title>JB/T 8811.2-1998 Manual refueling pump 2.5MPa - JB/T 8811.2-1998 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8811.2-1998 Manual refueling pump 2.5MPa

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8811.2-1998

Standard Name: Manual refueling pump 2.5MPa

Chinese Name: 手动加油泵 2.5MPa

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1998-09-30

Date of Implementation:1998-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mechanical systems and general parts >> 21.260 Lubrication system

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Parts>>J21 Lubrication and Lubrication Devices

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Metallurgical Equipment Standardization Committee

Publishing department:Metallurgical Equipment Standardization Technical Committee of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 8811.2-1998 This standard specifies the model, basic parameters and dimensions, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and markings, packaging, transportation and storage of manual refueling pumps 2.5MPa. This standard applies to manual refueling pumps that add grease and oil to lubrication pumps with a nominal pressure of 2.5MPa. (Note: From the date of implementation of this standard, JB/ZQ 4542-86 "Manual Refueling Pump (3.15MPa)" will be invalid.) JB/T 8811.2-1998 Manual Refueling Pump 2.5MPa JB/T8811.2-1998 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 8811. 2 —1998
Handful oil or grease pumps 2. 5 MPa1998-09-34Promulgated
National Machinery Industry Bureau
The technical standard was proposed by the Metallurgical Standardization Technical Committee of the Ministry of Machinery. The responsible party for this standard is Erhai Runfu Equipment Factory. Main drafter of this standard: Shen Lizong,
1 Scope
Machinery industry standard of the People's Republic of China
Handful oil or grease pumpk 2.5 Ma
Handful oil or grease pumpk 2. MPaJB/T 8811.2-1908
This standard defines the model, basic dimensions and appearance, technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules, marking, installation, auxiliary and storage of the handful oil pump (hereinafter referred to as the oil pump) with a nominal power of 2.5 MPa and grease. 2 Referenced standards
The texts contained in the listed standards shall become the provisions of this standard through reference in the standard. When this standard was published, the versions shown were all valid. All standards will be effective. The equipment using the vehicle standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards: G/T1554--92 General Packaging Specifications for Electromechanical Products 3 Model, Basic Parameters and Dimensions Specified Oil Volume: 25UL/mm2 Pressure Grade Code: 2.5MPa Manual Brake 3. 2H4 Most basic parameters of the engine oil system should meet the requirements of Table 1. Table 1 Nominal Standard Medium A220--185 (25C.150g/1/1cmm) Slip Flow Normal, Starting Group Not Less Than G1.2mm/3. 3. The dimensions of the refueling pump shall comply with the provisions of Figure 1. Approved by the State Bureau of Machinery Industry on September 30, 1990, provisionally designated as the manual refueling pump: Yingtong Deposit Leasing: 1998-13-01 Implementation: 3.4 Marking Example: JB/T 8811.2-1998: M231.5-HE Nominal pressure is 2.5MP:. Rated delivery volume is 35mL/cycle Manual refueling record: STB-G25 series/ 11.?-158
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Operation performance
Refueling performance should be good, with little resistance and sticking. 4.2 Density
If the oil pressure is 1.5 inches above the nominal pressure, and the joints are not eroded, etc., 4. 3 Oil volume
When the oil is filled under nominal pressure, the oil volume shall not be less than 25L/cycle. 44 Handle
When the shaft is under nominal pressure, the force acting on the handle shall not exceed 14V. 4.5 Product coating
The surface coating of the oil pump shall comply with the provisions of relevant municipal standards. The oil level shall be within the standard and no smearing is allowed. 4.6 Cleanliness
The oil level in the pump system shall not exceed: 5.5 Test method
5.1 Test components
IB/T 8811.2-1998
The oil system is a lubricant with a temperature value of 61.2-4.8 ms. The test medium is a tire with a temperature of 265-295 (25°C). 15g>1/10mm. The test pressure gauge has a range of 0~6MPa and an accuracy level of 3.5. 5.2 The principle of the test system is shown in the figure.
1—Test 2—3 Pressure
5.3 Running performance test
Under the nominal pressure, the upper and lower slopes are dynamically loaded and the running performance should meet the requirements of 1.1. 5. *Sealing test
Adjust the outlet pressure to 3MF and press it up and down for 10 times. Its sealing performance shall meet the requirements of 4.2. 5.5 Over-pressure test www.bzxz.net
Adjust the outlet pressure to 3M, press it up and down for 10 times. Measure the total oil output. The average value shall meet the requirements of 4.3.
5.6 Force test
Adjust the outlet pressure to 2.5MPa, hold the dynamometer in the middle of the oiling system, pull the dynamometer upward to the highest point of the handle, and then pull the dynamometer down to the lowest point of the handle. The dynamometer reading shall not exceed the requirements of 4.4. The minimum measuring range is 50N. 5. Surface inspection
Check the surface of the oiling, the bearing capacity should be in accordance with the specification of 4.5. Clean the surface of the object, wash all the parts except the parts with a clean stone dog Jianya. Filter the selected oil with a medium-speed quantitative filter paper in a combustion chamber at a temperature of 120°C for 50min. Then put the filtered paper in a drying cabinet at a temperature of 121°C for 1:1 and weigh it again after drying. The difference between the weight after filtering with the filtered paper and the weight before filtering is the bearing capacity, and its value should be in accordance with the specification of 4.6. 6 Inspection rules
5.1! Inspection
Detailed: The inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 55.2, 5.3 and 5.7. (2 Type test
6.2.1 Type test shall be carried out when one of the following conditions occurs: a) When the structure, material or process has changed significantly, which may affect the product performance; b) When the product has been in production for 5 years.
6.2.2 Type test products shall be selected from the finished products that have been inspected, with no less than two sets. 6.2.3 Type test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 5. 6.3 Determination
If there are items that are not qualified in the matching inspection, random inspection shall be carried out. If there are items that are not qualified, it shall be judged as an unqualified product. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
The marking, packaging, transportation and storage of the refueling case must comply with the regulations of GB/T133R4.
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