Learning services for non-formal education and training—Basic requirements for service providers
Some standard content:
ICS 03.180
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 26996—2011/ISO 29990:2010 Learning services for non-formal education and training--Basic requirements for service providers(ISO 29990:2010,IDT)
Issued on September 29, 2011
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Administration of Standardization of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on November 1, 2011
1 Scope
2 Terms and definitions
3 Learning services
3.1 Determination of learning needs
3.1.1 Overview
3.1. 2 Stakeholder needs
3.1.3 Learning content and learning process
3.2 Design of learning services
Define objectives and scope
Define support and monitoring of learning transfer
3.2.3 Teaching plan
3.3 Provision of learning services
3.3.1 Information and guidance
3.3.2 Ensure the availability and use of learning resources3.3.3 Learning environment
3.4 Monitoring of learning service delivery
3,5 Evaluation of learning service providers
Evaluation criteria and models
3.5.2 Evaluating learning
3. 5.3 Evaluation of learning services
1 Management of learning service providers
Basic requirements for management
4.2 Strategic and business management
4.3 Management review
1.1 Preventive and corrective measures
4.5 Financial management and risk management
4.6 Human resource management
4. 6.1 Competencies of staff and collaborators
1.6.2 Evaluation of learning service provider capabilities, performance management and career development 4.7 Communication management (internal/external),
4.8 Resource allocation
4, 9 Internal audit
4.10 Feedback from stakeholders
Appendix A (informative)
Contents of business planning
Appendix B (informative) Management system review information GB/T 26996—2011/ISO 29990:20102
GB/T 26996-2011/IS0 29990:2010 Appendix C (informative appendix) Preventive and corrective measures Appendix (informative appendix) Core capabilities of learning service providers Example: Appendix E (informative appendix) Comparison between GB/T26996-2011 and GB/T19001-2008 References
Table E.1 Comparison between GB/T 26996-2011 and GB/T 19001-2008 - Table E.2 Comparison between GB/T 19001-2008 and GB/T 26996--2011 -0
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1,1-2009. CB/T 26996—2011/ISO 29990:2010 This standard adopts the translation method and adopts the translation method. ISO 29990-2010 Basic requirements for learning service providers for non-formal education and training. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Education Services (SAC/TC443). The drafting unit of this standard is China National Institute of Standardization. The main drafters of this standard are Wang Cichuan, Liu Qiyang, Zhu Yan, Cao Lili, Li Han, Zeng Yi. GB/126996—2011/ISO 29990:2010 Introduction This standard provides a common model for the implementation and evaluation of quality learning services, and provides a general reference for service providers and their clients on the design, development and delivery of formal education, training and industry development. This standard uses the term "learning service" instead of the term "training" to encourage attention to the service results of trainees and the diversity of learning service delivery methods. This standard focuses on the ability to provide learning services. These provisions can help organizations and trainees choose learning service providers that can meet their needs and expectations, and can also be used as a basis for the service capabilities of learning service providers. Some of the provisions of this standard are consistent with GB/I L5001. There are additional requirements between this standard and GB/I 19001. Tbzxz.net
1 Scope
GB/T 26996—2011/ISO 29990:2010 Learning services for non-formal education and training
Basic requirements for learning service providers
This standard gives the basic requirements for learning service providers for non-formal education and training. Note: Learning services are provided by an organization that also provides other products (goods and services) in addition to learning services. In this case, this standard only applies to the department in which learning services are provided. 2 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 2. 1
(Learning service>The entity or individual under the support of the learning service provider who provides learning services. Examples: trainer, teacher, instructional designer, evaluator, project manager or career consultant 2.2
Business planning business plan
Action plan to achieve the learning service objectives. 2.3
Certificate; certificate
(Learning service) A document of certification provided by the learning service provider based on the level of competence achieved or acquired by the learner through learning, or the completion of the learning course.
(Learning service) Measurable and/or measurable knowledge, understanding, skills or attitudes that need to be applied and mastered in a specific work environment and in professional and/or personal development. 2.5
Continuing professional developmentconliouuusprofessionaldevelopment; CP The process of consciously and continuously improving professional knowledge or professional competence: 2.6
Course plan
(Learning service) A learning plan related to the learning service prepared by the learning service provider, including the purpose, content, learning outcomes, teaching methods, learning methods and evaluation procedures.
evaluationof learning
Learning evaluation
A normative process for analyzing learning activities or measuring learning outcomes based on learning objectives: 2.8
Teaching staff farllitatnr
(Learning service) Staff who directly guide students in their learning. Note: The titles used also include teachers, trainers, tutors, teaching assistants, mentors, etc. 1
CB/T 26996—2011/ISO 29990:20102. 9
Key process keypass
《Learning service》A necessary procedure for the management of learning service products. 2.10
Participants in learning,
The activity or process of acquiring knowledge, skills, understanding, behavior or values, etc. 2.12
Learning servicelearningservice
A series of activities or processes designed and implemented to achieve learning objectives. 2, 13
Learning service providerlearningservicepravider;LSPAn organization or individual that provides learning services in the field of non-standard education and training, including all partners related to the provision of learning services. 2. 14
Non-formal education (learning services)Organized educational activities outside the formal education system such as primary education, secondary education and higher education. 2.15
Quality policy
The overall intention and approach to quality formally issued by the senior management of the organization. Note 1: Quality policy is usually consistent with the overall policy of the organization and provides a basis for setting quality objectives. Note 2: The quality management proposed by the user can be used as the basis for the formulation of quality control policy. [GB/T 199G02008]
<Learning service> Organization or individual that provides financial or other forms of support to the trainees, or has an interest in the learning results. Note: Sponsors include enterprises, government agencies and related institutions. 2.17
<Learning service> Individuals, entities or organizations that have a direct or indirect interest in the management, results and/or related processes of the learning service. 2. 18
Transfer of learning
The application of knowledge, skills, understanding, behavior or values acquired during the learning process to their corresponding situations: 3 Learning services
3.1 Determination of learning needs
3.1.1 Overview
Before providing learning services, in order to effectively design and implement learning services, learning service providers should analyze learning needs. 3.1.2 Needs of stakeholders Before providing learning services, learning service providers should ensure that: GB/T 26996—2011/ISO 29990:2010 relevant information on the students' educational background and training experience for the purpose of providing learning services, including qualifications and relevant learning certificates, is obtained and used legally; in the process of undertaking or acting as an agent for learning services, the specific objectives, expectations, indicators and requirements of stakeholders are determined; d) Where practicable, provide students with the support needed to assess their learning needs and self-assessment of their learning needs; e) Identify students' special needs, such as language, cultural, living and disability needs; e) Consult stakeholders to determine how they hope the students will learn the skills, abilities and cognition they want to use in work related to their tasks and responsibilities, and determine the evaluation indicators of learning services by sponsors; and e) Reach an agreement with sponsors on learning services. 3.1.3 Learning content and learning process
The learning service provider should ensure that:
a) The needs of stakeholders are considered in the formulation of learning content and the design of learning process; b) The relevant issues caused by specific learning content and learning process (such as specific requirements such as necessary skills of trainees) are effectively analyzed using feasible methods and useful information;
According to the learning content, appropriate, effective and sufficient learning methods and learning materials are used; d
The learning effect is considered in the formulation of learning content and the design of learning process. 3.2 Design of learning services
3.2.1 Defining objectives and scope
The learning service provider should ensure that the selected learning scope, specific objectives and expected learning results can meet the needs of stakeholders. At the same time, the learning methods to be used are clearly informed to stakeholders and fully communicated with them. 3.2.2 Define support and monitoring of learning transfer In order to ensure that learning transfer is appropriately assessed, monitored, evaluated and recorded, learning service providers should consider stakeholders when defining and planning the ways in which teaching and learning reforms support learning activities. 3.2.3 Teaching and Learning Plans Learning service providers should: a) develop and deliver courses and assessment methods that are appropriate to the given learning objectives and reflect specific learning outcomes; b) ensure that the learning methods selected (including independent learning): 1) are appropriate to the course objectives and course requirements; 2) are appropriate to the learners; 3) take into account the various needs of individual learners; and appropriately support the learning team's potential in providing resources and supporting learners' independent and collaborative learning; c) clearly define the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, including the learning service provider, in the delivery of learning services and the monitoring and evaluation of learning transfer.
3.3 Provision of Learning Services
3. 3. 1 Information and guidance
Before or at the time of delivery of learning services, learning service providers should inform learners and sponsors of the following information and understand their understanding of this information in a timely manner:
a) The purpose, form and content of learning services, learning assessment methods, and certificates and reports provided based on learning completion; 3
CB/T26996—2011/ISO29990:2Q10b) Learners' commitments and responsibilities,
The commitments and responsibilities of learning service providers to learners: d)
Measures to be taken based on dissatisfaction of stakeholders or disagreement between stakeholders and learning service providers; e
Learning support, such as library, hotline, counseling services, network services, tutoring, etc.: evaluation methods and course arrangements;
) Learning prerequisites (various technical or other factors), such as required skills, qualifications and professional experience, etc., before or at the time of delivery of learning services, learning service providers should inform relevant fees: such as tuition fees, examination fees and learning materials purchase fees.
3.3. 2 Ensure the provision and use of learning resources Learning service providers should ensure:
a) Provide relevant information involved in the teaching plan; b) Provide learning resources to all teaching staff responsible for providing learning services and conduct relevant training; e
Students can use relevant resources involved in the teaching plan. 3.3.3 Learning environment
Learning service providers should ensure that the environment provided or selected is conducive to learning. When selecting the learning environment, learning service providers should clearly define the minimum requirements for the learning environment.
Example: The learning environment includes facilities and equipment, learning materials, etc. Note: See 4, 8\ Resource allocation. When considering the learning environment, resources and learning environment are closely related. 3.4 Monitoring of learning service delivery
Learning service providers should ensure that feedback obtained from learners includes their opinions on learning methods, the use of learning resources, and the achievement of learning objectives.
Note: Feedback from other stakeholders can be found in 4. 10.3.5 Evaluation conducted by learning service providers
3.5.1 Evaluation objectives and scope
The learning service provider should:
a) describe the overall and specific evaluation objectives and the expected scope of the evaluation; b) record the evaluation methods and approaches adopted, including process planning and analysis; c) ensure that the process of planning, selecting and conducting the evaluation can achieve the expected objectives and is valuable to different stakeholders; ensure that the evaluation is reasonable and legal; e) ensure that the evaluation information is concentrated:
1) focused and comprehensive, so that evaluation questions can be fully addressed and learners’ needs can be appropriately met; 2) through systematic and accurate analysis:
3) valid, reliable and meaningful;
The learning service provider should take reasonable measures to reduce bias in the field. 3.5.2 Evaluation of learning
The learning service provider shall ensure that:
a) The evaluation results of learners are only available to qualified parties and that the evaluation results are easy to transmit; h) For learners who have individual learning difficulties and need special help, experts in related fields may be invited to participate in the evaluation. 4
3. 5.3 Evaluation of learning services
The learning service provider shall ensure that:
a) The interests and stakeholders involved in or affected by the evaluation are identified; b! The evaluation implementers have relevant capabilities and are objective and impartial; GB/T 26996—2011/1SO 29990:20 10) The evaluation report clearly and accurately describes the learning service, the learning service objectives, the evaluation conclusions, and the views, processes and reasons used to explain the analysis;
d) A comprehensive and detailed study of the context in which the learning service is provided (such as the learning environment) is carried out to identify factors that may affect the learning service.
4 Management of learning service providers
4.1 Basic management requirements
The top management of the learning service provider shall make a commitment to implement this standard. The learning service provider shall establish and document a management system to ensure that its management system can be managed, implemented, maintained and reviewed. The learning service provider shall designate a member of the management team to be responsible for the management system. The learning service provider shall document the implementation and compliance with the requirements of this standard and make it available to all relevant parties. The learning service provider shall establish a document management procedure to ensure the accuracy, transparency, security, value and easy dissemination of documents. The learning service provider shall establish a system for the extended storage of documents in accordance with the joint agreement and legal obligations. The access to documents shall follow the confidentiality system established by the learning service provider.
4.2 Strategy and business management
The learning service provider should plan its business in accordance with Appendix A and document the business plan. The business plan should include the strategy and business objectives, management structure, key processes and the quality policy of the learning service provider. 4.3 Management review
The learning service provider should establish procedures for regular review of the management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness, including the policies and objectives related to the implementation of this International Standard. The regularity of the review should be appropriate to the learning services provided. The management review information provided should include the relevant content shown in Appendix B. 4.4 Preventive and corrective actions
The learning service provider shall establish the necessary procedures to identify and manage nonconformities in the management system (such as "Plan, Do, Check, and Act" cycle, PDCA). The learning service provider shall also take measures, when necessary, to eliminate the factors that caused the nonconformity and prevent its recurrence. Preventive measures should be sufficient to eliminate the risk factors that may cause nonconformities. Corrective measures should be able to eliminate the impact of related problems. Preventive and corrective procedures should comply with the provisions of Appendix C. 4.5 Financial management and risk management
To ensure business continuity, the learning service provider shall establish the following documents: a) an appropriate financial management system;
) a risk identification, assessment and response system. 4.6 Human resource management
4.6.1 Competence of staff and collaborators
The learning service provider shall ensure that all staff and collaborators have and maintain the basic G
GB/T 26996--2011/ISO required to implement Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 of this standard. 29990:2010 Core competencies related to the work and maintain these competencies. The learning service provider shall specify the core competency requirements required for the work and shall review them regularly and in a timely manner. Note: Appendix D provides some of the core competencies involved in this standard. 4.6.2 Learning service provider competencies, performance management and career development evaluation The learning service provider shall ensure that:
》Evaluate and document whether the ability of each staff member or collaborator to provide learning services is appropriate for the work they are responsible for;
b) Develop and implement management, evaluation and feedback systems based on the staff's capabilities and performance; Collect feedback from staff and collaborators on their motivation and career satisfaction; Record and evaluate the continuous performance of staff and collaborators. Professional development and its impact: d
The evaluation procedures selected or developed and implemented can provide valid and reliable information about the learning service team's service capabilities: e)
f) The evaluation procedures comply with relevant laws, comply with the basic principles of fairness and human rights, and are evaluated regularly. 4.7 Communication management (internal/external)
The learning service provider should consult staff and partners on issues that may have a direct impact on them in a timely manner and conduct two-way communication. The learning service provider should provide opportunities for communication with staff and partners. 4.8 Resource allocation
The learning service provider should select and allocate necessary staff and learning resources based on specific requirements, and maintain learning resources.
Note: See 3. 3.2 and 3.3.3.
Example: Resources include people; learning materials; equipment, including information technology infrastructure, work and learning environment, equipment not provided by the learning service provider, instructional technology and special requirements, and career guidance services. 4.9 Internal Audit
The learning service provider shall establish an internal audit procedure to ensure that the learning service complies with this standard, the management system is effectively implemented and continuously maintained and updated.
The internal audit shall be carried out as planned and shall take into account the focus and scope of the learning and the results of previous audits. The internal audit shall cover all learning service processes and shall be audited every three years.
The learning service provider shall ensure that:
a) the internal audit is carried out by qualified personnel who have the audit qualifications and meet the requirements of this standard;
b) the auditor does not audit his own work; the audit results are communicated to the audited staff; and areas for improvement are pointed out;
c) timely and appropriate improvement measures are taken based on the audit results. 4.10 Feedback from stakeholders
Learning service providers should develop and implement relevant feedback systems, analyze feedback from stakeholders, and respond to it. Take appropriate measures.
Learning service providers should develop systems for handling complaints and appeals and inform stakeholders. 6
Business planning usually includes the following aspects: Aggregate A
(Informative Appendix》
Content of business planning
GB/T26996-2011/ISO29990:2010) Vision and mission: The learning service provider should determine its vision and mission to support the realization of learning value and treat stakeholders fairly
Strategy formulation and regular evaluation: The learning service provider formulates strategy and its revision period, and reviews it regularly: Quality policy: The learning service provider should formulate service quality requirements and quality policy, business and quality objectives: The learning service provider should: d)
Formulate business objectives;
2) Record the actual implementation of improvements within the organization, including schedules, and formulate measurable and verifiable objectives for improvement projects within the organization related to the quality policy. 3)
Market analysis: Learning service providers regularly review and record learning service requirements; Management and operating structure (including business areas and related collaboration): Learning service providers record their organizational structure and ensure that staff and partners understand this structure;
Identify and design key processes: Learning service providers provide the information needed for key processes, including requirements analysis, design, delivery and evaluation:
Content: Learning service providers should plan and identify collaborators to align with their work.3.
Example: Resources include people; learning materials; equipment, including information technology infrastructure, work and learning environment, equipment not provided by the learning service provider, teaching technology and special requirements, and career guidance services. 4.9 Internal Audit
The learning service provider shall establish an internal audit procedure to ensure that the learning service complies with this standard, the management system is effectively implemented and continuously maintained and updated.
The internal audit shall be carried out as planned and shall consider the focus and scope of the learning and the results of previous audits. The internal audit shall cover all learning service processes and shall be audited every three years.
The learning service provider shall ensure that:
a) The internal audit is carried out by qualified personnel who have the audit qualifications and meet the requirements of this standard; b) The auditor does not audit his own work; the audit results are communicated to the audited staff; and areas for improvement are pointed out;
c) Timely and appropriate improvement measures are taken based on the audit results. 4.10 Feedback from stakeholders
Learning service providers should develop and implement relevant feedback systems, analyze feedback from stakeholders, and respond to it. Take appropriate measures.
Learning service providers should develop systems for handling complaints and appeals and inform stakeholders. 6
Business planning usually includes the following aspects: Aggregate A
(Informative Appendix》
Content of business planning
GB/T26996-2011/ISO29990:2010) Vision and mission: The learning service provider should determine its vision and mission to support the realization of learning value and treat stakeholders fairly
Strategy formulation and regular evaluation: The learning service provider formulates strategy and its revision period, and reviews it regularly: Quality policy: The learning service provider should formulate service quality requirements and quality policy, business and quality objectives: The learning service provider should: d)
Formulate business objectives;
2) Record the actual implementation of improvements within the organization, including schedules, and formulate measurable and verifiable objectives for improvement projects within the organization related to the quality policy. 3)
Market analysis: Learning service providers regularly review and record learning service requirements; Management and operating structure (including business areas and related collaboration): Learning service providers record their organizational structure and ensure that staff and partners understand this structure;
Identify and design key processes: Learning service providers provide the information needed for key processes, including requirements analysis, design, delivery and evaluation:
Content: Learning service providers should plan and identify collaborators to align with their work.3.
Example: Resources include people; learning materials; equipment, including information technology infrastructure, work and learning environment, equipment not provided by the learning service provider, teaching technology and special requirements, and career guidance services. 4.9 Internal Audit
The learning service provider shall establish an internal audit procedure to ensure that the learning service complies with this standard, the management system is effectively implemented and continuously maintained and updated.
The internal audit shall be carried out as planned and shall consider the focus and scope of the learning and the results of previous audits. The internal audit shall cover all learning service processes and shall be audited every three years.
The learning service provider shall ensure that:
a) The internal audit is carried out by qualified personnel who have the audit qualifications and meet the requirements of this standard; b) The auditor does not audit his own work; the audit results are communicated to the audited staff; and areas for improvement are pointed out;
c) Timely and appropriate improvement measures are taken based on the audit results. 4.10 Feedback from stakeholders
Learning service providers should develop and implement relevant feedback systems, analyze feedback from stakeholders, and respond to it. Take appropriate measures.
Learning service providers should develop systems for handling complaints and appeals and inform stakeholders. 6
Business planning usually includes the following aspects: Aggregate A
(Informative Appendix》
Content of business planning
GB/T26996-2011/ISO29990:2010) Vision and mission: The learning service provider should determine its vision and mission to support the realization of learning value and treat stakeholders fairly
Strategy formulation and regular evaluation: The learning service provider formulates strategy and its revision period, and reviews it regularly: Quality policy: The learning service provider should formulate service quality requirements and quality policy, business and quality objectives: The learning service provider should: d)
Formulate business objectives;
2) Record the actual implementation of improvements within the organization, including schedules, and formulate measurable and verifiable objectives for improvement projects within the organization related to the quality policy. 3)
Market analysis: Learning service providers regularly review and record learning service requirements; Management and operating structure (including business areas and related collaboration): Learning service providers record their organizational structure and ensure that staff and partners understand this structure;
Identify and design key processes: Learning service providers provide the information needed for key processes, including requirements analysis, design, delivery and evaluation:
Content: Learning service providers should plan and identify collaborators to align with their work.
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