GB 4706.33-2003 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Particular requirements for commercial electric deep fat fryers
Some standard content:
All technical contents of this part of GB 4706-6 are mandatory. GB 4706.33-2003/TEC 60335-2-371994 This part is equivalent to GB 4706.33-2003/TEC 60335-2-371994. This part is equivalent to GB 4706.33-2003/TEC 60335-2-371994. This part is a revision of GB 4706.331996. This part should be used in conjunction with GB 4706.1-1998. The parts of this part marked with "applicable" indicate that the corresponding text in GB 4706.1-1999 applies. The parts of this part marked with "replaced" shall be subject to the text in Part 6. The parts of this part marked with "replaced" shall be subject to the text in Part 6. 06.11998 cabinet should be subject to the relevant contents of the revised version of this part, while the other contents of this article are applicable. This part has an "additional" part, which means that in addition to the provisions of (GH47 (6.) · 1998, the pressure store complies with the additional provisions of this part. In terms of technical content, the following parts of GF4706.331996 are added in the following aspects: 1. Add the definition of wall installation (this version 2, 2.10); 2. Add the provision that "the test is carried out when the device can be used for normal performance"! This version 4, 5! : -- Added the provision that only the combination installation with the common device can be used for the specified installation, and the bottom of the pressure production instruction is adopted (this version 4. :
There are differences in the provisions for testing acid and other parts of starting machines (16th edition 4.102 This edition 4.1C: 1 - Added the provisions for "equal potential symbols and equal potential symbols" (4th edition 7.3, 7.101) - Added the specific provisions that the instruction manual should include memory (this edition 7.12.): Added the starting time delay that may cause a long starting time for motor products that are dangerous, and the test content of other automatic machines other than the motor starting test (100th edition chapter: this edition 0,): Added the requirements for the installation of rollers or similar devices with a mass greater than 46ksH Related regulations (this edition! .2) Added the requirement that if the temperature of the motor, the reducer or the core circuit exceeds the limit value, the device shall be tested again at 41.(e times the rated voltage). This edition;
Tower Liu added the test temperature range of the inclined machine and the lifting machine (this edition 11.7): The endurance test chapter is abandoned: 19 edition Chapter 18; this edition Chapter 12): Canceled? The requirement that the non-normal operation test meets the TF: standard connector is not open or short-circuited (1UU5 edition 14; Edition 3,4: Added the requirement for the machine to recover the dangerous parts (this edition 2 0.2): The regulations on the color of the warning lights on the tower and other parts should be white (and 2.1): The regulations on whether the oil discharge device is suitable for the equipment (22104 of 1996, 2.1C5 of this edition) Added the regulations on whether the non-empty equipment using mechanical methods should not produce heat and splashing hazards (22.106 of this edition) Added the regulations on the equipment to be equipped with anti-slip belts (22.17 of this edition): . - Added the regulations on the automatic removal or storage of the weight by the meter when recording high and low volume (22.10 of this edition), added the regulations on the swing, tilt, and lifting type The regulation on the safe placement of heating elements in the rising and falling positions (this edition 22.112 adds the regulation on the non-liquid insulation of the equipment (this edition 2.118); the regulation on the connection of the blue chain should be prevented from being exposed to the ground or on the table; this edition 22.116 adds the regulation on the protection of the bottom of the heating element against leakage; the "elements" chapter on the thermal circuit breaker point in the power supply is adjusted to "tree" (1996 edition 24.11; 1996 edition 22.1023). 4706.33—2003/1EC 60335-2-37:1994-1 Addition: Specification for permanent connection terminals for power cords, such as type × terminals, for socket-mounted flexible cord fixing devices (25.33 of this edition
About spray-proof type devices with input ports for appliances not equipped with appliances (25.2 of this edition). The text in boldface type in the second part of the standard text shall be in accordance with the provisions of 47.1-1998. The text, social reduction and diagrams added to this part are from 101 distance number: Part H of the China Federation of Commerce
This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Standardization Technical Committee for Commercial Electrical Equipment of the National Food and Beverage Association. Drafting unit of this part: National Food and Beverage Service Equipment Quality Supervision and Inspection Center. The founders of the LEC are Zhang Chengzuo, Fei Chunsheng, Shi Xiaoli, and Wu Lin. Foreword of LEC
GB4706.33—2003/IEC60335-2-37:19941) The International Technical Committee (IE) is a global international standardization organization composed of the member countries' electrical committees (TC National Committees). Its mission is to promote international cooperation on all issues related to standardization in the field of electrical and electronic equipment: for this purpose, the IEC, in addition to other activities, also publishes international standards. Its main work is entrusted to the technical committees of the IEC, and the IEC National Committees can participate in the registration work. 1) The IEC and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) shall cooperate closely under the terms of the agreement between the two organizations. 2) The IEC shall formulate formal decisions or agreements on technical issues drawn up by the technical committees with the participation of representatives of all user committees concerned, expressing as nearly as possible the general international consensus on the issues involved. The resulting standards, amendments and guidelines shall be made available for international use in the form of recommendations and approved by the National Committees. In order to promote international unification, the National Committees of the IEC shall ensure that as far as possible, the IEC International Standards are not used in national and regional standards. Any differences between IEC standards and corresponding national or regional standards shall be clearly indicated in the national or regional standards. 5) The IEC does not provide any certification mark and is not responsible for any equipment claiming to conform to one of its standards. IH: This part of the International Standard is published by EC: Part 61\Safety of electrical appliances for household and similar purposes" Technical Requirements for the Safety of Electrical Appliances for Commercial Use\ It constitutes the third edition of JFCm5:237, replacing the second edition published in 1986 and its first sample (1990). The following documents are used as the basis for this standard:
International Standards Institute (TIS)
Table Report
Details of the specific standards can be found in the voting report of the above Institute. This first part of the standard shall be combined with the new version of [IEC 60335-2] and its amendments. It should be noted that this standard should be used in conjunction with the second edition (1990) 19911 based on the war pet,
this part of the corresponding changes or understanding of 1ECG01, in order to convert into 1F standard narrow: commercial deep frying safety requirements
if the individual clauses of the first part are not affected by the second part, the clause is still applicable, in this standard explained "increase", \ replaced by \ replaced by ", the first part of the text for the corresponding training ratio: in this paragraph:
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GB 4706.33—2003/IEC 60335-2-37:1994 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Particular requirements for commercial electric deep fat fryers K47C6.i1998 This part of the standard replaces: This part of GB476 and non-special deep fat fryers. For single-phase power supply with optional connection, the rated voltage shall not exceed 2FV.Other appliances are only separate: such appliances are used in commercial businesses such as restaurants, grocery stores, hospitals, butcher shops, etc., and their use can be confirmed in certain forms, and they are also not within the scope of this part. This part is based on the actual situation and covers the common hazards caused by such appliances. The following legal conditions are mentioned:
-For appliances intended to be used in vehicles, new or aircraft, there may be additional requirements. For appliances intended to be used in hot and cold roads, there may be necessary special requirements. Many countries also consider the additional requirements set by national health, labor protection, water supply and other power organizations. This section does not apply to;
- Appliances designed for industrial use
- Appliances intended for constant use in the presence of corrosive or explosive atmospheres (dust, steam or gas), etc.;
Appliances intended for continuous operation for mass production of food:
2 This chapter in the standard
GF4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 2.2.4 This clause adds the following content:
Note: The rated input power is the sum of all individual components of the appliance that can work simultaneously: When there are several such combinations, the combination with the highest power is used to determine the input power: 2.2.9 This clause uses the following representation:
Normal operation
and under the following conditions:
The oil level of the appliance is at the indicated level.
Adjust the temperature to the highest setting. Do not open or remove it unless the manufacturer has indicated that the appliance is adequately designed for the job.
Installed with a motor, return to the manufacturer's instructions for reuse and, under normal use, perform as intended.
Deep fat fryer
Equipped with one or more containers to cook food in the frying oil in the appliance. The container may be fixed, raised or lowered, 2.2, 102
Indicating the level
The maximum level mark on the appliance for correct operation. 1
GB 4706.33—2003/IEC 60335237:19942.2.103
Installation wall installationwall
A kind of fixed structure with corresponding facilities, supplying facilities and various appliances installed together with the structure: 3 General requirements
This chapter of GB4715.1-1998, except for the following contents, is applicable: This chapter adds the following contents
Note IC1, the DC component of the neutral line must be limited: (German industry: 4 General requirements for testing
This chapter of GB47C6.1·1998, except for the following contents, is applicable. 4.5 This chapter adds the following contents Unless otherwise specified, the test is carried out when the appliance is intended for use with a hazardous area. 4.10 This clause adds the following:
Appliances intended to be installed in an assembly or intended to be mounted on a wall shall be protected so as to provide protection against harmful ingress of water equivalent to that which would be obtained if installed in accordance with the instructions for use accompanying the appliance. Appropriate testing may be required. 4.01 Appliances shall be tested as electric heating appliances even if they are equipped with electric heating elements. 4.102 Appliances combined with other appliances or equipped with other appliances shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of this standard; other appliances shall be tested in accordance with the relevant standards. The requirements of the time work,
If the age of the device or its use! Different standards include the same function, the relevant standards are respectively about the function of the electric self,
4, 103 devices are most suitable for new plants with full danger of relevant tests, if necessary, then deep as new, to maintain a stable liquid level, 5 empty chapter
6 classification
GB4706.1-1993 except the following content is applicable, 6.1 this month if the following content is replaced:
Related heart shock furnace category only T category
Applicable to the classification and relevant tests to determine whether it is qualified: Note: The category record is only a formal commitment, ( .) 6.2 This clause adds the following content:
Health 101: For the equipment in the network room, according to the standard, it shall be installed at high altitude, and shall have the protection of harmful water, etc. (France) 6, 11 report the protection of the installation system due to the temperature, and the equipment shall be classified as follows:. Single installed equipment:
A device installed in a group of its contents. Party: For the equipment installed in the group, the new equipment shall also be installed in the group. 7.1 This clause adds the following content:
In addition, the equipment shall be marked with:
GH 4706,33--2003/[EC 60335-2-37:1994 For terminals intended to be connected to a water source, the water or pressure range is expressed in kF, unless otherwise specified in the instructions for use. 1.6 This clause shall be supplemented with the following content.
Add the following symbol:
Medium position (GB/T51.2-165021)
7.10 Add the following content:
With a variable speed device, the control device shall not indicate the direction of operation. 7.12 This section shall be supplemented with the following content:
The instructions shall include the following information: If the oil level is above the standard position, there is a risk of fire. The instructions shall include the additional quantity expressed in terms of volume. The instruction manual should include warnings about the dangers of using old equipment and emphasize that this will easily cause excessive discharge. Also pay attention to the effect of food loading on the structure. 7.12.1 The following content is replaced by the following content:
The equipment should be accompanied by instructions to explain in detail the special precautions that must be taken when installing it. For equipment intended to be installed in a group with other equipment, as well as equipment intended to be installed on a fixed basis, all guarantees should be provided to prevent power failure and water leakage and protection details. If more than one device is combined in a single unit, detailed safety instructions must be provided: user maintenance, such as cleaning, etc., must also be provided. The device must be placed in a safe place and must be cleaned before use. Free-standing devices and devices with detachable electrical parts must be cleaned before use. If the device is not intended to be disassembled or is not designed to be cleaned, its instructions must be followed. The manual says that some components of the device are not deep-water-proof. The device is permanently connected to the fixed load and its leakage current may exceed 1 core. The device is disconnected for a long time or is in use or installed for the first time. The manual should provide the protection auxiliary device to be installed. If the device does not have a spray-proof structure, a detailed manual should be provided to the user. The manual should specify that the device must not be sprayed with water. The device must be qualified. The middle terminal should be marked with the middle position equal sign. (See 7.5.) This mark shall not be marked on removable pads or other parts that may be removed during wiring connections. Check to determine whether they are suitable.
7.102 Appliances or removable electrical parts intended to be partially immersed in water during cleaning shall be marked with a flooding line to indicate the maximum degree of immersion and a warning point:
Flooding exceeds this line:
If any component of the appliance cannot withstand the treatment specified in 15,102, it shall be exposed and the component must be treated. When washing, the water line should be connected or connected with a minimum of 0mm. It is qualified by visual inspection and measurement. 7.153 The minimum and maximum oil levels are marked on the equipment. It is qualified by inspection.
5 Protection against touching live parts
All chapters of B47U6.1 to 1558 are applicable to 9 Starting of electric appliances
9.1 In order to meet the requirements of Section 1, the windshield recorder used for room temperature can be started at the actual voltage in use. 3
GB 4706.33--2003/[EC 60335-2-37; 1994], is tested by starting the motor twice at 0.85 times the rated voltage. At the beginning of the test, the motor is at a warm state. Each start should be carried out under the condition that the motor is ready to start normal operation. For automatic devices, it must be carried out under the condition of normal working cycle: between two consecutive starts, the motor reaches the normal state, the motor is equipped with a sound, and when it is turned off, the device should produce 1.3S The above test is carried out again at rated voltage. Under all the above conditions, the motor should be able to start, the circuit should be operated in a way that does not affect safety, and its load protection device should not be ineffective. Standard test product, the power supply voltage is reversed by 1%
10 Input power and current
GB4736.11995 Except for the above provisions, 10.1 of this clause is applicable:
Note For devices with more than one heating element, the total input power can be determined by measuring the power of each heating element separately (see, x, 42
11 Heat
GB4705.1-18 shall apply except for the following contents. 11.2 This clause shall add the following contents:
For appliances fixed to the ground and having a mass greater than the center and not equipped with castors, such as castors, the following shall be made in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer. It shall be noted that these appliances are placed on the ground for ordinary use by the public. 11.3 This clause shall add the following contents:
The temperature shall be measured below the center of the container. 11.4 The following shall apply: The appliance is operated under normal operating conditions with a total input power of 15% of the rated input power. It is not possible to connect all the heating components at the same time. Each group is tested under the conditions allowed by the switch configuration. During the test, the maximum value possible is the same as that obtained by the switch configuration. If the appliance is equipped with a controller that increases the input power, the selected power supply shall be tested to control the output power of any electrical component under severe input conditions. If the temperature of the motor transformer or electronic circuit exceeds the limit, the test shall be repeated at 1.6 times the rated voltage. In the case of leakage, only the motor, transformer or electronic circuit is tested. Note: See 11.7 for the following instructions: Make the appliance work straight and steady. After reaching the set point, the motor runs for one working cycle: one synchronous layer from the actual position to the low position, Then return to the high position and lower the motor to perform a cycle of operation. 11.8 This clause adds the following: The maximum sleeve temperature should not exceed 201℃, the leakage current and electrical strength at the working temperature of 12 chapters 1-398 are 170℃, and the following contents are excluded. 13.2 This clause is modified as follows: The following contents are recommended for vertical equipment: 4
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