title>HG/T 20564-1994 Provisions for calculating the number of transport and loading and unloading personnel in chemical enterprises - HG/T 20564-1994 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 20564-1994 Provisions for calculating the number of transport and loading and unloading personnel in chemical enterprises

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20564-1994

Standard Name: Provisions for calculating the number of transport and loading and unloading personnel in chemical enterprises

Chinese Name: 化工企业运输、装卸人员数量计算规定

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)


Date of Release1994-12-29

Date of Implementation:1996-03-01

Date of Expiration:2004-08-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Comprehensive Chemical Industry>>G08 Marking, Packaging, Transportation, Storage

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HG/T 20564-1994 Regulations for the calculation of the number of transport and loading and unloading personnel in chemical enterprises HG/T20564-1994 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Regulations on the Calculation of the Number of Transport and Loading and Unloading Personnel in Chemical Enterprises HG/T20564-94
Main Editor: Second Design Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry
Approved by: Ministry of Chemical Industry
Effective Date: March 1, 1995 Engineering Construction Standard Editing Center of the Ministry of Chemical Industry
1995 Beijing
ww.bzsosD.com1 General Provisions
1.0.1· In order to unify the calculation methods, quotas and related indicators of the number of transport and loading and unloading personnel in chemical enterprises, this regulation is specially formulated. 1.0.2 This regulation is applicable to the calculation of transport and loading and unloading personnel in chemical enterprises for new, rebuilt and expanded projects.
1.0.3 This regulation is divided into three parts: the calculation of the number of railway transport and loading and unloading personnel, automobile transport and loading and unloading personnel and water transport and loading and unloading personnel in chemical enterprises. 1.0.4 The personnel required for forklifts, battery vehicles, etc. equipped in production workshops and warehouses are not included in this regulation.
In addition to implementing this regulation, the calculation of the number of transportation and loading and unloading personnel in chemical enterprises should also implement the current relevant standards, specifications and directive documents issued by the state. When this regulation conflicts with the current relevant standards, specifications and directive documents of the state, the relevant national standards and specifications should be implemented.
wm.2 Terms, symbols, codes
2.0.1 Number of manual loaders N.
The number of workers who load and unload goods manually. The total amount of goods loaded and unloaded manually in the year Q:
The total amount of goods loaded and unloaded manually throughout the year. 2.0.3 Work efficiency H
The work efficiency of each loading and unloading worker in loading and unloading goods is divided into two types: auxiliary loading and unloading with a high degree of mechanization and all manual loading and unloading.
2.0.4 Loading and unloading man-hour utilization coefficient K.
The ratio of actual working time per shift to legal working time per shift. 2.0.5 Loading and unloading imbalance coefficient K
The imbalance coefficient caused by factors such as cargo flow, vehicle flow, personnel and climate. 2.0.6 Annual working days Y
.The number of legal working days in a year.
Number of machine loaders
The number of loaders required for mechanical loading and unloading. 2.0.8The monthly average cargo loading and unloading volume of semi-mechanized loading and unloading QThe average total amount of cargo loaded and unloaded by semi-mechanized loading and unloading per month. 2.0.9The monthly average loading and unloading personnel quota D
The average total amount of cargo loaded and unloaded by each person per month (including non-production personnel). 2.0.10Sick leave and other factors coefficient K
The coefficient caused by factors such as sick leave and personal leave. 72
wm.3 Determination of the work shift system for transport operations
3.0.1 The determination of the work shift system for transport operations should be determined based on factors such as the handover method of the transported goods, the transport volume, and the transport distance.
3.0.2 The shift system of the enterprise railway should be coordinated with the connecting station (handover station), and the shift system should be determined based on the enterprise's transport volume.
3.0.3 The shift system for automobile transport is generally one-shift or two-shift system according to the freight volume, transportation distance and transportation requirements, and can also be set as a three-shift system when necessary. 3.0.4 The shift system for water transport is one-shift or two-shift system according to the freight volume, transportation distance and transportation requirements, and can also be set as a three-shift system when necessary. 73
4 Determination of transport personnel and loading and unloading personnel
4.0.1 Determination of transport personnel All personnel directly related to the means of transport (locomotives, vehicles, cars, ships) shall be determined according to The types and number of registered transport vehicles shall be used as the basis for calculation. All personnel directly related to transport organizations and transport facilities shall be calculated according to the specified organization scale and the number of transport facilities. The number of non-production personnel shall be minimized. Factory-level transport organizations-can generally be controlled below 13% of the total number of transport employees, and workshop-level organizations should be controlled below 8% of the total number of transport employees.
4.0.2 Determination of railway transport personnel and loading and unloading personnel Railway transport personnel shall be equipped according to Table 4.0.2-1 to Table 4.0.2-5 according to the specific conditions of the enterprise.
Determination of railway loading and unloading workers
4. 0. 2. 2
(1)Fixed workers are included in the transport personnel quota
Manual loading and unloading workers are calculated according to formula 4.0.2-1: Q· K.
Where: N-number of manual loading and unloading workers (person/shift); Q-total amount of manual loading and unloading of goods in a year (tons); (4.0.2--1)
H-efficiency of each loading and unloading worker in loading and unloading of goods (tons/person/shift), generally 10~~15 (tons/person/shift) for auxiliary loading and unloading with a high degree of mechanization, and 8~10 (tons/person/shift) for all manual hours; K.-loading and unloading man-hour utilization coefficient, generally 0.85; K.-loading and unloading imbalance coefficient, 1.2; Y-working days per year.
(2)Machinery loading and unloading workers are calculated according to formula 4.0.2-2: N-(Q/D) - K
Where: N--Number of loading and unloading workers (including non-production personnel); Q--Monthly average cargo loading and unloading volume of semi-mechanized loading and unloading (tons); D--Monthly average loading and unloading quota for all workers
D=600 tons/month·person
(4. 0.22)
K--Sick leave and other factor coefficients, generally 1.05~1.10. (3) Non-permanent workers are not included in the transport personnel quota. Maintenance personnel quota table
Steam locomotive driver
Steam locomotive assistant driver
Steam locomotive stoker
Diesel locomotive driver
Diesel locomotive driver
Steam locomotive
Coal filling person
Diesel locomotive oiler
, water filling and dust cleaning worker
person, sand baking and sanding worker
Laboratory technician
Duty officer
4 tons/each
person per shift| |tt||people per shift
2 people/each
unit per shift
2 people/each
unit per shift
2 people/each
unit per shift
unit per shift
2 people/each
unit per shift
1 person/shift
1 person/shift
workshop level
1 person/shift
Table 4.0.2-1
Including pre 1 backup driver
Including 1 backup assistant driver
Including 1 backup fireman
Including 1 backup driverwwW.bzxz.Net
Including 1 backup assistant driver
Manual operation
Semi-mechanized operation
Foreman of the locomotive team
Section chief of the locomotive section
Line maintenance worker
Semi-mechanized maintenance
Mechanical maintenance worker
Manual maintenance||t t||Bridge and tunnel maintenance workers
Line bridge patrol workers
Crossing guard workers
Engineering workers
1.2 people/km
2-3 people/km
1.8 people/km
1.0 people/100 meters
1.0 people/shift
78 kilometers
Standby posts
ShiftEach crossing
1 person/shift
1 person/each
Table 4. 0.2-2
Leader of the maintenance team
Applicable to the enterprise railway with
two or more
line maintenance work areas
Note: ① Line length conversion method: 1 km of station line is equal to 0.5 km, 1 km of dedicated line is equal to 0.7 km, and each combination of turnouts is 0.1 km. ② Bridge and tunnel length conversion method: single-line bridge is the full length, double-line bridge and above is the addition of each line, and tunnels are all full length.
③ The patrol line is within 7-8 kilometers.
④ For guarded crossings, 0.5 replacement personnel are added per crossing. 76
Electrical centralized equipment
Signal maintenance worker
Electric lock interlocking
Switch signal maintenance worker
Switch sign signal
Maintenance worker
Signal light charger
1 person/each
4 sets of switches
1 person/each
1 person/each
6 sets of switches
1 person/each
15 sets of switches
Note: 1 The lighting and power supply of the transportation system are maintained by the factory power supply department. ② The railway communication maintenance and repair workers are responsible for the unified responsibility. Table 4.0.2-3
Assistant duty officer
Freight forwarder
Turnout cleaning worker
1 person/each
shift20 pairs
Routine trains and below
Station staff at connection station (handover
1 person/each
unit per shift
2 people/each
unit per shift
Note: Serial numbers 1.2 and 3 include 1 reserve staff: 78
2 people/shift
2 people/shift
1 person/shift
Table 4.0.2-4
Set of plant-level transport organizations||t t||The workshop level is set up at the factory station
The person in charge of vehicle affairs
It is only set up when the electrical appliances are centralized
When the enterprise has zoned operations
2 people/shift, each zone should have 1 person/
The workshop level is represented by the freight forwarder
1 person/each
Switch room
1 person/each
2 people/each
Also as the switch cleaning
For the centralized electrical appliances
Track scale workers
Other maintenance and preparation
Other personnel quota table
Quota equipment
2 days/each
Set per shift
Table 4. 0.2—5
Deploy workers according to the scale of locomotive and vehicle overhaul and maintenance
When bulk goods transported by railway are loaded and unloaded manually, it is advisable to use non-fixed workers to reduce the number of employees in the enterprise.
4.0.3 Determination of automobile transportation personnel and loading and unloading personnel Standardization of automobile transportation personnel:
(1) Freight truck driver standard 1.11.3 people per shift (upper limit for less than 5 vehicles).
(2) Passenger truck driver standard 1.1 person/shift. (3) Maintenance standard: -, secondary maintenance and minor repair 0.5~0.8 people/vehicle: enterprise independent overhaul 1.5~~2.0 people/vehicle. Calculation of the number of automobile loading and unloading workers: (1) In mechanized operations, mechanical operators are assigned according to the machinery used. (2) When loading and unloading is done manually, the personnel shall be calculated according to Formula 4.0.2-1. When bulk cargo transported by automobiles is loaded and unloaded manually, non-permanent workers shall be used to reduce the fixed number of employees in the enterprise.
4.0.4 Determination of water transport personnel and loading and unloading personnel The personnel on duty of the self-owned cargo ships of chemical enterprises shall be equipped according to the following standards: (1) A 100-500 ton cargo ship shall be equipped with 1 driver/shift, 1 engineer/shift, and 1-2 sailors/shift.
(2) A 500-1000 ton cargo ship shall be equipped with 1 driver/shift, 1 engineer/shift, and 3-4 sailors/shift.
(3) A 400-600 horsepower tugboat shall be equipped with 3 drivers/ship, 4 engineers/ship, 4-5 sailors/ship, and 2 other personnel (including helmsmen and oilers, etc.)/ship. (4) A 1000 horsepower tugboat is equipped with 4 drivers/ship, 6 engineers/ship, 6 sailors/ship, and 2~3 other personnel/ship. The dock loading and unloading personnel are equipped according to the following standards: (1) A fixed rotating crane is equipped with 1 crane driver/shift and 2~4 loading and unloading personnel/shift.
(2) A floating crane is equipped with 4 operators/shift for each unit, 4 engineers/shift for each unit, 3 sailors/shift for each unit, and 27 dock workers/shift for each unit. (3) Dock personnel are equipped with 1 dock worker/shift, 2~4 cable operators/shift, 1 pump operator/shift (for liquid cargo), and 1 meter operator/shift (for liquid cargo). Water transport management personnel account for 6%~8% of the total number of employees. Large-scale special terminals belonging to chemical enterprises shall be equipped with additional personnel according to their machinery and equipment and transportation volume.
Appendix A
Explanation of terms used in these regulations
The following is an explanation of the terms used in these regulations that have different degrees of strictness, so that they can be treated differently in use.
A.0.1 Indicates that it is very strict and must be done: positive words use "must"; negative words use "strictly prohibited"
A.0.2 Indicates that it is strict and should be done under normal circumstances: positive words use "should" and negative words use "should not" or "must not". A.0.3 Indicates that a slight choice is allowed, and this should be done first when conditions permit: positive words use "should" or "may" and negative words use "should not"A.0.4 The wording method for specifying that other relevant standards should be implemented in the article is: "should comply with the regulations" or "may be implemented according to"3 means that a slight choice is allowed. When conditions permit, this should be done first: positive words use "should" or "may" and negative words use "should not" A.0.4 The wording for specifying that other relevant standards should be implemented is: "should comply with the regulations" or "may be implemented according to"3 means that a slight choice is allowed. When conditions permit, this should be done first: positive words use "should" or "may" and negative words use "should not" A.0.4 The wording for specifying that other relevant standards should be implemented is: "should comply with the regulations" or "may be implemented according to"
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