title>JB/T 8485.1-1996 Technical requirements for gear shaving machines - JB/T 8485.1-1996 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8485.1-1996 Technical requirements for gear shaving machines

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8485.1-1996

Standard Name: Technical requirements for gear shaving machines

Chinese Name: 齿轮剃齿机 技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1996-11-07

Date of Implementation:1997-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>Metal Cutting Machine Tools>>J56 Gear and Thread Processing Machine Tools

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Metal Cutting Machine Tools Standardization

Publishing department:National Technical Committee for Metal Cutting Machine Tools Standardization

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the requirements for the manufacture and acceptance of CNC gear shaving machines. This standard applies to CNC gear shaving machines with a maximum workpiece diameter of 125~500mm. JB/T 8485.1-1996 Technical conditions for gear shaving machines JB/T8485.1-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Based on the structural characteristics and use requirements of CNC gear shaving machines, this standard specifies and supplements the general technical standards of machine tools such as GB9061-88 "General Technical Conditions for Metal Cutting Machine Tools", ZBnJ50008.1-88 "General Technical Conditions for Mechanical Processing Parts of Metal Cutting Machine Tools" and ZBnJ50008.3-88 "General Technical Conditions for Assembly of Metal Cutting Machine Tools". Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard.
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Metal Cutting Machine Tools. This standard is under the jurisdiction of Chongqing Cylindrical Gear Machine Tool Research Institute. The drafting units of this standard: Nanjing Second Machine Tool Factory and Chongqing Machine Tool Factory. 759
1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China
CNC Gear Shaving Machine
Technical Conditions
This standard specifies the requirements for the manufacture and acceptance of CNC gear shaving machines. This standard applies to CNC gear shaving machines with a maximum workpiece diameter of 125 to 500 mm. 2 Referenced standards
JB/T 8485.1—96
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T5226.1--1996 Industrial machinery and electrical equipment Part: General technical conditions GB9061--88 General technical conditions for metal cutting machine tools GB10095-88 Precision of involute cylindrical gears ZBJ50002--87 General technical conditions for machine tool digital control systems ZBJ50003-88 Determination of cleanliness of metal cutting machine tools ZB J50 004-88
Determination of sound pressure level of noise for metal cutting machine tools ZBJ50007-88 Technical conditions for CNC systems of stepper motor driven machine tools ZBn J50 008.188
General technical conditions for mechanical parts of metal cutting machine tools ZBn J50008.2-88 General technical conditions for welded parts of metal cutting machine tools ZBn J50 008. 3---88www.bzxz.net
General technical conditions for metal cutting machine tool assembly ZBJ50016-89 General technical conditions for hydraulic system of metal cutting machine tool JB4139--85 Technical conditions for safety protection of metal cutting machine tools and machine tool accessories JB/Z 276-86
Precision classification of metal cutting machine tools
3 General requirements
3.1 When accepting machine tools according to this standard, the remaining acceptance items in GB9061, ZBnJ50008.1, ZBnJ50008.3 and other standards that are not specified in this standard must be inspected at the same time. 3.2 When accepting machine tools according to this standard, they should be assessed according to the requirements for Class IV precision machines specified in JB/2276. 4 Accessories and tools
4.1 The following accessories and tools should be supplied randomly: a) Interchange gear: 1 set;
b) Workpiece bracket: 1 set;
c) Workpiece positioning ruler: 1 set;
d) Tool spindle washer: 1 set;
e) Anchor screws, washers, nuts, washers (or anti-vibration washers): 1 set; f) Special wrench: 1 set;
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China on November 7, 1996, 760
1997-01-01, 1997
g) Micrometer: 1 piece.
4.2 Special accessories can be supplied according to agreement.
5 Safety and Health
JB/T 8485.1—96
5.1 For exposed gears, pulleys and other parts of the machine tool that may cause damage to people or equipment, corresponding safety measures must be taken or safety protection devices must be installed, and they should comply with the provisions of relevant standards such as JB4139. 5.2 When the machine tool is working, reliable protection devices should be installed at the parts where chips and cutting fluid splash. The protection devices on the machine tool operating surface must be easy to observe, and the material of the observation window should be transparent safety organic glass with sufficient strength. 5.3 The longitudinal slide (or workbench), vertical slide and tangential slide should be equipped with maximum travel limit devices. 5.4 The main transmission box, radial feed box and tool holder helical gear pair oil pool should be equipped with oil level indicating devices. 5.5 After the emergency stop of the vertical slide movement (or radial feed shaft), the longitudinal slide (or workbench) movement, and the tool spindle rotation, the function shall not be automatically restored.
5.6 When the machine tool is working, the clamped workpiece shall not be loosened after emergency shutdown due to some reason. 5.7 The adjustment parts of the machine tool gears and pulleys shall be equipped with interlocking protection devices. 5.8 Machine tools with ball screws shall be equipped with braking devices. 5.9 The exposed guide rail surface shall have a protective device or a dustproof device. D The device for fixing the cooling nozzle shall be safe and reliable, the cooling pipeline shall not hinder the operation, and the oil circuit shall be kept unobstructed. 5.10
5.11 The machine tool shall have a fault display device. 5.12 When the machine tool is running, there shall be no abnormal screaming or impact sound. When the machine tool is running at low, medium and high speeds in forward and reverse directions, the noise of the machine tool shall be measured according to the method specified in ZBJ50004, and the noise sound pressure level shall not exceed 83dB(A). 5.13 The operating force of the handwheel and handle shall be assessed according to the requirements of "not frequently used". 5.14 When accepting the machine tool according to this standard, the remaining acceptance items in JB4139, GB/T5226.1, ZBJ50016 and other standards that are not specified in this standard must be inspected at the same time.
6 Machining and assembly quality
6.1 The machined parts shall comply with the requirements of drawings, process documents and relevant standards such as ZBnJ50008.1. The assembly of machine tools shall comply with the requirements of ZBnJ50008.3.
6.2 The bed, column, workbench, vertical slide body, tool holder body, longitudinal slide body, cradle, ejector seat and other parts are important castings and should be aged after rough machining.
6.3 Longitudinal slide rail The guide pairs, vertical slide guide pairs, and drum mechanism guide pairs are important guide pairs, and wear-resistant measures should be taken, and they should comply with the provisions of relevant standards.
6.4 Wear-resistant measures should be taken for parts such as the vertical feed screw pair, the main transmission gear pair, the tool spindle, and the ejector body. 6.5 The following joint surfaces should be assessed according to the requirements of "important fixed joint surfaces": a) The joint surface between the column and the bed;
b) The joint surface between the main transmission box and the column;
c) The joint surface between the box that fixes the vertical screw and the column. 6.6 The longitudinal slide guide pair, the vertical slide guide pair, and the drum mechanism guide pair should be assessed according to the requirements of "sliding (rolling) guides". 6.7 The needle seat guide pair, the tool holder swivel pair, and the swivel seat body swivel pair should be assessed according to the requirements of "displacement guides". 6.8 Each motion coordinate The axial movement of the ball screw pair of the shaft after installation is specified by the design. 6.9 The cleanliness of the machine tool shall be inspected according to the method specified in ZBJ50003, and the inside of the tool holder, lubrication system, and hydraulic system shall be inspected by weight method.
6.9.1 The impurities and dirt inside the tool holder shall not exceed the provisions of Table 1. 761
Part name
Maximum workpiece diameter
Weight of dirt mg
6.9.2 Cleanliness of the hydraulic and lubrication systems of the machine tool: After the machine tool has been running for 30 minutes, immediately take a sample at the oil return port of the hydraulic system (or lubrication system), generally not less than 200ml, and the impurities and dirt should not exceed 150m g/L. 7 Machine tool idle running test
7.1 Temperature rise test
The main motion mechanism of the machine tool should be operated in sequence from the lowest speed, and the operation time of each speed level should not be less than 2min. For machine tools with stepless speed regulation, low, medium and high speed operation should be performed. The highest speed operation time should not be less than 1h to allow the spindle bearing to reach a stable temperature. Measure the bearing temperature and temperature rise near the shell of the tool spindle bearing, and the value should not exceed the provisions of Table 2. Table 2
Bearing type
Clean dynamic bearing
Rolling bearing
7.2 Each linear motion component of the machine tool should be tested for idle stroke at low, medium, high feed speeds and fast feed respectively. The movement process should be stable, flexible, light, and without obvious creeping and vibration. 7.3 Inspection of main motion and feed motion
The actual deviation of the spindle speed and feed amount at each level should not exceed ±5% of the calibration value. 7.4 Action Test
7.4.1 Choose an appropriate shaving cutter spindle speed to start and stop continuously for 10 times to check the reliability of the action. 7.4.2 Check the reliability of the automatic feeding, rapid movement and disconnection of the longitudinal slide (or worktable); check the automatic stop and start of the longitudinal slide (or worktable) at any given position within the travel range, check each for 5 times to check the reliability of the action. 7.4.3 Clamp the needle seat twice at both ends and the middle position of the entire moving travel to check the reliability of the clamping mechanism. 7.4.4 Clamp and release the workpiece 5 times to check the reliability of the action. 7.4.5 Operate the "emergency stop" button (or switch) of the machine tool for 5 consecutive times, which should be accurate and trouble-free. 7.4.6 Operate the machine tool with the CNC program. Perform forward and reverse start, stop (or brake) and positioning tests on each coordinate axis at medium speed, 10 times each, and the action should be flexible and reliable. For the main motion and feed motion of the stepless speed change, low, medium, high and fast conversion operation tests should also be performed, and the action should be flexible and reliable. 7.4.7 According to the design requirements, test each automatic cycle of the machine tool, which should work normally, have reliable performance and run smoothly. 7.4.8 Test the insulation resistance, withstand voltage, leakage current and anti-interference ability of the CNC system of the machine tool. Within the specified input voltage variation range, the system function should be normal and reliable, and should comply with the provisions of ZBJ50002. Machine tools driven by stepper motors should also comply with the provisions of ZBJ50007. The protection level of the CNC box should not be lower than the requirements of IP65. 7.5 During the spindle idling test, measure the idling power of the machine tool at each speed, and its value should not exceed the design requirements (spot check). 7.6 Continuous idling test of the whole machine
The machine tool simulates the working state and performs a continuous idling test without cutting, and its operation time should not be less than 24 hours. During the idling process, each part should work normally, flexibly and reliably, and no faults should occur. When a fault occurs, it should be eliminated and the test should be repeated. For machine tools controlled by the CNC system, the pause time between each cycle program should not exceed 1min. 762
8 Load test
For the load test of the gear shaving machine, the cutting method is used to test its maximum power. During the cutting process, the main motor of the machine tool should reach the design power.
9 Minimum setting unit inspection of the machine tool
According to the design requirements, the minimum setting unit error inspection of the radial feed axis is carried out. The feed error of the minimum setting unit should not exceed 6 μm. The cumulative feed error should not exceed ±25%. The minimum setting unit inspection method is shown in Appendix A (Standard Appendix). The inspection should be carried out at three positions in the middle of the stroke and near both ends. 10 Machine tool accuracy inspection
10.1 The machine tool accuracy should comply with the provisions of the relevant standards. The pitch deviation of the tooth before shaving should be the 6th grade accuracy specified in GB10095. 10.2 The following items should be inspected when the machine tool is at medium speed and stable temperature: a) radial runout of the shaving cutter shaft journal;
b) runout of the shaving cutter shaft shoulder support surface; c) parallelism of the longitudinal slide movement to the shaving cutter shaft axis. 763
Appendix A
Minimum setting unit inspection method
(Standard Appendix)
First, quickly move the moving part on the coordinate in the positive (or negative) direction for a distance, stop, give several minimum setting unit instructions in the same direction, and then stop, and use this position as the reference position. Give a minimum setting unit instruction each time, move in the same direction, move 20 units continuously, and measure the stop position of each instruction. From the above final measurement position, continue to give several minimum setting unit instructions in the same direction, stop, and move in the negative (or positive) direction. Give several instructions of minimum setting units to make it return to the final position. The stop positions of these instructions of minimum setting units are not measured. Then, starting from the final measurement position, give one instruction of minimum setting unit each time, continue to move in the negative (or positive) direction, make it return to the reference position, and measure the stop position of each instruction (see Figure A1). This test can also be performed by hand-cranking the pulse generator in the above method. When returning, remove the moving distance of the set unit and do not measure + actual moving distance
Measurement range
Minimum setting unit
a) The minimum setting unit feed error is equal to the maximum value of (L: -m). Where L; is the distance between any adjacent stop positions, m is the minimum setting unit quantity, in mm.
b) The cumulative error of the minimum setting unit is 20 units. The ratio of the difference between the actual total moving distance and the input value to the input value: (Lt + +L2) - 20ml ×100%
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