg, sensitivity 200g)
Balance (sensitivity 0.1g)
Bulk density instrument
Dust sampler
Vernier caliper (measuring upper limit 125mm, reading value 0.02mm)2m steel tape measure
Sound level meter
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed and managed by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard is drafted by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Yang Maorong.
From the date of implementation of this standard, NJ422-86 "Test Method for Grading Screen of Granular Feed 492
" will be invalid.4
Working time of each shift, number and time of adjustment and failure, power consumption, production volume, etc.; working condition of the prototype, damaged and deformed parts and causes, failure causes and elimination methods, operation, vibration, noise and hygiene conditions; c.
Convenience and flexibility of operation and use: maintenance cycle, content, convenience, time required for installation and removal of major wearing parts, number of parts, labor intensity, etc.;
Reliability of prototype work: stability of work quality and adaptability, etc. 4.5 Calculation of economic indicators
4.5.1 Shift hourly productivity is calculated according to formula (16): E
Where: E.-shift hourly productivity, t/h; W
shift time production, t;
T,--shift time, h.
4.5.2 The electricity consumption per ton during the shift is calculated according to formula (17): E
Where: Esd---Electricity consumption per ton during the shift, kW·h/t-Total electricity consumption during the shift, kW·h.
4.5.3 The reliability of use is calculated according to formula (18): K
Where: K--Reliability of use, %;
T,--Actual working time per shift during the production test, h; T,--Failure time per shift during the production test, h. The convenience of adjustment and maintenance is calculated according to formula (19): 4.5.4
Where: K--Adjustment and maintenance convenience during the production test, %; X100
T-Adjustment and maintenance time of the machine each time during the production test, h. 5 Test Report
After all the tests are completed, a test report shall be written, and its contents shall include: a.
Test purpose;
Structural introduction and technical characteristics of the test prototype; test conditions;
Performance test results;
Production test results;
Test result analysis;
Existing problems and suggestions for improvement;
Test responsible unit, participating units and participants. There are still 500 left,
and do not continue to read
Machine name and model:
Nominal width of screen surface
Nominal length of screen surface
Nominal screening area
Shape, size and arrangement of screen holes (can be represented by a simple diagram)Screen surface inclination
Matching power
Overall dimensions (length×width×height)
Machine weight
Measurement Determined by:
Machine name and model:
Diameter of particles before crushing
Whether crushed by drum crusher
Moisture content
Moisture uniformity
Weight of sample before screening
Weight of material on upper screen
Weight of material on lower screen
Weight of material under lower screen
Determined by:
Technical Technical characteristics
Material investigation before test
Test date:
Test location:
One-layer screen
Test date:
Test location:
Two-layer screen
Machine name and model:
Electricity meter reading
Electricity meter reading
Rated power
Pure Working hour production library
Screening rate
Bearing I temperature
Bearing 1 temperature rise
Bearing temperature
Bearing overflow
Production per unit screen width
Production per unit screening area
Pure working time ton power consumption
Sampling weight
Sampling time
Performance test record
Pure working hour productivity
1 layer screen
2-layer sieve
Test date:
Test location:
Yao Shenqun
Machine name and model:
Machine name and model:
Manufacturing unit:
Table 5 Record of deformation and damage of parts
Test date:
Test location:
Pure working time
Deformation or damage
Table 6 Record of wear of main easily worn parts
Test date:
Test location:
Parts schematic diagram
Or measuring position| |tt||Size of measuring part
Before test
After test
Amount of wear
Cause of deformation or damage
Pure working time
Moisture meter
Semiconductor point thermometer
Main instruments, meters and tools required for the test (reference)
Test sieve (same aperture as the prototype sieve)
Accurate scale (weighing 500kg, sensitivity 200g)
Balance (sensitivity 0.1g)
Bulk density instrument
Dust sampler
Vernier caliper (measuring upper limit 125mm, reading value 0.02mm)2m steel tape measure
Sound level meter
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed and managed by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard is drafted by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Yang Maorong.
From the date of implementation of this standard, NJ422-86 "Test Method for Grading Screen of Granular Feed 492
" will be invalid.4
Working time of each shift, number and time of adjustment and failure, power consumption, production volume, etc.; working condition of the prototype, damaged and deformed parts and causes, failure causes and elimination methods, operation, vibration, noise and hygiene conditions; c.
Convenience and flexibility of operation and use: maintenance cycle, content, convenience, time required for installation and removal of major wearing parts, number of parts, labor intensity, etc.;
Reliability of prototype work: stability of work quality and adaptability, etc. 4.5 Calculation of economic indicators
4.5.1 Shift hourly productivity is calculated according to formula (16): E
Where: E.-shift hourly productivity, t/h; W
shift time production, t;
T,--shift time, h.
4.5.2 The electricity consumption per ton during the shift is calculated according to formula (17): E
Where: Esd---Electricity consumption per ton during the shift, kW·h/t-Total electricity consumption during the shift, kW·h.
4.5.3 The reliability of use is calculated according to formula (18): K
Where: K--Reliability of use, %;
T,--Actual working time per shift during the production test, h; T,--Failure time per shift during the production test, h. The convenience of adjustment and maintenance is calculated according to formula (19): 4.5.4
Where: K--Adjustment and maintenance convenience during the production test, %; X100
T-Adjustment and maintenance time of the machine each time during the production test, h. 5 Test Report
After all the tests are completed, a test report shall be written, and its contents shall include: a.
Test purpose;
Structural introduction and technical characteristics of the test prototype; test conditions;
Performance test results;
Production test results;
Test result analysis;
Existing problems and suggestions for improvement;
Test responsible unit, participating units and participants. There are still 500 left,
and do not continue to read
Machine name and model:
Nominal width of screen surface
Nominal length of screen surface
Nominal screening area
Shape, size and arrangement of screen holes (can be represented by a simple diagram)Screen surface inclination
Matching power
Overall dimensions (length×width×height)
Machine weight
Measurement Determined by:
Machine name and model:
Diameter of particles before crushing
Whether crushed by drum crusher
Moisture contentwwW.bzxz.Net
Moisture uniformity
Weight of sample before screening
Weight of material on upper screen
Weight of material on lower screen
Weight of material under lower screen
Determined by:
Technical Technical characteristics
Material investigation before test
Test date:
Test location:
One-layer screen
Test date:
Test location:
Two-layer screen
Machine name and model:
Electricity meter reading
Electricity meter reading
Rated power
Pure Working hour production library
Screening rate
Bearing I temperature
Bearing 1 temperature rise
Bearing temperature
Bearing overflow
Production per unit screen width
Production per unit screening area
Pure working time ton power consumption
Sampling weight
Sampling time
Performance test record
Pure working hour productivity
1 layer screen
2-layer sieve
Test date:
Test location:
Yao Shenqun
Machine name and model:
Machine name and model:
Manufacturing unit:
Table 5 Record of deformation and damage of parts
Test date:
Test location:
Pure working time
Deformation or damage
Table 6 Record of wear of main easily worn parts
Test date:
Test location:
Parts schematic diagram
Or measuring position| |tt||Size of measuring part
Before test
After test
Amount of wear
Cause of deformation or damage
Pure working time
Moisture meter
Semiconductor point thermometer
Main instruments, meters and tools required for the test (reference)
Test sieve (same aperture as the prototype sieve)
Accurate scale (weighing 500kg, sensitivity 200g)
Balance (sensitivity 0.1g)
Bulk density instrument
Dust sampler
Vernier caliper (measuring upper limit 125mm, reading value 0.02mm)2m steel tape measure
Sound level meter
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed and managed by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard is drafted by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Yang Maorong.
From the date of implementation of this standard, NJ422-86 "Test Method for Grading Screen of Granular Feed 492
" will be invalid.
Test purpose;
Structural introduction and technical characteristics of the test prototype; Test conditions;
Performance test results;
Production test results;
Test result analysis;
Existing problems and suggestions for improvement;
Test responsible unit, participating units and participants. There are 500 left,
And do not continue to read
Machine name and model:
Nominal width of screen surface
Nominal length of screen surface
Nominal screening area
Shape, size and arrangement of screen holes (can be represented by a simple diagram) Screen surface inclination
Matching power
Overall dimensions (length × width × height)
Machine weight
Measurement Determined by:
Machine name and model:
Diameter of particles before crushing
Whether crushed by drum crusher
Moisture content
Moisture uniformity
Weight of sample before screening
Weight of material on upper screen
Weight of material on lower screen
Weight of material under lower screen
Determined by:
Technical Technical characteristics
Material investigation before test
Test date:
Test location:
One-layer screen
Test date:
Test location:
Two-layer screen
Machine name and model:
Electricity meter reading
Electricity meter reading
Rated power
Pure Working hour production library
Screening rate
Bearing I temperature
Bearing 1 temperature rise
Bearing temperature
Bearing overflow
Production per unit screen width
Production per unit screening area
Pure working time ton power consumption
Sampling weight
Sampling time
Performance test record
Pure working hour productivity
1 layer screen
2-layer sieve
Test date:
Test location:
Yao Shenqun
Machine name and model:
Machine name and model:
Manufacturing unit:
Table 5 Record of deformation and damage of parts
Test date:
Test location:
Pure working time
Deformation or damage
Table 6 Record of wear of main easily worn parts
Test date:
Test location:
Parts schematic diagram
Or measuring position| |tt||Size of measuring part
Before test
After test
Amount of wear
Cause of deformation or damage
Pure working time
Moisture meter
Semiconductor point thermometer
Main instruments, meters and tools required for the test (reference)
Test sieve (same aperture as the prototype sieve)
Accurate scale (weighing 500kg, sensitivity 200g)
Balance (sensitivity 0.1g)
Bulk density instrument
Dust sampler
Vernier caliper (measuring upper limit 125mm, reading value 0.02mm)2m steel tape measure
Sound level meter
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed and managed by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard is drafted by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Yang Maorong.
From the date of implementation of this standard, NJ422-86 "Test Method for Grading Screen of Granular Feed 492
" will be invalid.
Test purpose;
Structural introduction and technical characteristics of the test prototype; Test conditions;
Performance test results;
Production test results;
Test result analysis;
Existing problems and suggestions for improvement;
Test responsible unit, participating units and participants. There are 500 left,
And do not continue to read
Machine name and model:
Nominal width of screen surface
Nominal length of screen surface
Nominal screening area
Shape, size and arrangement of screen holes (can be represented by a simple diagram) Screen surface inclination
Matching power
Overall dimensions (length × width × height)
Machine weight
Measurement Determined by:
Machine name and model:
Diameter of particles before crushing
Whether crushed by drum crusher
Moisture content
Moisture uniformity
Weight of sample before screening
Weight of material on upper screen
Weight of material on lower screen
Weight of material under lower screen
Determined by:
Technical Technical characteristics
Material investigation before test
Test date:
Test location:
One-layer screen
Test date:
Test location:
Two-layer screen
Machine name and model:
Electricity meter reading
Electricity meter reading
Rated power
Pure Working hour production library
Screening rate
Bearing I temperature
Bearing 1 temperature rise
Bearing temperature
Bearing overflow
Production per unit screen width
Production per unit screening area
Pure working time ton power consumption
Sampling weight
Sampling time
Performance test record
Pure working hour productivity
1 layer screen
2-layer sieve
Test date:
Test location:
Yao Shenqun
Machine name and model:
Machine name and model:
Manufacturing unit:
Table 5 Record of deformation and damage of parts
Test date:
Test location:
Pure working time
Deformation or damage
Table 6 Record of wear of main easily worn parts
Test date:
Test location:
Parts schematic diagram
Or measuring position| |tt||Size of measuring part
Before test
After test
Amount of wear
Cause of deformation or damage
Pure working time
Moisture meter
Semiconductor point thermometer
Main instruments, meters and tools required for the test (reference)
Test sieve (same aperture as the prototype sieve)
Accurate scale (weighing 500kg, sensitivity 200g)
Balance (sensitivity 0.1g)
Bulk density instrument
Dust sampler
Vernier caliper (measuring upper limit 125mm, reading value 0.02mm)2m steel tape measure
Sound level meter
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed and managed by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard is drafted by the Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Yang Maorong.
From the date of implementation of this standard, NJ422-86 "Test Method for Grading Screen of Granular Feed 492
" will be invalid.
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.