title>Classification and codes of grain information—Classification and codes of grain administration organization - LS/T 1700-2004 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Classification and codes of grain information—Classification and codes of grain administration organization

Basic Information

Standard ID: LS/T 1700-2004

Standard Name:Classification and codes of grain information—Classification and codes of grain administration organization

Chinese Name: 粮食信息分类与编码粮食行政、事业机构及社会团体分类与代码

Standard category:Grain Industry Standard (LS)

state:in force

Date of Release2004-04-22

Date of Implementation:2006-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Company (Enterprise) Organization and Management, Administration, Transport>>Company (Enterprise) Organization and Management>>03.100.01Company (Enterprise) Organization and Management Comprehensive

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A24 Classification Code

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

other information

Drafting unit:State Grain Administration

Focal point unit:State Grain Administration

Publishing department:State Grain Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the classification and codes of China's grain administration, institutions and social organizations. This standard applies to information processing and information exchange in the grain industry. LS/T 1700-2004 Grain Information Classification and Coding Grain Administration, Institutions and Social Organizations Classification and Code LS/T1700-2004 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the classification and codes of China's grain administration, institutions and social organizations. This standard applies to information processing and information exchange in the grain industry.

Some standard content:

ICS 03. 100. 40
Case number: 13926~13943—2004
Standard of the Grain Industry of the People's Republic of China
Classification and coding of grain information
Classification and cndcs of grain informationmalior2004-04-22ReleasedWww.bzxZ.net
State Administration of Grain
Implemented on 2004-07-01
ICs 03.1CO, 01
Case number: 13926-20c4
Standard of the Grain Industry of the People's Republic of China
IS/T 1700-2004
Classification and coding of grain information
Classification and coding of grain administration, institutions and social groups codcs of grain information-classification aud codes of grainministration organization2004-04-22 issued
State Grain Administration
2004-07-01 implementation
In order to meet the needs of information processing and exchange in the grain industry and promote the standardized management of agricultural food information and the construction of information system, this standard was formulated in accordance with the provisions of GF/T233:11.3—2001 standard Part 3: General information classification coding and G/T?327—2002 general information classification and basic principles and methods, and combined with the names of our grain administrative, industrial and social institutions for classification and coding, this standard was proposed and promoted by the State Grain Administration. This standard was established by: Nanning University of Science and Technology, National Grain and Oil Information Center. The main drafters of this standard are: Zhang Youfang, Zhang Youfang, Zhang Chuan, Zhang Chuan, and the relevant departments of the tax department. 1 Scope
Grain information classification and coding
Grain administration, institutions and social groups classification and coding This standard defines the classification and coding of grain administration, institutions and social groups in my country. This standard is applicable to information processing and information exchange in the food industry. 2 Normative references
1. S/T1700—2004
The following documents become the references of this standard through the reference of this standard. For any reference documents of a certain period, all subsequent amendments (excluding incorrect contents) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties who have reached an agreement on the standard shall determine whether to use the latest versions of these documents. For reference documents without noting the date, the latest version shall apply to this standard. (BT226 Administrative Code of the People's Republic of China GB/T45>? Codes of tax collection agencies, personnel and other agencies 3 Classification principles and methods
3.1 The standard adopts a hierarchical classification method.
3.2 This standard divides grain production agencies into national grain bureaus (central level) and regional management agencies (local level). 3.3 List of regional management agencies, which can be provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities, special administrative regions, and regions) , self-governing prefectures, leagues), and <Baiye, cities, districts, autonomous banners> and food institutions below the county level are further refined, 4 terminal coding methods and code structure
1, 1 National Grain Administration is a hierarchical code system, the total design uses six equal-length Arabic letters, for the classification of non-intermediate hierarchical code names, the total code length is not calculated, and the code is not supplemented. 4.1.1 The coding is as follows: || tt||The first digit is the code of the grain bureau, the fourth digit is the code of the nature of the machine, and the last two digits are the subdivision of the organization. 4.1.2 The code structure is as follows:
Expansion code
Second level
Animal nature code
First level
National Food Bureau code
4.2 The regional management agency is a hierarchical structure, and the overall design is Guopu Jiushou and other people's mathematics. For categories that end at a certain level in the middle, The code of each name is filled with \0\ during information processing until the designed total code length. The text is not filled with \". 4.2.1 Coding rules are as follows:
The first digit is the regional management agency's code: The middle six digits are the administrative area code of the designated management unit. The last two digits are the serial codes of the various agencies located in the same area (autonomous county, city, district, banner, autonomous brigade). The last two digits of the administrative agencies above the county level are "\.
IS/T 1700—2004
2.2.2 For example,
District code
Henan Province Grain
Zhengzhou City Grain Bureau
New extension bureau
Dayuan Town Reporting and Management Office
01+two digits of the film number
4.2.3 District or smart phone code format: XXXXX
Third level
Second level
5 Grain administration, institutions and social groups classification and code list sequence group
Bank collection area code
Special department"?\
Grain business affairs Table 1 is the classification and code table of industry and non-entity organizations and institutions, representing the classification and code table of industry and non-entity organizations
Next, the food industry reform bureau
Xi'an Food Restriction Bureau Control Bureau
National Food Reform Law Bureau
And Beijing's independent food supervision department
National Inspection and Reporting Bureau of Commerce
Because the national food industry has been restricted in the past, the US has also restricted food in the past, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the State Administration of Discipline Inspection, the European and American Food Supervision Bureau, the National Food Safety Bureau and other administrative protection agencies
Medical Inspection Technology Industry and Business Border
Also, the National Food Industry t! The US winter center
press Beijing oil information point, one heart
national forecast room bureau supervision and supply supervision and other buckles
then the national report food and standard pool quality center
China Electric Food
press national report food bureau scientific research institute
China Beijing decision-making certificate planning committee completes the food industry branch said
adopt GL/T4657
4-63c2||t t||445359
China Food Research and Training Center
Source Reporting Food Bureau Other Sub-industry Units
Food Industry Publishing House
China-Pakistan Association of Food Industry
China Food Economy Society
China Food Economy Society
Other social organizations of the industry
China Food Industry Association
Table 1()
Technical Engineering No. Description Dyeing only counts the subdivisions of the average surrogate:
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