title>GB/T 15546-1995 冶金轧辊术语 - GB/T 15546-1995 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
Standard ID: GB/T 15546-1995
Standard Name: 冶金轧辊术语
Chinese Name: 冶金轧辊术语
Standard category:National Standard (GB)
state:in force
Date of Release1995-04-11
Date of Implementation:1995-01-02
Standard ICS number:冶金>>77.180冶金设备
Standard Classification Number:冶金>>冶金机械设备>>H94轧制设备
publishing house:中国标准出版社
Release date:1995-04-11
Review date:2004-10-14
Drafting unit:邢台冶金机械轧辊股份有限公
Focal point unit:全国钢标准化技术委员会
Publishing department:国家技术监督局
competent authority:中国钢铁工业协会