Some standard content:
This standard is formulated with reference to the quality specifications of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) pesticide specification "2,4-D technical", the corresponding International Pesticide Analysis Cooperation Council (CIPAC) analysis method and domestic and foreign technical data on "2,4-D" and combined with the actual situation of domestic production. The determination method of free phenol and triethanolamine insoluble matter is equivalent to the CIPAC method. This standard was proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the former Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Shenyang Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The main drafting unit of this standard: Shenyang Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The participating drafting unit of this standard: Dalian Songliao Chemical Company. The main drafters of this standard: Mei Baogui, Shuai Chunfeng, Li Xiujie, Zhang Daidi. 1219
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
2,4-D technical
2,4-D Technical
Other names, structural formulas and basic physical and chemical parameters of 2,4-D are as follows: ISO common name: 2,4-D
CIPAC digital code: 1
Chemical name: 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
Structural formula:
Experimental formula: CgH.ClO3
Relative molecular mass: 221.0 (according to the 1993 International (Atomic mass) Biological activity: Has the effect of weed control and plant growth regulation Melting point: 140.5℃
Vapor pressure (160℃): 53Pa
Solubility (g/L, 25℃): 0.62 in water, soluble in liquid alkali and alcohol, insoluble in petroleum Stability: Stable to heat and light, non-hygroscopic, corrosive 1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, and marking, labeling, packaging, storage and transportation of 2,4-D technical. This standard applies to 2,4-D technical composed of 2,4-D and impurities generated in its production. 2 Referenced standards
HG 3624—1999
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB/T1604-1995 Rules for acceptance of commercial pesticides GB/T1605-1979 (1989) Sampling methods for commercial pesticides GB3796-1983 General rules for pesticide packaging
GB/T6682-1992 Specifications and test methods for water used in analytical laboratories (eqvISO3696:87) GB/T 9008-
3 Requirements
-1988 Terminology for liquid chromatography Column liquid chromatography gas chromatography and planar chromatography 3.1 Appearance: White to light brown powder or granules. 3.2 2,4-D technical shall meet the requirements of Table 1. Approved by the State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry on June 16, 1999 1220
Implemented on June 1, 2000
2,4-D content, %
Loss on drying, %
Free phenol (calculated as 2,4-dichlorophenol), %
Triethanolamine insoluble matter, %
4 Test method
4.1 Sampling
HG 3624---1999
Table 12, 4-D technical control item indicators
According to the "raw powder sampling" method in GB/T1605-1979 (1989). The sampling packages are determined by the random number table method, and the final sampling volume should be no less than 250g.
4.2 Identification test
4.2.1 High performance liquid chromatography: This identification test can be carried out simultaneously with the determination of 2,4-D content. Under the same chromatographic operating conditions, the relative difference between the retention time of a chromatographic peak of the sample solution and the retention time of the 2,4-D chromatographic peak in the standard solution should be within 1.5%. 4.2.2 Infrared spectroscopy: There should be no obvious difference in the infrared spectra of the sample and the standard in the wave number range of 4000~400cm-1 (see Figure 1).
Figure 12, IR spectrum of 4-D standard sample
4.32, Determination of 4-D content
4.3.1 Summary of method
The sample was dissolved in methanol, and methanol-water (the pH value of water was adjusted to 2.6 with phosphoric acid solution) was used as the mobile phase. A stainless steel column with C1 as the filler and an ultraviolet detector (225nm) were used to separate 2,4-D in the sample by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography, and the internal standard (p-bromophenol) method was used for quantification. 4.3.2 Reagents and solutions
Phosphoric acid.
Phosphoric acid aqueous solution: the volume fraction of phosphoric acid is 10%. Water: freshly distilled double distilled water.
Mobile phase: methanol decahydrate = 65 + 35 (volume ratio), in which the pH value of water was adjusted to 2.6 with phosphoric acid aqueous solution. The mobile phase was filtered through a filter membrane and degassed in an ultrasonic bath for 20 min.
2,4-D standard sample: known content, greater than or equal to 99.0%. Internal standard: p-bromophenol, free of impurities that interfere with analysis. 1221
HG 3624---1999
Internal standard solution: weigh 6.8g p-bromophenol in a 1L volumetric flask, dissolve and dilute to scale with methanol, shake well. 4.3.3 Instruments and equipment
High performance liquid chromatograph: with variable wavelength UV detector. Chromatographic column: 300mm×3.9mm(id) stainless steel column, filled with μBondapakCr: filler, particle size 10μm. Chromatographic data processor.
Quantitative injection tube: 5 μL.
Ultrasonic cleaner.
Filter: The pore size of the filter membrane is about 0.5um.
4.3.4 HPLC operating conditions
Mobile phase: methanol + water = 65 + 35 (volume ratio), water is adjusted to pH 2.6 with phosphoric acid aqueous solution. Flow rate: 1.0mL/min.
Column temperature: room temperature.
Detection wavelength: 225nm.
Injection volume: 5μL.
Retention time: 2,4-drop about 7.2min; p-bromophenol about 5.8min. The above operating parameters are typical. According to the characteristics of different instruments, the given operating parameters can be appropriately adjusted to obtain the best effect (see Figure 2).
Figure 22,4-D HPLC Chromatogram
4.3.5 Determination Steps
a) Preparation of Standard Solution
Weigh 0.05 g (accurate to 0.0002 g) of 2,4-D standard sample and place it in a 25 mL volumetric flask. Use a pipette to add 5 mL of internal standard solution, dilute to the mark with methanol, and shake well. Take 1 mL of the solution and dilute to the mark with methanol in a 10 mL volumetric flask. Shake well. b) Preparation of Sample Solution
Weigh 0.05 g (accurate to 0.0002 g) of sample containing 2,4-D and place it in a 25 mL volumetric flask. Use the same pipette as in a) to add 5 mL of internal standard solution, dilute to the mark with methanol, and shake well. Take 1 mL of the solution and dilute it to the mark with methanol in a 10 mL volumetric flask, and shake well. c) Determination
Under the above operating conditions, after the instrument baseline is stable, continuously inject several needles of standard solution until the change in the peak area ratio of 2,4-D to p-bromophenol between two adjacent needles is less than 1.0%, and then perform determination in the order of standard solution, sample solution, sample solution, and standard solution. 4.3. 6 Calculation
Average the peak area ratio of 2,4-D to p-bromophenol in the two needles of sample solution and the peak area ratio of 2,4-D to p-bromophenol in the two needles of standard solution before and after the sample. The 2,4-D content (X,) expressed as a mass percentage is calculated according to formula (1): 1222
Wherein: ri-
HG 3624—1999
Xi = rzmiP
-average value of the peak area ratio of 2,4-D to p-bromophenol in the standard solution; average value of the peak area ratio of 2.4-D to p-bromophenol in the sample solution; mass of the 2,4-D standard, g,
-mass of the sample, g;
P—mass percentage of 2,4-D in the standard sample,%. 4.3.7 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean as the determination result. The difference between two parallel determination results shall not exceed 1.2%. 4.4 Determination of loss on drying
4.4.1 Instruments and equipment
Oven: accuracy ± 2°C.
Weighing bottle: inner diameter 50 mm, height 20 mm. Desiccator.
4.4.2 Determination steps
Put the weighing bottle in an oven at 105℃ for 1 hour, take it out and put it in a desiccator to cool to room temperature, weigh it (accurate to 0.0002g). Repeat the above steps until the mass of the weighing bottle is constant. Place 2g of sample in the bottle, flatten it, and weigh it (accurate to 0.0002g). Place the weighing bottle in the oven without covering it. After drying for 2h, cover it, take it out and put it in a desiccator to cool to room temperature, and weigh it. 4.4.3 Calculation
The drying loss (X,) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (2): X,-
Where: mz
The mass of the sample and weighing bottle before drying, g, the mass of the sample and weighing bottle after drying, g; the mass of the sample, g.
4.4.4 Allowable difference
Take its arithmetic mean as the measurement result. The relative difference between two parallel measurement results should not exceed 30%. 4.5 Determination of free phenol content
4.5.1 Summary of the method
Dissolve the sample in alcohol ammonia solution, add 4-aminoantipyrine and potassium ferrocyanide solution to develop color, and determine its absorbance. Find the volume of the standard sample at the same absorbance from the calibration curve and calculate the free phenol content. 4.5.2 Reagents and bath solution
2,4-difluorophenol standard: known content, greater than or equal to 98.0%. Ethanol.
Ammonia solution A: c(NH:) = 0. 05 mol/L, ammonia solution B: aspirate 90mL ammonia solution A, add 50mL ethanol, dilute to 1L with water, and shake well. 2,4-dichlorophenol solution: dissolve 100mg (concentrate to 0.1mg) 2,4-dichlorophenol in 10mL acetone, dilute to 1L with water, and shake well.
4-nitroantipyrine aqueous solution: 2g/L, prepared with 20g/L stock solution when using (stock solution can be stored in the dark for 3 months). Potassium ferrocyanide aqueous solution: 4g/L (prepare before use). 4.5.3 Instruments and equipment
Microburette: 2 mL.
Stoppered graduated cylinder: 25mL, 7 pieces.
4.5.4 Determination steps
a) Calibration
HG 3624--1999
Use a microburette to draw 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 mL of phenol solution in turn, place in 7 stoppered tubes, add ammonia solution B to 10 mL, then add 5 mL of ammonia solution A, 5 mL of 4-aminoantipyrine solution and 5 mL of potassium ferrocyanide solution in turn. Shake well each time a solution is added, and finally shake vigorously for 1 min and let stand for 5 min. Using a 1 cm cuvette and water as a reference, measure the absorbance of the solution at 525 nm. Pipette 10 mL of ammonia solution B, add each solution according to the above steps, and measure the absorbance of the reagent blank. Subtract the absorbance of the blank value A from the absorbance measured by the phenol solution, and plot the corresponding volume of the phenol solution to obtain a calibration curve. b) Determination
Accurately weigh 0.5g of the sample (accurate to 0.0002g), place it in a 1000mL volumetric flask, add 50mL of ethanol to dissolve it, add 90mL of ammonia solution A, and dilute it to 1L with water. Pipette 10mL of the solution into a stoppered volumetric tube, and add 5mL of ammonia solution A, 5mL of 4-aminoantipyrine solution, and 5mL of potassium ferrocyanide solution in sequence. Each time the solution is added, it must be spread evenly. The last time it must be shaken vigorously for 1min and left to stand for 5min. Using 1cm colorimetric blood and water as a reference, measure the absorbance of the solution at 525nm. After subtracting the blank absorbance, find out the volume (mL) of solution A corresponding to the absorbance from the calibration curve. The free phenol content (X3) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (3): X=
Where: V is the volume of phenol solution corresponding to the measured sample absorbance, mL; m-
mass of the sample, g.
4.5.5 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean as the determination result. The relative difference between two parallel determination results should not be greater than 50%. 4.6 Determination of triethanolamine insoluble matter
4.6.1 Reagents and solutions
Triethanolamine aqueous solution: the volume fraction of triethanolamine is 5%. 4.6.2 Instruments and equipment
Graduating cylinder: 25mL.
Beaker: 30mL.
Standard sieve: aperture 106μm.
Oven: accuracy ±2℃.
4.6.3 Determination steps
Weigh 1g of the sample (accurate to 0.0002g), place it in a beaker, add 16mL of triethanolamine aqueous solution, and shake for 2 minutes to dissolve it. After all the soluble matter has dissolved, transfer all the contents of the beaker to the standard sieve while shaking. Use a little water to rinse all the insoluble matter on the standard sieve into the beaker with constant mass. Place the beaker in an oven and dry it at 105℃ until the mass is constant, then weigh the mass of the beaker and the insoluble matter.
4.6.4 Calculation
The content of lanthanolamine insoluble matter expressed as mass percentage (X.) is calculated according to formula (4): mz = ml × 100
Wherein: m2-
The mass of the beaker and the insoluble matter, g;
-The mass of the beaker, g;
mThe mass of the sample, g.
4.6.5 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean as the measurement result. The relative difference between two parallel measurement results shall not exceed 50%. 4.7 Inspection and acceptance of products
The inspection and acceptance of products shall comply with the provisions of GB/T1604. The rounding value comparison method shall be used for the processing of limit values. 5 Marking, labeling, packaging, storage and transportation
5.1 The marking, labeling and packaging of 2,4-D technical drug shall comply with the provisions of GB3796 and shall have the production license number and trademark. 5.2 2,4-D technical drug shall be packaged in woven bags lined with plastic bags or iron drums lined with plastic bags, and the net content of each package shall not exceed 30kg. 5.3 Other forms of packaging may be used according to user requirements or order agreements, but they must comply with the relevant provisions of GB3796. 5.4 2,4-D technical drug packages should be stored in a general, dry warehouse. 5.5 During storage and transportation, strictly prevent moisture and sunlight, do not mix with food, seeds, and feed, avoid contact with skin and eyes, and prevent inhalation through the mouth and nose. 5.6 Safety: This product is a low-toxic substance, and inhalation will cause headaches and nausea. Contact will cause redness of the skin and irritation of the eyes, causing redness of the eyes. Ingestion by mistake will cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, confusion, vomiting, and weakness. When using this product, you should wear protective gloves, masks, clean protective clothing, and goggles. After use, wash immediately with soap and water. If the liquid gets into eyes or contacts skin, rinse with plenty of water. If poisoning occurs, rinse your mouth, take activated carbon slurry with water to induce vomiting, and ask a doctor to take emergency measures. 5.7 Warranty period: Under the specified storage and transportation conditions, the warranty period of 2,4-D original drug is 2 years from the date of production. 12250mL and 1.2mL of phenol solution are placed in 7 stoppered tubes, and ammonia solution B is added to 10mL, and then 5mL of ammonia solution A, 5mL of 4-aminoantipyrine solution and 5mL of potassium ferricyanide solution are added in sequence. Each time the solution is added, it needs to be shaken, and finally it should be shaken vigorously for 1min and left to stand for 5min. Using a 1cm cuvette, water is used as a reference to measure the absorbance of the solution at 525nm. Pipette 10mL of ammonia solution B, add each solution according to the above steps, and measure the absorbance of the reagent blank. Subtract the absorbance of the blank value A from the absorbance measured by the phenol solution, and plot the corresponding volume of the phenol solution to obtain a calibration curve. b) Determination
Accurately weigh 0.5g of the sample (accurate to 0.0002g), place it in a 1000mL volumetric flask, add 50mL of ethanol to dissolve it, add 90mL of ammonia solution A, and dilute it to 1L with water. Pipette 10mL of the solution into a stoppered volumetric tube, and add 5mL of ammonia solution A, 5mL of 4-aminoantipyrine solution, and 5mL of potassium ferrocyanide solution in sequence. Each time the solution is added, it must be spread evenly. The last time, it must be shaken vigorously for 1min and left to stand for 5min. Use 1cm colorimetric blood and water as a reference to measure the absorbance of the solution at 525nm. After subtracting the blank absorbance, find out the volume (mL) of solution A corresponding to the absorbance from the calibration curve. The free phenol content (X3) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (3): X=
Where: V is the volume of phenol solution corresponding to the measured sample absorbance, mL; m-
mass of the sample, g.
4.5.5 Allowable difference
Take its arithmetic mean as the measurement result. The relative difference between two parallel measurement results should not exceed 50%. 4.6 Determination of triethanolamine insoluble matter
4.6.1 Reagents and solutions
Triethanolamine aqueous solution: the volume fraction of triethanolamine is 5%. 4.6.2 Instruments and equipment
Graduating cylinder: 25mL.
Beaker: 30mL.
Standard sieve: aperture 106μm.
Oven: accuracy ±2℃.
4.6.3 Determination steps
Weigh 1g of the sample (accurate to 0.0002g), place it in a beaker, add 16mL of triethanolamine aqueous solution, and shake for 2 minutes to dissolve it. After all the soluble matter has dissolved, transfer all the contents of the beaker to the standard sieve while shaking. Use a little water to rinse all the insoluble matter on the standard sieve into the beaker with constant mass. Place the beaker in an oven and dry it at 105℃ until the mass is constant, then weigh the mass of the beaker and the insoluble matter.
4.6.4 Calculation
The content of lanthanolamine insoluble matter expressed as mass percentage (X.) is calculated according to formula (4): mz = ml × 100
Wherein: m2-
The mass of the beaker and the insoluble matter, g;
-The mass of the beaker, g;
mThe mass of the sample, g.
4.6.5 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean as the measurement result. The relative difference between two parallel measurement results shall not exceed 50%. 4.7 Inspection and acceptance of products
The inspection and acceptance of products shall comply with the provisions of GB/T1604. The rounding value comparison method shall be used for the processing of limit values. 5 Marking, labeling, packaging, storage and transportation
5.1 The marking, labeling and packaging of 2,4-D technical drug shall comply with the provisions of GB3796 and shall have the production license number and trademark. 5.2 2,4-D technical drug shall be packaged in woven bags lined with plastic bags or iron drums lined with plastic bags, and the net content of each package shall not exceed 30kg. 5.3 Other forms of packaging may be used according to user requirements or order agreements, but they must comply with the relevant provisions of GB3796. 5.4 2,4-D technical drug packages should be stored in a general, dry warehouse. 5.5 During storage and transportation, strictly prevent moisture and sunlight, do not mix with food, seeds, and feed, avoid contact with skin and eyes, and prevent inhalation through the mouth and nose. 5.6 Safety: This product is a low-toxic substance, and inhalation will cause headaches and nausea. Contact will cause redness of the skin and irritation of the eyes, causing redness of the eyes. Ingestion by mistake will cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, confusion, vomiting, and weakness. When using this product, you should wear protective gloves, masks, clean protective clothing, and goggles. After use, wash immediately with soap and water. If the drug solution gets into the eyes or contacts the skin, rinse with plenty of water. If poisoning occurs, rinse the mouth, take activated carbon slurry with water to induce vomiting, and ask a doctor to take emergency measures. 5.7 Warranty period: Under the specified storage and transportation conditions, the warranty period of 2,4-D original drug is 2 years from the date of production. 12250mL and 1.2mL of phenol solution are placed in 7 stoppered tubes, and ammonia solution B is added to 10mL, and then 5mL of ammonia solution A, 5mL of 4-aminoantipyrine solution and 5mL of potassium ferricyanide solution are added in sequence. Each time the solution is added, it needs to be shaken, and finally it should be shaken vigorously for 1min and left to stand for 5min. Using a 1cm cuvette, water is used as a reference to measure the absorbance of the solution at 525nm. Pipette 10mL of ammonia solution B, add each solution according to the above steps, and measure the absorbance of the reagent blank. Subtract the absorbance of the blank value A from the absorbance measured by the phenol solution, and plot the corresponding volume of the phenol solution to obtain a calibration curve. b) Determination
Accurately weigh 0.5g of the sample (accurate to 0.0002g), place it in a 1000mL volumetric flask, add 50mL of ethanol to dissolve it, add 90mL of ammonia solution A, and dilute it to 1L with water. Pipette 10mL of the solution into a stoppered volumetric tube, and add 5mL of ammonia solution A, 5mL of 4-aminoantipyrine solution, and 5mL of potassium ferrocyanide solution in sequence. Each time the solution is added, it must be spread evenly. The last time, it must be shaken vigorously for 1min and left to stand for 5min. Use 1cm colorimetric blood and water as a reference to measure the absorbance of the solution at 525nm. After subtracting the blank absorbance, find out the volume (mL) of solution A corresponding to the absorbance from the calibration curve. The free phenol content (X3) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (3): X=
Where: V is the volume of phenol solution corresponding to the measured sample absorbance, mL; m-
mass of the sample, g.
4.5.5 Allowable difference
Take its arithmetic mean as the measurement result. The relative difference between two parallel measurement results should not exceed 50%. 4.6 Determination of triethanolamine insoluble matter
4.6.1 Reagents and solutions
Triethanolamine aqueous solution: the volume fraction of triethanolamine is 5%. 4.6.2 Instruments and equipment
Graduating cylinder: 25mL.
Beaker: 30mL.
Standard sieve: aperture 106μm.
Oven: accuracy ±2℃.
4.6.3 Determination steps
Weigh 1g of the sample (accurate to 0.0002g), place it in a beaker, add 16mL of triethanolamine aqueous solution, and shake for 2 minutes to dissolve it. After all the soluble matter has dissolved, transfer all the contents of the beaker to the standard sieve while shaking. Use a little water to rinse all the insoluble matter on the standard sieve into the beaker with constant mass. Place the beaker in an oven and dry it at 105℃ until the mass is constant, then weigh the mass of the beaker and the insoluble matter.
4.6.4 Calculation
The content of lanthanolamine insoluble matter expressed as mass percentage (X.) is calculated according to formula (4): mz = ml × 100
Wherein: m2-
The mass of the beaker and the insoluble matter, g;
-The mass of the beaker, g;
mThe mass of the sample, g.
4.6.5 Allowable difference
Take the arithmetic mean as the measurement result. The relative difference between two parallel measurement results shall not exceed 50%. 4.7 Inspection and acceptance of products
The inspection and acceptance of products shall comply with the provisions of GB/T1604. The rounding value comparison method shall be used for the processing of limit values. 5 Marking, labeling, packaging, storage and transportation
5.1 The marking, labeling and packaging of 2,4-D technical drug shall comply with the provisions of GB3796 and shall have the production license number and trademark. 5.2 2,4-D technical drug shall be packaged in woven bags lined with plastic bags or iron drums lined with plastic bags, and the net content of each package shall not exceed 30kg. 5.3 Other forms of packaging may be used according to user requirements or order agreements, but they must comply with the relevant provisions of GB3796. 5.4 2,4-D technical drug packages should be stored in a general, dry warehouse. 5.5 During storage and transportation, strictly prevent moisture and sunlight, do not mix with food, seeds, and feed, avoid contact with skin and eyes, and prevent inhalation through the mouth and nose. 5.6 Safety: This product is a low-toxic substance, and inhalation will cause headaches and nausea. Contact will cause redness of the skin and irritation of the eyes, causing redness of the eyes. Ingestion by mistake will cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, confusion, vomiting, and weakness. When using this product, you should wear protective gloves, masks, clean protective clothing, and goggles. After use, wash immediately with soap and water. If the drug solution gets into the eyes or contacts the skin, rinse with plenty of water. If poisoning occurs, rinse the mouth, take activated carbon slurry with water to induce vomiting, and ask a doctor to take emergency measures. 5.7 Warranty period: Under the specified storage and transportation conditions, the warranty period of 2,4-D original drug is 2 years from the date of production. 12256 Safety: This product is a low-toxic substance. Inhalation can cause headaches and nausea. Contact can cause redness of the skin and irritation of the eyes, causing red eyes. Ingestion can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, confusion, vomiting, and weakness. Wear protective gloves, masks, clean protective clothing, and goggles when using this product. After use, wash with soap and water immediately. If the drug solution accidentally enters the eyes or contacts the skin, rinse with plenty of water. In case of poisoning, rinse the mouth, take activated carbon slurry with water to induce vomiting, and ask a doctor to take emergency measures. 5.7 Warranty period: Under the specified storage and transportation conditions, the warranty period of 2,4-D original drug is 2 years from the date of production. 12256 Safety: This product is a low-toxic substance. Inhalation can cause headaches and nausea. Contact can cause redness of the skin and irritation of the eyes, causing red eyes. Ingestion can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, confusion, vomiting, and weakness. Wear protective gloves, masks, clean protective clothing, and goggles when using this product. After use, wash with soap and water immediately. If the drug solution accidentally enters the eyes or contacts the skin, rinse with plenty of water. In case of poisoning, rinse the mouth, take activated carbon slurry with water to induce vomiting, and ask a doctor to take emergency measures. 5.7 Warranty period: Under the specified storage and transportation conditions, the warranty period of 2,4-D original drug is 2 years from the date of production. 1225
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