title>HG/T 2809-1996 Rubber sealing belt for soft sealing device of floating roof oil tank - HG/T 2809-1996 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 2809-1996 Rubber sealing belt for soft sealing device of floating roof oil tank

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2809-1996

Standard Name: Rubber sealing belt for soft sealing device of floating roof oil tank

Chinese Name: 浮顶油罐软密封装置橡胶密封带

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Implementation:1993-05-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Rubber and plastic industry>>Rubber and plastic products>>83.140.50 Seals

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Rubber Products and Auxiliary Materials>>G43 Rubber Seals

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HG/T 2809-1996 Rubber sealing belt for soft sealing device of floating roof oil tank HG/T2809-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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HG/T 2809—1996
This standard is formulated on the basis of the "Interim Technical Conditions for Rubber Seals of Floating Top Oil Soft Sealing Devices" drafted by Beijing Refinery Design Institute of the Ministry of Petroleum Industry and the enterprise standard of Guilin Rubber Products Factory. This standard adopts the relevant requirements therein and adds the provisions on the dimensional limit deviation and inspection rules of the products. The latest test method standard for coated fabrics is adopted in the test method. Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard. This standard is proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of Shenyang Rubber Products Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by Guilin Rubber Products Factory of Guilin Southern Rubber Group (Company). The main drafters of this standard are: Zhi Yilan, Lu Zhenguang, Lan Tian, ​​and Wei Yuying. This standard is published for the first time.
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Rubber Sealing Belt for Soft Sealing Device of Floating Roof Oil Tanks HG/T 2809—1996
This standard specifies the structure, dimensions and tolerances, requirements, test methods, inspection rules and markings, packaging, transportation, storage, etc. of rubber sealing belts for soft sealing devices of floating roof oil tanks. This standard is applicable to rubber sealing belts for soft sealing devices of floating roof oil tanks (hereinafter referred to as sealing belts) made of rubber rain resistant to crude oil and light oil products (except extracts and aromatic hydrocarbons) coated on both sides of the fabric. 2 Cited standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T528-92 Determination of tensile properties of vulcanized rubber and thermoplastic rubber GB/T531-92 Test method for Shore A hardness of vulcanized rubber (negTSO7619: 1986) GB/T1682-94 Determination of low temperature resistance of vulcanized rubber Single specimen method (eqvISO812: 1991) Determination of wear resistance of vulcanized rubber (using Akron abrasion machine) (negBS 903 A9: GB/T 1689--82 (89)
GB/T1690-92 Test method for liquid resistance of vulcanized rubber (neqISO1817: 1985) GB/T3512-83 (89) Test method for hot air aging of rubber (ncgISO188: 1976) Determination of roll properties of rubber-coated fabrics (eqvIS02286: 1972) GB/T 7538—871
Standard environment for the storage and testing of rubber coated fabrics (negISO2231:1973) GB/T 7539-87
GB/T10720—89Determination of adhesion strength of rubber or plastic coatings (eqYTSO2411:1973) 4Determination of tensile strength and elongation at break of rubber or plastic coated fabrics (egvISO1421:HG/T 2580—94
IIG /T 2581--94
Determination of tear resistance of rubber or plastic coated fabrics (ne1S04674:1977) 4Determination of water permeability resistance of rubber or plastic coated fabrics (cgYISO1420:1987) HG/T 258294
3 Structure, Dimensions and Tolerances
3.1 Structure
3.1.1 The structure of the sealing belt with toothed surface is shown in Figure 1. Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on 1996-06-28 and implemented on 1997-01-01
Figure 1 Structure of sealing belt with toothed surface
3.1.2 The structure of sealing belt without toothed surface is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 Structure of sealing belt without toothed surface
3.2 Dimensions and Tolerances
Fabric (centered)
Oil-resistant rubber layer
Fabric (centered)
Oil-resistant rubber layer
The dimensions of the sealing belt shall be produced according to the drawing requirements put forward by the purchaser and after consultation between the supply and demand parties. The dimensional tolerance allowed for the sealing belt shall comply with Table 1
4 Requirements
4.1 The properties of the coating rubber material shall comply with the requirements of Table 2, 18
Dimensional tolerance of sealing tape
±0: 15
Tensile strength, MPa
Elongation at break, %
Brittle temperature, ℃
Hardness, Shore A, Zhuang
HG / T 2809 -- 1996
Table 2 Properties of coating rubber
Not less than
Not less than
Not higher than
Hot air aging performance change reduction rate (70±1)×72h, % Tensile strength
Elongation at break
Liquid resistance quality change rate, %
Akron abrasion, cm
The properties of coated fabrics shall comply with the provisions of Table 3, Item
Tensile strength, kN/m
Tear strength, N
Coating layer adhesion strength, kN/m
Water permeability, (A2 Method)
Surface resistance, a
Overlap strength, kN/m
4.3 Appearance quality of sealing tape
Not higher than
Not higher than
Not greater than
Not greater than
Table 3 Coated fabric properties
Not less than
Not less than
Not less than
Not less than
Not greater than
Not less than
60 ±s
4.3.1 The surface of the sealing tape shall be smooth, flat, and evenly thick. There shall be no dead folds, lack of glue, broken cloth, lack of sulfur, over-sulfurization, etc., and there shall be no wrinkles at the joints.
4.3.2 The defects allowed in the appearance of the sealing tape shall comply with the provisions of Table 4. 19
Defect name
Surface defects
5Test method
Table 4 Appearance defects allowed in sealing tape
The bubbles on both sides of the rubber-coated fabric shall not overlap, and continuous bubbles with a diameter greater than Smm are not allowed. The total area of ​​continuous bubbles with a diameter less than 5mm shall not exceed 100cm, and there shall be no more than 3 minor ones in any 10m length. No exposed fabric
Allowed to use pure film for vulcanization and static leveling
The number of coated fabric repair blocks with an area less than 100cm\ shall not exceed 3 places within a length of 50m, and no more than 2 places within any 10m length. Static patching is not allowed
5.1 The appearance quality shall be inspected by visual method.
5.2 The length, width and thickness of the sealing tape shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T7538. 5.3 The tensile strength and elongation at break of the coating layer shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T528. 5.4 The brittle temperature of the coating layer shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T1682. 5.5 The hardness of the coating layer shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T531. 5.6 The change rate of the hot air aging performance of the coating layer shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T3512. 5.7 The change rate of the oil resistance weight of the coating layer shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T1690. The test liquid is: isooctane 70% + toluene 30% (volume ratio): immersion temperature: 23±2; ​​immersion time: 24±0.25h. 5.8 The Akron abrasion of the coating layer shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T1689. 5.9 The tensile strength of the coated fabric shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of HG/T2580. 5.10 The tear strength of the coated fabric shall be carried out using the single tear method in accordance with the provisions of HG/T2581. 5.11 The bonding strength of the coated fabric shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T10720. 5.12 The water permeability resistance of the coated fabric shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of HG/T2582. Water pressure: 10kPa; time: 2h5.13 The surface resistance of the coated fabric shall be tested in accordance with the provisions of Appendix A. 5.14 The lap strength test of the sealing tape shall be carried out in accordance with HG/T2580 using test pieces made under similar production conditions. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 The sealing tape shall be inspected by the inspection department of the manufacturer and may be submitted for acceptance only after passing the inspection. The inspection is divided into factory inspection and type inspection. 6.2 The inspection items for factory inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Table 5. Table 5 Factory inspection items
Inspection items
Tensile strength
Elongation at break
Spot coating rubber
Change rate of hot air aging
Change rate of liquid resistance quality
Akron abrasion
Test method
Sampling rate for factory inspection
Once per batch
Once per two batches
Once per batch
Once per two batches
Summer coating fabric
Sealing tape
6.3 Type inspection
HG/T 2809-1996
Continued Table 5 (end)
Inspection items
Tensile strength
Tear strength
Coating layer adhesion strength
Water permeability
Surface resistance
Appearance section specifications and dimensions
Overlap strength
6.3.1 Type inspection should be carried out in any of the following situations a)
Test method for finalization of new products or old products transferred to the factory for production
5.1, 5. 2
Sampling rate for factory inspection
Once per batch
Once per two batches
Once per strip
After formal production, if there are major changes in structure, materials, and processes that may affect product performance or every four years: when the national quality supervision or relevant agencies propose to conduct type inspection, 6.3,2 Type inspection items are 5.1 ~ 5.14 items. 6.4 Sampling and batching rules
6.4.1 100% of the appearance quality of the sealing belt is inspected. 4.2 The amount of the coating rubber is one batch for inspection, and the amount of the polyester coating fabric is one batch for inspection. Each batch of rubber is not more than 500kg. Each batch of coated fabric is not more than 500m6.5 Judgment principle
If one of the coating rubber and coated fabric performance items in the factory inspection items is unqualified, double samples should be taken from the same batch for that item. Items shall be re-tested. If there are still unqualified items in the re-test, the batch of coated rubber or coated fabric shall be considered as unqualified products. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1. Marking
Product marking: The sealing tape shall be marked 1m away from the joint: 7:1.1
Manufacturer name;
Manufacture date (year, month)
Product name;
Product specifications:
Inspector code:
Inspection date.
Packaging marking:
Manufacturer name and address:
Manufacture date (year, month):
Product name;
Product specifications;
Receiving unit.
7.2 Packaging
HG/ T 2809 —1996
7.2.1 The sealing tape shall be packed in wooden boxes. Each product shall have one packing box. There shall not be any sharp objects that may damage the appearance of the product in the box. A protective layer shall be laid around the inside of the box. The sealing tape shall be folded and laid flat in the box. The outside of the box shall be reinforced with iron sheets.
7.2.2 Each packing box shall be equipped with a spare parts box. The box should contain a pair of flat-head scissors, two 12mm punchers, a brush, 1kg of adhesive glue, a file or two pieces of No. 2 emery cloth, 1 piece of coating fabric, and a set of instructions for use of the sealing tape. 7.2.3
The sealing tape should be accompanied by a certificate of inspection. The certificate of inspection should indicate: 2)
Product name;
Product specification;
Product quantity:
Test data;
Product batch number:
Inspector code:
Qualified stamp
Product standard number;
7.3 Transportation
During transportation, the sealing tape should be protected from sunlight and rain, and should be prevented from contact with substances that affect its quality, such as acids, alkalis and organic solvents, and should not collide with sharp substances.
7. 4 Storage
The sealing tape should be stored in a well-ventilated warehouse with a temperature of -10℃~40℃ and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. It should be at least 1m away from the heat source to prevent contact with acids, alkalis or other substances that may damage the quality of the sealing tape. 7.5 The physical properties of the sealing tape should comply with the provisions of this standard within a storage period of no more than one and a half years from the date of leaving the factory. 22
Sheath Jing A (Annex of the standard)
A1 Test principle
Determination of conductive properties
Add a potential difference (DC voltage) between the two areas of the sample and measure the leakage current along the surface of the sample to determine its corresponding resistance value.
A2 Sample
The sample is a square of 300mm×300mm, with a quantity of no less than 3 pieces, and the surface of the sample has no mechanical damage, impurities or other defects. After washing the sample with a sterile gauze soaked in distilled water, wipe it dry with a clean dry cloth and place it in environment A specified in GB/T7539 for 24 h.
A3 Test equipment
A3, 1 Electrode material size
Use a cylindrical brass round hammer and a ring to make an electrode. The dimensions are shown in Figure A1. The base surface of the inner electrode is circular, with a minimum mass of 115g, and the base surface of the outer electrode is annular, with a minimum mass of 900%. The base surfaces of the two electrodes should be ground and polished, and connected to each electrode with an insulated wire.
A3.2 Test instrument
The reading of the instrument for measuring resistance should be between 103 and 10%0, with an error within ±5%. The power consumption in the sample should not exceed 1W. A3.3 Test conditions
A3.3.1 Test voltage: 500±20V.
A3.3.2 Test environment: Environment A specified in GB/T7539, A 4 Test stepswwW.bzxz.Net
Place the sample on an insulating plate slightly larger than the sample, wipe the electrode base surface, place it on the sample, ground the outer electrode and connect it to the low-voltage terminal of the measuring instrument, and connect the inner electrode to the high-voltage terminal. After 1 minute of being connected to the electrode, measure the resistance, and then make a similar test on the other side of the sample. Be careful not to make the sample surface wet due to human breathing, otherwise the test result will be inaccurate. A5 Test results
Measure each sample once on the front and back sides, and record the data values ​​measured each time. The arithmetic average of each side taken from the upper and lower surfaces shall prevail. The test results are expressed in ohms.
1-Terminal: 2-Inner electrode; 3-Outer electrode Figure A1 Electrode material size3
The sealing tape shall be accompanied by a certificate of inspection, which shall indicate: 2)
Product name;
Product specification;
Product quantity:
Test data;
Product batch number:
Inspector code:
Qualification seal
Product standard number;
7.3 Transportation
During transportation, the sealing tape shall be protected from sunlight and rain, and from contact with substances that may affect its quality, such as acids, alkalis and organic solvents, and from collision with sharp substances,
7. 4 Storage
The sealing tape should be stored in a well-ventilated warehouse with a temperature of -10℃~40℃ and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. It should be at least 1m away from the heat source to prevent contact with acids, alkalis or other substances that may damage the quality of the sealing tape. 7.5 The physical properties of the sealing tape should comply with the provisions of this standard within a storage period of no more than one and a half years from the date of leaving the factory. 22
Sheath Jing A (Annex of the standard)
A1 Test principle
Determination of conductive properties
Add a potential difference (DC voltage) between the two areas of the sample and measure the leakage current along the surface of the sample to determine its corresponding resistance value.
A2 Sample
The sample is a square of 300mm×300mm, with a quantity of no less than 3 pieces, and the surface of the sample has no mechanical damage, impurities or other defects. After washing the sample with a sterile gauze soaked in distilled water, wipe it dry with a clean dry cloth and place it in environment A specified in GB/T7539 for 24 h.
A3 Test equipment
A3, 1 Electrode material size
Use a cylindrical brass round hammer and a ring to make an electrode. The dimensions are shown in Figure A1. The base surface of the inner electrode is circular, with a minimum mass of 115g, and the base surface of the outer electrode is annular, with a minimum mass of 900%. The base surfaces of the two electrodes should be ground and polished, and connected to each electrode with an insulated wire.
A3.2 Test instrument
The reading of the instrument for measuring resistance should be between 103 and 10%0, with an error within ±5%. The power consumption in the sample should not exceed 1W. A3.3 Test conditions
A3.3.1 Test voltage: 500±20V.
A3.3.2 Test environment: Environment A specified in GB/T7539, A 4 Test steps
Place the sample on an insulating plate slightly larger than the sample, wipe the electrode base surface, place it on the sample, ground the outer electrode and connect it to the low-voltage terminal of the measuring instrument, and connect the inner electrode to the high-voltage terminal. After 1 minute of being connected to the electrode, measure the resistance, and then make a similar test on the other side of the sample. Be careful not to make the sample surface wet due to human breathing, otherwise the test result will be inaccurate. A5 Test results
Measure each sample once on the front and back sides, and record the data values ​​measured each time. The arithmetic average of each side taken from the upper and lower surfaces shall prevail. The test results are expressed in ohms.
1-Terminal: 2-Inner electrode; 3-Outer electrode Figure A1 Electrode material size3
The sealing tape shall be accompanied by a certificate of inspection, which shall indicate: 2)
Product name;
Product specification;
Product quantity:
Test data;
Product batch number:
Inspector code:
Qualification seal
Product standard number;
7.3 Transportation
During transportation, the sealing tape shall be protected from sunlight and rain, and from contact with substances that may affect its quality, such as acids, alkalis and organic solvents, and from collision with sharp substances,
7. 4 Storage
The sealing tape should be stored in a well-ventilated warehouse with a temperature of -10℃~40℃ and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. It should be at least 1m away from the heat source to prevent contact with acids, alkalis or other substances that may damage the quality of the sealing tape. 7.5 The physical properties of the sealing tape should comply with the provisions of this standard within a storage period of no more than one and a half years from the date of leaving the factory. 22
Sheath Jing A (Annex of the standard)
A1 Test principle
Determination of conductive properties
Add a potential difference (DC voltage) between the two areas of the sample and measure the leakage current along the surface of the sample to determine its corresponding resistance value.
A2 Sample
The sample is a square of 300mm×300mm, with a quantity of no less than 3 pieces, and the surface of the sample has no mechanical damage, impurities or other defects. After washing the sample with a sterile gauze soaked in distilled water, wipe it dry with a clean dry cloth and place it in environment A specified in GB/T7539 for 24 h.
A3 Test equipment
A3, 1 Electrode material size
Use a cylindrical brass round hammer and a ring to make an electrode. The dimensions are shown in Figure A1. The base surface of the inner electrode is circular, with a minimum mass of 115g, and the base surface of the outer electrode is annular, with a minimum mass of 900%. The base surfaces of the two electrodes should be ground and polished, and connected to each electrode with an insulated wire.
A3.2 Test instrument
The reading of the instrument for measuring resistance should be between 103 and 10%0, with an error within ±5%. The power consumption in the sample should not exceed 1W. A3.3 Test conditions
A3.3.1 Test voltage: 500±20V.
A3.3.2 Test environment: Environment A specified in GB/T7539. A 4 Test steps
Place the sample on an insulating plate slightly larger than the sample, wipe the electrode base surface, place it on the sample, ground the outer electrode and connect it to the low-voltage terminal of the measuring instrument, and connect the inner electrode to the high-voltage terminal. After 1 minute of being connected to the electrode, measure the resistance, and then make a similar test on the other side of the sample. Be careful not to make the sample surface wet due to human breathing, otherwise the test result will be inaccurate. A5 Test results
Measure each sample once on the front and back sides, and record the data values ​​measured each time. The arithmetic average of each side taken from the upper and lower surfaces shall prevail. The test results are expressed in ohms.
1-Terminal: 2-Inner electrode; 3-Outer electrode Figure A1 Electrode material size
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