title>HG/T 2743.5-1996 Specification for the preparation of pesticide compound aqueous solution product standards - HG/T 2743.5-1996 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 2743.5-1996 Specification for the preparation of pesticide compound aqueous solution product standards

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2743.5-1996

Standard Name: Specification for the preparation of pesticide compound aqueous solution product standards

Chinese Name: 农药复配水剂产品标准编写规范

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1996-04-08

Date of Implementation:1996-09-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Fertilizers, Pesticides>>G23 Basic Standards and General Methods for Pesticides

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by HG/T 2467.8~2467.20-2003

Publication information

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HG/T 2743.5-1996 Specification for the preparation of pesticide compound aqueous solution products HG/T2743.5-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

The compound preparations scientifically mixed with different pesticides can greatly improve the efficacy, reduce toxicity and delay the emergence of drug resistance. Therefore, the development and application of compound preparations of pesticides are important ways to use pesticides rationally and effectively prevent and eliminate diseases, insects and weeds. At present, there are hundreds of compound preparations of pesticides in my country, but many varieties lack scientific experimental basis. The preparation of compound preparation standards is mostly chaotic and of varying levels. In order to standardize the preparation format of pesticide compound preparations and improve the standard level, this standard is formulated on the basis of GB/T1.1-1993 "Guidelines for Standardization Work Unit 1: Drafting and Expression Rules of Standards Part 1: Basic Provisions for Standard Preparation" and the Ministry of Chemical Industry Industry Standard ZBG2300186 "Principles and Procedures for Naming Common Names of Pesticides", and on the basis of HG/T2467 "Format for Preparation of Pesticide Product Standards". Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard.
This standard is proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of Shenyang Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by Shenyang Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The main drafters of this standard are: Hou Yukai, Wang Xuecheng, Lou Shaowei, Yang Jian, Zhao Xinxin.
HG/T 2743.5-1996
Contents to be included in the preface of pesticide compound preparation product standards 1. Special part information
The number and degree of adoption of international standards or foreign advanced standards, the differences and reasons with the adopted standards; the purpose and basis of standard drafting: the test comparison results of the toxicity, toxicity and efficacy of the compound preparation and the active ingredients of the compound preparation should be provided, and the degree of improvement in efficacy and reduction in toxicity of the compound preparation should be explained; for revised standards, the key points of revision should be explained; requirements for the transition period of standard implementation: the explanation that this standard leads to the abolition or replacement of all or part of other standard documents indicates which appendices are standard appendices and which are indicative appendices. 2. Basic part information
This standard is proposed by.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of...
Drafting unit of this standard: When necessary, the responsible drafting unit and participating drafting units may be specified. Main drafters of this standard: Generally no more than 5 people. 313
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Standard for the preparation of pesticide compound aqueous solution product standards HG/T 2743. 5—1996
This standard specifies the standard for the preparation of pesticide compound aqueous solution product standards, and is applicable to the preparation of corresponding national standards, industry standards, local standards and enterprise standards for pesticide compound aqueous solution products. Other names, structural formulas and basic physicochemical parameters of each active ingredient in this product are as follows: a). (Generic name of active ingredient 1)
ISO generic name:
Trade name:
CIPAC digital code:
Chemical name:
Structural formula:
Empirical formula:
Relative molecular mass (calculated according to 19×× international relative atomic mass): Biological activity·(insecticide, acaricide, fungicide, herbicide) Melting point·℃
Boiling point·℃
Vapor pressure (20℃);·Pa
Solubility (g/L, 20℃):
Stability: (stability to acid, alkali, light, heat, etc., half-life) b) (Generic name of active ingredient 2)
Contents are the same as a.
c) (Generic name of active ingredient 3)
Contents are the same as a.
1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, and marking, labeling, packaging, storage and transportation of (name of compound preparation) aqueous solution. This standard applies to (name of compound preparation) aqueous solution processed from …·(generic name of active ingredient 1), …(generic name of active ingredient 2), …(generic name of active ingredient 3) technical materials and necessary auxiliary agents that meet the standard. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and all parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. The order of arrangement of referenced standards is domestic first and then foreign; standards of all levels should be arranged step by step, with national standards first and then industry standards; standards of the same level are arranged in the order of standard numbers; standards of different industries are arranged in alphabetical order according to standard codes. GB/T1601—93 Determination of pH value of pesticides GB/T1604--1995 Acceptance rules for commercial pesticides GB3796-83 General rules for pesticide packaging
Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on April 8, 1996 314
Implemented on September 7, 1996
HG/T2467-93 Pesticide product label writing format HG/T2743.1-1996 Pesticide compound emulsifiable concentrate product standard writing specification 2 BG23001-86 Pesticide common name naming principles and procedures 3 Requirements
3.1 Appearance: It should be a stable homogeneous liquid without visible suspended matter and sediment. 3.2 *** (name of compound preparation) Aqueous agent should meet the requirements of Table 1. Table 1*** (Name of compound preparation) Aqueous preparation control item index
(Generic name of active ingredient) Content, %
(or specified range) Www.bzxZ.net
(Generic name of active ingredient 2) Content, % (or specified range)
(Generic name of active ingredient 3) Content, %
(or specified range)
(Name of impurities) Content, %
Content of water-insoluble matter, %
PH value
Dilution stability
Thermal conductivity Stability
The listed items are not exhaustive, nor are they required to be included in any pesticide compound water standard. They can be increased or decreased according to the specific conditions of different pesticide compound products.
Dilution stability and thermal storage stability tests shall be conducted at least once a month. 2
Test method
4.1 Sampling
According to the sampling method of emulsion and liquid state of GB/T1605, the sampling package shall be determined by random number table method: the final sampling volume shall generally be not less than 250mL.
4.2 Identification test
Write with reference to 4.2 of HG/T2743.1. 4.3
* (common name of active ingredient 1) content determination shall be written in accordance with the determination method format of HG/T2467 or this standard. 4.4* (Generic name of active ingredient 2) content determination shall be prepared in accordance with the format of the same determination method in HG/T 2467 and this standard. 4.5* (Generic name of active ingredient 3) content determination shall be prepared in accordance with the format of the same determination method in HG/T 2467 and this standard. 4.6 (Name of harmful impurities) content determination shall be prepared according to the specific determination method adopted.
4.7 Determination of water-insoluble matter
4.7.1 Method summary
The sample is dissolved in water, all insoluble matter is filtered out, dried and weighed. 315
4.7.2 Apparatus
Weighing bottle;
Sintered glass crucible: 3\;
Oven: (105±2)℃;
Buchner suction flask: 100mL.
4.7.3 Test steps
HG/T 2743.5—1996
At 105℃, dry the sintered glass crucible to constant weight (accurate to 0.0002g), accurately weigh 20g of sample (accurate to 0.01g), rinse it into a measuring cylinder with 200mL of water, cover it with a stopper, and shake it vigorously to dissolve all the soluble matter. Filter this solution, wash the residue in the crucible with distilled water, 25mL each time, and wash it 3 times in total. Place the filter crucible and the residue in a 105℃ oven and dry them to constant weight (accurate to 0.0002g).
4.7.4 Calculation
The mass percentage of water-insoluble matter X2 is calculated according to formula (2): X = m= mo × 100
Where: m is the mass of the filter crucible and the residue after constant weight, g; m is the mass of the filter crucible and the residue after constant weight, g; m is the mass of the filter crucible and the residue after constant weight, g. -—Mass of the filter crucible after constant weight, g; m—mass of the sample, g.
4.7.5 Allowable difference:
The difference between two parallel determination results should not be greater than…%. 4.8 Determination of pH value
Perform according to GB/T1601.
4.9 Dilution stability test
4.9.1 Reagents and instruments
Standard hard water: 342mg/L;
Measuring cylinder: 100mL;
Constant temperature water bath: (30±1)℃ or (20±1)℃. 4.9.2 Test steps
Pipette 5mL of sample, place in a 100mL measuring cylinder, dilute to the scale with standard hard water, and mix well. Place the measuring cylinder in a (30±1)℃ constant temperature water bath and let it stand for h. If the dilution is uniform and there is no precipitate, it is qualified. 4.10 Hot storage stability test
4.10.1 Apparatus
Thermostatic box (or thermostatic water bath): (54±2)℃; bottle (or glass bottle with stopper that can still be sealed at 54℃): 50mL; medical syringe: 50mL.
4.10.2 Test steps
Use a syringe to inject about 30mL of sample into a clean bottle (avoid the sample contacting the bottleneck), place the bottle in an ice-salt bath to cool, and seal it with a high-temperature flame (avoid solvent volatilization). Seal at least 3 bottles and weigh them separately. Place the sealed bottles in a metal container, and then put the metal container in a thermostatic box (or thermostatic water bath) at (54±2)℃ for 14 days. Take out the bottle, wipe the outside of the bottle clean, and weigh them separately. For samples that have not changed in mass, inspect the specified items within 24 hours (when writing specific product standards, the judgment principles for the qualified heat storage stability test should be specified).
4.11 Inspection and acceptance of products
It should comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T1604. The rounded value comparison method is used for the processing of limit values. 316
5 Marking, labeling, packaging, storage and transportation
HG/T 2743. 51996
5.1 (Name of compound preparation) The marking, labeling and packaging of aqueous preparations shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB3796 and shall have the production license (production permit) number and trademark.
5.2 It shall be compiled based on the specific packaging regulations of each production and processing plant. 5.3 Other forms of packaging may be used according to user requirements or ordering agreements, but they must comply with the relevant requirements of GB 3796. 5.4 Packages shall be stored in ventilated and dry warehouses. 5.5 During storage and transportation, strictly prevent moisture and sunlight, do not mix with food, seeds, and feed, avoid contact with skin and eyes, and prevent inhalation through the mouth and nose. 5.6 Safety: In addition to the corresponding toxicity marks, the instructions for use or packaging containers should also include toxicity instructions, poisoning symptoms, detoxification methods and first aid measures.
5.7 Warranty period: Under the specified storage and transportation conditions, the warranty period of the compound preparation (name) water-based preparation is at least 2 years from the date of production. During the warranty period,.
(Appendix to the standard)
The naming principles of the common names of pesticide compound preparations are based on ZBG23001-86 "Principles and Procedures for Naming Common Names of Pesticides" Article 1.2 The common name of pesticide preparations (single or mixed) should include three parts, namely the mass percentage of the active ingredient, the common name of the active ingredient and the dosage form. The common name of a mixed preparation can be based on the basic principle of using the prefixes or pronouns of the common names of each active ingredient. The naming of the common name of a pesticide compound preparation is divided into three parts: one is the total content of each active ingredient constituting the compound preparation [mass percentage or g/L (20°C)]; the second is the common name of the compound preparation, which is composed of the prefixes (or the first few characters) of the common names of each active ingredient. Between the prefixes (or the first few characters), dots are inserted to reflect that it is a compound preparation: the order of each active ingredient should generally be determined by the quotient of their content, with the higher one in front and the lower one in the back; it can also be ranked according to the contribution to the efficacy, with the one that contributes the most to the efficacy in front; the third is the dosage form of the compound preparation, such as powder, emulsifiable concentrate, wettable powder, aqueous suspension, etc. For example, if a synergist is added to the compound preparation, such as 3% methyl 6-hexachloride powder, 40% dimethoate emulsifiable concentrate, 20% cypermethrin emulsifiable concentrate, 50% polysulfide suspension, etc., the synergist is not counted as an active ingredient, and the proportion of the synergist does not enter the total content of the active ingredients.
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