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Provisions on the sites selection of China new generation weather radar

Basic Information

Standard ID: QX/T 100-2009

Standard Name:Provisions on the sites selection of China new generation weather radar

Chinese Name: 新一代天气雷达选址规定

Standard category:Meteorological Industry Standard (QX)

state:in force

Date of Release2006-06-07

Date of Implementation:2009-11-01

Date of Expiration:2023-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.060 Geology, Meteorology, Hydrology

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Subjects>>A47 Meteorology

associated standards

alternative situation:Announcement: China Meteorological Administration Qifa [2023] No. 58

Publication information

publishing house:Meteorological Press

Publication date:2009-11-01

other information

Review date:2019-01-09

drafter:Deng Zhi, Wu Taiwang, Lin Tingling, Xiong Yi, Chai Xiumei; Zhou Lezhao, Li Dong, Zhang Shenshou, Yuan Xiang, Wang Hong

Drafting unit:Fujian Meteorological Bureau

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

Publishing department:China Meteorological Administration

competent authority:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the site selection principles, preliminary preparations for site selection, on-site surveys of candidate sites, determination of preferred sites, and approval of site selection reports for new generation weather radars. This standard applies to the site selection work of new generation weather radars with unified sites in China, and the site selection work of new generation weather radars in local and industrial areas can refer to it. QX/T 100-2009 Site Selection Provisions for New Generation Weather Radars QX/T100-2009 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the site selection principles, preliminary preparations for site selection, on-site surveys of candidate sites, determination of preferred sites, and approval of site selection reports for new generation weather radars. This standard applies to the site selection work of new generation weather radars with unified sites in China, and the site selection work of new generation weather radars in local and industrial areas can refer to it.

Some standard content:

Meteorological Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Provisions on the sites selection ofChina new generation weather radar2009-06-07Published
Meteorological Bureau
Check the standard on Jianbiao.com
ww iz321. net
Terms and definitions
Site selection principles
Preliminary preparation for site selection
Field survey of the proposed site
Determination of the preferred site
Approval of the site selection report
Frequency coordination and frequency assignment and station installation
Detection environment protection
Appendix A (informative appendix)
Appendix B (informative appendix)
New generation weather radar proposed site survey table..New generation weather radar proposed site conditions comparison table QX/T100—2009
This standard is proposed by the National Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC345). This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC345). This standard was drafted by the Fujian Provincial Meteorological Bureau. The main drafters of this standard are Deng Zhi, Wu Taiwang, Lin Tingling, Xiong Yi, Chai Xiumei; Zhou Lezhao, Li Dong, Zhang Shenshou, Yuan Xiang, and Wang Hong participated in the drafting.
Check the standard on the construction standard website
1 Scope
Regulations on the site selection of the new generation weather radar
This standard specifies the site selection principles, preliminary preparations for site selection, on-site surveys of candidate sites, determination of the preferred site, and approval of site selection work reports for the new generation weather radar.
This standard applies to the site selection work of the new generation weather radars in my country's unified deployment. The site selection work of the new generation weather radars in local and industrial areas can be implemented as a reference.
Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 2.1
Chinanewgenerationweatherradar; CINRAD is a Doppler weather radar that uses full coherence and Doppler technology to quantitatively estimate echo intensity, radial velocity, spectrum width and other information. Note: This standard specifically refers to weather radars of the CINRAD/SA, CINRAD/SB, CINRAD/SC, CINRAD/CB, CINRAD/CC, and CINRAD/CD series. The radars and weather radars mentioned in this article are all new generation weather radars unless otherwise specified. 2.2
The environmental space formed by tall obstacles such as terrain, mountains, and buildings that block the propagation of radar electromagnetic waves within the effective detection range of the radar.
ElectromagneticenvironmentElectromagneticenvironmentThe distribution of the power and time of the radiated or conducted electromagnetic emission levels that may be encountered by electronic equipment and systems during operation in different frequency ranges.
Electromagnetic interference: EMI is interference caused by electromagnetic signals. It is an electromagnetic energy that may interrupt, hinder, reduce or limit the effective performance of electronic equipment, reduce data integrity and increase the bit error rate on the transmission channel. 2.5
Height chart of iso-beam
Iso-beam height chart
In standard atmospheric refraction, according to the obstruction of the ground objects around the radar station, the maximum distance of a target at a certain height that can be illuminated by the radar beam changes with the azimuth.
S-band new generation weather radar CINRADforS-band new generation weather radar working in the frequency band of 2700MHz to 3100MHz. 2.7
C-band new generation weather radar CINRADforC-band new generation weather radar working in the band of 5250MHz to 5650MHz. 2.8
Central frequency centralfrequency, f. The center frequency (or carrier frequency) of the frequency band occupied by the weather radar transmission carrier frequency. 1
Occupied bandwidthoccupiedbandwidth
The average power emitted below the lower frequency limit and above the upper frequency limit of the frequency band is respectively equal to the specified percentage β/2 of the total average power of a given emission.
Unless otherwise specified in the ITU-R Recommendations for certain appropriate emission categories, the value of B/2 should be 0.5%. 3
Site selection principles
3.1 General
The selection of sites for new generation weather radars should be conducive to monitoring disastrous weather and should comply with the national development plan for new generation weather radars. When selecting sites, 3 to 5 candidate sites should be pre-selected and 1 preferred site (hereinafter referred to as the proposed site) should be determined. 3.2 Spacing between sites
Based on the maximum unambiguous distance and speed range of the new generation weather radar, as well as the influence of atmospheric attenuation and earth curvature, the spacing between the proposed site and the adjacent new generation weather radar site in 3.2.1
should be 250km~200km. 3.2.2 The spacing between sites in areas prone to disastrous weather, key service areas, economically developed areas, hilly areas or areas with an annual precipitation of more than 800mm can be increased to 150km~100km. In order to respond to sudden and extreme weather events and enhance the safety of the weather forecast network, the density of sites in some areas can be increased to about 100km3.2.3
. The true line distance between the proposed site and the local meteorological observatory (station) should be less than 50km. 3.2.4
3.3 Geographical environment
3.3.1 The proposed site should avoid areas where floods, mudslides, landslides and other natural disasters occur frequently, and avoid sandy soil and wetland geology. 3.3.2 Avoid areas with high incidence of corrosive gases, industrial pollution and water pollution. 3.3.3
Avoid damaging the existing meteorological detection environment and local landscape. 3.4 Clearance environment
The proposed site should be open around and avoid mountains, towers, tall trees and buildings that block radar electromagnetic waves. 3.4.2
The proposed site should be located in the main detection direction of the radar, including the direction of the key service area and the main direction of the important weather process. The shielding elevation angle of the radar electromagnetic wave should not be greater than 0.5°, the shielding elevation angle in other directions should not be greater than 1°, the isolated shielding azimuth should not be greater than 1°, and the total shielding azimuth should not be greater than 5°. If the adjacent radar can cover the shielding area, the requirements can be appropriately lowered. The detection environment of the proposed site should be protected by the local planning and ensure long-term stability. 3.4.3
3.5 Electromagnetic environment
The proposed site should avoid high-voltage lines, power stations, radio stations, industrial interference sources, etc. as much as possible, and avoid areas that conflict with national defense facilities. The electromagnetic environment of the proposed site is conducive to the business operation of the weather radar station and has no potential harmful interference. 3.5.2
The radiation level of the proposed site to the public should meet the environmental protection and health standards. The proposed site around the airport must meet the aviation flight safety requirements. 3.5.4
3.6 Communication environment
The proposed site should be convenient for establishing a broadband communication link with the local meteorological station to ensure the real-time and reliable transmission of detection data and remote control information. 3.7 Basic environment
3.7.1 The proposed site should have water, electricity, roads and other infrastructure construction conditions. 3.7.2
The power supply quality of the proposed site should meet the power demand of the radar system. The surrounding environment of the proposed site should be convenient for future work and life. Preliminary preparation for site selection
Site selection team
The provincial (district, city) meteorological bureau has established a new generation weather radar site selection team to be responsible for the organization, management and specific implementation of radar site selection. Check the standard on the Construction Standards Network
4.2 Pre-selection of station sites
Based on the local disastrous weather and climate characteristics, use the GIS system or a map with a scale of 1:50,000 or 1:100,000 or above to pre-select more than 3 proposed station sites, and formulate a site selection survey and investigation plan. 4.3 Determine the proposed station site
According to the site selection requirements, through investigation, determine more than 3 proposed station sites from the pre-selected station sites that meet the site selection requirements. 5 Field investigation of the proposed station site
5.1 Field survey
According to the site selection principle, the provincial (district, city) meteorological bureau and radar site selection team will organize technical experts from radar, communication, lightning protection, infrastructure, management and other business units to conduct field surveys on each proposed site that meets the site selection requirements. 2 Measure the shielding angle of the proposed site
Use theodolite to accurately measure the shielding angle. Draw a distribution map of the shielding angle around the station and a equi-beam height map at 1km above the measuring station and 3km and 6km above sea level.
5.3 Determine the accurate geographical location
Determine the accurate geographical location of the proposed site. The longitude and latitude measurement accuracy is less than 3\. The altitude measurement accuracy is less than 5m. 5.4 Basic conditions survey
5.4.1 Survey and investigate the water, electricity and road conditions of the proposed site, survey the geology, hydrology, lightning strikes and earthquakes, and survey the surrounding environment of the proposed site to provide a basis for engineering design and investment.
5.4.2 Investigate the communication conditions between the proposed site and the meteorological station and determine the preferred communication method. 5.5 Electromagnetic environment test
A radio monitoring unit with monitoring qualifications shall conduct full-band electromagnetic environment tests on the proposed site and issue a formal electromagnetic environment test report.
5.6 Survey report
Fill in the "Survey Form for the Proposed Site of the New Generation Weather Radar" (see Appendix A) and the "Comparison Table for the Proposed Site of the New Generation Weather Radar" (see Appendix B), and write a survey report. 5.7 Proposed frequency
Based on the formal "Electromagnetic Environment Test Report" issued by the radio monitoring unit, select the bandwidth occupied by the proposed weather radar station. The occupied bandwidth of the S-band weather radar station is (J±15) MHz, and the occupied bandwidth of the C-band weather radar station is (f.±30) MHz. Determination of the preferred site
6.1 Evaluation of the survey report of the proposed site
The provincial (district, city) meteorological bureau shall organize radar, communication, forecast, service, lightning protection, infrastructure, finance, management and other technical experts to evaluate the survey report of the proposed site. The evaluation content includes detectability, communication mode, investment scale, operation management, technical support and other aspects. 6.2
Solicit opinions from relevant departments
Solicit opinions from relevant departments such as urban planning, land, environmental protection, and electricity, and implement the site selection results. 6.3 Write a site selection work report
Comprehensively evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the conditions of each proposed site, put forward the preferred ranking opinions of the proposed site, determine the preferred proposed site, and write a new generation weather radar site selection work report.
7 Submission of site selection work report for approval
The provincial (district, city) meteorological bureau shall organize experts to demonstrate the new generation weather radar site selection work report and submit it to the China Meteorological Administration for approval. QX/T100—2009
Frequency coordination, frequency assignment and station installation
After the site of the new generation weather radar station is initially approved by the China Meteorological Administration, the meteorological bureau of the province (region, city) where the station is located shall be responsible for applying for frequency coordination and frequency assignment. After completing the frequency coordination, the national (or local) radio management agency shall assign the frequency to the proposed weather radar station. After obtaining the frequency assignment, apply to the local radio management agency for specific station installation matters. After obtaining the station installation permit, the weather radar station shall be built. After the weather radar station is built, the radio station license shall be obtained from the local radio management agency in a timely manner. o
Detection environmental protection
Once the site of the new generation weather radar station is approved, the meteorological bureau of the province (region, city) where the station is located shall be responsible for handling the detection environmental protection procedures. Check the standards on the construction standard website
Survey time:
(Informative Appendix)
Survey table for proposed site selection for new generation weather radar Table A.1
Survey location (detailed address):
Latitude and longitude of measuring point:
Model and accuracy of test instrument:bzxZ.net
Geographical environment: Available area of ​​site
Survey report table for proposed site selection for new generation weather radar month
m, model and accuracy of test instrument:
m, straight-line distance from the municipal bureau
km, road distance from the municipal bureau
km. Other environments
(whether there are tall buildings, mountains, vegetation, whether there are high-voltage lines, communication base stations, military facilities, and what the geological conditions are like. Is it a residential area, how far away from the residential area; is it farmland, circular forest, reservoir embankment protection area, etc.): Living conditions:
Road conditions (what kind of road surface, road width, maximum slope and curvature, whether there are bridges, etc.): Water and electricity conditions (mains electricity, agricultural electricity, capacity): Clearance environment (obstruction angle) conditions (specify the clearance environment in the main detection direction, the maximum obstruction elevation angle, and the maximum obstruction azimuth angle): Available communication methods (existing communication methods at the station site and nearby, and optional communication methods): Surrounding environment:| |tt||Remarks:
Place name:
Site longitude and latitude:
Test date:
Table A.2 Observation records of shielding angle of proposed site
, test equipment model and accuracy:
Check the standard on the standard construction network
Local magnetic declination:
Place name:
Schematic diagram of geographical location of proposed site
(marked on the map)
Survey location (detailed address):
Latitude and longitude of measuring point:
Model and accuracy of test instrument:
Geographical environment: Available area of ​​site
Survey report on proposed site of new generation weather radar
m, Model and accuracy of test instrument:
m, Straight-line distance from municipal bureau
km, Road distance from municipal bureau
km. Other environments
(whether there are tall buildings, mountains, vegetation, whether there are high-voltage lines, communication base stations, military facilities, and what the geological conditions are like. Is it a residential area, how far away from the residential area; is it farmland, circular forest, reservoir embankment protection area, etc.): Living conditions:
Road conditions (what kind of road surface, road width, maximum slope and curvature, whether there are bridges, etc.): Water and electricity conditions (mains electricity, agricultural electricity, capacity): Clearance environment (obstruction angle) conditions (specify the clearance environment in the main detection direction, the maximum obstruction elevation angle, and the maximum obstruction azimuth angle): Available communication methods (existing communication methods at the station site and nearby, and optional communication methods): Surrounding environment:| |tt||Remarks:
Place name:
Site longitude and latitude:
Test date:
Table A.2 Observation records of shielding angle of proposed site
, test equipment model and accuracy:
Check the standard on the standard construction network
Local magnetic declination:
Place name:
Schematic diagram of geographical location of proposed site
(marked on the map)
Survey location (detailed address):
Latitude and longitude of measuring point:
Model and accuracy of test instrument:
Geographical environment: Available area of ​​site
Survey report table of proposed site for new generation weather radar
m, Model and accuracy of test instrument:
m, Straight-line distance from municipal bureau
km, Road distance from municipal bureau
km. Other environments
(whether there are tall buildings, mountains, vegetation, whether there are high-voltage lines, communication base stations, military facilities, and what the geological conditions are like. Is it a residential area, how far away from the residential area; is it farmland, circular forest, reservoir embankment protection area, etc.): Living conditions:
Road conditions (what kind of road surface, road width, maximum slope and curvature, whether there are bridges, etc.): Water and electricity conditions (mains electricity, agricultural electricity, capacity): Clearance environment (obstruction angle) conditions (specify the clearance environment in the main detection direction, the maximum obstruction elevation angle, and the maximum obstruction azimuth angle): Available communication methods (existing communication methods at the station site and nearby, and optional communication methods): Surrounding environment:| |tt||Remarks:
Place name:
Site longitude and latitude:
Test date:
Table A.2 Observation records of shielding angle of proposed site
, test equipment model and accuracy:
Check the standard on the standard construction network
Local magnetic declination:
Place name:
Schematic diagram of geographical location of proposed site
(marked on the map)
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