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HG/T 2189-1991 Rubber Adhesive RE

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2189-1991

Standard Name: Rubber Adhesive RE

Chinese Name: 橡胶用粘合剂RE

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-12-23

Date of Implementation:1992-05-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Rubber and plastics industry >> 83.180 Adhesives and adhesive products

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Synthetic Materials>>G39 Adhesive

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HG/T 2189-1991 Rubber Adhesive RE HG/T2189-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Rubber Adhesive RE
1. Subject Content and Applicability
HG/T 2189-91
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, and product packaging, marking, transportation and storage requirements for adhesive RE products.
This standard is only applicable to the product obtained by the condensation of resorcinol and acetaldehyde under acid-catalyzed conditions - adhesive RE. Adhesive RE is mainly used as the methyl acceptor of phenolic resin type adhesive system. It can be used together with soft methyl donor in rubber materials for rubber products containing skeleton materials such as tires, hoses, and tapes to improve the bonding strength between rubber materials and diffused or non-diffused skeleton materials such as cotton, rayon, nylon, lacquer (polyester), glass fiber and steel wire. It can also be used alone as a tackifier for rubber materials to improve the viscosity of rubber materials. 2 Reference standards
GB4472 General rules for determination of density and relative density of chemical products 3 Technical requirements
Adhesive RE should meet the following control items and index requirements Item
Softening point, awn
Density, /cm*
4 Test method
4.1 Appearance
4.2 Softening point determination Ring and ball method
4.2.1 Principle
Reddish brown semi-transparent amber
1. 295~ 1. 335
Using the characteristic of hot-melt resin that it gradually softens to a molten state during heating, the sample is gradually heated in a hot bath under a certain load (the load added in this test is a steel ball of a specified weight) until the sample begins to melt and the steel ball penetrates the sample and falls. At this time, the hot bath temperature is the softening point of the sample.
4.2.2 Test materials
Glycerol or paraffin wax,
4.2.3 Instruments Softening point tester (see Figure 4)bzxz.net
Copper (steel) ring: shape, specifications as shown in Figure I
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China 1991--12-23 Approved 1992-05-01 Implementation
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HG / T 2189 -
Steel ball: diameter 0.953cm, weight 3.45~3.55giSteel ball center locator: shape and specifications as shown in Figure 2; copper (steel) ball rack; shape and specifications as shown in Figure 3; tall beaker: volume 800mL;
Thermometer: 0~100℃,
1—Thermometer: 2 Bracket; 3—Steel ball: 4- Locator: 5 Ring: : 6—Steel ball rack 4. 2. 3. 2 Magnetic III: volume 50 ml; 4. 2. 3. 3 blades; Electric furnace: 500W temperature-controlled electric furnace
4.2.4 Sample
Put 5g of the newly crushed sample in magnetic blood, heat it slowly, and stir it appropriately during the heating process to avoid local overheating of the sample and the stimulation of bubbles. Put the preheated copper (steel) ring on a dry and clean glass plate, and immediately fill the pot (steel) ring with the molten test. The above operation process shall not exceed 15 minutes. Cool it at room temperature until the sample is completely removed. The time is about 40 minutes. Take off the sample and the copper (steel) ring together, and use the preheated blade to cut off the sample that is higher than the copper (steel) ring. 4.2. 5. Analysis steps
Pour glycerol or liquid paraffin into a beaker, the glycerol liquid level is about 8-9cm, place the beaker on an electric stove and heat it until the temperature of the liquid in the beaker is about 45% lower than the expected softening point of the sample. Place two copper (steel) rings with samples and a center locator on the ring stand, place a steel ball in the center of the locator, insert a thermometer, make the bottom of the thermometer and the bottom of the copper (steel) ring in the same plane, then place the whole set of equipment into the beaker, the distance between the metal plate at the bottom of the stand and the bottom of the beaker is 1.3cm, then Raise the temperature at a rate of (5.0±0.5)min/min and gently turn or stir the whole set frequently to make the temperature of the hot bath uniform. When the temperature rises to about 10℃ lower than the softening point of the sample, control the heating rate at (2~3)/min until the sample softens, causing the steel ball to penetrate and fall to the bottom plate. Note the hot bath temperature at this time. The difference between the temperatures of the two steel balls falling on the left and right sides shall not exceed 1.5℃. The arithmetic mean is the test result. 4.2.6 Expression of analysis results
The average value of the results of two parallel tests is the softening point of the sample. 4.2.7 Allowable difference
The allowable difference between the results of two parallel tests is 1.0t4.3 Density determination by balance method
4.3.1 Principle
Use a balance to weigh the mass of the solid sample in the air and in the measuring medium respectively. When the sample is immersed in the measuring medium, its mass is less than that in the air. The reduction is the mass of the measuring medium displaced by the sample. The volume of the sample is equal to the volume of the displaced measuring medium.
4.3.2 Reagents
n-heptane (experimental reagent): 0.681~0.6874.3.3 Instruments Analytical balance: graduation value is 0.0001g- 2 beakers: volume is 50ml and 100ml respectively. Balance pan cross frame: the size should be suitable for being placed in the gap between the balance pan and the hanging basket (or hair), that is, it should meet the requirements of Figure 3 of GB4472 4.3.4 Samples Weigh about 20g of sample in a 50ml beaker, place the beaker on an electric furnace and heat it slightly until the sample is completely melted. When the sample cools and becomes semi-fluid, pour it into an irregular circle with a diameter of about (1.5-2.0) cm. When the sample is not completely solidified, drill a small hole in its center (no bubbles should exist in the molded sample). After the sample is completely cooled and molded, put it in a dryer for use. 4.3.5 Analysis steps Follow the analysis steps in Article of GB4472. The test temperature is 21±0.5C. 4.3.6 Calculation and expression of analysis results Follow the method specified in Article of GB4472 for calculation. The average value of the test results of two tests is the density of the tested sample. 4.3.7 Allowable difference
The allowable difference of two parallel test results is: 0.005.wwr.5 Inspection rules
5.1 Before the product leaves the factory, the quality inspection department of the manufacturer shall conduct inspection according to the inspection rules and items specified in this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products leaving the factory meet the technical requirements specified in this standard, and each batch of products shall be accompanied by a product quality certificate. 5.2 The user unit has the right to conduct quality inspection on the purchased products according to the technical requirements specified in this standard: 53 Sampling and batching
5.3.1 Batching
The products produced by the manufacturer in each tank capacity are considered as a batch. The user takes the total number of pallets purchased at one time as a batch. 5.3.2 Sampling
Each batch of products shall be sampled according to 20% of the total number of packaging pallets. The sampling quantity shall not be less than 3 pieces, and the weight of each sample shall not be less than 200g. The above samples shall be broken into pieces and mixed, and 300 to 400 samples shall be selected from them and placed in two dry and clean ground-mouth bottles, and sample labels shall be attached, indicating the sample name, batch number, production date and sampling date. One of the bottles shall be inspected by the inspection department for quality, and the other bottle shall be sealed and stored for re-inspection or arbitration. The sample retention period is half a year. 5.4 Judgment rules
5.4.1 If one of the quality items of the product quality inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the sample of twice the number of samples shall be re-inspected from the twice the amount of packaging according to the specified sampling method. If the re-inspection results still do not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products shall be unqualified. 5.4.2 When the supply and demand parties have objections to the product quality, the national quality supervision agency may conduct arbitration. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
6.1 Marking
The surface of the product packaging should be printed with obvious and firm markings, indicating the manufacturer's name, product name, trademark, production date, main product parameters and validity period, etc.
6.2 Packaging
The outer packaging of adhesive RE is a carton, and the inner packaging is an ethylene plastic bag. Each box contains four pieces of adhesive RE, each with a net weight of 3kg, and each piece is packed in an ethylene plastic bag. 6.3 Transportation and storage
Before transportation and storage, check whether the product packaging is intact. During transportation and storage, the products should be classified and stacked in a dry, clean and cool warehouse. The distance between the product packaging and the wall should be greater than 0.3Ⅲ, shall not be placed near the upper and lower pipes and heat sources to prevent the product from being heated, damp and deteriorating, shall not be piled up in the open air, and must be protected from sunlight. The effective storage period is 1 year from the date of the product manufacturer. Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Shanghai Rubber Products Research Institute. This standard was funded by Changzhou Shuguang Chemical Factory and Beijing Rubber Industry Research and Design Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Song Qingru, Ding Shaojuan: Chen Naijue, Xu Yinzhen, Wu
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