title>GB 9331.1-1988 General provisions for marine power cables and wires with rated voltage 0.6/1 kV and below - GB 9331.1-1988 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
Home > GB > GB 9331.1-1988 General provisions for marine power cables and wires with rated voltage 0.6/1 kV and below
GB 9331.1-1988 General provisions for marine power cables and wires with rated voltage 0.6/1 kV and below
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB 9331.1-1988
Standard Name: General provisions for marine power cables and wires with rated voltage 0.6/1 kV and below
This standard applies to copper-core leather-like or plastic-insulated power cables and wires (referred to as marine power cables) used to transmit electrical energy to various water structures such as river and sea ships and offshore oil platforms. GB 9331.1-1988 General provisions for marine power cables and wires with rated voltage 0.6/1 kV and below GB9331.1-1988 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China General provisions for shipboard power cables and wires of rated voltagesup to and inccuding 0.6/1kV General| |tt||This standard refers to the provisions of IEC92-351, 352, 359. 1 Scope of application UDC621.315:2 :629.12.066 GB9331.1—88 1.1 This standard applies to various river and sea ships and offshore oil Copper core rubber or plastic insulated power cables and wires (referred to as marine power cables) used to transmit electric energy to various water structures such as platforms. 1.2 Cables are mainly used for AC rated voltage U. /U is a power system of 0.6/1kV and below, and the current frequency is 49~61Hz.1.3 This standard should be used together with each part of GB.9331.2~GB9331.5. 2 Reference standards 21 This standard cites the valid versions of the following standards: GB2900 Electrical Terminology Electrical equipment wires and cables Copper and aluminum conductive cores GB3956 Test methods for physical and mechanical properties of wires and cables GB2951 GB3048 Test method for electrical properties of wires and cables Tinned round copper wire GB4910 Test method for bare wire GB4909| |tt||GB6995 wire and cable identification mark method GB2952 cable outer sheath GB4005 wire and cable delivery tray GB7594 wire and cable rubber insulation and rubber sheath 2.2 When other standards must be quoted Should be specified in the corresponding standards. 3 Definitions 3.1 The terms in this standard adopt the definitions of GB2900. 3.2 Rated voltages ratedvoltages The rated voltage is the reference voltage used for cable design and electrical performance testing, expressed in U. /U represents, the unit is kVU. —The effective value of the rated voltage between any conductor and "ground" (metal shield, metal sheath or surrounding medium). U--The effective value of the rated voltage between any two-phase conductors of a multi-core cable or single-core cable system. 3.3 Isolation layer separator A thin layer for isolation between the cable conductor and insulation or insulation and sheath to prevent components from interacting with each other. 3.4 Armoring armor Use metal wire or Metal tape is sheathed by braiding or wrapping, usually used to protect cables from external mechanical influences. 3.5 dimensionalvalues National Machinery Industry Commission 1988-05--23 Approved 1989-01-01. Implementation 1 . Nominal value nominaivalue GB9331.1-88 A suitable approximate value used to specify or identify a component, device or equipment, in As a specified size in the standard, that is, the nominal value. The nominal value is usually connected with the specified tolerance and must be guaranteed by the manufacturer. b. The intermediate value medianvalue will obtain the due value. The number of test data is arranged in increasing or decreasing order. When the number of valid data is an odd number, the middle value is the middle value. If it is an even number, the arithmetic mean of the two middle values ??is is an intermediate value. c. Approximate value A value for checking reference only. d. Hypothetical value The value calculated according to the "hypothetical method" described in Appendix E of this standard . 3.6 Test a. Type test code Ttypetests Type test is a test conducted by the manufacturer before supplying a certain type of cable specified in the cable standard. The characteristic of the type test is that it is generally not redone after it has been done once. However, when the materials, structures and main processes used in wires and cables are changed and the electrical performance of the wires is affected, the test must be repeated; or the test must be repeated in the product standard. When there are regulations, such as regular intervals, etc., the test should also be repeated as specified. b. Sampling test code ssampletests Sampling test is when the manufacturer extracts complete wires and cables according to the manufacturing batch or specified frequency, and Testing by cutting specimens or components, c. Routine test code Rroutinetests Routine tests are tests conducted by manufacturers on all finished wires and cables. 3.7 Compatibility The insulation and sheathing of cables and their contact with other components have no tendency to deteriorate. 4 Product naming and code 4.1 code 4.1.1 series code ethylene-propylene insulated marine power cable cross-linked ethylene insulated marine power cable·PVC Insulated marine power cable Silicone rubber insulated marine power cable Natural butyl styrene insulated marine power cable Marine wire 4.1.2 Conductor code Pot 4.1.3 Insulation code a. Thermosetting insulation ethylene propylene rubber cross-linked polyethylene silicone rubber| |tt||Natural styrene-butadiene rubber b. Thermoplastic insulation 2 CE CJ cV cs||tt ||cx CB Omitted E Polyethylene oxide 4.1.4 Sheath code GB9331.1—88 The codes for inner sleeves, armors and jackets are as specified in Table 0. Table 0 Code V F H 4.1.5 Characteristic symbols Inner sleeve Polyurethane Ethylene Neoprene Chlorosulfonated polyethylene Soft (cable or wire) Watertight (cable) Code name||tt| |0 2 8 9 Armored Double steel strip Fine steel wire Copper wire braid Steel wire braid The combustion characteristics code under flame conditions is as specified in Table 1. Table 1 Code D s N | Code name A B c 4.2.1 Products are represented by model, specification and standard number, and their composition is shown in the figure below: 4.2 .2Example Code 0 2 3 Customized Coat Polyvinyl chloride||tt ||Polyethylene meaning smoke, acid, mildew low smoke, low acid, low toxicity halogen-free, low smoke, low toxicity| |tt||M GB9331 Number of cores×section mm2 Ug/u Combustion characteristics code Outer sheath code||tt| |Other characteristics code Inner sheath or bare jacket code Series code Ethylene-propylene rubber insulated neoprene sheathed marine soft power cable, rated voltage 0.6/1kV, three cores, 35mm2 , the combustion characteristics are a. DA type, expressed as: CEFR/DA-0.6/1 3×35 GB9331.2 b. Ethylene-propylene rubber insulated chlorosulfonated polyethylene inner sheath steel wire braided armored PVC outer sheath marine power cable, rated voltage 0.6/1kV, three cores, 35mm, combustion characteristics are DA type, expressed as: CEH92/DA-0.6/ 1 3×35 GB9331.2 5 conductors GB9331.1--88 5.1 conductors should comply with GB3956 regulations, and the specific composition should Comply with the provisions of Table 2 of this standard. Table 2 Fixed lay cable conductors Nominal cross-section mm2 1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70| |tt||95 120 150 185 240 300 单线根数 单线数 称diametermm 7/0.43 7/0.52 7/0.68 7/0.85 7/1.04|| tt||7/1.35 7/1.70 7/2.14 19/1.53 19/1.78 19/2.14||tt| |19/2.52 37/2.03 37/2.25 37/2.52 61/2.25 61/2.52 20 Celsius ||3.08 1.83 1.15 0.727 0.524 0.387 0.263 0.193 0.153 0.124 0.0991 0.0754 0.0601 少 18.2 12.2 7.56| |tt||4.70 3.11 1.84 1.16 0.734 0.529 0.391 0.270||tt ||0.195 0.154 0.126 0.100 0.0762 0.0607 单线根数 单线校|| tt||称安全mm 32/0.20 30/0.25 49/0.25 56/0.30 84/0.30||tt| |84/0.40 126/0.40 196/0.40 276/0.40 396/0.40 360/0.50 475 /0.50 608/0.50 756/0.50 925/0.50 1221/0.50 1525/0.50 表金属电体 20℃时密体电影 a/km, 最好 不气锅 19.5 13.3 7.98 4.95 3.30 ·1.91 1.21 0.780 0.554 0.386 0.272 0.206 0.161 0.129 0.106 0.0801 0.0641 注:单线根数设计多于表2 可以根数,其周线校称diameter according to the standard cross-section and the corresponding 根数数字可以,5.2 conductor body may be tight pressure type or not be tight pressure type。 tight pressure type conductor body minimum standard standard cut face is 10mm2 plated 锅|| tt||20.0 13.7 8.21 5.09 3.39 1.95 1.24 0.795||tt| |0.565 0.393 0.277 .0.210 0.164 0.132 0.108 0.0817 0.0654.| Test, proof that it doesn't produce harmful effects. 如可以对电行化通过电视电视,应从成品电视的电视上上的电影。4 GB9331.1—88 微包热plastic insulation的conductor body single wire这是不发锡。5.4 电视体发动应载整,光光光滑,无尖鼔得起可以叏叏电影的可以6电影 6.1 thickness 6.1.1 rarity中移动。6.1.2 thickness of the standard value 合不less than the standard value,最薄处 thickness 合不less than the standard value 90%-0.1mm。 6.1.3 电影上设计包包非吸湹性带6.2 设计性|| tt||6.2.1 Physical machinery properties are as follows: 8.CE series insulation conforms to GB7594.8 XJ-30A型b.CX series insulation conforms to GB7594.3 XJ-10A型,c。 CS series insulation conforms GB7594.11中国XJ-80A型,d。CV系统电影结果本标准附型C中VJ-10A型。e.CJ系统电影结果本标准附型D中VJ-30A型.6.2.2 GB3048.9 结果,经受表3 经经电视表表.表3 电影校称安全()) mm 0.5 0.5<1≤1.0|| tt||1.0<1≤1.5 电影电视 ky 4 6 10 电视確称安全(t ), |tt||6.2.3 花花应方式图包在电体或锡化上,应不芯电体,剧离时不进行电视、电体或锡包。7遊芯 7.1芯数系统||tt ||1、2、3、4、5、7、10、12、14、16、19、24、27、30、33和37.7.2 电影 7.2.1 多芯资花的The gap is applied to the filling material. 4mm2者can not be filled.7.2.2 Water tight cable between each single wire, between the conductor and the insulation, between the insulation and the insulation, between the insulation and the shell, between the shell and the shell, when the special material is filled ,全电汽车手机通过上电影工业7.2.3 東板料与电影的可以上流应相电影。8护层 8.1 结果如表4 组论: 精 别 非结合护型 结合颜装护品 8.2 徐出型护套 8.2.1 天生 徐出型||tt ||编织型 编织型 发包型 GB 9331.1-88 表4 型 式||tt ||热剂剂微出护套 热塑体澃出护套 情氧组制编经护品 绿锌钢丝贝装 装 防能装丝袜装 非锌钢丝袜装 非抗护结丝丝袜装 非带他装 非magnetic metal带颜装 说 明 又称外套或结合护套 standard型 特式带要时时件 standard型 牛特手机时是件 手机型 物手机时手机 8。福称 thickness应在含电影最好中进行,b.光滑圆柱体天物上的护套安全安全开开应不进表性称开,其最薄好治加应应不用性性称开85%-0.1mm. c. For sheaths on the surface of irregular cylinders (such as sheaths whose inner walls penetrate into the cable core gap or sheaths on armor layers), the thickness at the thinnest point should not be less than 85%-0.2mm of the nominal value. 8.2.2 Performance requirements shall comply with the provisions of Table 5. The sheath should match the operating temperature of the insulation. Table 5 Sheath type Thermoset compound Sheath Thermoplastic compound Sheath Conductor operating temperature||tt| |65* 85 85 60* 85 Note: * means it can be used with natural butyl styrene insulation. 8.2.3 Appearance Technical requirements Conform to XH-01A type in GB7594.5 Conform to XH-21A type in GB7594.9 Conform to GB7594.10 Type XH-31A Conforms to type VH-10A in Appendix E of this standard Conforms to type VH-20A in Appendix F of this standard The color is basically uniform, the surface is round and smooth, and the cross-section is dense . The jacket is black or gray, 1 6 8.3 fiber braided sheath GB9331.1—88 8.3.1 fiber braided sheath made of glass fiber synthetic fiber or 8.3.2 The filling coefficient K of the braided layer composed of moisture-proof treated hemp, cotton or asbestos ropes should not be less than 0.6, calculated according to the following formula: ndp K= sina Medium: n The number of fibers (or metal wires) in each spindle; fiber (or metal wire) diameter, mm; -the number of crossing spindles within the unit length (mm is used for calculation value); - the inclination angle between the cable axis and the braided spindle strands. 8.4 Metal armor outer sheath 8.4.1 Structural composition As specified in Table 6: Table 6 Name Name||tt| |tree armor outer drum armor 8.4.2 inner layer structure structure type inner lining+ Armor layer Formula Inner layer+Armor layer+Outer jacket The structural composition and performance requirements of the inner lining should comply with the provisions of Table 7: Table 7||tt| |Armor type Bare armor Exterior quilt armor 8.4.3 Armor layer Braided armor a. Inner lining structure Extruded sheath a) Inner sheath b) Fiber webbing c) Fiber braided sleeve||tt ||The braided metal wire should comply with the requirements in Table 8: Calculated diameter before armoring d mm K10 1030 d>30| |tt||Table 8 Galvanized steel wire Nominal diameter mm 0.20 0.30 0.40||tt| |Technology Technology Conform to Article 8.2 of this standard Conform to Article 8.2 of this standard Require Requirement The thickness conforms to this standard Appendix B4.4 of the standard stipulates that the moisture-proof thickness complies with the requirements of Appendix B4.4 of this standard. The moisture-proof copper-plated copper wire coating requirements is tested according to Appendix G of this standard Qualified Nominal diameter mm 0.20 0.30 0.40 Coating requirements Sample before armoring , According to GB4909.9 Test qualified (1) GB9331.1-88 b. The braid coverage rate F is calculated according to formula (2) and should comply with the following regulations: the weight of the braid layer of the finished cable sample with a length of not less than 250mm should not be less than 90% of the weight of the same metal pipe body with the same inner diameter and thickness F|| tt||·K·100%- (2) Where: K--filling coefficient, calculated from formula (1) when the minimum value of F is the weight of the same metal pipe body At 90%, the minimum value of K is 0.573, and the inner diameter of the braid is calculated and determined according to Appendix A. c. The braiding layer should be uniform and the surface should be flat. The braiding layer should not be connected as a whole. The strands can be welded or plugged in. The metal wire ends should not be exposed when plugged in. d. The bare galvanized steel wire braided armor layer should be evenly coated with anti-rust paint, Metal wire armor a, the metal wire should be wrapped evenly and basically without gaps. On the inner lining. If the outer diameter before armoring is less than 15mm, flat metal wire can be used instead of round wire, b. The elongation at break of galvanized steel wire should be not less than 12%. Metal tape armor 8. Two layers of metal tape should be wrapped around the inner layer with a gap in the same direction. The wrapping gap of the inner layer should not be greater than 0.5 times the bandwidth, and should be covered by the outer metal tape. Those with an outer diameter less than 10mm before armoring should not be used. Metal tape armoring. Special types of single-layer metal tape wrapping are allowed if they have sufficient mechanical properties. b. The steel tape is galvanized or painted 8.4.4 Jacket||tt. ||Meet the provisions of Article 8.2 of this standard 9 Finished cable 9.1 Finished product outer diameter The calculation method is specified in Appendix B.9.2 Conductor resistance of this standard| |tt||Unless otherwise specified, the conductor resistance at 20 hours shall comply with the provisions of Table 2 of Chapter 5 of this standard, 9.3 Insulation resistance 9.3.1 The measured insulation resistance value is converted to the insulation resistance at the specified temperature Constant K; should comply with the provisions of Table 9: Table 9 Insulation model XJ—10A XJ-30A
VJ--30A 8 Insulation resistance constant KMn·km at 20℃ 367 3670||tt| |1500 36.7 3670 is not less than when the conductor operating temperature is 0.367 3.67 2|| tt||0.037 3.67 9.3.2 Insulation resistance constant conversion formulabzxZ.net GB9331.1-88 a. When the cable insulation resistance is known, K is as follows: (3) Calculation: R Ki= lognoD/d where: R-measured cable insulation resistance value, M·km; D-one insulated core Insulation outer diameter, mm; d Insulation inner diameter of insulated core, mm. Note: For sector conductors, D/d is the ratio of insulation outer circumference to conductor circumference, Makm. Known insulation mixture When the volume resistivity of tt||9.3.3 During the type test, the sample length is 10~15m, and all coverings except the insulated core are stripped off. The sample should be submerged in water for 1 hour. The temperature deviation during the arbitration test is ±1C.||tt| |9.4 Water immersion capacitance test 8. The capacitance increase after the test should comply with the requirements of Table 10: Table 10 Insulation type XJ-10A XJ-30A||tt || 0.15c 0.15c. 0.15c Note: C, C, and Cu in the table are the capacitances on the 1st, 7th and 14th days of the test disk. b. The capacitance test without water is carried out according to the agreement between the user and the factory. 9.5 Withstand voltage performance a. 5min voltage test The cable should be able to withstand the AC or DC voltage test specified in Table 11, Table 11 rated voltage U/Ukv 0.6/1.0 b.4h Voltage test Max Cu4-C, 0.05c, 0.05c, 0.05c, 0.05c,| |tt||Test voltage kv (effective value) AC voltage (a, c) 3.5 DC voltage (dc) 8.4 The cable core with a test length of 10 to 15m and all outer sheaths stripped off should be able to withstand a test equal to 3U. Power frequency voltage test for 4 hours. 9 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.