Basic requirements for standard data of fundamental geographic information
other information
Release date:2007-08-30
drafter:Li Chengming, Xiao Xuenian, Yin Jie, Chen Zhuo, Li Li, Wang Dan, Zeng Yanwei, Xu Jianxin, Chen Shaoqin, Liu Dongqin,
Drafting unit:Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation Standardization Institute, Beijing Institute of Surveying and Mapping Design, etc.
Focal point unit:National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping
Proposing unit:National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping
Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, Standardization Administration of China
competent authority:National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping
Introduction to standards:
This standard specifies the basic requirements for basic geographic information standard data from four aspects: mathematical basis, data content, production process and data identification. This standard applies to the production, identification and use of basic geographic information standard data. GB 21139-2007 Basic Provisions for Basic Geographic Information Standard Data GB21139-2007 Standard Download Decompression Password:
This standard specifies the basic requirements for basic geographic information standard data from four aspects: mathematical basis, data content, production process and data identification.
This standard applies to the production, identification and use of basic geographic information standard data.
All technical contents of this standard are mandatory.
This standard is proposed and managed by the State Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation.
The drafting units of this standard are: China Academy of Surveying and Mapping, Institute of Surveying and Mapping Standardization of the State Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation, Beijing Institute of Surveying and Mapping Design, National Basic Geographic Information Center, Construction Comprehensive Survey Research and Design Institute, National Surveying and Mapping Product Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center, China Land Surveying and Planning Institute, Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of Surveying and Mapping and Nanjing Institute of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation.
The main drafters of this standard are: Li Chengming, Xiao Xuenian, Yin Jie, Chen Zhuo, Li Li, Wang Dan, Zeng Yanwei, Xu Jianxin, Chen Shaoqin, Liu Dongqin, Chu Zhengwei.
This standard is published for the first time.
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties to the agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version shall apply to this standard.
GB/T13016-1991 Principles and requirements for the compilation of standard system tables
GB/T13989 Division and numbering of national basic scale topographic maps
GB/T20257.1 National basic scale map diagram Part 1: 1:5001:10001:2000 topographic map diagram
GB/T13923 Classification and coding of basic land information data
Foreword I
Introduction II
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 1
Requirements for mathematical foundations 1
5 Requirements for data content 2
6 Requirements for production process 3
7 Requirements for data recognition 3
Some standard content:
ICS 27.040
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
G3 21139—2007
Basic Geographic Information Standard Data Basic Provisions ASIC RCGUIREMENTS YOR STATE DATA OFFUNDAMENTAL GEOGRAPHIE INFORMATION Issued on August 30, 2007
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Administration of Standardization of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on March 1, 2008
GR 21139-2C07
2 Normative Application Documents
3 Definitions of Terms
Requirements for Mathematical Basis
5 Requirements for Data
6 Requirements for Production Process
Requirements for Data Authentication
All technical contents of this standard are mandatory. This standard is proposed by the general public and is not applicable to any section of this standard. G1 21139 -2007
The originators of this standard: China Academy of Surveying and Mapping, Institute of Surveying and Mapping of the State Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation, Beijing Surveying and Mapping Design Institute, Runjia Basic Silicon Geographic Information Center. Construction of National Surveying and Design Institute, National Surveying Association Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, China Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Beijing Xie Surveying and Mapping Research Institute. The main contributors to this standard: Li Chengming, Yin Qing, Chen Cao, Ben Li, Zheng Zhi, Zeng Xiandai, Xu Jianxin, Chen Shaoqin, Liu Dongqin, Chu Suban
This standard is issued for the first time
GB 211392007
In order to support the provisions of laws and regulations, ensure the construction of geographic information platforms and systems, promote the control and construction of information, safeguard the rights of basic geographic information data producers and users, and implement this standard. sQ
1 Scope
Basic geographic information data standard GB 21139--2007
This standard explores the basic principles, content, production and use of geographic information data from various aspects: This standard provides the most basic geographic information data standard.
This standard is used for the production of basic geographic information data.
The clauses in the following documents shall constitute the clauses of this standard for the purpose of interpretation and use. The referenced documents are standard and may not be used with any revised editions contained in this standard. However, you may use this document as a technical version of the GH/T13016-0a1 standard (excluding GB/T J3889, GBT 2025, and GBT 637T) based on the revised editions agreed upon by the supervisory party. 13938
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3 terminology matching text Jia
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Mathematical basis requirements
,! The level standard system adopts the system specified by the two companies. When the standard is really necessary, the standard system of the same country can be used. 4.2 The system adopts the 83 international national height standard or the 156 sea level system: when it is really necessary, it can be used with the 5 high-precision standard. Independent separation system. The depth standard should use the theoretical lowest density surface. 4.3 Example scales are: 1:500, 1F500, 1&000, 15 069, 1: 1830, 1: 2500c, 1: 59 601: 130 oe, 1: 259 t0n, 1 t 500 .1: 1 8o0 00044 can be projected with: ! : 00000 using positive equal shot projection: 001: 50000 installation period g $ 211392007
Grid projection can be divided into 6 zones; 1:5G0-1:14 CC adopts Shangke Mager projection, divided into 3\, when necessary, technical 1. Division potential, 4.5 test with map as the unit, 1:500~1:2000 division and numbering according to GB/T20257, 1 hot line: 1:500G~1:1G00002 division model numbering according to (17113982 implementation: 5 data content requirements
5.1 Overview
Basic geographical interest standard data extension must be detailed in 52. One or more groups of data are combined, and the national image surveying and mapping industry standard source data is adopted
5.2 Survey control point number The data of control points should include the position chain and characteristic setting points of horizontal and vertical control points, elevation control points, astronomical points, power points, induction control points and other control points. Among them, horizontal and vertical control points include the geodetic origin, angular points, second angle points, national and other guide points; elevation control points include active leveling source points, second angle points, willing points, etc.; leveling points include major leveling points, major leveling points, main points, adjusting points, etc.; power points include benchmark points, base points, etc., equal bearing points, and additional penetration points; satellite positioning control points include active AA level (continuous travel station), A, B, C, I, E level points; other surveying and controlling points include urban planning level control points, image contact points, etc. 5.3 Water system data
Water system data should include the location and attributes of rivers, ditches, tidal reservoirs, major watercourses, other water system elements and water conservancy and ancillary facilities. 5.4 Settlement and facility data
Settlement facility data should include the location and attributes of settlements, engineering and its facilities, agriculture and its facilities, public services and its facilities, famous sites, religious facilities, scientific observatories and other buildings and their facilities. 5.5 Traffic data
Traffic data should include the location and attributes of railways, intercity highways, urban roads, rural roads, access structures and ancillary facilities, water conservancy facilities, waterways, transportation facilities and other transportation facilities. 5.6 Pipeline data
Pipeline data should include the location and attributes of electric wires, cables, (gas, water) transmission pipelines and urban pipelines, among which, 1:? C. The number of urban pipelines is not included in the reduced scale. The number of transmission lines is not included in the reduced scale of 1:100. 5.7 Boundary and administrative data
Boundary and administrative data should include the location and proximity of internal boundaries, national boundaries, domestic administrative demarcation lines at all levels (provincial administrative regions, prefecture-level administrative regions, county-level administrative regions and multi-level administrative regions) and other specific regional boundaries (village boundaries, special area boundaries and nature conservation area boundaries, etc.). 5.8 Geomorphic data
Geomorphic data include contour lines, elevation point annotations, digital elevation models, water city contour lines, underwater landmarks, and the location and attributes of natural and artificial landforms.
5.9 Vegetation and soil data
The data should include the location and isolation of natural vegetation. Soil data should include the location and isolation of sandy land, salt-covered land, bare land, and depleted and replaced land.
5.1C Place name data
Place name data include the names, locations and isolation of natural and human geographical entities. 5.1 1 Digital orthophoto data
Digital orthophoto data are images that have been rectified and corrected by projection. The images can be panchromatic or color, or can be chromatic, and sometimes accompanied by data such as major residential areas, land names and boundaries. 5.12 Cadastral survey data
Cadastral survey data should include the location of cadastral (land) areas, boundary lines, boundary points and other important boundary facilities, as well as information such as roads, land use or ownership and land grade. 2 Cadastral survey data can be small-scale. 5.13 Other data
GR 21139.--2907
Other basic geographic information data published in accordance with the law and collected by the State Council's survey and protection departments in accordance with the law.
E Requirements for production process
6.! Design book shall be based on research and development, format and standard: approved by the competent department of the project and the environment, the content of the design book shall include the project resources, bid, work content, data collection and utilization, technical route and process flow, adopted standards, submitted results and main technical indicators, original guarantee measures and scientific and technological implementation plan, etc.
6.2 The government's equipment and data resources shall meet the requirements of the design book, and the industry standards shall be in line with the local standards.
6.3 The technical methods adopted in the production process shall meet the requirements of the design book, and the basic standards and production standards adopted shall meet the current relevant national standards. The working methods and relevant regulations shall be clearly defined. 6. Production quality control should strictly implement the relevant acceptance system, final inspection and relevant inspection requirements specified in the design document, 6.5 Quality inspection of the production unit, and the project management department shall organize the implementation of the inspection. 66 The equipment used shall be calibrated in accordance with the relevant national regulations. 7 Data certification requirements || tt || 7. The data must be certified in accordance with the requirements of 7.2~7. 22 For data certification, the certified unit shall provide the corresponding data production data certification documents, the data design, the registered surveying and mapping signature certification documents and the acceptance documents according to your requirements. 7.3 Earth origin. "Equal leveling point data, leveling source point and water point data, Guanwen point number sugar. Oxygen is the point data AA level. A dimension box level ink position system point number help, 1+2: Gn1 +01: 1500c61: 2560, 10 20 phase: 10 basic information data source including measurement and management point number insertion) important geographic information data source new State Council final collection competent department according to law to organize the super measurement of the transmission of basic information data, the State Council measurement administrative department to establish the authority of the institution certification, or according to the law pending the court of the registration of the court,
7.4 Article 7.3 other than the purchase of other no measurement control point effective data,! : 803.1: 1000.1: 2001: 500, 1: 10c00 hot code geographic information data solution (excluding the amount of assistance system point number help), the number of the current pile of provincial measurement administrative department of the main solution of the agency certification, 7.5 certification extension of the method of release in accordance with the national standards, the Philippines
GB 21139-2007
Ministry of the Communist Party of China Fujian
National Standard Ya
Basic geographic information standard data basic provisions GB 21138---2307
Published by Zhongyin Jiya Publishing House
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Tel: 6852394868517548
Chinese medicine standard is difficult to publish, and the production and printing of the supplementary Taiting point are widely distributed in Xinhua stores in various places
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2007 23 Edition No. 1, December, 207 points. Pre-press No.: 1665-1-3031 Price: 10.00. Exchange with our distribution center. If there is any printing error, infringement will be investigated. All rights reserved. Report phone number: (010) 88533533. 2002-651
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