Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and management of companies (enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Services>>03.080.99 Other services
Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A20 Comprehensive Technology
associated standards
Publication information
publishing house:China Standard Press
Publication date:2020-11-01
other information
drafter:Zhou Min, Wang Yuming, Jiang Kaiyuan, Feng Caihong, Zhou Li, Jiang Zhou, Wang Xiao, Yao Zhiyi, Cui Yuan, Zhang Zhifei, He Derong, Wang Yun, Wang Dong, Zhang Chunhui, Zhao Yan, Li Xianghua, Meng Cuizhu, Jia Chenmin, Li Zhenliang
Drafting unit:National Public Credit Information Center, China National Institute of Standardization, Jiangsu Provincial Strategy and Development Research Center, China Electronics Rice Information Systems Co., Ltd., Xiamen Institute of Standardization
Focal point unit:National Social Credit Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 470)
Proposing unit:National Social Credit Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 470)
Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration
GB/T 39443-2020. Means and interface specifications for public credit information exchange.
1 Scope
GB/T 39443 specifies the technical and management requirements for the overall framework, exchange methods and interfaces of public credit information exchange.
GB/T 39443 applies to the exchange and sharing of credit information between the national credit information sharing platform and the national departmental credit information system and provincial credit information platform.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 2260 Administrative division code of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 4657 Codes for central party and government organs, people's organizations and other institutions
GB/T 7408 Data elements and exchange formats Information exchange date and time representation
GB/T 21062.1-2007 Government information resource exchange system Part 1: Overall framework
GB/T 22117-2018 Basic credit terms
GB 32100 Coding rules for unified social credit codes for legal persons and other organizations.
GB/T 39441-2020 Classification and coding specifications for public credit information
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 22117-2018 and GB 32100 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. For ease of use, some terms and definitions from GB/T 22117-2018 and GB 32100 are repeated below.
Subject of credit
Individuals or organizations that participate in credit activities.
[GB/T 22117-2018, definition 2.4]
Credit information
Records related to credit generated by individuals or organizations in social and economic activities, as well as various types of information related to the evaluation of their credit value.
[GB/T 22117-2018, definition 2.22]
Public credit information exchange
The process of transmitting and processing public credit information resources from one exchange node to other exchange nodes in a computer network environment.
3.4 ??
Means for public credit information exchange
The communication methods and processing tools used in the exchange of public credit information.
This standard specifies the technical and management requirements for the overall framework, exchange methods and interfaces of public credit information.
This standard applies to the exchange and sharing of credit information between the national credit information sharing platform and the national department credit information system and provincial credit information platform.
Some standard content:
ICS03.080.99 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T39443—2020 Means and interface specifications for public credit information exchange2020-11-19Issued State Administration for Market Regulation Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China Issued 2020-11-19Implementation GB/T39443—2020 Foreword Scope Normative references Terms and definitions Overall framework of exchange Framework basis Exchange nodes Exchange domain Exchange model Exchange methods and interface requirements||t t||Exchange method requirements Exchange data requirements Exchange interface classification Data exchange mechanism File method interface requirements Database docking interface requirements: Service method exchange interface requirements File method interface example, Appendix A (Informative Appendix) References This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Social Credit Standardization (SAC/TC470). GB/T39443—2020 The drafting units of this standard are: National Public Credit Information Center, China National Institute of Standardization, Jiangsu Provincial Strategy and Development Research Center, Zhongshenlais Information System Co., Ltd., Xiamen Institute of Standardization. The main drafters of this standard are: Zhou Min, Wang Yuming, Jiang Kaiyuan, Feng Caihong, Zhou Li, Jiang Zhou, Wang Xiao, Yao Zhiyi, Cui Yuan, Zhang Zhifei, He Derong, Gan Yun, Gan Dong, Zhang Chunhui, Zhao Yan, Li Xianghua, Meng Cuizhu, Jia Chenmin, Li Zhenliang. I 1 Scope Public Credit Information Exchange Method and Interface Specification GB/T39443—2020 This standard specifies the overall framework, exchange method and interface and other technical and management requirements for the exchange of public credit information. This standard applies to the exchange and sharing of credit information between the national credit information sharing platform and the national department credit information system and the provincial credit information platform. Normative Reference Documents The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T2260 Administrative Division Code of the People's Republic of China GB/T4657 Code of Central Party and Government Organs, People's Organizations and Other Institutions GB/T7408 Data Elements and Exchange Formats Date and Time Representation for Information Exchange Government Information Resource Exchange System Part 1: General Framework GB/T21062.1—2007 GB/T22117—2018 Basic Credit Terms Coding Rules for Unified Social Credit Codes for Legal Persons and Other Organizations GB32100 GB/T39441—2020 3 Terms and Definitions Public Credit Information Classification and Coding Specifications Terms and definitions defined in GB/T22117-2018 and GB32100 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. For ease of use, some terms and definitions in GB/T22117-2018 and GB32100 are repeated below. 3.1 subject of credit Credit subject Individual or organization participating in credit activities. [GB/T22117-2018, definition 2.4] Credit information Records related to credit generated by individuals or organizations in social and economic activities, as well as various types of information related to the evaluation of their credit value. [GB/T22117-2018, definition 2.22] Public credit information exchangepublic credit information exchange The transmission and processing process of public credit information resources from one exchange node to other exchange nodes in a computer network environment. 3.4 means for public credit information exchange means for public credit information exchange The communication methods and processing tools used in the exchange of public credit information. 1 GB/T39443—2020 Public Credit Information Exchange EntitypubliccreditinformationexchangeentityAn information system that can realize the exchange of public credit information data in a heterogeneous environment. 3.6 Public Credit Information Exchange Interface public credit information exchange interfaceA software interface used to transmit public credit information between two exchange entities. 3.7 Public Credit Information CatalogpubliccreditinformationcatalogAn information catalog composed of elements such as providing units, information classifications, information categories, information items, validity periods, and public attributes. 3.8 Exchange Domaininterchangedomain An exchange environment composed of a central exchange node and end exchange nodes that directly exchange with it, for various exclusive services such as public credit information exchange and sharing. 4 Overall framework of exchange Framework basis Based on GB/T21062.1-2007, under the framework of the public data exchange platform of the national e-government external network, this standard stipulates the various elements in the overall framework of the exchange of the national credit information sharing platform. Exchange node Exchange node refers to the system unit that realizes the transmission and processing of information resources in different business systems under the national credit information sharing platform, which is divided into two categories: end exchange node and central exchange node (national exchange node). The public credit information exchange nodes stipulated in this standard are: national credit information sharing platform, national department credit information system, provincial credit information platform, etc. 3 Exchange domain 4.3.1 Exchange domain composition The exchange domain stipulated in this standard is the public credit information exchange environment composed of the national credit information sharing platform, national department credit information system, provincial credit information platform, etc. 4.3.2 Central exchange node The national credit information sharing platform is the central exchange node of the exchange domain, also known as the national exchange node. 4.3.3 End Exchange Nodes The national department credit information system, provincial credit information platform, etc., as the end exchange nodes of the exchange domain, directly exchange information with the national credit information sharing platform. Exchange Model 4.43 4.4.1 Exchange Model Composition and Function The public credit information exchange model consists of exchange information, exchange relations, exchange services, and shared information bases. Information exchange can be carried out through the shared information base or through the central exchange node. The public credit information exchange model is shown in Figure 1. End exchange node Provincial credit information platform Exchange information Exchange service Exchange information Exchange service End exchange node 4.4.2 Exchange information Central exchange node (National exchange node) National credit information sharing platform Shared information library Exchange service Figure 1 Public credit information exchange model Exchange information is the public credit information resource that end exchange nodes use to store and participate in exchange. 4.4.3 Exchange relations GB/T39443—2020 End exchange node Credit information system of national departments Exchange information Exchange service Exchange information Exchange service End exchange node As the central exchange node, the national credit information sharing platform manages the information interaction services of the end exchange nodes in the exchange domain, provides point-to-point and point-to-multipoint information routing and reliable information transmission, and forms the national credit information database according to demand. As the end exchange node of the exchange domain, the credit information system of each national department is responsible for receiving and aggregating the information of vertical departments, completing the conversion operation between the vertical business field information and the exchange information, and realizing the transmission and processing of the exchange information through the exchange service, and at the same time forming the credit information database of the department according to demand. As the end exchange node of the exchange domain, each provincial credit information platform is responsible for receiving and aggregating information from government departments within its jurisdiction, completing the conversion operation between business information and exchange information, and realizing the transmission and processing of exchange information through exchange services, while forming the provincial credit information database according to demand. 4.4.4 Exchange Service The exchange service is a set of operations for the exchange node to transmit and process credit information resources, and a specific embodiment of the exchange method. Each exchange node should deploy an exchange service. 4.4.5 Shared Information Library The shared information library is a centralized storage area for public credit information resources that can provide consistent public credit information resources for multiple end exchange nodes. Any end exchange node can access the shared information library according to certain rules. In the exchange system, the shared information library is optional. 3 GB/T39443—2020 5 Exchange methods and interface requirements 5.1 Exchange method requirements Information exchange should adopt three exchange methods: file exchange, database docking, and service call. a) File exchange is to transfer data files through reliable file transfer services. A large number of data records require the use of XML files, EXCEL files, and TXT files for transmission, and the data provider node is required to provide the file format and data resource description. The database docking method is the data exchange from library to library. It is required that each end exchange node provide a table building script to the central exchange node (for b) the central exchange node to establish an equivalent structure table), and import the exchange information into the database of each exchange front-end machine, and use the transmission service to realize the exchange from library to library. At the same time, it is also required that each end exchange node provide the database service IP, database instance name, user name, password, and database building script. c) Real-time access or transmission of a small amount of data requires the use of a service call method to access or transmit the credit information directory and data records through the WebService service interface. 2 Data exchange requirements Data exchange should comply with the following: a) In the exchanged data, Chinese characters use Chinese half-width, and English letters, numbers and symbols use English half-width. b) Data exchange should be encoded in UTF-8 format. SZIC c) For file exchange and database docking, the data provider needs to add two data items for each exchange data record: record ID (GUID) and record database time. Among them: record ID is the data record fingerprint, which is assigned by the original record generation unit and uses the GUID mechanism to identify the global uniqueness of the record. It is the information primary key of each credit information. For the file exchange method, the record database time refers to the time when the data is transferred to the file; for the database docking method, the record database time refers to the time when the data is loaded into the database of the front-end machine of the end exchange node. 5.3 Exchange interface classification 5.3.1 Interface type The public credit information exchange interface has two types: data reporting and data sharing. 5.3.2 Data reporting class The data reporting class interface refers to the end exchange nodes such as the credit information systems of various national departments and provincial credit information platforms reporting credit data to the national credit information sharing platform. 5.3.3 Data sharing class The data sharing class interface refers to the end exchange nodes such as the credit information systems of various national departments and provincial credit information platforms sharing and retrieving credit information data in the national credit information sharing platform. 5.4 Data exchange mechanism The exchange node data exchange mechanism is shown in Figure 2. 4 Data transmission Data generation Data confirmation Data Data Data Data receiving exchange node Data reporting exchange node ③Account reconciliation confirmation Figure 2 Exchange node data exchange mechanism The main process of the data reporting exchange node reporting data to the data receiving exchange node includes: GB/T39443—2020 Account reconciliation Database table Get feedback Data generation: According to the agreed reporting cycle, the data reporting exchange node generates the data to be transmitted a) according to the requirements of this standard, as shown in ① in Figure 2. The starting time and reporting cycle of the reported data can be agreed upon in the work rules. When the data transmission exchange node is an end exchange node and the data receiving exchange node is a central exchange node, the initial transmission should be the full data set transmission, and then incremental transmission. Data transmission: The data transmission exchange node transmits data to the data receiving exchange node through a reliable data transmission service. The data transmission service should be able to support breakpoint continuation and require the record of the successful transmission mark, as shown in Figure 2②. Data confirmation: When the data receiving exchange node receives the data transmitted by the data transmission exchange node, it should confirm the content of the data c) (see Table 1 for specific content), as shown in Figure 2③. Get feedback: After the data receiving exchange node confirms the received data, it generates a reconciliation database table d) record according to the content of Table 1, and feeds the record back to the data transmission exchange node, as shown in Figure 2④. e) Reconciliation confirmation: When the data reporting exchange node receives the reconciliation database table record sent by the data receiving exchange node, it should reconcile and confirm the record content (see Table 1 for specific content). If the confirmation is correct, the data transmission is successful. If there is an error in the reconciliation, the data transmission fails and needs to be retransmitted, as shown in Figure 2. Table 1 Feedback database table Field name FILE_NAME REV_TIME FILE_SIZE FILE_NUM FILE_TYPE Data type VARCHAR(64) DATETIME(16) VARCHAR(16) NUMBER(16) VARCHAR(32) Chinese annotation||t t||Exchange file name Receiving time Exchange file size Number of exchange files Exchange file format Description Only use dry file exchange mode GB/T39443—2020 Field name TABLE_NAME INSERT_TIME DATA_SUM SOURCE FEEDBACK_TIME File mode interface requires Request 5.5.1 File exchange method Data type VARCHAR(32) DATETIME(16) NUMBER(16) VARCHAR(16) DATETIME(16) Table 1 (continued) Chinese annotation Database table name Personal database time Number of human database records Exchange data source Timestamp||t t||Description Only use the database docking method File exchange method and database docking method Reuse File exchange method means that the exchange node transmits the standardized data file to the specified node through the file transfer service. 5.5.2 File exchange format XML file exchange format XML exchange data consists of three parts: declaration, header and body: a) Sequence number The exchange data file complies with the XML1.0 specification. The declaration part is expressed in XML language as follows: (?xmlversion=\1.0\encoding=\UTF-8\?> The data resource description information is placed in the data packet header, including: data resource name, unit code, organization code, unit name, exchange date, loading flag, update frequency, data volume, sharing scope, and subject category, as shown in Table 2. Table 2 Header data resource description information Mark SJZYMC DWDM ZZJGDM DWMC JHSJ JZBZ GXPL GXFW ZTLB Length (characters) Meaning Data resource name Unit code Organization code Unit name Exchange date||t t||Loading sign Update frequency Data volume Sharing application Subject category Description and requirements Name of credit information data resource Central departments shall follow the GB/T4657 Code Table for Central Party and Government Organs, People's Organizations and Other Institutions; provincial and municipal units shall follow the GB/T2260 Administrative Division Code of the People's Republic of China; legal persons and social organizations shall follow the GB32100 Unified Social Credit Code Rules for Legal Persons and Other Organizations. If there is an organizational code, it can be filled in. Optional items Name of credit data unit yyyymmdd Loading flag (0: full load; 1: incremental load) Update frequency (year; quarter; month; week; day; real-time; other) Number of data records contained in the package Scope of data information that can be disclosed (0: public disclosure; 1: government disclosure; 2: authorized disclosure) According to the requirements of 7.1 in GB/T39441-2020 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.