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JB/T 8896-1999 Industrial Robot Acceptance Rules

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8896-1999

Standard Name: Industrial Robot Acceptance Rules

Chinese Name: 工业机器人 验收规则

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-06-28

Date of Implementation:2000-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mechanical Manufacturing>>Industrial Automation Systems>>25.040.30 Industrial Robots and Manipulators

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Parts>>J28 Automated Logistics Device

associated standards

alternative situation:ZB J28001-1990

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Industrial Automation System and Integration Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:National Industrial Automation System and Integration Standardization Technical Committee

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 8896-1999 This standard is a revision of ZB J28 001-90 "Industrial Robot Acceptance Rules", and the main technical content has changed. This standard specifies the inspection rules and test methods for industrial robots. This standard is applicable to industrial robots of various purposes. This standard was first published on . JB/T 8896-1999 Industrial Robot Acceptance Rules JB/T8896-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

ICS 25. 040. 30
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Industrial robot
Acceptance rules
Idustrial robotAcceptaace rulesIssued on 1999-06-28
National Bureau of Machinery Industry
Implementation on 2000-01-01
This standard is a revision of "Industrial robot acceptance rules" (B2801). Compared with 2BJ281, the main technical contents of this standard have been changed as follows: - In the "reference standard", "GB4943, GB6843" is replaced by "GB/5226.1-1996" 33.1, GB6833.2, GB68335 and ZBJ50022\
The "characteristics", "safety, etc." clauses in the table of inspection items are changed according to the new version of GB/T12643 and QE, T5226.1, and a clause "the use of the items is specified by the product standard" is added in the 4th paragraph:.= "The title of the clause in the test method is changed accordingly according to GB/T12643 and GB5226.1, and the single abbreviation after the reference standard number is removed.
This standard will replace ZB128001-00 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and managed by the Industrial Automation System and Integration Standardization Technical Committee. The drafting units of this standard are: Beijing Institute of Automation, China Aerospace Industry Corporation. The main drafters of this standard are: Hu Zui, Li Bidong, and Bang Shufen. Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Industrial robot Acceptance rules
Industrial robot Acceptancerales This standard specifies the inspection rules and test methods for the following industrial robots. This standard applies to industrial robots for various purposes: Referenced standards
Referenced to ZBJ28001-90
The following standards contain texts that constitute the provisions of the competing standards through reference in this specification. This standard is valid at the time of publication and in the edition shown. All standards will be sensitive to changes. Parties using this standard shall use the latest versions of the following standards to determine the suitability of the standard: GB/T 2423.1—1989 GB/24232—198 GB/T 2423.3-1993 GR/T 2423.10-1995 GR3768—1996 G8/3785-1983 GA/T 5225.1—1996 GE/T 12642—1990 GD/T 12643-1997 GB/T 12644—1990 GB.T 12645—1990
3 Inspection rules
3.【Inspection of other categories
Electrical and electronic products and basic environmental test procedures Test A: Low temperature test method Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test B: High temperature test method Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test C: Constant humidity and heat test force method Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Fc; Report (sinusoidal) test method Acoustic sound method to determine the acoustic dynamic level of the noise source Reflection inquiry above the envelope measurement table and the simple method of sound level meter Electrical, acoustic performance and test methods Industrial mechanical and electrical equipment Part 1: General technical conditions Industrial robot safety specification
Industrial robot performance specification
T Industry Machine Vocabulary
Industrial Robot, Characteristic Display
Industrial Robot Performance Test Method
General Technical Conditions for Industrial Robots
Output inspection is divided into delivery inspection [acceptance inspection] and type control inspection (type inspection). 3. [The various tests that must be carried out when the product is delivered are collectively referred to as factory inspection. 3.1.2 A comprehensive assessment of product quality and all technical requirements specified in the product standard are inspected, which is called type inspection: When one of the following situations occurs. Type inspection should generally be carried out: a) When new products or old products are transferred to the factory for trial production and adjustment; 6 For finalized products, such as design, key processes, and materials, when there are major changes that may affect product performance; c) For products in normal production, every 3 years or when the cumulative number of units is greater than 50 units. Guohao Machinery Industry Co., Ltd. [999-06-28 approved 2000-01-01 actual intention
d) When the product stops production and resumes production
e} When the factory inspection results are significantly different from the last type inspection: the quality inspection and supervision machine all propose changes. 3.2 Factory inspection
3.7.1 All industrial robots should be subject to factory inspection, which shall be implemented by the quality inspection department of the manufacturing unit. 3.2.2 The items of factory inspection shall be as specified in Table 1. Table! Inspection items
Environmental conditions
Power source
Inspection items
Exterior and structure
Granulation, mixing and accumulation
Axis movements
Command movements
Axis movement range
Working space
Maximum single-axis speed
Path detection
Position sustainability
Diameter reduction characteristics||tt ||Minimum positioning time
Static flexibility
Connection circuit and protection circuit insulation circuit
Dielectric ductility
Continuous operation
Power supply adaptability
Electromagnetic capacitance
Lower limit of test
Upper limit of test
Constant potential
Force fluctuation
Note: "\0" is the test item.
5.3.1, 5.3.2
General inspection
Wet test
3.2.3 Factory inspection After all the inspections are passed, the product certificate will be issued. 3.2.4 Inspection results show that a certain item does not meet the requirements or fails. The cause needs to be found out, repaired and the item re-inspected. During the re-inspection, if the item fails to meet the requirements again or a fault occurs, the product will be deemed unqualified. 3.3 Type Inspection
3.3.1 For industrial robots that undergo type inspection, a number of products that have passed the factory inspection must be inspected. The number of units to be inspected shall be specified in the product standard. 3.3.2 Type inspection shall be carried out by the quality inspection department of the production unit, or by the unit designated by the superior competent department. 3.3.3 The items of type inspection shall be as specified in Table 1. 3.3.4 If any item fails to meet the requirements or a fault occurs during the inspection, the cause shall be found out, the product shall be returned for repair, and re-inspection shall be carried out from the beginning of the month. If a fault occurs again or a certain function fails to meet the requirements, an analysis report shall be submitted after the cause is found out. After repair, the item type inspection shall be carried out again. If the item fails to meet the requirements again during the re-inspection: a comprehensive analysis shall be conducted, and the entire batch of products shall be re-inspected and re-submitted for type inspection.
Samples that have undergone type inspection shall be marked. 3.3.5 After inspection, a type inspection report shall be issued.
4 Inspection items
4.1 The following table shall apply.
4.2 Non-compliance and its special items and parameter indicators shall be specified in the product standard. 4.3 User acceptance items shall be specified in the product standard.
5 Test method
.5.1 Test environment conditions
Unless otherwise specified in the standard, the test shall be carried out under the following conditions. Temperature: 5-404
Relative humidity: 45%~75%;
Weather pressure: 6~106kPa
5.2 Appearance and structure inspection
5.2.1 Check the appearance and structure, which shall comply with the requirements of GBT14284. 5.2.2 Check whether the text, symbols and signs describing the functions are clear and correct. 5.2.3 Check the overall dimensions and installation dimensions. 5.3 Function inspection
5.3.1 Check the function of buttons and display devices
Convert to the technical requirements of Class 1 industrial robots, check whether the functions of each button and the display device are correct. 5.3.2 Check the interlocking function
Convert to the technical requirements of Class 1 industrial robots, check whether the functions of each button and the display device are correct. 5.3.2 Check the interlocking function
Convert to the technical requirements of Class 1 industrial robots, check all interlocking functions, especially after pressing the "full stop" or "emergency stop" button, if the "reset" and "start" buttons are not pressed, the other buttons will not make the moving parts move. 5.3.3 Check each auxiliary action
Manual operation is performed, and each axis reciprocates once to check whether the axis action is correct. 5.3.4 Check the command action
Conduct the operations specified by various industrial robots, and check the consistency of the commands and actions of each axis. 5.3.5 Other functional inspections
Specified by the product standard,
5. 4 Characteristics
54.1 Motion range of each axis
Based on the rod coordinate system, the displacement of each axis under the rated load condition. 5.4.2 Working backlash
Test conditions: no-load state.
Test procedure: Draw the working space diagram according to the working space drawing method (see GB/T12644), and measure the coordinate values ​​of each special point (limit position point and inflection point) on the working space based on the machine base coordinate system. 5, 4.3 Maximum single-axis speed, fixed speed
See GB/T1264
5.4.4 Posture characteristics
See CB/T12642 and GB/T12645.
5.4.5 Path characteristics
See GB/T12642 and GB/T12645.
5.4.6 Small positioning time
See GB12642 and GB12645.
5.4. Static compliance
See GB/T12642 and GB/T12645.
5.5 Electrical safety test
5.5.1 Continuity of protective earthing circuit
Tested according to the requirements of GD/T5226.1.
5.5.2 Insulation resistance test
Tested according to the requirements of GD/T5226.t, and the results should meet the requirements of product standards. 5.5.3 Voltage test
See GB/T 3226.1.
5.6 Continuous operation test
The industrial robot is programmed to run continuously under rated load and actual working conditions. If any fault occurs during operation, the industrial robot is restarted after being eliminated, but the running time is recalculated. During the continuous operation test, the power consumption, pressure change and temperature rise of the power source are checked, and they shall all meet the requirements of the product standard. 5.7.2 The test equipment
The sound level meter of type 2 or above specified in GB/T3785 and other test instruments with equivalent accuracy shall be used. 5.7.3A Sound level measurement
According to the current requirements of GB/T3768.
5.8 Power adaptability test
When the power supply is within the range of -10% and -1.5% of the rated power, the industrial robot shall run for 15 minutes respectively. The operation should be normal during operation. 5.9 Electromagnetic sensitivity test
It shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GB/T5226.1.
5.10 Environmental climate adaptability test
5.10.1 General requirements
When conducting environmental tests, unless otherwise specified in the production site standards, the test samples shall not be packed in any other way. The test samples in the environmental tests are the computer control unit and the service unit in the industrial robot control device or the samples specified by the product standards.bZxz.net
5.10.2 Temperature lower limit test Working temperature acceptance test
It shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T2423.』\Test Ad\. The test sample is placed in a low temperature box, and the temperature inside the box is reduced to -40℃. After keeping it for at least 30 minutes, it is powered on for 4 hours and should work normally. Low limit test of operating temperature
According to GB 2423.1 "Test Ad". The test sample is placed in a low temperature box, and the temperature inside the box is reduced to -40℃. After 4 hours, the temperature inside the box is gradually raised to normal atmospheric conditions, and restored to normal atmospheric conditions under this condition. The temperature rise in the box is not counted in the combustion time. Check that the appearance meets the requirements of the product standard, and it should work normally after powering on. In order to prevent the test samples from freezing and condensing during the test, it is allowed to test the test samples after sealing with plastic oblique film. If necessary, a human suction can be placed in the submerged envelope. 5.10.3 Temperature upper limit test 5.103.1 Working temperature upper limit test is carried out according to GH/124232 "or test Bb\. Put the test samples into the high temperature box, raise the temperature in the box to 40, keep the temperature for 30 minutes, and run for 4 hours. It should be able to work normally. Busy operation temperature upper limit test is carried out according to GR/T2423.2 "Test month 6". Put the test samples into the high temperature box. In the box, the temperature is set to 55℃, and stored for 4 hours. After 4 hours, the temperature is lowered to normal working atmospheric conditions and restored under this condition for 4 hours. The cooling time in the box is not counted as the recovery time. Check that the food additive meets the requirements of the product standard, then turn on the power and run it, and it should be able to work normally. 5.10.4 Constant humidity test Constant humidity test under working conditions shall be carried out in accordance with GB.T2423.3 "Test Ca\. Put the affected sample into the humidity box, adjust the temperature to 40C, keep it for at least 30 minutes, then input water vapor, and make the filtration reach 0% (40% within 1 hour). These two items are not counted as the test time. The test time is 4Sh. During this period, the power is turned on and the device can work normally. Constant humidity test under storage conditions shall be carried out in accordance with GB.T2423.3\Test Ca\. Put the sample under test into the wet heat box, adjust the humidity of the wet heat box to 93% (40℃). After 24 hours in the box, stop the water vapor input, then turn off the power of the wet heat box, take out the sample, and restore it under normal atmospheric conditions. Check whether it meets the requirements of the product standard. Then turn on the power and run it. It can work normally. 5.11 Vibration test
Follow the "Test Fc" of GH2423.10. Test the operating mechanism and control device of the industrial robot. Fix it on the vibration table according to the working position. In the non-working state, perform vibration in the three mutually perpendicular axis directions according to the values ​​specified in Table 2. 5.11.1 Initial vibration response inspection
Perform sweep frequency vibration in the three axis directions according to the provisions of Table 2, and record the vibration point on each axis. When there are many resonance points, each axial direction selects a resonance point with a larger amplitude. Table 2 Test items Initial and post-test finger inspection Constant frequency endurance test Pre-sweep endurance test Note: The amplitude of the vibration is the amplitude 5.2 Rated endurance test Test content Frequency type Sweep frequency speed Motion phase Maintaining time New range Motion current Return frequency speed Secondary effect: 1 times frequency start/min 0.75 mru ( 5~25 Hz 0.15 mm (25-55 Hz. ) 5 -55 -5 Hz
51 times the measuring range mim
Use the initial report to increase the frequency of the common point and the frequency band where the common point is located, and conduct a fixed frequency durability test. Within the specified frequency range of the test, if there is no obvious common point or the resonance point exceeds four, the fixed frequency durability test is not performed, and a sweep frequency durability test is recommended.
5.11.3 Tear durability test
According to the frequency of 5-55H2 The range is from low to high, and then from high to low, which is regarded as one cycle, and it is carried out 5 times in total. Samples that have undergone fixed-frequency endurance test are not required to undergo this test. 5.11.4 Products that have undergone fixed-frequency endurance test shall not undergo this test. For samples that have undergone fixed-frequency endurance test, the last sweep frequency test can be used to check the post-vibration response. The resonance frequency recorded in this test shall be compared with the resonance frequency recorded in the initial vibration test. If there is a significant change, the tested sample shall be disassembled and the test shall be repeated. After the test, it shall be checked that there shall be no obvious displacement and looseness of the plug-in board, electronic components, fasteners, etc., and the mechanical parts shall be powered on and operated normally.
5.12 Transportation test
After the machine is packed according to the regulations, it shall be fixed in the middle of the truck in the normal working position (the total loading plate is the load plate of the truck). The vehicle is driven at a speed of 30-40km/h for 200km on the intermediate road surface of the highway (gravel, carbon stone road, uneven stone road surface and other granular road surface). After the transport test, the packaging is intact, the structure and parts have no mechanical damage, no bending deformation, no loose parts, the performance should meet the requirements, and the operation speed should be normal. If there is a transport test bench, equivalent simulated transport tests can also be carried out on the test bench. 5,13 Rateability
The test method for verifying rateability shall be specified in the product standard.
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